Chiawana High School - Pasco School District

Chiawana High School
Volume 4: Issue 4/January 2013
Riverhawks Take the Plunge
What does it take to get 13
Riverhawks to jump into
the Columbia River when
the water is 38 degrees?
Special Olympics was reason enough. The
Polar Plunge is a Tri-City annual event sponsored by state and local law enforcement to
benefit Special Olympics. Angie Sessions,
CHS Dean of Students, was the lone staff
member along with these brave Riverhawks to
take the plunge: Sierra Baker, Kylee Garcia,
Ariel Newton, Brandee Miller, Matthew Miller, Madison Powers, Zackary Schull, Andrew Sengmanyphet, Skyla Stifter, Alexis
Toyoda, Haley Wright, and Michaela York.
Our team was even featured on the front page
of the Tri-City Herald. They raised $450 for the
Way to plunge, Riverhawks!
Front row (left to right): Alexis Toyoda, Skyla Stifter, Sierra Baker, Andrew Sengmanyphet,
Brandee Miller, Matthew Miller. Back row (left to right): Angie Sessions, Madison Powers,
Zackary Schull, Haley Wright, Kylee Garcia. Not pictured: Ariel Newton and Michaela York.
Pasco School District Bond 2013 Information
The Pasco School District will run a bond initiative on the February 12, 2013 ballot. The estimated rate for taxpayers is 34 cents
per $1,000 of assessed value, or $34 per year for a $100,000
property. The bond will fund:
 Elementary school #13, located at Road 52 and Power
termined based on final bids and state matching dollars:
 New Horizons High School relocation.
 Stevens Middle School site improvements.
 Pasco High School entrance, offices and additional
science labs.
 Mark Twain Elementary School pick up and drop off.
 District-wide improvements such as upgrades at
older schools.
 Portables.
 Design funds for next schools.
 Land purchases: elementary, middle and high
school sites.
line, scheduled to open in fall of 2014 and will have a capacity of 750 students.
Elementary school #14, a Westside kindergarten center
located at Road 60 and Sandifur, scheduled to open in fall
2015 with a capacity of 725 students.
Elementary school #15, located at the Whittier Elementary
site, scheduled to open in fall 2015 with a capacity of 750
Become an informed voter. Attend an information session at your
local school. For a complete list of session dates, go to
Possible miscellaneous projects to be prioritized and
Remember to vote and
mail your ballot by
Tuesday, February 12
Mission Statement: To ignite world-class learning, resulting in thoughtful and accomplished individuals.
CHS Newsletter
Page 3
Students Participate in Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Assembly
Washington State requires all school districts to
have a HIB (Harassment, Intimidation, and
Bullying) policy for their district as well as an
annual training for all staff and students.
with a student’s education; or
 Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that
it created an intimidating or threatening
educational environment; or
 Has the effect of substantially disrupting
the orderly operation of the school.
On February 1, CHS Leadership students held
an assembly for each class on HIB. They produced a video and testimonies from students
about being victims of bullying. They sent a
clear message that “Bullying will not be
Another form of bullying that has increased
over the last few years is “cyber bullying.” New
laws are being passed and enforced to cut
down on this type of bullying.
The Pasco School District, in compliance with
HB 1444, has adopted (PSD Policy 3207), Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying. This policy clearly states that bullying or
harassment of any kind will not be tolerated on
RCW 9A.36.080(3), or other distinguishing
any of our campuses.
characteristics, when the intentional written,
This policy is printed in our CHS student hand- verbal, or physical act:
book for your review: “Harassment, intimidation
 Physically harms a student or damages
or bullying’ means any intentional written, verthe student’s property; or
bal, or physical act, including but limited to one
 Has the effect of substantially interfering
shown to be motived by any characteristic in
Running Start Information Night
Qualified students with current
sophomore and junior credit
status are eligible to participate in our state’s Running Start Program
through Columbia Basin College. Students
enrolled in this program earn dual high school
and college credits. The state of Washington
picks up the majority of the costs. A presentation about the program, family costs, and eligibility requirements well be held on
Participation in Running Start involves a family
commitment. The individual’s decision to participate can most appropriately be made after consideration of each student’s personal and academic goals. Students must also reach
“qualifying scores” on the Running Start test to
participate in the program. For more information, contact Mary Gutierrez at 543-6786,
Ext. 5564 or e-mail
Thursday—February 21
@ 7:00 pm—Auditorium
2013-14 Registration
Attention Parents: In the month of February
students will be registering for next year’s classes. Please take a moment to talk with your
student(s) regarding their graduation progress
and help them with their class choices. The
CHS guidebook for 2013-2014 is now posted on
our website for you to review.
If you have any questions, contact your student’s counselor.
