Library Services to Faculty - Ivy Tech Community College

Northwest Region
Library Services to Faculty
for Student
Welcome to the Ivy Tech Community College Northwest libraries! Our dedicated
full and part-time staff stand ready to help you! Hours and services may vary
among the libraries, governed by that particular campus’s needs and space
limitations. Note that reduced hours differ during semester or holiday breaks.
While this is a guide to the services available at all four libraries, any campus
variations will be noted too.
Gary Campus Library
Valparaiso Campus Library
1440 E. 35th Ave.
Gary, IN 46409
Tele: 219-980-4410
3100 Ivy Tech Drive
Valparaiso, IN 46383
Tele: 219-464-8514, Ext. 3020
Gary Library Hours
Valparaiso Library Hours
Monday – Thursday: 8:00 AM to 9:30 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Monday – Thursday: 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Full-Time Staff
Full-Time Staff
Barbara Weaver – Regional Library Director
Nick Vasil – Technical Services Librarian
Linda Holcomb – Library Lab Tech
Janet Katich – Librarian
Tom McConnell – Lab/Media Tech
East Chicago Campus Library
Michigan City Campus Library
410 E. Columbus Drive
East Chicago, IN 46312
Tele: 219-392-3600
3714 Franklin
Michigan City, IN 46360
Tele: 219-879-9137, Ext. 6223
East Chicago Library Hours
Michigan City Library Hours
Monday – Thursday: 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Monday – Thursday: 8:00 AM to 7:30 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Full-Time Staff
Full-Time Staff
Chris Robinson – Library Assistant Manager
Gayle Simpson – Library Assistant Manager
Updated August 201
2012 edition
Library Materials
Resources Available for CheckCheck-Out
Fines & Renewals:
2 weeks (limit 3 per topic)
1 week (limit 3, excluding current issue)
1 day classroom use, or up to one week as needed.
TwentyTwenty-Five cents a day per each overdue item. Books can be renewed if not in demand.
Resources Available for InIn-Library Use:
Reference Books
Magazines and Journals (current issues)
PostPost-Tribune, Wall Street Journal
USA Today, Chicago Tribune
Chicago Sun Times
- all libraries
- Gary, East Chicago, Valparaiso
- Gary, Valparaiso
- Gary
- Michigan City
Library Resource Binders - lists books, journals, videos supporting those areas:
Child Development
Liberal Arts
Culinary Arts
Allied Health - (PTA, Surgical Tech, Medical Assisting, Respiratory Care)
Collection Strengths
While each campus library’s book, video, and journal holdings try to be developed primarily along program lines offered at th
ting due to their strength
campus (for example, nursing, culinary arts, computers, business) the collections below are worth no
in size, or uniqueness to the Region 01 libraries. In addition, all libraries have a strong and separate CAREERS collection of
opics for term paper reports.
books, videos and DVDs. Each also has a strong collection of books on current events/controversial ttopics
American history books, and the PBS American Culture Videodatabase
Children’s picture/easy reading books, early childhood education resources
Company histories – in Reference
Law Library of paralegal reference books
Criminal Justice books and videos/DVDs
Popular Fiction Collection
East Chicago:
Spanish language books,
books, and encyclopedias
African American,
American, fiction and nonfiction collections
Biographies of famous persons
Michigan City:
Elementary Education books
Business books and videos
Culinary Arts books and videos
Recommending New Materials
Contact your campus librarian as to your needs. The Regional Library Director or campus staff will first check to see if we
have similar materials in the collection to bring to your attention. If not, then the Regional Library Director/campus libra
will search a number of sources to find suitable materials to purchase, looking for currency, desirable length, and quality.
Materials are ordered from the regional library center, received there and cataloged, and sent to that library for final
Interlibrary Loan of Materials
If a library does not have the necessary material you need please let the campus library know. Our staff will research where it
aterial is at another Northwest Region
can be found and request it. Your library will call you when the material arrives. If m
library, allow 2 to 3 days. If unavailable regionally or via other Ivy Tech libraries, allow at least 1 week, and from out of state
libraries 2 to 3 weeks to come via ILL system
Media Equipment each Library has:
While each campus has more classrooms over time being
being equipped with ceiling mounted LCD projectors, and computer
classrooms are rere-fitted with newer computers having DVD drives, there still remains a number of media equipment in
demand. The libraries commonly have the equipment below for faculty and other group checkcheck-out use in the classrooms.
o Overhead projectors
o Slide Projectors
o DVD Players
o Laptops and LCDs
o Elmo display units (at Gary and Valparaiso)
How To Reserve Media Equipment:
Provide advance notice at least one day or more ahead to the library by calling or coming by the library. Let staff
know type of equipment needed, time needed, and classroom number. Library staff will reserve equipment
accordingly as is available.
