Biome Project/Travel Brochure

Biome Project/Travel Brochure
You are responsible for putting together a presentation to propose a trip for me to take
with my family sometime this coming year. It can be in the form of a travel brochure,
PowerPoint, poster, video or any other media you would like--including a website.
You and a partner will choose a biome from the list below and design a trip to a country in
that biome. I am a biologist so I am going to want to experience the biology of the
country as well as leisure activities. To receive full credit, you must include all the
information on the rubric, including both travel and recreation information and biological
information. You MUST INCLUDE ALL references where you found your information.
Failure to do so or failure to put everything in your own words WILL result in a zero!
Your task is to sell this trip to Mrs. Robson & Ms. Stanley.
If we pick yours, you will receive bonus points!
Possible Biomes:
1. Tundra
2. Taiga/Alpine
3. Grassland/Savannah/Pampas
4. Chaparral
5. Desert
6. Temperate Forest
7. Tropical Rainforest
8. 9. Mangrove Forests
10. Freshwater/Lakes
11. Freshwater/Rivers
12. Estuary
13. Marine/Tidewater
14. Marine/Deep Ocean
15. Marine/Coral Reefs
Timeline: Use your time wisely!
All projects are due September 28th and presentations will take place the day they are
due and the following class period. There are absolutely no extensions (or NQAs) on this
project. If you know you will be absent on these days, have your partner turn in your
project for you or turn it in early--no exceptions. You will have ONE day to work on this
project in computer lab. The remaining work must be done on your own time so plan
accordingly when you select your partner.
Name 1:________________________________________ Name 2:_____________________________________________
Grade Yourself and turn it in with your project! Check the circles that fit with your project.
Biome Project Rubric
Packing My Bags
Maybe Next Year
Not Convinced
5 points
Rubric Score
o Visually attractive and easy to interpret o Visually attractive but difficult to
o 5 or more pictures
o 3-4 or more pictures
o Correct grammar and spelling
o 2-3 grammar or spelling errors
o 4 or more colors
o 2-3 colors
o 4 or more correctly cited sources
o 3 correctly cited sources
o Not visually attractive
o Difficult to interpret
o Less than 3 pictures
o More that 3 spelling or grammar
o Less than 2 sources
Travel Info
10 points
Rubric Score
o Specific country I will visit and where o Biome identified to region but not o Biome identified only
it is located, including a map
o No travel directions
o How do I get there from Houston?
o Travel directions incomplete
o No transportation in the country
o Transportation in the country (bus, car, o Transportation in the country
o No native food
train, boat, camel, etc)
o No shots or medical information
o Food native to the area
o Food native to the area
o No packing information
o Shots and medical precautions needed o Shots or medical precautions
o No expense estimate
o Clothes I need to pack, including any o Clothes I need to pack
special equipment
o Travel expenses: how much is this
o Travel expenses not accurate
going to cost me?
Weather and
Environment o What is the weather like? Describe the o Weather is described but not
seasons and the best time of year to visit. seasons or best time to visit
10 points
Rubric Score
o What plants and animals will I see? At o What plants and animals will I
least three of each.
o Weather not described
o Less than 2 plants and animals I
will see
see? At least 1-2 of each.
o Describe the landscape and any
unusual landforms
o How does the weather impact the
environment and the plant and animal
o No landscape described
o Describe the landscape
o Impact of weather not described
o How does the weather impact the
environment and the plant or animal
15 points
Rubric Score
o How do the plants and animals interact o How do the plants and animals
o Plant and animal interaction not
with each other?
interact with each other?
o Two symbiotic relationships that are
o One symbiotic relationship that is o No symbiotic relationships
o Two predator/prey relationships in this o One predator/prey relationships in o No predator/prey information
this biome
o No food web described
o Describe a food web in this biome
o Food web incompletely described o No human impact described
o What limiting factors are present in this o No limiting factors
o How do humans impact the
o How do humans impact the ecosystem? ecosystem?
o At least one endangered species found o At least one endangered species o No endangered species
in the biome
Rubric Score
o Two main factors
found in the biome
contributing to the
o One factor contributing to the
o What is being done to help the species o What is being done to help the
(reserves, parks, captive breeding, etc)
species incompletely described
Remember it is a zero if you failed to do either of these things!
Name 1_________________________________
Name 2_________________________________
o Clear, loud voice with correct
10 points
Rubric Score
o Voice difficult to hear at times
o Little enthusiasm when selling
o Enthusiasm when selling
o Creativity in salesmanship
o Creativity in salesmanship
o Not completely convincing sales
o Convincing description
o Expertise not apparent
o Expertise on the subject: able to answer o 2 minute presentation
reasonable questions
o Voice difficult to hear
o No enthusiasm
o No salesmanship
o No expertise apparent
o Less than 2 minute
o Maximum of 3 minutes
Total Score_________ out of 50 possible points (The same as a unit exam!!)