The Role of Model Organisms in the History of Mitosis Research

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The Role of Model Organisms in the History
of Mitosis Research
Mitsuhiro Yanagida
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Okinawa 904-0495, Japan
Mitosis is a cell-cycle stage during which condensed chromosomes migrate to the middle of
the cell and segregate into two daughter nuclei before cytokinesis (cell division) with the aid
of a dynamic mitotic spindle. The history of mitosis research is quite long, commencing well
before the discovery of DNA as the repository of genetic information. However, great and
rapid progress has been made since the introduction of recombinant DNA technology and
discovery of universal cell-cycle control. A large number of conserved eukaryotic genes
required for the progression from early to late mitotic stages have been discovered, confirming that DNA replication and mitosis are the two main events in the cell-division cycle. In this
article, a historical overview of mitosis is given, emphasizing the importance of diverse
model organisms that have been used to solve fundamental questions about mitosis.
Onko Chisin—An attempt to discover new truths by
studying the past through scrutiny of the old.
itosis means “thread” in Greek. In the
19th century, pioneering researchers who
developed light microscopic techniques discovered characteristic thread-like structures
in dye-stained cells before cell division. They
named this stage “mitosis,” for the appearance
of the threads. The threads are now known to be
condensed chromosomes, which first become
visible with light microscopy during a mitotic
stage called prophase. This is followed by prometaphase (later known to be important as
this stage is controlled by the spindle assembly
checkpoint [SAC]), then metaphase (in which
the chromosomes are aligned in the middle of
cell), anaphase A (in which identical sister chromatids comprising individual chromosomes
separate and move toward opposite poles of
the cell), anaphase B (in which the spindle elongates as the chromosomes approach the poles),
and telophase (the terminal phase of mitosis
during which chromosomes decondense, again
becoming invisible with light microscopy, the
nuclear membrane reforms, and the spindle disassembles) before cytokinesis (cell division)
(see Fig. 1 for terminology related to G1, G2,
S, and M phases, and Fig. 2 for a schematic of
the progression of mitosis).
In comparison with the whole-cell-division
cycle, mitosis is a brief period during which
condensed chromosomes are accurately segregated into daughter nuclei with the aid of an
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M. Yanagida
Sister chromatid
DNA replication
Chromosome DNA
Figure 1. The cell cycle consists of four phases: G1, S, G2, and M. Mitosis (M phase) is a brief period of the cell-
division cycle. Blue denotes chromosomal DNA; red, centromere/kinetochore. S phase, which comprises a
period of DNA synthesis, is preceded by a gap (G1 means the first gap) in which there is no DNA synthesis. G1
phase is alternatively called the prereplicative phase. S phase is followed by another gap (G2). Again, there is no
synthesis of DNA in G2 unless DNA damage must be repaired by replication. G2 phase eventually enters M
phase or mitosis, which completes one cell cycle. Morphological and biochemical events occurring in these
phases are described. The cell-cycle concept was developed around 1953. The boundary between G2 and M is
somewhat ambiguous because the initiation of prophase is difficult to define in some cells. Although the
activation of cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1) protein kinase and two other protein kinases, polo and aurora
B, are generally accepted as biochemical markers for the onset of mitosis, it should be noted that mitosis is a
morphological (cell structural) event, and a number of visible cell structural mitotic markers have been
proposed, such as nuclear membrane disassembly, chromosome condensation, spindle formation, kinetochore
microtubule formation, etc. (see Fig. 2). The end of mitosis is also ambiguous. In telophase, chromosomes
are fully segregated, but still condensed. Entry into the G1 phase occurs after chromosome decondensation, reformation of the nuclear membrane around daughter nuclear chromatin, and cytokinesis. In
many cells, such as Physarum or vertebrate skeletal muscle cells, cytokinesis does not occur, producing
multinucleate cells.
assemblage of pole-to-pole microtubules called
the spindle. In addition, there are short aster
microtubules that radiate from the spindle poles
toward the cell cortex, and kinetochore microtubules that join the attachment region of chromosomes (called sister kinetochores). This is
normally followed by a postmitotic event, cytokinesis, which generates two daughter cells.