See Blue
in All
You Do!
Further, Policy 3207:
 Encourages all staff and students to report any incident of bullying or harassment to an appropriate school official.
 Establishes an informal and formal process for filing complaints.
 Protects the reporting person from reprisal, retaliation or false accusation against
a victim or witness.
Copies of the policy are available from any
administrator at Chiawana High School. Any
student subject to harassment should immediately report the problem to a school official
(teacher, counselor or administrator.)
Health Alert
The flu season is upon us. Take care to
prevent illness due to colds and flu this
winter. Remember to cover coughs, wash
hands frequently (or use alcohol-based
hand sanitizer), avoid
touching eyes, nose
and mouth, and stay
home if you are ill.
The Benton-Franklin
Health District recommends the flu vaccine
for those who have
not yet had a flu shot, especially for young
children, chronically ill children, pregnant
women, and elderly, who are at high risk
for complications from flu.
Children should stay home if they have a
fever 100 degrees or higher, vomiting or
diarrhea. They are welcome back to school
after they have been symptom free (without
medication) for 24 hours.
If you have any health related questions,
please contact the school nurse.
CHS Newsletter
Page 2
CHS Winter Graduation
Apply for
Attention Seniors! Did you know
that there are thousands of dollars
in scholarships available? Scholarship money helps lower the cost of
post-high school education. There
are many types of scholarships, so
check them out in Student Services.
Contact Cody Tapia at 543-6786,
ext. 5696 or e-mail for more information. Scholarships are also listed
on our website at
These eight seniors were all smiles after receiving their diplomas on January 31. Family, friends, teachers,
counselors, school board members, Superintendent Saundra Hill and CHS Principal Teri Kessie were present for the ceremony. These students overcame many obstacles and kept their eyes on the goal. CHS is
very proud of these graduates and wish them much success in the future.
Congratulations Seniors!
Seniors, you will not be able to walk
in the graduation ceremony
if your fines
are not paid.
Now is a good
time to start
paying those
fines in the ASB office.
Class of 2013
Saturday—June 1
@ 6:00 pm
Edgar Brown
Winter graduates 2013 (left to right): Hirvin Bahena, Luis Alvarez, Yasmin Batalla, Daniela Marie
Soto, Edith Labra, Sergey Dumbravanu, Jesus Celaya, and Kevin Rodriguez.
Senior Project Deadlines
Attention Senior Parents:
It is a busy time in the Senior Project office as we get closer to senior boards and graduation. Remember,
ALL Seniors must complete a 15-hour project during their senior year as a graduation requirement. Please
track your student’s progress and encourage them to meet all senior project deadlines.
Soon a letter will go out to all parents showing your student’s status and what they have/have not turned
in. We strongly encourage parent involvement. If you have any questions, please call 543-6786, ext. 5769.
Upcoming Senior Project Deadlines
February 25—Two letters of recommendation
March 18—Best Works #3
April 8—Experience log, experience verification and experience reflection
April 15—Letter to the judges (after the letter to the judges is turned in, students can check out
their folder and put their portfolio together)
 April 22—Turn in your completed portfolio by alphabet: April 22 (A-E), April 23 (F-L),
April 24 (M-R), April 25 (S-Z), April 26 (portfolios accepted with administrator approval)
 May 14 & 15—Senior Boards
Destination Graduation!
Pasco School District’s Career & Technical Education
Programs (CTE) are on the cutting edge of today’s
technology. Courses are designed and taught to industry standards. All of the skills gained in our programs transfer directly to the workforce.
Many of our programs have earned local, state and
national recognition.
Students have the opportunity to receive college
Our Business Intern Work Experience (PHS) / WorkBased Learning Experience (CHS) offers a paid work-
based learning opportunity for students.
All of our programs offer student leadership opportunities through on-campus clubs. Students are able to
compete, travel, and interact with students from
across the nation. Many of our students have competed and placed in national contests. These competitions help further student skills.
Tri-Tech Skills Center is a cooperatively owned facility and is an extension and educational resource to
PSD students.
