Financial information, Group 0B Income statement, 5-year summary Q1, 2013 Income statement, Group SEKm Net interest income 1) Net commission income 1) Net gains and losses on financial items, fair value Net insurance Share of the profit or loss of associates Other income Total income Staff costs Variable staff costs Other expenses 1) Depreciation/amortisation Total expenses Profit before impairments Impairment of intangible assets Impairment on tangible assets Credit impairments Non-recurring items Operating profit Tax expense Profit for the period from continuing operations Profit for the period from discontinued operations, after tax Profit for the period including non-controlling interest Profit for the period attributable to: Shareholders of Swedbank AB Non-controlling interests Statement of Comprehensive Income SEKm Profit for the period reported via Income statement Items that will not be reclassified to the income statement Remeasurements of defined benefit pension plans Share related to associates Income tax Total Exchange differences on translating foreign operations: Gains/losses arising during the period Reclassification adjustments to Income statement, Net gains and losses on financial items, fair value Hedging of net investments in foreign operations: Gains/losses arising during the period Cash flow hedges: Gains/losses arising during the period Reclassification adjustments to Income statement, Net interest income Net gains and losses on financial items, fair value Share of other comprehensive income of associates Income tax relating to components of other comprehensive income Other comprehensive income for the period, net of tax Total comprehensive income for the period Total comprehensive income attributable to: Shareholders of Swedbank AB Non-controlling interests FY 2012 2) 20 361 9 614 3 073 595 798 1 827 36 268 FY 2011 19 014 9 597 1 584 506 767 2 577 34 045 FY 2010 1) 16 228 10 116 2 400 612 624 1 554 31 534 FY 2009 20 765 7 825 2 770 647 866 1 909 34 782 FY 2008 21 702 8 830 2 351 452 512 2 616 36 463 8 500 738 6 470 852 16 560 19 708 20 407 -185 19 466 4 157 15 309 -997 14 312 9 522 395 7 471 1 011 18 399 15 646 1 960 174 -1 911 15 423 3 669 11 754 4 11 758 9 052 340 7 790 950 18 132 13 402 37 600 2 810 9 955 2 472 7 483 9 184 17 7 758 889 17 848 16 934 1 305 449 24 641 -9 461 981 -10 442 9 142 950 6 994 972 18 058 18 405 1 403 27 3 156 13 819 2 880 10 939 7 483 -10 442 10 939 14 304 11 744 7 444 -10 511 10 887 8 14 39 69 52 FY 2012 14 312 FY 2011 11 758 FY 2010 7 483 FY 2009 -10 442 FY 2008 10 939 -1 480 -284 -4 218 -1 852 3 468 1 050 379 2 420 1 312 -3 419 -614 78 149 -574 -1 423 193 345 806 198 21 -2 -30 817 37 42 -74 -2 226 12 086 -210 306 12 064 -890 -1 763 5 720 -397 -615 -11 057 1 211 -10 10 929 12 078 12 049 5 693 -11 138 10 885 8 15 27 81 44 -1 653 -43 374 -1 322 -45 1) As from 2010, compensation to Savings Banks is reported as interest expense (the part for handling a new mortgage loan) and as other expenses. For 2010 SEK 101m is reported as interest expense and SEK 490m as other expenses, and for 2011 SEK 104m is reported as interest expense and SEK 530m as other expenses. For the period 2008-2009, all compensation is reported as commission expense. 2) From 2012, trading related net interest income is reported as net gains and losses on financial items at fair value. For 2012, SEK 523m has been moved from net interest income to net gains and losses on financial items at fair value. As of 2012, the changes in reporting of benefit pension plans according according to IAS 19 have affected staff costs. For 2012, staff costs have increased by SEK 51m and tax expense by SEK 83m. Also from 2012, the Russian and Ukrainian operations are reported as discontinued operations. No restatements for above have been done for the years 2008-2011. 6 Financial information, Group 2B Income statement, 9-quarter summary Q1, 2013 Income statement, Group SEKm Q4 2012 Q3 2012 Q2 2012 Q1 2012 Q4 2011 Q3 2011 Q2 2011 Q1 2011 Net interest income Net commission income Net gains/losses on financial items, fair value Net insurance Share of profit or loss of associates Other income Total income 5 346 2 502 830 127 154 478 9 437 5 085 2 375 687 147 225 452 8 971 5 035 2 339 577 163 210 464 8 788 4 895 2 398 979 158 209 433 9 072 4 967 2 291 559 134 155 550 8 656 4 832 2 438 259 97 217 468 8 311 4 714 2 412 511 161 224 475 8 497 4 501 2 456 255 114 171 1 084 8 581 Staff costs Variable staff costs Other expenses Depreciation/amortisation Total expenses Profit before impairments Impairment of intangible assets Impairment of tangible assets Credit Impairments Operating profit Tax expense Profit for the period from continuing operations Profit for the period from discontinued operations, after tax Profit for the period including non-controlling interest Profit for the period attributable to: Shareholders of Swedbank AB 2 107 157 1 669 209 4 142 5 295 17 141 -76 5 213 786 4 427 -174 4 253 2 045 184 1 490 201 3 920 5 051 -1 102 36 4 914 1 216 3 698 -203 3 495 2 147 189 1 616 219 4 171 4 617 4 124 -49 4 538 1 047 3 491 -341 3 150 2 201 208 1 695 223 4 327 4 745 2 336 73 1 755 288 4 452 3 859 2 261 129 1 875 222 4 487 4 010 2 321 146 1 822 224 4 513 4 068 40 -96 4 801 1 108 3 693 -279 3 414 2 604 47 2 019 277 4 947 3 709 1 960 170 -174 1 753 790 963 4 967 -13 -441 4 313 834 3 479 15 -324 4 319 863 3 456 2 -972 5 038 1 182 3 856 3 479 3 456 3 856 4 252 3 495 3 147 3 410 965 3 475 3 452 3 852 3 4 2 4 4 4 Q4 2011 967 Q3 2011 3 479 Q2 2011 3 456 Q1 2011 3 856 -1 310 528 692 -194 Non-controlling interests Statement of comprehensive income SEKm Profit for the period reported via Income statement 1 Q4 2012 4 253 Q3 2012 3 495 Q2 2012 3 150 Q1 2012 3 414 -209 -9 -15 -233 -984 -21 265 -740 -831 -21 224 -628 371 8 -100 279 837 -1 700 -344 -273 Items that will not be reclassified to the income statement Remeasurements of defined benefit pension plans Share related to associates Income tax Total Exchange differences on translating foreign operations: Gains/losses arising during the period Reclassification adjustments to income statement, Net gains/losses on financial items at fair value Hedging of net investments in foreign operations: Gains/losses arising during the period Cash flow hedges: 1 -1 -668 1 265 313 140 1 138 -351 -479 71 -116 -37 -32 -429 304 64 -26 -264 29 43 48 73 77 79 88 101 22 296 -18 -339 -1 -88 18 57 -18 -396 -6 54 25 108 -3 24 168 4 421 -1 526 1 969 -732 2 418 -136 3 278 -205 762 368 3 847 408 3 864 -265 3 591 4 420 1 969 2 415 3 274 759 3 844 3 859 3 587 3 