The first person to observe mitosis in detail
was a German biologist, Walther Flemming
(1843 – 1905), who is the pioneer of mitosis
research and also the founder of cytogenetics
(see Fig. 3) (Paweletz 2001). Flemming described the behavior of chromosomes during
mitosis with amazing accuracy in an 1882 collection entitled, Cell Substance, Nucleus and Cell
Division. For visualization of chromosomes,
Flemming used aniline dyes, which bind to
Chromosome, in Greek, means colored
(“chroma”) body (“soma”). A chromosome is
an organized structure of DNA, protein, and
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Model Organisms in the History of Mitosis Research
Eukaryotic cells
Nuclear membrane
Pole-to-pole microtubule
Astral microtubule
Kinetochore microtubule
Anaphase A
Anaphase B
Figure 2. Higher eukaryotic mitosis. In higher eukaryotic prophase, the nuclear membrane begins to degrade on
the onset of chromosome condensation. In fungi, such as yeast, the nuclear membrane remains during mitosis.
Centrosomes (called “spindle pole bodies” in yeast) are duplicated and begin to form the mitotic spindle. In
prometaphase, the full spindle forms and condensed chromosomes are attached to kinetochore microtubules. In
metaphase, chromosomes are aligned at the middle. In anaphase A, sister chromatids are pulled toward opposite
poles. In anaphase B, spindle extension occurs. Finally, in telophase, the nuclear membrane reforms.
RNA, which changes its form dramatically
during the cell cycle and under different physiological and physicochemical conditions. Significantly, most of Flemming’s work was performed before the rediscovery (1900) of the
genetic principles discovered by Gregor Mendel
(1822 –1884). Flemming had no knowledge of
DNA, which was discovered as the “nuclein”
substance in 1869 by a Swiss biochemist, Friedrich Miescher, and much later identified as the
genetic material by Oswald Avery (Avery et al.
Flemming used a species of salamander as
the source of his material because salamanders
have very large chromosomes. The genome (a
haploid, or single set of chromosomes) size may
be approximately 10 times larger than that of
humans, because it contains a large number of
repetitious DNAs. In Flemming’s day, large cells
containing large chromosomes were an obvious
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M. Yanagida
Figure 3. (A) Walther Flemming (image is part of the public domain and, therefore, is reprinted free from
copyright restrictions). (B) Theodor Boveri (image is part of the public domain and, therefore, is reprinted free
from copyright restrictions). (C) Barbara McClintock (image courtesy of the Barbara McClintock Papers,
American Philosophical Society; copyright holder is unknown).
advantage. The large chromosomes of cells such
as thin epithelial cells of newt lungs have proven
to be extremely useful in making high-resolution movies of mitosis (Rieder and Hard 1990).
Detailed behavior of individual chromosomes
at the SAC (Li et al. 1993), which regulates
prometaphase, was clearly observed by Nomarski-differential interference contrast video microscopy (Rieder and Alexander 1990).
Theodor Boveri (1862 – 1915), a German biologist, understood the importance of cell and
chromosome research and he worked on the
early development of sea urchins (Phylum Echinodermata). He discovered fast, repeated mitoses, revealing individual chromosomes and
centrosomes at early embryonic stages. Because
embryonic sea urchin cells are highly transparent and divide every 20– 30 min, they are ideal
for observing mitotic events in real time. Boveri’s fundamental contributions to the chromosomal theory of inheritance, mitotic cell cycle, and tumorigenesis are available in English
(Baltzer 1964; Boveri 2008).
Baltzer (1964) observed that Boveri’s work
established the foundation for the chromosome
theory that identified chromosomes as the
hereditary material. First, chromosomes are individual bodies in the cell nucleus. Second, different chromosomes carry different hereditary
materials. Chromosomes are gene transmitters.
