BOARD AGENDA: 1/25/11 ITEM: 7.1 THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN JOSE - - MEMORANDUM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR I SUBJECT: SEE BELOW DATE: JANUARY 19,2010 SUBJECT: NINTH AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT WITH AECOM, INC. FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND REPORTING SERVICES FOR THE ADOBE SYSTEMS PHASE I1 SITE RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency Board approve the ninth amendment to the agreement with AECOM (formerly Earth Tech, Inc.), in the amount of $56,036 for a total agreement amount not to exceed $502,489, for ongoing environmental monitoring and reporting services for the Adobe Systems Phase I1 sites at 345 Park Avenue and 151 Almaden Boulevard, and extending the term of the agreement by one year to February 28,2012. OUTCOME Approval will enable the Redevelopment Agency to continue the environmental monitoring obligations required by the Disposition and Development Agreement for the Adobe Headquarters project. BACKGROUND On September 22, 1994, the Redevelopment Agency and Adobe Systems Inc., ("Developer" and "Adobe") entered into a Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the development of Adobe's corporate headquarters. Under the terms of the DDA, the Agency purchased the land for the development of the corporate headquarters. The Agency retained ownership of the land, which was leased by Adobe. The DDA obligates the Agency to pay for all environmental review and mitigation costs, including on-going environmental monitoring and reporting. Redevelopment Agency Board AECOM NINTH AMENDMENT Page 2 January 19,2010 In July 2008, Adobe purchased the land at the Tower I-Phase I Site at 345 Park Avenue. In June 2010 Adobe purchased the remaining land for Towers 1 and 2 in Phase I1 at 321 Park Ave. and 151 Almaden Blvd. Due to the pre-existinghazardous materials at 345 Park Avenue, the Agency continues to be responsible for all environmental review and mitigation costs, and for costs associated with on-going environmental monitoring and reporting. To prevent flooding in Level I11 of the parking garages, dewatering and discharge systems are installed in the basement floor slabs. Prior to discharge into a storm drain and then into the river, the groundwater fiom the dewatering systems of both towers must be treated. Under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits issued by the Regional Water Quality Control Board ongoing environmental monitoring (RWQCB), the ~ g e n isc obligated ~ to and revortine " services for the Adobe Svstems site. This environmental monitoring and reporting will continue until the RWQCB determines that contaminant levels are reduced to an acceptable level on both tower sites. At that time the Agency's obligations will be completed. However, if Adobe desires to continue pumping water after the groundwater has been verified as meeting RWQCB standards, the permit for pumping the groundwater would be transferred to Adobe and all permit fees and costs would revert to Adobe. As long as groundwater is discharged into the Guadalupe River, an NPDES permit is required. - On December 3,2003, the Agency executed its initial agreement with AECOM, in the amount of $58,720, for environmental monitoring, testing and reporting services for the Adobe Sites located at 345 Park Avenue and 151 Almaden Boulevard. The seventh amendment to continue these services was approved by the Agency Board on September 23,2008, in the amount of $150,000, increasing the total contract amount to $466,453, and extending the term for two years. The eighth amendment was executed by the Executive Director on August 10,2010, extending the term to February 28,201 1, at no additional cost. ANALYSIS Under the environmental indemnification agreement in the DDA, the Agency is obligated to pay for all environmental review and mitigation costs, including ongoing environmental monitoring and reporting at the Adobe Sites. AECOM has worked on the Adobe Phase I1 Project since November 1994. AECOM designed the ground water treatment system at the Adobe Sites and has excellent knowledge of the ground water treatment system and the environmental history at the Adobe sites. Due to its experience with the ground water treatment system at the Adobe sites, AECOM is best suited to continue the environmental monitoring and the extensive reporting required by the RWQCB. AECOM 9" Amendment Redevelopment Agency Board AECOM NINTH AMENDMENT Page 3 January 19,2010 AECOM submitted a letter to the RWQCB in August 2008, on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency, proposing that the RWQCB consider a reduction in the groundwater monitoring frequency at Tower I and Tower 11. This proposal was the result of a thorough evaluation of the historical and current groundwater sampling data that AECOM has collected since January 2004 under the NPDES permit requirements. Regardless of a reduction in the frequency of groundwater sampling for the contaminates noted above, the Tower I and Tower I1 Treatment Systems would continue to be operated and the self-monitoringreports would continue to be prepared and submitted on a quarterly basis; and an annual report covering the previous calendar year will be submitted by January 30 of each year, as required by NPDES permits. Redevelopment Agency staff and AECOM met with the RWQCB to discuss the ongoing NPDES permit requirements at the Adobe Sites and to discuss potential changes in monitoring requirements to reflect the reduced amounts of contaminants being found in the groundwater. However, because of the RWQCB requirements, the RWQCB was not able to make any changes in the hequency of groundwater monitoring or in the documentation of findings under the permits. Therefore, the Redevelopment Agency needs to continue the ongoing monitoring of the sites as currently permitted by the RWQCB until such time in the future that both sites meet groundwater standards established by the RWQCB. On November 2,2010, funds were placed in the revised FY 2010-1 1 Redevelopment Agency budget for the continuation of the Adobe groundwater monitoring and reporting requirements. The proposed ninth amendment recommends extending the term of the agreement by one year and amending the scope of services to reflect the environmental monitoring and reporting work in upcoming months on a time and materials basis, and conforms to revisions in regulatory requirements. A contract addition of $56,036 is proposed for one additional year of services for a total agreement amount not to exceed $502,489. Agency staff negotiated with AECOM to have lower hourly charge rates for these services and the rates are now at 2007 levels. EVALUATION AND FOLLOW-UP The consultant will continue monitoring the groundwater during the term of the agreement to detect changes in the water quality and compare it to the standards required by the RWQCB. AECOM 9" Amehdment Page 4 Redevelopment Agency Board AECOM NINTH AMENDMENT January 19,2010 PUBLIC OUTREACHJINTEREST The proposed action does not meet any of the criteria noted below for added outreach efforts. This staff report was posted on the Agency's website and made available for public review in the Agency's public lobby area. Criterion 1: Requires Council action on the use of public hnds equal to $1 million or =eater. - Criterion 2: Adoption of a new or revised policy that may have implications for public health, safety, quality of life, or financial/economic vitality of the City. Criterion 3: Consideration of proposed changes to service delivery, programs, or staffing that may have impacts to community services and have been identified by staff, the Board or Council, or a community group that requires special outreach. COORDINATION This action has been coordinated with the Agency's General Counsel. FISCAL IMPACT Funding for the proposed amendment in the amount of $56,036 is in the Agency's FY 2010-1 1 Adopted Capital Budget, in the Adobe: Water Monitoring project line in the Park Center Redevelopment Area. & Downtown Strategy EIR, Resolution No. 72767. Y S. MAVROGENES Executive Director AECOM 9" Amendment