4 3 3 5 4 Gains/losses arising during the period Reclassification adjustments to Income statement, Net interest income Share of other comprehensive income of associates Income tax relating to components of other comprehensive income Other comprehensive income for the period, net of tax Total comprehensive income for the period Total comprehensive income attributable to: Shareholders of Swedbank AB Non-controlling interests 1 7 Financial information, Group 4B Income analysis Q1, 2013 Income analysis, Group SEKm Q4 2012 Q3 2012 Q2 2012 Q1 2012 Q4 2011 Q3 2011 Q2 2011 Q1 2011 Net interest income 1) 5 346 5 085 5 035 4 895 4 967 4 832 4 714 4 501 Payment processing Service concepts Asset management Life insurance Brokerage & other securities Corporate Finance Lending and Guarantees Deposits Real estate brokerage Non-Life insurance Other commission income Net commission income 782 86 968 72 63 124 212 5 44 15 131 2 502 825 85 913 80 55 26 201 19 38 15 118 2 375 770 77 909 79 25 78 212 18 43 15 113 2 339 725 73 925 84 96 111 205 19 33 17 110 2 398 799 55 899 87 48 -14 217 6 35 25 134 2 291 877 50 916 73 88 42 198 25 42 21 106 2 438 825 43 988 78 89 77 136 16 48 6 106 2 412 725 38 1 005 75 140 49 252 20 35 7 110 2 456 Financial instruments held for trading Financial instruments intended to hold until maturity Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value 605 225 383 304 668 -91 724 255 235 324 255 4 247 264 495 -240 830 687 577 979 559 259 511 255 Net insurance 127 147 163 158 134 97 161 114 Färs & Frosta Sparbank Swedbank Sjuhärad Other jointly owned banks in Sweden BGC-Holding EnterCard Holding UC Other companies Share of the profit or loss of associates 19 29 15 3 89 2 -3 154 23 36 11 2 141 2 10 225 21 30 10 -1 142 3 5 210 18 31 15 2 128 2 13 209 20 26 12 -6 84 2 17 155 20 31 13 -8 135 26 217 18 35 13 25 106 -1 28 224 14 29 11 5 112 -2 2 171 Real estate income IT/administrative services to savings banks Assets taken over Other 2) Other income 0 180 159 139 478 1 205 154 92 452 1 194 165 103 464 1 180 162 90 433 9 193 199 149 550 9 204 143 112 468 6 208 172 89 475 6 180 71 827 1 084 9 437 8 971 8 788 9 072 8 656 8 311 8 497 8 581 Total income 1) In Q4 2011, One-off revenue of SEK 206m related to commercial real estate loans taken over in relation to the bankruptcy estate of Lehman Brothers. 2) In Q1 2011, One-off revenue of SEK 716m from a settlement with the bankruptcy estate of Lehman Brothers. 11 Financial information, Group 9B Expense analysis Q1, 2013 Expense analysis, Group SEKm Q4 2012 Q3 2012 Q2 2012 Q1 2012 Q4 2011 Q3 2011 Q2 2011 Q1 2011 Staff costs Salaries and other remunerations Variable staff costs 1) Pension costs 1) Social insurance charges 1) Training costs Other staff costs Total staff costs 1 339 157 275 403 39 51 2 264 1 314 184 260 405 14 52 2 229 1 391 189 243 427 33 53 2 336 1 422 208 259 434 28 58 2 409 1 756 47 212 520 41 75 2 651 1 523 73 281 445 21 66 2 409 1 493 129 248 429 30 61 2 390 1 519 146 260 447 28 67 2 467 Other expenses Premises and rents IT expenses Telecommunications and postage Advertising, PR and marketing Consultants Compensation to Savings Banks Other purchased services Security transport and alarm systems Supplies Travel Entertainment Repair/maintenance of inventories Other expenses Total other expenses 318 415 56 120 62 165 150 93 34 51 14 29 162 1 669 299 359 55 57 51 147 146 95 26 29 10 34 182 1 490 300 371 51 87 64 159 166 101 33 46 14 37 187 1 616 315 429 62 69 73 152 140 99 39 45 11 40 221 1 695 350 517 52 139 112 138 214 107 49 67 25 37 212 2 019 313 377 71 84 101 121 220 108 50 49 18 28 215 1 755 335 402 52 106 166 142 204 113 47 64 23 57 164 1 875 339 399 76 72 151 129 183 108 55 59 21 47 183 1 822 209 201 219 223 277 288 222 224 4 142 3 920 4 171 4 327 4 947 4 452 4 487 4 513 Depreciation/amortisation Total expenses 1) Social insurance charges and pension costs related to variable pay are presented as variable staff costs. 12 Business areas Retail Q1, 2013 SEKm Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 3 353 331 86 802 74 60 7 52 12 3 362 330 77 794 79 69 -2 41 12 3 371 331 73 793 87 75 3 105 380 50 795 88 79 35 14 95 1 499 49 41 158 128 5 077 925 16 124 127 18 1 380 992 33 2 623 2 454 42 13 55 1 569 42 16 217 121 5 070 874 26 115 93 20 1 185 838 33 2 346 2 724 2 981 332 43 851 100 87 3 59 12 1 48 6 49 1 591 44 74 223 112 5 025 882 33 128 97 22 1 378 970 33 2 573 2 452 2 884 345 38 853 92 104 -2 58 12 43 16 72 1 531 41 80 209 129 5 352 852 42 117 77 15 1 276 881 32 2 411 2 941 46 12 1 33 16 71 1 538 44 80 203 110 5 346 873 34 121 117 14 1 238 875 32 2 429 2 917 3 202 338 55 753 86 49 4 59 11 44 17 69 1 554 37 65 153 93 5 255 844 20 148 114 8 1 309 915 31 2 474 2 781 3 405 354 85 785 79 48 6 60 12 1 38 16 48 1 532 39 82 223 132 5 413 830 43 128 81 15 1 351 1 006 29 2 477 2 936 91 2 690 458 2 232 72 2 864 759 2 105 102 2 839 733 2 106 21 2 896 744 2 152 220 2 234 504 1 730 69 2 655 712 1 943 41 2 411 539 1 872 21 2 344 613 1 731 2 232 2 105 2 106 2 152 1 730 1 943 1 872 1 731 2 232 2 102 2 103 2 148 1 728 1 939 1 868 1 727 3 3 4 2 4 4 4 Income statement Net interest income Payment processing Service concepts Asset management Life insurance Brokerage Other securities Lending and guarantees Deposits Corporate finance Real estate brokerage Non-Life insurance Other commissions Net commission income Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value Net insurance Share of the profit or loss of associates Other income Total income Staff costs Variable staff costs Expenses for premises IT expenses Consultants Other expenses of which internally sold and bought services Depreciation/amortisation Total expenses Profit before impairments Impairment of intangible assets Impairment of tangible assets Credit impairments Operating profit Tax expense Profit for the period from continuing operations Profit for the period from discontinued operations, after tax Profit for the period including non-controlling interest Profit for the period attributable to: Shareholders of Swedbank AB Non-controlling interests 14 55 12 35 15 54 1 604 29 52 170 104 4 843 910 21 120 92 18 1 285 937 32 2 478 2 365 Business areas Retail Q1, 2013 SEKbn Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 1 33 912 1 29 909 2 29 902 1 33 896 1 32 888 1 31 881 1 31 873 2 29 869 102 102 99 101 94 90 102 100 14 1 062 14 1 055 15 1 047 13 1 044 14 1 029 13 1 016 13 1 020 13 1 013 73 377 69 371 71 367 69 359 75 365 74 352 75 347 68 337 103 103 100 103 94 91 102 101 478 480 476 482 31 1 062 32 1 055 33 1 047 31 1 044 460 10 25 1 