Third, there exists a relationship between the
location of individual genes on the chromosome and frequencies of crossing over affecting
them. In addition, by observing aberrant mitoses, Boveri (2008) proposed that scrambled
chromosomes produced by abnormal mitosis
might be the cause of carcinogenesis, so that
cancer can originate from a single cell that divided abnormally.
Barbara McClintock (1902 – 1992), an American
cytogeneticist, made several important discoveries in genetics and chromosome biology,
using maize as her experimental organism.
She mapped maize genes on chromosomes
(McClintock 1929, 1931), discovered ringshaped chromosomes (McClintock 1932), unstable chromosome ends (McClintock 1941),
and transposable genes (McClintock 1950). Although none of these was closely related to
mitosis, McClintock’s work made it possible to
understand certain behaviors of chromosomes,
such as recombination and transposition. For
example, if telomeres of two chromosomes were
lost during cell division, the resulting daughter
cells might produce ring-like chromosomes
with two centromeres (special DNA regions
in which kinetochores attach to the spindle microtubules during metaphase). McClintock’s
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Model Organisms in the History of Mitosis Research
studies became very important when one considers the outcomes of unusual chromosome
events, such as cases of unequal segregation or
transposition. In addition, she rightly pointed
out that differentiated cells often arise after
asymmetric mitosis. She stated that different
gene regulations arise from daughter cells
formed by asymmetric cell divisions in which
one daughter cell gained or lost something compared with the other (McClintock 1984). Studies of chromosome structure also flourished using plant cells because chromosomes of certain
plant cells, such as lily, onion, and Haemanthus,
are very large. For example, meiotic behavior of
lily kinetochores could be observed in detail
with light microscopy (Matsuura 1951). However, chromosome studies at the molecular level
using plants are relatively uncommon today.
Polarization microscopy, using birefringence,
was invented for observing the mitotic spindle
in living cells, as spindle fibers connecting the
spindle poles and chromosome are doubly
refractive (Inoue and Dan 1951; Inoue 1953).
Before observation of the mitotic spindle by
polarization microscopy, the existence of the
“spindle fibers” was regarded with skepticism.
Because microtubules are dynamic ephemeral structures, fibrous mitotic elements were
thought, by some, to be a fixation artifact. Shinya
Inoue, who used polarization microscopy to observe the mitotic spindle in living cells, resolved
the dispute. The spindle was found in dividing
cells of various organisms, including grasshoppers, fruit flies, tube worm (Chaetopterus pergamentaceous) oocytes, and pollen mother cells of
Lilium longiflorum. Inoue and others also used
polarization optics to show the fragile nature of
the spindle, which disappears after mitosis and
in the presence of microtubule-destroying poisons. Glutaraldehyde, a bifunctional cross-linker, was later found to be a good fixative. Confirmation of the ubiquity of the mitotic spindle
among eukaryotes, such as fungi, had to await
thin sectioning of cells for electron microscopy
(Robinow and Marak 1966).
Mazia and Dan (1952) developed cell-free
methods to isolate the mitotic apparatus from
dividing sea urchin eggs (Strongylocentrotus
franciscanus and Strongylocentrotus purpuratus)
in quantity. Their procedures were based on
selective solubilization of the cytoplasm surrounding the spindle apparatus. The isolated
structures at various stages in mitosis contained
chromosomal and nonchromosomal parts and
correspond well to the microscopic structures in
vivo. The isolated apparatus is birefringent, as
seen in polarized microscopy. The entire mitotic apparatus behaved in the test tube as a single
physical entity.
It was unclear whether the mitotic spindle
and asters were required for cell division. Yukio
Hiramoto (1956) bravely removed the spindle
apparatus from dividing cells of sea urchin embryos using a micropipette. Cytokinesis (cell
division) still occurred when the spindle was
removed during anaphase or later, indicating
that the spindle apparatus, although essential
for chromosomal movement, was not required
for cell division per se. In some eggs, initiation
of furrowing was even seen despite the removal
of both spindle and asters during mitotic metaphase. The position of the cleavage plane was
not altered by elimination of the whole spindle
apparatus. Hiramoto concluded that furrowing
results from an active function of the cell cortex.
