Amy Burgess Education/Research Experience Curriculum Vitae EDUCATION 2011-Present: PhD in Marine Biology, University of Oregon, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, Charleston, OR. 2009-2011: M.S. in Environmental Science, Marine and Estuarine Science Program, Western Washington University, Shannon Point Marine Center, Bellingham & Anacortes, WA. Graduation: December 2011 2004-2009: B.S. in Integrative Biology, Brigham Young University (BYU), Provo, UT Graduation: August 2009 2008: Marine Science Coursework, Western Washington University, Shannon Point Marine Center (MIMSUP), Anacortes, WA RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 2012-present: Larval morphotype identification and quantification from deep-sea cold seep sites in the Barbados Accretionary Prism (OIMB, Charleston, OR) 2012: Early life history development of the Nemertean Prochepalotrix spiralis (OIMB, Charleston, OR) 2011: Larval and adult identification of Nemerteans using molecular techniques (OIMB, Charleston, OR) 2011: Research Assistant: Padilla Bay eelgrass biomass monitoring project. (Padilla Bay NERR, Bay View, WA) 2009-2011: Vectoring algal toxin in marine planktonic food webs: sorting out nutritional deficiency from toxicity effects (SPMC, Anacortes, WA) *Masters Thesis 2010 Research Assistant: The effects of ocean acidification on zoeal development (SPMC, Anacortes, WA) 2009: Research Assistant: Behavioral responses of various barnacle species to the presence of a predator (BYU, OIMB, Charleston, OR) 2008: The effects of starvation on the nutritional value of brine shrimp nauplii as prey for larval crabs (SPMC, Anacortes, WA) 2007: Directed Research: Brook Trout life history and species interaction (BYU, Provo, UT) 2007: Research Assistant: Barnacle morphology and development (OIMB, Charleston, OR) 2006: Directed Research: Predator/Prey interactions focusing on limpets (OIMB, Charleston, OR) INSTRUCTIONAL EXPERIENCE Teaching Assistantships: 2012, 2013 & 2014: Marine Biology: Subtidal and Deep-Sea Ecology (BIOL 457) UO; attended lectures, graded assignments, prepared for classes and field work. 2011 & 2012: Marine Environmental Issues (BIOL 457), UO; attended lectures, graded assignments, oversaw student project work. 2011: Marine Invertebrates & Their Environment (ESCI 426), WWU; assisted in lab section of class, assisted in boat field trips. 2011 & 2010: Biostatistical Analysis (ESCI 340), WWU; attended lectures, graded homework assignments, prepared project material, held office hours. 2010: Natural History of the Pacific Northwest (ESCI 330), WWU; attended lectures, graded assignments, held office hours, instructed students during field trips 2010: Biogeochemistry of Marine Sediments (ESCI 444), WWU; attended various lectures, prep for lab, collected field samples for lab 2010: Estuarine Ecology (ESCI 522), WWU; scan articles, prep lab material 2009: Oceanography Lab (ESCI 322), WWU; attended/assisted labs, graded assignments, prepared lab materials, held office hours. 2009: Environmental Studies: A Scientific Approach (ESCI 101), WWU; attended lectures, graded assignments and exams. 2009: Introduction to Marine Biology (Bio 352), BYU: attended lectures, prepared lecture material, held office hours, graded assignments/exams. 2008: Advanced Invertebrate Zoology (Bio 442), BYU: attended lectures, prepared lecture material. 2007-2009: Animal Diversity (Inbio 341/Bio 220A), BYU: attended lectures, prepared lecture material, graded exams 2007 & 2009: Marine Ecology (Inbio 452), BYU, OIMB: assisted with field studies, lectures and grading. 2007 & 2009: Development of Marine Animals (Inbio 453), BYU, OIMB: assisted with lectures, grading and embryology projects. 2007 & 2009: Marine Biology Directed Research (Inbio 494R), BYU, OIMB: directed and oversaw undergraduate research. 2005: Principles of Biology (Biol 100), BYU: attended lecture, instructed weekly lab group, gave quizzes, graded assignments & exams, held weekly office hours. Other: 2010: Research Mentor: assisted in advising research of a community college student from COSEE program. 