029 465 9 25 1 016 462 9 25 1 020 476 9 22 1 013 28.0 0.47 0.04 242 25.5 0.46 0.03 245 26.3 0.45 0.04 246 28.4 0.45 0.01 250 27.4 0.52 0.10 243 30.7 0.46 0.03 250 32.3 0.51 0.02 252 31.4 0.51 0.01 258 912 377 431 14 909 371 412 16 902 367 402 16 896 359 412 16 889 365 390 16 882 352 365 16 874 347 415 17 870 338 417 17 31 868 32 927 31 937 30 298 25 272 25 250 23 118 22 033 202 101 212 107 214 107 221 103 213 106 215 107 216 114 220 116 4 922 4 896 4 971 5 068 5 160 5 170 5 312 5 339 Balance sheet (Incl intra-Group transactions) Assets Cash and balances with central banks Loans to credit institutions Loans to the public Bonds and other interest-bearing securities Financial assets for which customers bear inv. risk Derivatives Other assets Total assets Liabilities and equity Amounts owed to credit institutions Deposits and borrowings from the public Debt securities in issue Financial liabilities for which customers bear inv. risk Derivatives Other liabilities Subordinated liabilities Allocated equity Total liabilities and equity Key figures Key performance indicators Return on allocated equity, % Cost/Income ratio Credit impairment ratio, % Loan/Deposit ratio, % Volumes, SEKbn Loans to the public excluding repos & SNDO 1) Deposits from the public excluding repos & SNDO 1) Mutual funds & insurance Index linked bonds Discretionary asset management Goodwill Allocated equity, average, SEKm Common Equity Tier 1 capital, period end Risk-weighted assets, Basel 2 Commitments Full-time employees 1) Excluding intra-Group transactions 15 Business areas Large Corporates & Institutions Q1, 2013 SEKm Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 795 119 768 141 750 106 728 105 1 104 98 791 94 915 139 857 100 140 -8 9 119 -7 124 96 2 -2 5 99 7 25 84 2 -37 3 126 6 78 96 2 13 3 122 7 110 116 1 -13 11 113 1 -14 94 2 14 -6 99 11 42 100 2 -5 6 34 1 76 112 2 7 14 155 7 49 40 536 492 43 416 471 28 396 443 27 485 847 26 339 227 24 374 99 26 379 23 24 470 368 34 1 857 278 75 31 123 28 195 132 13 743 1 114 1 655 252 65 31 99 15 253 190 12 727 928 12 1 601 290 120 38 108 18 175 113 11 760 841 4 6 5 2 071 305 105 36 94 20 195 115 11 766 1 305 -4 -4 1 662 438 13 52 88 33 235 134 19 878 784 17 19 1 283 340 6 39 98 28 176 84 11 698 585 1 9 1 327 311 50 49 92 27 229 126 10 768 559 1 727 2 423 332 83 34 95 44 190 109 9 787 1 636 162 952 84 868 -38 966 225 741 53 784 262 522 17 1 288 439 849 767 272 495 -30 615 126 489 -54 613 160 453 -121 1 757 631 1 126 868 741 522 849 495 489 453 1 126 868 741 522 849 495 489 453 1 126 Income statement Net interest income Payment processing Service concepts Asset management Life insurance Brokerage Other securities Lending and guarantees Deposits Corporate finance Real estate brokerage Non-life insurance Other commissions Net commission income Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value Net insurance Share of the profit or loss of associates Other income Total income Staff costs Variable staff costs Expenses for premises IT expenses Consultants Other expenses of which internally sold and bought services Depreciation/amortisation Total expenses Profit before impairments Impairment of intangible assets Impairment of tangible assets Credit impairments Operating profit Tax expense Profit for the period from continuing operations Profit for the period from discontinued operations, after tax Profit for the period including non-controlling interest Profit for the period attributable to: Shareholders of Swedbank AB Non-controlling interests 16 Business areas Large Corporates & Institutions Q1, 2013 SEKbn Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 7 262 200 57 7 297 219 61 6 269 196 59 6 286 185 78 6 297 189 63 6 317 165 65 1 309 162 70 1 310 162 76 125 16 667 133 15 732 113 16 659 105 24 684 117 13 685 120 13 686 74 11 627 77 15 641 206 94 16 220 102 17 209 83 19 223 102 18 231 79 17 243 75 17 243 67 20 254 90 18 120 212 131 243 112 215 103 218 19 667 19 732 21 659 20 684 115 223 6 14 685 116 213 6 16 686 70 203 7 17 627 76 180 7 16 641 18.3 0.40 0.23 209 14.6 0.44 -0.06 192 10.3 0.47 0.09 224 18.9 0.37 0.03 187 13.4 0.53 225 11.7 0.54 -0.05 220 11.2 0.58 -0.08 235 27.0 0.32 -0.25 190 149 71 79 18 251 154 80 46 21 282 150 67 45 22 274 144 77 46 22 273 145 65 41 22 270 136 62 41 22 255 134 56 44 23 262 129 67 45 23 254 19 018 134 60 20 316 135 59 20 238 135 50 17 951 135 51 14 724 136 55 16 668 138 52 16 204 151 52 16 709 153 50 1 043 1 049 1 049 1 073 1 094 1 097 1 103 1 158 771 729 703 697 588 549 499 465 Balance sheet (Incl intra-Group transactions) Assets Cash and balances with central banks Loans to credit institutions Loans to the public Bonds and other interest-bearing securities Financial assets for which customers bear inv. risk Derivatives Other assets Total assets Liabilities and equity Amounts owed to credit institutions Deposits and borrowings from the public Debt securities in issue Financial liabilities for which customers bear inv. risk Derivatives Other liabilities Subordinated liabilities Allocated equity Total liabilities and equity Key figures Key performance indicators Return on allocated equity, % Cost/Income ratio Credit impairment ratio, % Loan/Deposit ratio, % Volumes, SEKbn Loans to the public excluding repos & SNDO 1) Deposits from the public excluding repos & SNDO 1) Mutual funds & insurance Index linked bonds Discretionary asset management Goodwill Allocated equity, average, SEKm Risk-weighted assets, Basel 2 Commitments Full-time employees 1) Excluding intra-Group transactions Other information, SEKm Net interest income, Large Corporates 17 Business areas Baltic Banking Q1, 2013 SEKm Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 760 261 753 273 868 286 910 275 900 296 993 298 1 016 277 995 225 49 -2 48 -1 47 -2 47 -2 43 7 54 -7 46 1 52 -2 45 -2 44 -2 46 -1 43 -1 41 -3 43 -1 42 -1 37 2 13 366 80 61 2 12 376 74 63 4 15 394 75 80 7 17 386 66 76 5 2 393 85 89 12 10 407 76 77 1 15 381 61 81 2 17 332 55 57 22 1 289 193 16 45 40 2 307 217 30 633 656 21 1 287 171 12 46 37 1 259 195 30 556 731 31 1 448 187 15 46 40 2 276 204 28 594 854 30 1 468 192 20 53 45 1 282 200 36 629 839 45 1 598 183 11 51 58 1 299 211 40 643 955 42 1 581 204 13 49 58 2 291 206 34 651 930 45 1 484 207 5 54 53 1 306 200 36 662 822 8 -329 977 155 822 5 -18 744 59 685 4 -204 1 054 96 958 -2 -134 975 77 898 67 1 534 225 5 58 71 4 333 229 36 732 802 1 913 21 -117 -1 015 69 -1 084 -12 -361 1 328 126 1 202 20 -142 1 052 126 926 5 -382 1 199 127 1 072 822 685 958 898 -1 084 1 202 926 1 072 822 685 958 898 -1 084 1 202 926 1 072 Income statement