It is now known that an actomyosin ring formed
at the cell equator later in mitosis is essential for
cell division (Mabuchi 1973).
Mammalian cell culture techniques have quite a
long history, starting in the 19th century by a
German zoologist, Wilhelm Roux. Cells isolated
from tissues were grown in primary cultures
and then maintained as cell lines or stocked
for multiple use. Animal cell culture became a
common technique in the 1970s. Rao and Johnson performed key experiments that showed
the induction of mitosis by trans-acting (freely diffusing) factors (Johnson and Rao 1970;
Rao and Johnson 1970). Using the cell fusion
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M. Yanagida
technique, they mixed nuclei at different cellcycle phases in the same cytoplasm (heterokaryon) and attempted to determine whether
these nuclei at different cell-cycle phases could
influence one another. Their results were quite
When M-phase cells were mixed with G1, S,
or G2 phase cells, premature (inappropriate)
mitosis occurred in the interphase nuclei, showing that there were diffusible factors that could
promote M phase in the interphase nuclei.
When S-phase nuclei were mixed with G1-phase
nuclei, G1 nuclei were induced to start S phase,
suggesting that S-phase nuclei contain a diffusible factor that induces DNA replication. When
S-phase nuclei were mixed with G2-phase nuclei, the G2 nucleus did not reinitiate S phase.
G2-phase nuclei were refractory to the diffusible
factor from S-phase nuclei. When G1-phase nuclei were mixed with G2-phase nuclei, no S or M
phase occurred. These results strongly suggested
that diffusible induction factors are produced
in the nuclei during S and M phases. The Sphase-promoting factor only works on G1 nuclei. The M-phase-promoting factor works on
everything. Rao and Johnson’s experiments using mammalian cells paved the way for understanding mammalian cell-cycle regulations, and
later led to the discovery of maturation-promoting factor (MPF) and cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK).
For 3000 – 5000 years, mankind has depended
on the budding yeast, Saccharomyces, for making bread and beer. In 1857, Louis Pasteur
(1822 – 1895) discovered the fermentation process using yeast. He showed that alcoholic fermentation was conducted by living yeast cells
and not by a chemical catalyst. In the laboratory,
yeast has been intensively used by biochemists
to study enzymatic roles in various metabolic
pathways. Leland Hartwell, a molecular biologist originally trained in mammalian DNA synthesis, directed his attention to yeast genetics
about 1965 and introduced a revolutionarily
new approach to cell-cycle research. In his initial
yeast genetics paper, he isolated and characterized 400 temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which were defective
in certain aspects of the cell-division cycle
(Hartwell et al. 1970, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1991).
These ts mutants were unable to form colonies on rich media at 36˚C, but they grew normally, or nearly so, at 23˚C. The mutants were
tested for loss of viability, change in morphology, cell number increase, and the ability to
synthesize protein, ribonucleic acid (RNA),
and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) after a shift
from 23˚C ( permissive) to 36˚C (restrictive
temperature). Mutations were found that resulted in a preferential loss of the ability to perform protein synthesis, RNA synthesis, DNA
synthesis, cell division, or cell-wall formation.
Time-lapse light microscopy was used to detect
ts mutants defective in gene functions needed at
specific stages of the cell-division cycle.
By characterizing mutants of genes that
control different stages of the cell cycle, these
ts strains were called cdc (cell-division cycle)
mutants. For example, when cells carrying one
cdc mutation arrest at a cell-cycle stage (the execution point), most cells end up with a tiny
bud that does not develop further. They are arrested at bud emergence. When cells carrying
another cdc mutation terminate at mitosis, cells
display a large bud and are destined to arrest in
mid-nuclear division. Cells carrying another cdc
mutation are defective in cell separation. They
do not show a definite termination point because other processes of the cell cycle, such as
bud initiation and nuclear division, continue,
despite the block in cell separation.