2007-2009: Lab Coordinator for Animal Diversity (Inbio 341/Bio 220A), BYU: Set up labs, organized class instruction for each lab, oversaw graduate and undergraduate TAs GRANTS, HONORS, AWARDS, & SCHOLARSHIPS 2013: Neil Richmond Fellowship, Oregon Sea Grant $1000 2013-present : Student Representative – TOS Council, elected by members of TOS 2012-2015: ASLO Student Board Member, elected by members of ASLO for a three year position on the ASLO board 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014: ASLO Multicultural Program Participant, funding to cover all fees (registration, lodging, food, travel) to participate and present at the ASLO/OS meetings 2011-present: Graduate Teaching Fellowship, UO, full tuition, research stipend 2012: University of Oregon Sustainability Fund, grant awarded to help make the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology a more sustainable campus through recycling and community gardening efforts ($4304) 2011: DeSSC (Deep Submergence Science Committee) travel award ($300) for attendance at the fall meeting as part of the early career DeSCC scientists 2011-2012: Graduate School Promising Scholar Award, UO, scholarship for past experiences and showing promise for outstanding new students ($6600) 2011-present: Student representative (The Oceanography Society) to the organizing committee for 2012 Ocean Science Meeting (TOS/ASLO/AGU) 2009-2011: Full Teaching Assistantship, WWU, tuition wavier, research stipend 2009-2011: MSPHDs member, NSF/NASA funded program for minorities pursuing higher degrees in earth system sciences 2010-2011: WAML (Western Association of Marine Laboratories) travel award recipient: $500 for travel to a conference to present research. 2010: Ross Travel Grant: $250 for travel to a conference to present research 2010: Blinn Scholarship for a graduate student studying marine science, WWU, Huxley College ($1500) 2009: Speaker at BYU Graduation Convocation, Life Sciences College 2009: Strut Your Stuff Internship “Most Creative Display Award” ($250) 2008: BYU Academic Scholarship: half tuition 2008: Office of Research and Creative Activities (ORCA) grant ($1500): for undergraduate research on brook trout 2008: Multicultural Initiative in the Marine Sciences: Undergraduate Participation (MIMSUP), National Science Foundation grant: Marine Science instruction and research experience 2005: Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society member: for academic excellence at BYU 2004-2009: BYU Multicultural Student Services Academic & Leadership Scholarship: full tuition & books PRESENTATIONS 2012: Poster Presentation: Ocean Science Meeting. “Vectoring algal toxin in marine planktonic food webs: a look at nutritional deficiencies, feeding rates, and toxicity effects“ Salt Lake City, UT. 2011: Poster Presentation: Deep Submergence Science Committee (DeSSC). “Vectoring algal toxin in marine planktonic food webs, current and future research” San Francisco, CA. 2011: Oral Presentation: Western Society of Naturalists. “Vectoring algal toxin in marine planktonic food webs: a look at nutritional deficiencies and toxicity effects” Vancouver, WA. 2011: Oral Presentation: Western Washington University. “Vectoring algal toxin in marine planktonic food webs: sorting out nutritional deficiency from toxicity effects” Master’s Thesis presentation. Bellingham, WA. 2011: Oral Presentation: Padilla Bay NERR. “Vectoring algal toxin in marine planktonic food webs: a look at feeding rates, selective feeding, nutritional deficiencies, and toxicity effects” Bay View, WA. 2011: Poster Presentation: National Science Foundation. “Vectoring algal toxin in marine planktonic food webs: sorting out nutritional deficiency from toxicity effects” Washington, DC. 2011: Oral Presentation: National Science Foundation. “Amy Burgess: an update on research and education” Washington, DC. 2011: Poster Presentation: Huxley Graduate Research Conference: “Vectoring algal toxin in marine planktonic food webs: sorting out nutritional deficiency from toxicity effects” Bellingham, WA 2011: Oral Presentation: ASLO meeting. “Vectoring algal toxin in marine planktonic food webs: sorting out nutritional deficiency from toxicity effects” San Juan, Puerto Rico 2010: Poster Presentation: WSN meeting. “Vectoring algal toxin in marine planktonic food webs: sorting out nutritional deficiency from toxicity effects” San Diego, CA 2009: Poster Presentation: Strut Your Stuff Internship. “MIMSUP: Preparing for Graduate School.” Provo, UT 2008: Poster Presentation: Pacific Estuarine Research Society (PERS). “The effects of starvation on the nutritional value of brine shrimp nauplii as prey for larval crabs.” Newport, OR 2008: Oral Presentation: NOAA, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service. “The effects of starvation on the nutritional value of brine shrimp nauplii as prey for larval