November/ December 2011
Effective Referral Marketing
Levin Group Case Study
The Power Of Social Media
Merging Pediatric Dental Practices,
Maximizing Opportunity
from our marketing consulting division
By Johnny Rocco
Consultant, Levin Group
Every five or six years, dentistry is hit with a new sudden hot phenomenon.
It’s the topic everyone talks about or the product everyone has to have. In
this case, it’s social media. Let’s begin by understanding that marketing
is a very complex subject… it’s critical that the marketing program be
based on a target of 15 customized strategies focused on patients and
another 15 focused on the community. Social media, despite being
the hottest marketing topic in pediatric dentistry today, is only one of
those 15 strategies. Despite the amount of discussion social media is
generating by itself, it is not a marketing program. However, if properly
utilized, social media can produce excellent results and is mandatory for
pedo practices.
One Strategy, Many Opportunities
Social media has many different components. However, in its most basic
sense, social media is another outreach vehicle. It allows a pediatric
dental practice to communicate with patients, parents, the community
and others. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter are essential. However,
pediatric dentists must realize if real value isn’t created, then the social
media process will fail. Real value constitutes what is communicated
through social media. The following are critical:
• A key message repeated periodically to create a brand
for the practice.
• Valuable information relative to pediatric dental care.
• Valuable information relative to health care.
• Valuable information of interest to children or parents including
nutrition, weight loss, self-esteem, etc.
• Contests that create interest and interactivity.
• Anything that creates positive interaction with the practice.
The list could go on. It is not simply having Facebook, Twitter, etc. These
are merely platforms that allow the pedo practice to communicate. It’s
what’s being done with these platforms that matters. Although social
media is only one of 15 strategies, an entire marketing campaign should
be created within that one strategy. What will be communicated daily,
weekly, monthly, etc.? These are key questions that must be answered
in advance. As a final note, be aware that social media can also backfire.
It gives people the opportunity to comment, and not every parent is
always satisfied. While this shouldn’t scare any pedo practice from
becoming involved in social media, it does mean that daily monitoring
and participation is essential. It is critical to create positive public
relations and deal with the occasional negative comment or remark. n
Additional Resources
Read an excerpt from Dr. Levin’s What To Say, What NOT To Say,
a book available at store.levingroup.com
Watch “Building Patient Loyalty,” A Conversation With Roger, at
from our client files
By Ellen Dorner
Vice President of Client Development, Levin Group
Dr. Ted A is a pediatric dentist in the process of buying out a nearby
practice in an upscale Midwestern suburb. When Dr. Ted spent time in
the other doctor’s office, he quickly realized that there was very little
organization or systems in place. “I run a fairly systemized practice
and want to run the new practice the same way to ensure consistency,
excellent customer service and patient care,” he said. Dr. Ted read about
the In-Office Practice Analysis™ in the Pedo Business Review and asked
that a Senior Practice Analyst visit both offices to perform a thorough,
systems-based evaluation.
Practice Analysis
When the Senior Practice Analyst first visited Dr. Ted’s practice, he
observed some systems in place, but many were implemented
inconsistently. He also noted the active patient numbers were lower
than the norm. When the analyst observed the second practice, it was
apparent there were absolutely no systems in place.
Implementation Plan
After discussing the findings of the onsite analysis, Dr. Ted and the
analyst agreed that new programs in management and referral
marketing would be beneficial to both practices. The management
program would bring consistency to both locations and systemize
operations to increase productivity and profitability. In addition, the
referral marketing program would introduce Dr. Ted to the community,
parents and pediatricians. The Total Pedo Success™ Referral Marketing
Program would help Dr. Ted develop a consistent brand so that both
practices were perceived as a single unit.
Within the first months of the referral marketing program, a new
practice logo, brochures and stationery packet were created. “I hired
a part-time PRC to market both practices and, after a few months,
those efforts paid off,” said Dr. Ted. “I had more referrals coming in from
patients and pediatricians, added more referrers and my reputation as
provider of pediatric dental care was growing in the community.” With
the help of his consultant and the Total Practice Success™ Management
Program, Dr. Ted has been able to create unity and consistency between
the two teams. Systems were documented and implemented to ensure
the practices are run as a unit. The teams work well together and realize
that although they have had to make improvements, they will all
benefit through less stress and increased productivity. “I might have two
locations, but I have one practice and that was my goal,” said Dr. Ted. n
Additional Resources
1. View “Team Training – Another Thing To Consider,” A Conversation With
Roger, at www.levingrouppedo.com.
2. Read an excerpt from the Ultimate Survival Guide For Marketing Your
Practice at store.levingroup.com