After characterization of cdc mutants defective at different cell-cycle stages, particularly at
initiation of DNA replication, bud emergence,
nuclear division (mitosis), and cell separation
(cytokinesis), Hartwell et al. (1974) proposed a
model that accounted for the order of cell-cycle
events that was deduced from the phenotypes
of budding yeast ts mutants. These pioneering
genetic studies were performed before the age
of DNA cloning and sequencing and recombinant DNA technology. At the time of cdc mutant isolation, there was no concrete hope that
genes responsive to mutations and molecular
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Model Organisms in the History of Mitosis Research
functions of gene products would be elucidated
in the near future. However, Hartwell and his
colleagues identified CDC28 as the crucial cellcycle regulator, which later turned out to be the
catalytic subunit of CDK1, a fundamental cellcycle regulator.
The fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces
pombe, is also an excellent model for studying
cell-cycle control, mitosis, and genome biology.
S. pombe possesses approximately 5000 genes
and is believed to have diverged from S. cerevisiae about one billion years ago. Parallel studies
are often useful because that which is true in
both yeasts often applies to vertebrates. Mitchison and Leupold, respectively, initiated cell
physiology and genetics of S. pombe in the
1950s (Mitchison 1957; Leupold 1958). S.
pombe vegetative cells are rod-shaped and the
organism increases its length by growth. Using
this property, Fantes and Nurse (1977) isolated
cell-size mutants, later found to be defective
in Cdc2, Wee1, and Cdc25, which are important cell-cycle-regulating kinases and a phosphatase, respectively (Nurse 1990). Fission yeast
has only three chromosomes, and mitotic chromosome condensation is visualized using a
fluorescent probe, DAPI (1,4-diaminidino-2phenylindole), for staining DNA (Toda et al.
1981). The genome is an attractive system because it contains heterochromatin with histone
H3 lysine-9 methylation in centromeres, telomeres, and the mating-type locus and includes
numerous noncoding RNAs (Bernard et al.
2001; Volpe et al. 2002; Hirota et al. 2008).
The Rao – Johnson studies showed that nuclear– cytoplasmic interactions are important for
regulating mitosis. Masui and Markert (1971)
published a paper entitled “Cytoplasmic control of nuclear behavior during meiotic maturation of frog oocytes.” They hypothesized the
presence of a cytoplasmic factor called MPF in
the embryogenesis of frog (Rana pipiens) eggs
treated with progesterone. They could identify
cytoplasmic activities by injecting cytoplasm
from progesterone-treated oocytes at various
stages of maturation. The most effective cytoplasm peaked in parallel with maturation. The
responsible substance was unidentified at the
time, but it was cytoplasmic, as the production
of MPF was not affected by removal of the nucleus. MPF was later established to cause germinal vesicle breakdown when injected into the
frog (Xenopus oocytes) and to induce mitotic
metaphase in a cell-free system.
Seventeen years after the initial discovery,
Lohka et al. (1988) reported the purification
of MPF from egg extract using ammonium
sulfate precipitation and six chromatographic
steps. Two protein bands were present in the
most highly purified preparations. This material
contained an intense protein kinase activity that
phosphorylated histone H1. That same year,
Maller and colleagues (Gautier et al. 1988) reported that one of the two components in the
purified MPF was actually the homolog of the
fission yeast Cdc2 kinase (a homolog of budding
yeast Cdc28). The other band was later identified as mitotic cyclin (Hunt 2004), the level of
which underwent cell-cycle stage-specific degradation by ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis that
led to the inactivation of the Cdc2 – cyclin complex. This finding resolved several enigmas regarding M-phase transitions in the cell cycle.
Exciting discoveries were reported almost simultaneously from several laboratories, which
caused a coalescence of mitosis research that
previously had consisted of people working in
disparate disciplines with different organisms,
such as fission yeast, budding yeast, flies, clams,
frog oocytes, and mammalian cells. The unification of cell-cycle research thus occurred
through the discovery of MPF and CDK as the
conserved cell-cycle regulators from yeast to
higher eukaryotes (Nurse 1990). Molecular biology of cancer research was also enormously
influenced by the discovery of the basic mechanism of cell-division cycle control, symbolized
by CDK.