Agriculture Education
 Agricultural Biotechnology—Intro/Adv
[Lab Science credit]
 Agricultural Science—Intro/Adv
[Lab Science credit]
 Animal Science—Intro/Adv
[Lab Science credit]
[CBC credits]
[Fine Arts credit]
 Horticulture
[Financial Literacy credit/CBC credits]
[Adv class operates a credit union through Gesa]
 Business English
[CBC credits]
 Financial Literacy—Intro/Adv
[CBC credits]
[English credit]
 2D & 3D Animation & Design
[Fine Arts credit]
 Technology Literacy—Intro/Adv
 Web Design—Into/Adv
[Fine Arts credit]
 Work-Based Learning Experience
Marketing Education
 Entrepreneurship
 Foods & Nutrition—Intro/Adv
 Human Development
 Interior Design
[Fine Arts credit]
 Sports Medicine—Intro/Adv
[Health credit]
 Translation & Interpretation—Intro/Adv
Technology Education
 Auto Mechanics—Intro/Adv
[CBC credits]
 Fashion Marketing
[Classes held @ PHS/CBC credits]
 Computer Aided Design—Intro/Adv
[CBC credits]
 Marketing—Intro/Adv
[Classes held @ PHS /Fine Arts credit]
 Woods Technology—Intro/Adv
[Classes held @ PHS/Fine Arts credit]
[CBC credits]
 Costuming
 Early Childhood Education/GRADS
Business Education
 Accounting—Intro/Adv
 Metals Technology—Intro/Adv
 Careers in Education Work Experience
 Clothing Design
 Commercial Foods Academy—Class
held at Pasco Specialty Kitchen in Pasco
 Floriculture—Intro/Adv
[CBC credits]
Auto Body Technology
Auto Systems Technology
Construction Trades
Culinary Arts
Dental Assisting
Diesel Tech
Digipen Computer Science
Digital Video & TV Production
Early Childhood Education
Fire Fighting
Graphic Communications
Health Information Technician
Law Enforcement
Pre-Veterinarian Technician
Radio Broadcasting
Teen Parent Education
Welding Technology
 Computer Engineering A+ - Intro/Adv
 Construction Trades—Intro/Adv
[CBC credits]
 School Store Operations
[CBC credits]
 Sports & Entertainment Marketing
[CBC credits]
Family & Consumer Sciences Education
 American Sign Language—Intro/Adv
 Careers in Education
[Class held at construction site]
 Photography—Intro/Adv
[Fine Arts credit]
 Digital Video Productions
[Fine Arts credit]
See your counselor
TODAY to register for these classes!
Pasco Education Foundation
A Night of Dinner, Dancing and More!
Join PEF as we celebrate Pasco students and honor past
Pasco High coach and teacher, Don Monson,
for his commitment to kids with an annual
scholarship provided in his name.
2nd Annual
Friday-February 22
Red Lion Hotel—Pasco
6:00 pm
Tickets $35 per person
Sponsor a table of 8 for $300
(all proceeds support scholarships and classroom
grants for Pasco School District students)
Mu sco
Pa wa ds
Ch z Ba
For more information contact:
Melanie Norris
Pasco Education Foundation
CHS Newsletter
February 7
Student Mall
@ 7:00 pm
$3 presale
$5 @ the door or
$3 with a Teddy Bear
Free Hot Cocoa
CHS DECA members and Chris Mayfield (CHS Para-pro) have
teamed together to promote “Say Yes to the Dress” as a fundraiser
for Royal Family Kids, a
local foster care program.
They are collecting gently
used homecoming, prom,
quince, or party dresses,
which will be auctioned off
at a fashion show in April
(TBA). The dresses will be
gifted to local foster care
girls in our area. If you have
a dress to donate, please
e-mail Leslie Bell at
Spring Sports Clearance Night
Wednesday—February 20
5:30—7:00 pm
Attention spring sports athletes. Time to sign up in the athletic office.
You will need a physical, pay for an ASB and get paperwork filled out
and returned. This includes baseball, softball, boys soccer, tennis, golf
and track. First practices are February 25 (must be cleared before you
can practice).
Upcoming Music Events
Jazz Solo/Combo Night
Monday—February 11
CHS Auditorium
@ 7:00 pm
Band Concert
Wednesday—February 27
CHS Auditorium
@ 7:00 pm
Page 6
CHS Newsletter
Become a CHS Booster
Club Member!
Chiawna’s Booster Club needs you! Suport our
Riverhawks! The club is also looking for volunteers to help in the concession stands during athletic events. Please call Davina Pink (727-6729) or
Jill Bosch (727-2912) or e-mail
“La versión en español de
este boletín va adjunta a
esta versión.”
Chiawana High School
8125 West Argent Road
Pasco, WA 99301
(509) 543-6786
Fax: (509) 543-6730
Dates to Remember
Feb 7
Cocoa Café @ 7:00 pm
Feb 11
Jazz Solo/Combo Night
@ 7:00 pm
Feb 13
Early Release @ 10:45 am
Feb 14
Valentine’s Day
Feb 18
NO SCHOOL-Presidents’ Day
Feb 20
Spring Sports Clearance Night
@ 5:30-7:00
Feb 21
Running Start Night @ 7:00 pm
Feb 21
9th Grade Registration Night
@ 5:30 pm
Feb 27
Band Concert @ 7:00 pm
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