Evolution Review Sheet IB

Unniitt 33 –
Evvoolluuttiioonn R
Chapter 11 – Origins of Evolutionary Science
1. Briefly summarize the concept of the “natural world” held by each of the following scientists
(or their contribution to the understanding the natural world)
a. Ussher
b. Lyell
c. Malthus
d. Lamarck
e. Darwin.
f. Wallace
2. Summarize the observations and inferences made by Darwin and Wallace that allowed them
to formulate the theory of evolution by natural selection.
3. The fossil record indicates that the common ancestor of all modern horses was actually a
very tiny creature. It looked very much like modern horses but was only about 1 foot tall.
Explain a possible mechanism for the evolution of the modern horse using:
a) Darwin’s Theory
b) Lamarck’s Theory
4. Describe how evidence from the following fields of research support the theory of evolution:
Fossil record, comparative embryology (524), comparative biochemistry (DNA studies) or
comparative anatomy (523).
5. What are vestigial organs and what bearing do they have on evolution?
6. Explain the process of fossilization (511-512)
7. What are the limitations of the fossil record?
8. Why is the fossil record incomplete?
9. What is radiometric dating and how can it be used to date fossils?
10. Use the concept of natural selection to explain the appearance of antibiotic resistant bacteria.
11. How does industrial melanism in moths support the theory of evolution via natural selection?
Chapter 12 – Genetic Variation
1. Define the terms: gene, loci, allele, homozygous, heterozygous, genotype and phenotype.
2. Give two natural processes that may lead to genetic drift. Give an example of each.
3. Define the terms: gene flow, mutation, stabilizing selection, directional selection, disruptive
selection and sexual selection.
Chapter 13 – The Evolutionary History of Life
1. Describe what is meant by primary abiogenesis.
2. Describe the general chemical and physical composition of the Earth shortly after the initial
cooling and the formation of a solid outer crust.
3. With the use of a diagram describe the experiment of Miller and Urey, and their results.
4. Describe current theory describing the origin of the first cells.
5. With the aid of diagrams, describe the process of endosymbiosis.
6. State the 3 major groups that all living things can be classified in.
7. Describe at least 2 examples of mass extinction events that have occurred in the last 570
million years. For each describe the dominant life form before and after the extinction event.
8. Describe what is meant by a cladogram.
9. Distinguish between gradualism and punctuated equilibrium.
10. Distinguish between divergent evolution, convergent evolution and coevolution.