Net interest income Payment processing Service concepts Asset management Life insurance Brokerage Other securities Lending and guarantees Deposits Corporate finance Real estate brokerage Non-life insurance Other commissions Net commission income Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value Net insurance Share of the profit or loss of associates Other income Total income Staff costs Variable staff costs Expenses for premises IT expenses Consultants Other expenses of which internally sold and bought services Depreciation/amortisation Total expenses Profit before impairments Impairment of intangible assets Impairment of tangible assets Credit impairments Operating profit Tax expense Profit for the period from continuing operations Profit for the period from discontinued operations, after tax Profit for the period including non-controlling interest Profit for the period attributable to: Shareholders of Swedbank AB Non-controlling interests 18 Business areas Baltic Banking Q1, 2013 SEKbn Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 115 2 2 111 1 2 115 2 2 116 2 2 119 2 2 125 3 2 125 2 2 127 2 2 13 135 12 128 12 133 12 134 12 138 14 146 14 145 14 147 107 1 2 99 1 2 100 1 2 96 1 2 98 1 2 99 1 2 95 1 2 89 1 2 1 5 9 25 135 25 128 25 133 26 134 12 4 21 138 16 4 24 146 18 4 25 145 19 7 29 147 13.3 0.49 -1.15 108 11.2 0.43 -0.07 113 15.0 0.41 -0.69 115 14.6 0.43 -0.45 120 -18.8 0.48 -0.37 122 19.6 0.40 -1.15 126 13.7 0.41 -0.44 133 13.9 0.45 -1.17 142 115 107 20 111 99 19 115 100 19 116 96 19 119 97 18 125 99 18 125 95 19 126 89 18 2 9 24 767 95 18 1 9 24 546 93 17 1 9 25 535 98 16 1 9 24 592 99 16 1 9 23 010 102 16 1 11 24 551 104 16 1 11 27 072 108 14 1 11 30 858 120 13 4 155 4 148 4 123 4 143 4 289 4 496 4 554 4 505 Balance sheet (Incl intra-Group transactions) Assets Cash and balances with central banks Loans to credit institutions Loans to the public Bonds and other interest-bearing securities Financial assets for which customers bear inv. risk Derivatives Other assets Total assets Liabilities and equity Amounts owed to credit institutions Deposits and borrowings from the public Debt securities in issue Financial liabilities for which customers bear inv. risk Derivatives Other liabilities Subordinated liabilities Allocated equity Total liabilities and equity Key figures Key performance indicators Return on allocated equity, % Cost/Income ratio Credit impairment ratio, % Loan/Deposit ratio, % Volumes, SEKbn Loans to the public excluding repos & SNDO 1) Deposits from the public excluding repos & SNDO 1) Mutual funds & insurance Index linked bonds Discretionary asset management Goodwill Allocated equity, average, SEKm Risk-weighted assets, Basel 2 Commitments Full-time employees 1) Excluding intra-Group transactions 19 Business areas Estonia Q1, 2013 SEKm Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 337 96 329 91 377 97 403 89 418 102 463 104 452 100 450 92 11 13 1 12 13 1 15 2 17 -3 13 1 18 22 21 22 19 3 22 -1 21 -1 20 -1 19 3 3 135 16 4 130 19 4 4 139 23 4 2 128 15 11 -14 141 22 5 143 22 2 1 4 138 15 -1 4 132 13 -1 7 495 73 5 21 13 9 487 59 7 21 12 6 552 72 8 22 14 110 83 3 225 270 102 74 3 204 283 103 73 6 225 327 4 585 81 2 29 6 -1 121 81 6 244 341 3 633 56 4 21 38 1 126 100 9 255 378 -242 512 -2 514 2 281 -2 283 -25 349 349 -78 405 -1 406 2 -55 394 -1 395 514 283 349 406 514 283 349 39.6 0.45 -1.89 113 21.8 0.42 0.01 112 52 46 9 Income statement Net interest income Payment processing Service concepts Asset management Life insurance Brokerage Other securities Lending and guarantees Deposits Corporate finance Real estate brokerage Non-life insurance Other commissions Net commission income Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value Net insurance Share of the profit or loss of associates Other income Total income Staff costs Variable staff costs Expenses for premises IT expenses Consultants Other expenses of which internally sold and bought services Depreciation/amortisation Total expenses Profit before impairments Impairment of intangible assets Impairment of tangible assets Credit impairments Operating profit Tax expense Profit for the period from continuing operations Profit for the period from discontinued operations, after tax Profit for the period including non-controlling interest Profit for the period attributable to: Shareholders of Swedbank AB Non-controlling interests 8 612 70 4 21 21 12 606 72 103 81 4 223 389 130 74 4 255 351 -125 503 -1 504 13 136 240 -1 241 -9 360 -1 361 395 504 241 361 406 395 504 241 361 25.6 0.40 -0.19 112 31.5 0.41 -0.59 118 36.4 0.42 -0.41 117 42.5 0.40 -0.91 121 17.4 0.36 0.98 126 20.5 0.42 -0.06 137 50 45 8 52 47 8 52 44 8 53 45 8 54 45 8 54 43 9 56 41 7 539 70 4 21 14 1 104 73 1 215 324 23 26 Key figures Key performance indicators Return on allocated equity, % Cost/Income ratio Credit impairment ratio, % Loan/Deposit ratio, % Volumes, SEKbn Loans to the public excluding repos & SNDO 1) Deposits from the public excluding repos & SNDO 1) Mutual funds & insurance Index linked bonds Discretionary asset management Goodwill Allocated equity, average, SEKm Risk-weighted assets, Basel 2 Commitments 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 194 38 10 5 197 37 9 5 444 39 9 5 159 39 9 4 341 41 9 4 742 42 9 5 534 42 7 7 037 45 6 Full-time employees 1 487 1 487 1 494 1 505 1 565 1 485 1 541 1 481 1) Excluding intra-Group transactions 20 Business areas Latvia Q1, 2013 SEKm Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 235 89 225 80 243 78 258 86 229 90 264 90 282 79 284 46 12 12 11 10 10 11 10 11 11 12 13 10 11 13 13 11 1 7 120 30 1 5 110 27 1 7 110 28 2 8 116 27 2 5 118 31 6 5 125 31 -2 7 109 26 1 5 73 27 1 6 391 51 5 13 10 1 91 61 7 178 213 5 367 47 6 10 10 1 82 53 7 163 204 13 394 48 3 12 11 1 81 57 7 163 231 5 406 52 6 13 11 10 428 50 3 13 5 78 39 8 157 271 10 428 50 4 12 18 1 98 67 8 191 237 7 392 49 2 13 13 84 59 8 174 232 10 388 57 2 14 27 2 106 75 8 216 172 6 86 121 16 105 4 8 192 28 164 1 -197 427 64 363 -21 253 38 215 16 158 -2 -5 3 4 -191 458 67 391 3 -164 398 67 331 7 -135 339 52 287 105 164 363 215 3 391 331 287 105 164 363 215 3 391 331 287 8.3 0.46 1.12 120 12.7 0.44 0.11 142 26.9 0.41 -2.52 153 16.9 0.43 -0.26 167 0.3 0.56 1.83 172 34.3 0.37 -2.19 178 21.8 0.45 -1.83 183 16.8 0.46 -1.47 196 Income statement Net interest income Payment processing Service concepts Asset management Life insurance Brokerage Other securities Lending and guarantees Deposits Corporate finance Real estate brokerage Non-life insurance Other commissions Net commission income Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value Net insurance Share of the profit or loss of associates Other income Total income Staff costs Variable staff costs Expenses for premises IT expenses Consultants Other expenses of which internally sold and bought services Depreciation/amortisation Total expenses Profit before impairments Impairment of intangible assets Impairment of tangible assets Credit impairments Operating profit Tax expense Profit for the period from continuing operations Profit for the period from discontinued operations, after tax Profit for the period including non-controlling interest Profit for the period attributable to: Shareholders of Swedbank AB Non-controlling interests 96 73 8 181 211 Key figures Key performance indicators Return on allocated equity, % Cost/Income ratio Credit impairment ratio, % Loan/Deposit ratio, % Volumes, SEKbn Loans to the public excluding repos & SNDO 1) Deposits from the public excluding repos & SNDO 1) Mutual funds & insurance Index linked bonds Discretionary asset management Goodwill Allocated equity, average, SEKm Risk-weighted assets, Basel 2 Commitments 31 26 5 30 21 5 30 19 5 31 18 5 32 19 5 35 20 4 35 19 5 36 18 4 5 087 31 4 5 175 31 4 5 391 33 3 5 079 33 4 4 237 33 4 4 561 35 4 6 066 36 3 6 835 45 4 Full-time employees 1 178 1 185 1 160 1 166 1 203 1 214 1 196 1 202 1) Excluding intra-Group transactions 21 Business areas Lithuania Q1, 2013 SEKm Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 185 75 203 101 235 111 243 100 259 107 272 102 289 97 268 88 7 7 6 7 4 5 12 -5 8 8 -1 9 9 -1 10 10 1 8 -1 9 -1 9 7 2 8 100 34 1 6 124 26 2 7 135 27 1 10 128 22 2 6 133 29 6 8 131 28 2 10 125 23 1 11 115 21 6 325 55 4 11 13 11 364 52 -1 14 11 12 405 53 6 17 14 45 466 71 1 17 34 35 466 61 4 14 14 81 62 7 164 200 87 67 8 185 220 108 74 8 239 227 98 73 8 199 267 14 451 61 4 15 20 1 92 70 8 201 250 18 422 59 2 15 14 99 66 8 190 135 14 411 54 5 11 9 1 91 69 8 179 232 2 -173 306 99 207 1 -28 227 34 193 3 18 211 32 179 -2 -35 257 39 218 4 -232 455 65 390 -16 -71 354 58 296 4 -114 360 58 302 -2 -238 477 74 403 207 193 179 218 390 296 302 403 207 193 179 218 390 296 302 403 20.6 0.58 -2.18 92 19.5 0.45 -0.35 95 17.6 0.44 0.22 95 22.0 0.46 -0.42 97 45.9 0.51 -2.97 100 31.6 0.43 -0.52 104 28.4 0.45 -1.31 109 32.0 0.44 -2.70 114 Income statement Net interest income Payment processing Service concepts Asset management Life insurance Brokerage Other securities Lending and guarantees Deposits Corporate finance Real estate brokerage Non-life insurance Other commissions Net commission income Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value Net insurance Share of the profit or loss of associates Other income Total income Staff costs Variable staff costs Expenses for premises IT expenses Consultants Other expenses of which internally sold and bought services Depreciation/amortisation Total expenses Profit before impairments Impairment of intangible assets Impairment of tangible assets Credit impairments Operating profit Tax expense Profit for the period from continuing operations Profit for the period from discontinued operations, after tax Profit for the period including non-controlling interest Profit for the period attributable to: Shareholders of Swedbank AB Non-controlling interests 87 68 8 185 237 Key figures Key performance indicators Return on allocated equity, % Cost/Income ratio Credit impairment ratio, % Loan/Deposit ratio, % Volumes, SEKbn Loans to the public excluding repos & SNDO 1) Deposits from the public excluding repos & SNDO 1) Mutual funds & insurance Index linked bonds Discretionary asset management Goodwill Allocated equity, average, SEKm Risk-weighted assets, Basel 2 Commitments 32 35 6 31 33 6 33 34 6 33 34 6 34 33 6 36 34 6 35 33 6 34 30 6 4 017 26 4 3 950 25 4 4 069 26 4 3 962 27 3 3 397 28 3 3 750 27 3 4 250 30 4 5 043 30 3 Full-time employees 1 368 1 357 1 351 1 354 1 374 1 536 1 550 1 517 1) Excluding intra-Group transactions 22 Business areas Other Baltic Banking Q1, 2013 SEKm Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 3 1 -4 1 13 6 -6 -3 -6 2 -7 1 -7 -1 19 -2 16 -2 18 -2 17 -3 14 14 1 15 15 -1 3 -2 2 -1 1 -1 4 -5 -1 1 -4 -5 11 -4 1 12 2 63 -3 -3 10 -3 80 -3 14 2 76 -10 5 1 3 89 -8 8 -5 77 -2 -6 9 -3 81 1 -3 12 -6 57 -4 69 13 4 104 15 3 2 6 -1 7 105 15 8 95 16 -3 71 16 1 6 1 8 1 14 45 60 -2 4 3 -2 -1 14 33 62 1 913 -1 12 -1 862 10 -1 872 3 1 10 90 23 1 1 -1 8 64 27 1 3 -3 -1 15 32 39 -2 -12 14 36 54 1 -7 -15 16 41 23 26 13 2 11 54 2 52 23 2 21 Income statement Net interest income Payment processing Service concepts Asset management Life insurance Brokerage Other securities Lending and guarantees Deposits Corporate finance Real estate brokerage Non-life insurance Other commissions Net commission income Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value Net insurance Share of the profit or loss of associates Other income Total income Staff costs Variable staff costs Expenses for premises IT expenses Consultants Other expenses of which internally sold and bought services Depreciation/amortisation Total expenses Profit before impairments Impairment of intangible assets Impairment of tangible assets Credit impairments Operating profit Tax expense Profit for the period from continuing operations Profit for the period from discontinued operations, after tax Profit for the period including non-controlling interest Profit for the period attributable to: Shareholders of Swedbank AB Non-controlling interests 61 3 78 14 2 1 4 4 1 7 7 12 40 38 -6 6 13 25 44 38 42 -4 44 -1 45 67 67 60 1 59 -4 45 67 59 -1 872 11 52 21 -4 45 67 59 -1 872 11 52 21 -0.2 0.51 0.00 1.8 0.36 0.00 2.5 0.36 0.00 2.3 0.43 0.00 -67.9 0.35 17.07 0.4 0.45 30.08 1.9 0.40 0.00 0.7 0.64 0.00 5 12 37 67 Key figures Key performance indicators Return on allocated equity, % Cost/Income ratio Credit impairment ratio, % Loan/Deposit ratio, % Volumes, SEKbn Loans to the public excluding repos & SNDO 1) Deposits from the public excluding repos & SNDO 1) Mutual funds & insurance Index linked bonds Discretionary asset management Goodwill Allocated equity, average, SEKm Risk-weighted assets, Basel 2 Commitments Full-time employees 1 9 10 469 9 10 224 9 10 631 9 10 392 9 11 035 9 11 498 11 11 222 11 11 943 122 119 118 118 147 261 267 305 1) Excluding intra-Group transactions 23 Business areas Group Functions & Other Q1, 2013 SEKm Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 452 55 162 39 56 32 -113 -2 -230 51 -54 90 -206 63 -223 43 -5 -6 -8 -1 -9 -4 -5 -11 -4 -6 3 -8 -7 -7 -1 -3 -6 -3 -8 -4 -9 -6 -2 -4 -2 -9 -6 -2 2 4 -4 -5 -3 -4 18 1 1 347 419 818 12 99 318 33 -990 -1 330 148 438 -19 -6 -4 -23 22 8 -1 7 46 383 6 -10 8 39 -197 5 342 236 831 49 106 339 37 -954 -1 354 144 552 -316 343 407 939 30 108 355 53 -877 -1 332 204 812 -405 381 610 864 33 110 380 115 -1 106 -1 499 145 541 69 248 -128 872 37 131 383 88 -1 031 -1 447 147 627 -755 120 42 -139 -44 -95 -341 -436 -358 -152 -206 -279 -485 7 2 43 198 4 1 415 431 1 025 13 117 435 60 -1 077 -1 553 189 762 -331 30 149 -277 -233 -55 -178 4 -174 -5 10 71 42 5 594 89 505 -174 331 -3 15 31 103 5 2 343 646 792 64 94 292 21 -1 203 -1 517 130 190 456 -1 97 20 340 173 167 -203 -36 -1 -119 -285 -130 -155 -5 -169 243 38 205 -3 -490 -262 -189 -73 -155 205 -73 330 -33 -436 -485 -174 -155 205 -73 1 -3 Income statement Net interest income Payment processing Service concepts Asset management Life insurance Brokerage Other securities Lending and guarantees Deposits Corporate finance Real estate brokerage Non-life insurance Other commissions Net commission income Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value Net insurance Share of the profit or loss of associates Other income Total income Staff costs Variable staff costs Expenses for premises IT expenses Consultants Other expenses of which internally sold and bought services 1) Depreciation/amortisation Total expenses Profit before impairments Impairment of intangible assets Impairment of tangible assets Credit impairments Operating profit Tax expense Profit for the year from continuing operations Profit for the year from discontinued operations, after tax 2) Profit for the period including non-controlling interest Profit for the period attributable to: Shareholders of Swedbank AB Non-controlling interests 27 221 4 1 400 1 105 805 46 95 341 31 -1 092 -1 437 135 361 744 17 133 -9 -3 1) As of Q3 2012 Group Treasury allocates its administrative expenses to the business areas. The accumulated expense of SEK 167m was allocated in Q3 2012 2) As from 2012, the Russian and Ukrainian operations are reported as discontinued operations. 24 Business areas Group Functions & Other Q1, 2013 SEKbn Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 119 193 12 83 203 243 12 83 122 195 15 81 161 204 16 83 154 207 15 83 84 426 15 91 8 333 15 89 6 319 16 88 41 660 1 108 38 695 1 274 33 658 1 104 31 679 1 174 36 655 1 150 39 655 1 310 16 661 1 122 14 655 1 098 240 8 762 312 63 818 243 14 780 258 53 779 270 23 776 381 33 816 286 24 757 252 13 739 35 21 14 28 1 108 34 11 13 23 1 274 26 7 17 17 1 104 24 24 19 17 1 174 25 18 20 5 1 29 1 122 24 41 38 1 150 27 19 2 32 1 310 29 1 098 5.2 0.33 1.46 261 -0.7 0.29 2.71 17 -9.8 1.05 5.26 110 -8.2 2.34 4.56 27 -2.0 1.77 -0.90 68 -2.1 2.00 -0.45 47 2.8 0.89 -0.77 69 -1.1 -4.90 -12.96 220 8 3 10 59 12 11 13 48 13 20 14 30 14 21 16 8 25 277 33 9 19 809 36 9 17 881 38 9 23 749 40 9 34 973 41 9 30 078 40 10 29 356 34 10 26 119 26 3 4 741 5 202 5 545 5 766 5 744 6 050 6 039 6 144 Balance sheet (Incl intra-Group transactions) Assets Cash and balances with central banks Loans to credit institutions Loans to the public Bonds and other interest-bearing securities Financial assets for which customers bear inv. risk Derivatives Other assets Total assets Liabilities and equity Amounts owed to credit institutions Deposits and borrowings from the public Debt securities in issue Financial liabilities for which customers bear inv. risk Derivatives Other liabilities Subordinated liabilities Allocated equity Total liabilities and equity Key figures Key performance indicators Return on allocated equity, % Cost/Income ratio Credit impairment ratio, % Loan/Deposit ratio, % Volumes, SEKbn Loans to the public excluding repos & SNDO 1) Deposits from the public excluding repos & SNDO 1) Mutual funds & insurance Index linked bonds Discretionary asset management Goodwill Allocated equity, average, SEKm Risk-weighted assets, Basel 2 Commitments Full-time employees 1) Excluding intra-Group transactions 25 Business areas Group Products Q1, 2013 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 -2 58 -3 30 -5 38 -6 -1 -1 40 -5 80 -3 54 -4 33 8 -1 2 -2 -3 -6 -7 -1 4 -1 -2 -1 -1 3 -1 -4 -4 -1 5 -1 -3 -1 -1 4 -4 -5 -1 6 -1 -3 -4 -6 52 7 -4 9 28 11 24 8 -6 -1 -8 8 7 -6 37 7 -5 1 72 11 -2 -1 49 10 -10 1 20 7 131 188 280 21 36 255 9 -586 -739 74 89 99 17 116 152 304 23 33 244 5 -606 -728 70 73 79 101 128 312 15 36 260 7 -635 -756 73 68 60 94 88 327 19 35 268 9 -625 -760 72 105 -17 128 171 397 12 33 344 20 -630 -848 66 242 -71 30 122 200 311 13 33 279 9 -569 -745 63 139 61 126 182 313 19 34 296 35 -638 -808 62 121 61 99 122 304 17 33 289 29 -581 -749 60 151 -29 82 35 47 79 20 59 60 24 36 -17 -11 -6 -101 -12 -89 61 10 51 61 17 44 -29 -9 -20 47 59 36 -6 -89 51 44 -20 47 59 36 -6 -89 51 44 -20 10.5 0.47 13.3 0.48 8.0 0.53 -1.3 1.19 -20.7 1.42 11.9 0.70 9.1 0.66 -3.7 1.24 Allocated equity, average, SEKm Risk-weighted assets, Basel 2 Commitments 1 795 4 1 779 3 1 797 3 1 789 3 1 717 4 1 717 3 1 935 4 2 166 4 Full-time employees 1 814 1 777 1 782 1 761 1 717 1 690 1 646 1 619 SEKm Income statement Net interest income Payment processing Service concepts Asset management Life insurance Brokerage Other securities Lending and guarantees Deposits Corporate finance Real estate brokerage Non-life insurance Other commissions Net commission income Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value Net insurance Share of the profit or loss of associates Other income Total income Staff costs Variable staff costs Expenses for premises IT expenses Consultants Other expenses of which internally sold and bought services Depreciation/amortisation Total expenses Profit before impairments Impairment of intangible assets Impairment of tangible assets Credit impairments Operating profit Tax expense Profit for the year from continuing operations Profit for the year from discontinued operations, after tax Profit for the period including non-controlling interest Profit for the period attributable to: Shareholders of Swedbank AB Non-controlling interests 3 -1 -3 3 -5 -5 Key figures Key performance indicators Return on allocated equity, % Cost/Income ratio Volumes, SEKbn 26 Business areas Group Treasury Q1, 2013 SEKm Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 467 193 96 -78 -313 1 -146 1 -287 -1 -399 1 -5 -6 1 1 -6 -4 -3 -12 2 2 1 -5 1 -2 1 -5 -5 5 -1 1 -4 -6 -12 -3 -5 1 -11 204 -1 -9 96 2 -11 9 -3 7 -3 128 -21 8 -8 327 2 -276 3 663 17 3 2 1 3 284 16 3 2 Income statement Net interest income Payment processing Service concepts Asset management Life insurance Brokerage Other securities Lending and guarantees Deposits