crabs.” Seattle, WA 2008: Poster Presentation: Sigma Xi Research Poster Session. “The nutritional value of starved brine shrimp nauplii as prey for larval crabs.” Bellingham, WA. 2008: Oral Presentation: MIMSUP Symposium. “The nutritional value of starved brine shrimp nauplii as prey for larval crabs.” Anacortes, WA. 2006: Oral Presentation: BYU/OIMB Symposium. “Defensive mechanisms of the limpet Collisella limatula to various cohabiting species.” Charleston, OR. COMMUNITY SERVICE 2012-present: Volunteer: Volunteer scientific SCUBA diver for the Oregon Coast Aquarium. Help with cleaning and maintenance of tanks and exhibits at the aquarium 2012: Outreach: Speaker at local high school. Discussed higher education opportunities with high school students from underrepresented groups. 2011 & 2012: Outreach: Octoberfish, helped run plankton building station and touch tanks for local community members. 2011 & 2010: Outreach: Bivalve Bash, prepared and helped run invertebrate touch tanks, answered questions, transported critters & other volunteers to & from the marine center. 2011 & 2010: Outreach: Kids are Best Fest, prepared and helped run a booth about Shannon Point Marine Center and marine science, helped with seaweed & invertebrate touch tanks, answered questions. 2011: Outreach: Assistant for local eco-cruise. Helped 6th grade students learn oceanography tools (plankton tows, water quality, watershed) aboard the R/V Snowgoose. 2011: Outreach: Judge for the local Anacortes home school science fair. Judged science fair projects for kids ranging from 1st-12th grade. 2010: COSEE workshop: helped with logistics of workshop (food planning, copies for workshops), attended various sections of the workshop, assisted with field trips. 2010: Outreach: Helped students from Seattle intercity high schools press algae, learn about the marine environment and learn about college. 2009: Freshman Retreat: Mentored BYU multicultural freshman during a weekend retreat. Discussed the importance of culture and a college education, ran workshops for communication and study skills. 2008: Outreach program: Developed and taught weekly marine science units to 2nd grade students in the Anacortes School District. Topics included tides, marine organisms, marine habitats and conservation. 2007: Utah Federation of the Blind: Taught visually impaired grade school students about marine organisms, hands on lab work. 2006: BYU Marine Aquaria: Cleaned tanks, regulation of salinity, temperature, & water flow. Fed critters. MEMBERSHIPS, ORGANIZATIONS, CLUBS ASLO (Association of the Sciences of Limnology & Oceanography) – Elected as ASLO student board member (2012-2015) TOS (The Oceanography Society) – Student Representative for Ocean Science Meeting 2012 AGU (American Geophysical Union) WSN (Western Society of Naturalists) OMSA: Oregon Marine Student Association – Co-president (2014-present) Past Membership: WIS – WWU Chapter (Women in Science) GRASP (GRAduate students at Shannon Point) – Western Ambassador GRWG (Graduate Research Working Group) - WWU SKILLS SCUBA Certification: AAUS (American Academy for Underwater Sciences) Open Water Advanced Open Water Rescue Diver Nitrox Red Cross CPR, First Aid & EMS Laboratory Skills: basic lab skills & culture maintenance, Gas Chromatography, Elemental Analysis, otolith-aging techniques, SEM basics, epiflourescence microscopy, mass algal culturing/media maintenance, experienced dissection skills, DNA extraction, PCR, confocal microscopy Photography & Image Analysis: image capture, length measurements, macrophotography Computer Programs: Excel, SigmaPlot, ImagePro Software, PowerPoint, Access, SPSS, PAUP, Photoshop, MicroSuite, GIS basics, Codon Code Aligner, MOCNESS Field Methods: CTD, HAPS corer, MOCNESS, XBT Special Field Methods: Research Cruise (off Barbados, May 2011), R/V Oceanus, CTD, XBT, mooring deployment, larval identification & sorting. Phantom ROV: intensive training in operation & maintenance of Phantom DHD2+2 ROV. Research Cruise (Barbados, May-June 2012), R/V Atlantis, MOCNESS tech, CTD, XBT Research Cruise (off North Carolina, October 2012), R/V Cape Hatteras, deepsea mooring deployment, XBT Research Cruise (Gulf of Mexico, November 2013) R/V Pelican, CTD, mooring deployment Suspended Particulate Rosette Sampler (SUPR): intensive training in operation & maintenance of SUPR Sampler used in conjunction with AUV Sentry Research Cruise (Gulf of Mexico, May/June 2014) R/V Atlantis, MOCNESS tech, SUPR Sampler, Alvin dive