Come approximately one half hour before class to pick up your
your equipment. At Valparaiso, to use the ceiling mounted
projectors in the CC-WING, come to the library to borrow the remotes
Return equipment to library same day, after class period is over.
Faculty IS responsible for the safekeeping and security of media equipment when borrowed. Do not allow students to
deliver equipment back and forth from library.
If assistance is needed with Special equipment setset-up, such as Laptops/LCD units, or Elmo display unit, please let
library tech on your campus know several
several days in advance. Either the library tech or Campus IS technician will
follow up with setting up the equipment for you.
For media equipment taken off campus, permission will be needed from the Chancellor or Vice Chancellor’s office.
NOTE: The Valparaiso library has a statestate-ofof-thethe-art media retrieval system that can electronically transport VHS
tape contents to your classroom. Check that library for details.
Computer Labs
Each campus library has a computer lab area inside its library, with eight or more computers at each location. Each
library likely has at least a partpart-time staff person with a good computer background to help students and do basic
The Valparaiso campus library has 19 computers in a room inside the library – room C231.. The side study rooms
each have one student computer in the rooms for individual study or group use as well.
The Gary library has TWO computer labs
o THE LIBRARY LAB inside the library with 22 computers.
o THE COMPUTER LAB ANNEX, with 22 computers, located around the corner near the front building
entrance. For special class group needs the ANNEX may be reserved, only if NO other classroom is available.
Request its special use during the ANNEX lab’s offoff-times with the Library
Library Director.
All library computer labs are considered OPEN labs,
labs, not for regular classroom use.
If you need special software loaded for your students to have access to, please let library personnel know. Either the
library tech or campus IS technician will
will load it.
Wireless Access
Wireless access is now available in each of the Northwest libraries. All you need is your Campus Connect username and
password to log into the network. If you experience any difficulties, please see your campus’ IT department for assistance.
Ivy Tech Virtual Library
The Virtual Library is a multiple online resource for faculty, staff and students. It is the library’s statewide website, designed
by professional librarians from the 14 regions. The Northwest Ivy Tech library website is accessible through Campus Connect at,, Enter your username & password, and click on the Library tab to find Ivy Tech’s book and video catalog
(IVYCAT), journals in the periodical databases, special collections such as ee-books, reference books on line, audio and video
databases, and selected
selected quality websites.
websites. More details are in IvyCat and the Virtual Library Databases Guide Brochure.
Information Resources in the Virtual Library
In the SEARCH & FIND quadrant, click on any of the following – some of the popular resources!
IVYCAT the comprehensive online library catalog for all 23 Ivy Tech libraries.
• Searches catalog for books,
VIDEOS, and ee-books – by keyword, title, or author.
• Can be limited to campus only searching, or region only searching.
E-BOOK databases:
databases: complete texts of books available online.
* Ebrary
• EBSCO ebooks
Ebscohost – has individual databases such as:
o Academic Search Premier – the biggest and most general database
o Business Source Premier
o Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
o Newspaper Source
GALE – Opposing Viewpoints – contemporary pro and con articles
LexisNexis Academic – legal journals
Proquest - Proquest Nursing Journals
JSTOR – Back issues of upperupper-level academic journals from the arts and sciences
• Films On Demand - Thousands of digital educational videos from the Film Media Group
• Naxos Spoken Word Library – classic and jazz music databases
• NetAnatomy - a detailed collection of anatomical images
• American History in Video – over 5000 captioned videos on American history events & people.
• Biography Resource Center
• Global Road Warrior – cultural,
cultural, geographical, and historical information on countries
• CREDO Reference – database of specialized reference books online
• IvyLynks – quality websites selected by Ivy Tech librarians
• IvyFY
FYI: - links to free websites of statistical sources, encyclopedias, dictionaries
• Professional Teaching Resources:
Resources: - links to teaching and gov’t websites on topics such as plagiarism,
learning styles, assessment, student persistence. Also includes access to major educational journals.
Information Literacy and Class Instruction
Knowing how to navigate the Virtual Library, its many information resources, and how to apply these resources critically for
coursework is a key part of student success at Ivy Tech. Acquiring these information literacy skills is more than just knowing
how to find quality information online, it impacts a student’s success in college, AND a student’s ability to apply these
computer and thought process skills to future job performance
performance and lifelife-long learning.
needs.. Basic instruction can begin in IVY 101/120
We encourage you to schedule library instruction sessions tailored to your needs
classes. English Composition
Composition classes
classes are often a student’s introduction to the next step of library tours, usually an hour long.
More specialized instruction sessions are available for nursing, business, psychology classes and others. Let us help your
students find the resource materials & scholarly journals they need to write term papers - and become information savvy too!