Corporate finance Real estate brokerage Non-life insurance Other commissions Net commission income Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value Net insurance Share of the profit or loss of associates Other income Total income Staff costs Variable staff costs Expenses for premises IT expenses Consultants Other expenses of which internally sold and bought services 2) Depreciation/amortisation Total expenses Profit before impairments Impairment of intangible assets Impairment of tangible assets Credit impairments Operating profit Tax expense Profit for the year from continuing operations Profit for the year from discontinued operations, after tax Profit for the period including non-controlling interest Profit for the period attributable to: Shareholders of Swedbank AB Non-controlling interests 1 -13 -18 4 14 649 -132 -137 4 -107 391 -1 1 -2 2 3 97 18 1 2 1 1 35 32 3 61 36 1 -73 20 3 2 7 -181 19 3 1 2 -157 20 2 2 4 36 21 3 2 3 -670 20 2 1 3 37 32 4 69 -142 40 36 4 67 -248 4 31 26 4 63 -220 7 50 43 3 86 -50 6 48 43 4 81 -751 649 132 517 392 117 275 36 1 35 -142 -27 -115 -248 -87 -161 -220 -95 -125 -50 -50 -751 -196 -555 517 275 35 -115 -161 -125 -50 -555 517 275 35 -115 -161 -125 -50 -555 117 196 13 82 201 246 12 81 121 198 15 80 159 209 14 81 152 213 11 82 82 431 11 91 5 338 10 89 5 326 10 86 41 651 1 100 38 692 1 270 33 656 1 103 31 676 1 170 36 648 1 142 39 653 1 307 17 653 1 112 14 649 1 090 239 9 762 311 63 818 244 15 780 258 53 779 268 23 776 381 33 816 285 24 758 251 13 738 35 19 15 21 1 100 34 16 13 15 1 270 26 12 17 9 1 103 25 27 19 9 1 170 25 20 20 4 30 1 142 27 25 1 24 1 307 21 1 112 23 50 -6 21 1 090 11.5 0.02 167 9.1 -0.38 8 1.5 0.63 49 -3.1 -0.95 10 -2.4 -0.37 24 -2.3 -0.40 17 -0.9 2.39 24 -12.0 -0.12 115 3 2 5 10 9 443 16 8 4 46 15 003 15 8 3 18 26 603 15 8 4 28 21 651 14 9 4 19 21 665 9 9 5 17 968 15 9 5 58 12 050 16 9 18 546 2 2 58 57 56 62 59 64 63 60 Balance sheet (Incl intra-Group transactions), SEKbn Assets Cash and balances with central banks Loans to credit institutions Loans to the public Bonds and other interest-bearing securities Financial assets for which customers bear inv. risk Derivatives Other assets Total assets Liabilities and equity Amounts owed to credit institutions Deposits and borrowings from the public Debt securities in issue Financial liabilities for which customers bear inv. risk Derivatives Other liabilities Subordinated liabilities Allocated equity Total liabilities and equity Key figures Key performance indicators Return on allocated equity, % Cost/Income ratio Loan/Deposit ratio, % Volumes, SEKbn Loans to the public excluding repos & SNDO 1) Deposits from the public excluding repos & SNDO 1) Allocated equity, average, SEKm Risk-weighted assets, Basel 2 Commitments Full-time employees 1) Excluding intra-Group transactions 2) As of Q3 2012 Group Treasury allocates its administrative expenses to the business areas. The accumulated expense of SEK 223m was allocated in 2012 27 Business areas Ektornet Q1, 2013 Q4 2012 Q3 2012 Q2 2012 Q1 2012 Q4 2011 Q3 2011 Q2 2011 Q1 2011 -21 -23 -25 -29 -25 -11 -13 -13 9 -6 -3 4 56 21 24 62 1 156 145 30 2 2 1 5 75 1 146 118 38 1 2 1 6 73 152 124 42 1 1 1 6 86 154 129 35 1 2 1 6 89 126 136 26 154 165 29 59 108 20 11 102 1 1 9 97 1 4 41 9 42 26 141 4 24 145 -27 25 162 -38 28 162 -33 42 188 10 32 166 -30 25 100 65 23 96 12 133 97 120 42 140 -6 -7 -1 -129 -54 -75 4 -71 -124 -9 -115 -17 -132 -159 -22 -137 -74 -5 -69 -24 -3 -21 72 37 35 13 21 -8 -137 -69 -130 -3 -127 4 -123 -21 35 -8 -71 -129 -137 -69 -124 -21 35 -8 1 -3 Key performance indicators Return on allocated equity, % Cost/Income ratio -15.5 0.97 -26.0 1.23 -25.0 1.31 -12.1 1.26 -21.7 0.95 -4.0 1.22 8.3 0.61 -2.0 0.89 Volumes, SEKbn Allocated equity, average, SEKm Risk-weighted assets, Basel 2 1 831 6 1 982 6 2 193 7 2 281 7 2 282 7 2 104 6 1 684 5 1 564 4 204 464 508 397 216 206 197 175 SEKm Income statement Net interest income Net commission income Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value Net insurance Share of the profit or loss of associates Other income Total income Staff costs Variable staff costs Expenses for premises IT expenses Consultants Other expenses of which internally sold and bought services Depreciation/amortisation Total expenses Profit before impairments Impairment of intangible assets Impairment of tangible assets Credit impairments Operating profit Tax expense Profit for the year from continuing operations Profit for the year from discontinued operations, after tax Profit for the period including non-controlling interest Profit for the period attributable to: Shareholders of Swedbank AB Non-controlling interests 1 166 198 27 4 2 2 Key figures Full-time employees 30 Business areas Other Group Functions Q1, 2013 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 8 -3 -5 9 -10 -6 -1 109 10 108 9 97 10 193 9 -13 1 -1 -1 -3 -1 -1 2 -4 -1 -1 -2 -1 -4 -5 1 -1 -5 3 -4 -3 -1 -2 -7 -2 4 9 -2 -7 -1 -4 -1 -2 -2 3 3 6 -14 1 4 1 7 12 2 5 -3 -12 3 8 8 9 7 4 9 20 2 5 1 8 5 22 6 7 17 10 5 110 109 478 20 55 85 16 -568 -680 31 117 -8 78 92 434 37 57 47 10 -538 -652 32 79 13 -5 -17 4 1 1 91 70 446 -5 60 56 19 -476 -606 47 147 -77 93 92 449 26 67 70 19 -455 -626 40 216 -124 114 243 582 -6 81 91 29 -589 -741 77 265 -22 93 228 582 15 72 75 31 -436 -613 105 444 -216 97 227 501 11 74 83 69 -559 -734 55 234 -7 87 312 528 18 95 94 44 -540 -741 60 299 13 -8 -24 16 -178 -162 20 -7 45 -52 -186 -238 -76 -47 -29 -341 -370 -125 -109 -16 -279 -295 9 -277 246 47 199 5 -119 -102 -42 -60 2 -169 160 -16 176 -2 -490 505 -5 510 199 -60 176 510 -163 -238 -370 -295 200 -60 176 510 -17.7 1.07 -23.8 0.86 -33.3 2.10 -25.2 2.35 18.3 1.09 -5.2 1.95 17.3 1.03 53.1 0.96 Allocated equity, average, SEKm Risk-weighted assets, Basel 2 Commitments 3 683 8 3 998 11 4 448 12 1 4 676 15 1 4 371 15 1 4 606 17 1 4 072 16 1 3 843 16 1 Full-time employees 2 665 2 904 3 199 3 546 3 752 4 090 4 133 4 290 SEKm Income statement Net interest income Payment processing Service concepts Asset management Life insurance Brokerage Other securities Lending and guarantees Deposits Corporate finance Real estate brokerage Non-life insurance Other commissions Net commission income Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value Net insurance Share of the profit or loss of associates Other income Total income Staff costs Variable staff costs Expenses for premises IT expenses Consultants Other expenses of which internally sold and bought services Depreciation/amortisation Total expenses Profit before impairments Impairment of intangible assets