Sample Rough Copy: Based on Prison Break


Sample Rough Copy: Based on Prison Break (Episode 1)

Background Information:

Set up the scene – setting, time, place

- Fox River Penitentiary

- afternoon

- scene takes place at a picnic table in the prison yard

- prisoners are outside for daily activity

List of characters and descriptions of each

Michael Scofield: average-looking guy; calm; highly- intelligent and quick- witted; in prison for attempted robbery (really planning to escape with his brother who is also in prison)

John Abruzzi: intimidating mobster; Italian accent; long hair

Background information to the scene

As part of his plan to break out of the prison, Scofield needs to be on PI and the only way he can gain access is through John Abruzzi

He realizes that Abruzzi isn’t a welcoming or friendly guy so he has to make Abruzzi feel like he

Scofield to be part of the PI team needs

This scene is Scofield planting the seed in Abruzzi’s head that he (Scofield) has something (maybe information? We don’t find out what the something is yet) that Abruzzi needs



Michael approaches Abruzzi and simply tells him that he needs to be on PI. Abruzzi doesn’t accept his request and tells Michael to leave

Rising Action

Michael starts to manipulate Abruzzi by making it seem as though he is an asset somehow to Abruzzi

He then hands Abruzzi a folded paper crane

Abruzzi is caught off- guard for a brief moment but collects himself and makes a sarcastic remark about the crane


Michael now demands to be on PI

Abruzzi’s group of ‘goons’ stand up in an attempt to intimidate Scofield


Michael suggests that Abruzzi think about his demand and simply walks – he doesn’t seem to have been at all intimidated

Abruzzi watches as he walks away

Scene Set-Up

Camera angles: medium shot; eye-level so viewer feels they are part of the scene

Close ups on Scofield, Abruzzi and the paper crane to add to tension of scene

Prison yard is busy

Schofield approaches as Abruzzi and his group are sitting and standing around picnic table

Sample Screenplay: Title Page

Student Name


Ms Clegg

March 6, 2013

Prison Break

Sample Page One

Cast: Michael Scofield

John Abruzzi

Aburzzi’s group


- afternoon at Fox River Penitentiary

- scene takes place at a picnic table in the prison yard

- prisoners are outside for daily activity



As part of his plan to break out of the prison, Scofield needs to be on PI and the only way he can gain access is through John Abruzzi


He realizes that Abruzzi isn’t a welcoming or friendly guy so he has to make

Abruzzi feel like he needs Scofield to be part of the PI team


This scene is Scofield planting the seed in Abruzzi’s head that he (Scofield) has something (maybe information? We don’t find out what the something is yet) that Abruzzi needs

Sample Page Two


Scofield: Abruzzi, I need you to hire me at PI.

Abruzzi: [ calmly ] Beat it.

Scofield: [ with a smug smile ] Maybe you oughta hear what I got to say.

Abruzzi: You got nothing I need

Scofield: Wouldn't be too sure of that. [ places a origami crane in front of Abruzzi ]

Abruzzi: [ cynically ] My mistake, just what I need - a duck!

Scofield: PI, Abruzzi. You might find that I can be of more assistance than you think.

[ Abruzzi's goons get up and approach menacingly.

They stare at Schofield to intimidate him ]

Scofield: [ Scofield starts backing off, smiling ] Mull it over, come find me when you're ready to talk.

[ walks off ][ Abruzzi stares in a sense of curiosity ]