Impairment of tangible assets Credit impairments Operating profit Tax expense Profit for the period from continuing operations Profit for the period from discontinued operations, after tax Profit for the period including non-controlling interest Profit for the period attributable to: Shareholders of Swedbank AB Non-controlling interests Key figures Key performance indicators Return on allocated equity, % Cost/Income ratio Credit impairment ratio, % Loan/Deposit ratio, % Volumes, SEKbn 1) Excluding intra-Group transactions 32 Business areas Eliminations Q1, 2013 SEKm Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 -14 16 -3 18 -1 16 -1 16 -9 16 -3 15 8 14 -12 12 -18 -10 -8 -11 -3 -11 -20 8 -6 -5 -6 -4 10 2 10 2 10 3 9 2 9 4 9 7 9 4 8 2 9 19 20 1 22 -1 12 -1 17 -2 17 -1 15 -1 11 -3 -3 2 -6 -71 -69 -13 -44 -30 -55 -32 -54 -49 -56 -48 -9 -69 -46 -40 -41 -1 -202 -8 155 173 -1 -149 -1 -166 -227 -1 181 199 -223 118 164 -1 -203 -3 168 198 -1 -226 120 126 -173 -4 145 132 181 197 182 201 -69 -30 -32 -49 -48 -47 -46 -41 -12 -14 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 Income statement Net interest income Payment processing Service concepts Asset management Life insurance Brokerage Other securities Lending and guarantees Deposits Corporate finance Real estate brokerage Non-life insurance Other commissions Net commission income Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value Net insurance Share of the profit or loss of associates Other income Total income Staff costs Variable staff costs Expenses for premises IT expenses Consultants Other expenses of which internally sold and bought services Depreciation/amortisation Total expenses Profit before impairments Impairment of intangible assets Impairment of tangible assets Credit impairments Operating profit Tax expense Profit for the year from continuing operations Profit for the year from discontinued operations, after tax Profit for the period including non-controlling interest Profit for the period attributable to: Shareholders of Swedbank AB Non-controlling interests -1 -60 -47 Key figures Volumes, SEKbn Index linked bonds 33 Key figures 1B Key figures, 5-years Q1, 2013 Key figures, Group FY 2012 FY 2011 FY 2010 FY 2009 FY 2008 14.6 15.6 0.76 0.46 1.12 12.2 8.1 -12.5 15.2 0.65 0.54 1.07 0.40 0.57 0.92 -0.58 0.51 1.17 0.64 0.50 1.33 Business Volumes SEKbn Loans to the public excl. repos & SNDO Deposits to the public excluding repos & SNDO Loan/Deposit ratio, % 1 184 558 212 1 166 547 213 1 146 517 222 1 192 479 240 1 251 478 262 Asset quality Credit impairment ratio, % Total provision ratio for impaired loans, % Share of impaired loans gross, % -0.01 62 1.05 -0.14 62 1.87 0.20 63 2.53 1.74 65 2.85 0.24 60 0.74 Capital Adequacy Common Equity Tier 1 ratio, %, Basel 3 1) Common Equity Tier 1 ratio, %, Basel 2 15.4 16.7 14.3 15.7 13.9 12.0 9.3 487 105 464 339 769 117 990 705 26 25 515 137 492 337 756 762 969 344 28 27 130 91 64 Profit Return on equity, % Return on equity continuing operations, % Return on total assets, % Cost/Income ratio Net interest margin, % 3) Risk weighted assets, Basel 3 1) Risk weighted assets, Basel 2 Risk weighted assets, transition rules Risk weighted assets, Basel 1 Risk weighted assets/total assets, %, Basel 3 1) Risk weighted assets/total assets, %, Basel 2 Liquidity & Funding Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) Net stable funding ratio (NSFR) Share of wholesale funding > 1 year, % Share data Earnings per share before dilution, SEK 2) Earnings per share before dilution continuing operations, SEK Earnings per share after dilution, SEK 2) Earnings per share after dilution continuing operations, SEK Cash dividend per ordinary share, SEK Cash dividend per preference share, SEK Equity Shareholders Equity, average SEKm 541 327 750 440 954 708 603 431 696 505 784 469 916 112 990 225 1 051 140 32 34 38 139 94 64 56 51 37 12.12 13.03 12.07 12.97 9.90 9.90 9.53 6.43 -10.66 16.51 9.52 6.43 -10.66 16.51 5.30 5.30 2.10 4.80 97 992 95 563 91 480 84 172 71 610 1) Estimates based on Swedbank's current understanding of future regulations. 2) When calculating earnings per share the preference share dividend is deducted from profit in the period the dividend is declared. 3) Net interest margin before trading interest are deducted 71 1B Key figures, 9 quarters Q1, 2013 Key figures, Group Q4 2012 Q3 2012 Q2 2012 Q1 2012 Q4 2011 Q3 2011 Q2 2011 Q1 2011 16.9 17.5 0.76 0.44 1.15 14.3 15.2 0.71 0.44 1.11 13.2 14.6 0.70 0.47 1.14 14.1 15.3 0.73 0.48 1.12 3.9 14.4 14.4 16.1 0.21 0.57 1.07 0.76 0.54 1.08 0.79 0.53 1.08 0.89 0.53 1.05 Business Volumes SEKbn Loans to the public excl. repos & SNDO Deposits to the public excluding repos & SNDO Loan/Deposit ratio, % 1 184 558 212 1 184 609 194 1 179 545 216 1 169 580 202 1 166 547 213 1 157 543 213 1 147 519 221 1 141 502 227 Asset quality Credit impairment ratio, % Total provision ratio for impaired loans, % Share of impaired loans gross, % -0.02 62 1.05 0.01 65 1.32 -0.01 64 1.53 -0.03 65 1.67 -0.05 62 1.87 -0.13 60 2.05 -0.09 60 2.20 -0.29 61 2.28 Capital Adequacy Common Equity Tier 1 ratio, %, Basel 3 1) Common Equity Tier 1 ratio, %, Basel 2 15.4 16.7 15.4 16.7 15.1 16.2 14.5 15.6 14.3 15.7 15.1 14.8 14.9 487 105 464 339 769 117 990 705 497 763 475 524 775 325 993 036 508 300 485 387 771 062 986 446 515 325 494 634 759 447 977 353 515 137 492 337 756 762 969 344 497 067 760 455 967 804 509 326 744 861 954 630 519 070 747 125 952 739 Liquidity & Funding Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) Net stable funding ratio (NSFR) 130 91 144 94 152 91 116 96 139 94 Share data Earnings per share before dilution, SEK 2) Earnings per share before dilution continuing operations, SEK Earnings per share after dilution, SEK 2) Earnings per share after dilution continuing operations, SEK 3.88 4.03 3.86 4.01 3.18 3.37 3.17 3.36 2.87 3.19 2.86 3.16 2.19 2.44 2.19 2.44 0.88 3.12 3.02 2.47 0.88 3.11 3.01 2.47 100 930 97 598 95 591 96 590 97 979 96 548 95 750 95 718 Profit Return on equity, % Return on equity continuing operations, % Return on total assets, % Cost/Income ratio Net interest margin, % 3) Risk weighted assets, Basel 3 1) Risk weighted assets, Basel 2 Risk weighted assets, transition rules Risk weighted assets, Basel 1 Equity Shareholders Equity, average SEKm 1) Estimates based on Swedbank's current understanding of future regulations. 2) When calculating earnings per share the preference share dividend is deducted from profit in the period the dividend is declared. 3) Net interest margin before trading interest are deducted