Using clam oocyte extracts, Hershko and colleagues identified the large complex called a
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M. Yanagida
cyclosome (Sudakin et al. 1995) (alternatively
called anaphase-promoting complex [APC])
(Peters et al. 1996; Hershko 1999) that contains
cyclin-B-selective ubiquitin ligase activity. This
APC/cyclosome modifies mitotic cyclin by
polyubiquitination, promoting its destruction
by 26S proteasomes. The same complex was
found to be necessary for ubiquitin-mediated
degradation of fission yeast Cut2, budding yeast
Pds1, and human hPTTG1 (collectively called
“securin”) that are essential for chromosome
segregation (Funabiki et al. 1996; Yamamoto
et al. 1996; Jallepalli et al. 2001). (Securin/
PTTG is not essential in the mouse; separase
can be regulated by Cdk phosphorylation.) Securin destruction is needed for proper chromosome segregation and the signal sequence
for destruction, called the destruction box, can
be swapped between fission yeast mitotic cyclin Cdc13 and securin Cut2 so that the timing
of destruction should be under the same signal
pathway. The role of the APC/cyclosome is thus
to coordinate mitotic control with chromosome
segregation. The actual role of securin is to physically associate with a protease called separin/
separase, essential for cleavage of the cohesin
subunit. Securin acts as a chaperone/inhibitor
of separin/separase. The loss of securin promotes activation of separase activity.
Eukaryotic gene cloning and sequencing studies
first flourished using S. cerevisiae as the model
eukaryote because this organism contained a
2-mm plasmid that was exploited as a source
of extrachromosomal genes. Any gene inserted
into that plasmid (or integrated into the genomic DNA) with marker DNA could be isolated and sequenced, leading to identification
of the gene product. Transformation, which
changes the properties of yeast cells by introducing new or altered genes, was most powerful
for elucidating the properties of endogenous
genes. Basically, the same transformation method was used in many other organisms, including
mammals, to identify and manipulate genes of
For example, Hinnen et al. (1978) transformed a leucine-requiring yeast strain, leu2,
using a plasmid that carried the yeast LEU2
gene. Resulting Leuþ transformants contained
a plasmid carrying either the LEU2 gene or
chromosomally integrated gene dependent on
the presence or absence of the replication origin
in plasmid DNA. The plasmid DNA sequence
integrated into the yeast genomic DNA behaved
like the yeast genomic DNA in mitosis and meiosis. A significant breakthrough was made when
Clarke and Carbon (1980a,b) identified a functional yeast centromere. They first isolated the
CDC10 gene, which is close to the centromere of
chromosome III, by transformation of ts cdc10
mutants isolated in the laboratory of Lehland
Hartwell. They were able to establish the directionality of a cloned piece of DNA with respect
to the genetic map. In the second stage of their
investigation, Clarke and Carbon successfully
isolated a short piece of a functional centromere. When present on a plasmid carrying a
yeast chromosomal DNA replicator, this DNA
(designated CEN3) enabled the plasmid to
function as a minichromosome, both mitotically and meiotically. These circular minichromosomes are stable in mitosis and segregate
as yeast chromosomes in the first and second
meiotic divisions. Indeed, the functional centromere of budding yeast was rather short,
only several hundred base pairs. In other organisms, such as fission yeast, flies, and mammals,
however, the centromeres are far larger, requiring different approaches for identification and
Analyses of artificially constructed minichromosomes by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis showed that the size of the S. pombe centromere is 30- to 130-kb long, much larger than
that of S. cerevisiae, which is on the order of
0.1 kb (Chikashige et al. 1989; Hahnenberger
et al. 1991; Takahashi et al. 1992). Linear minichromosomes were obtained by double truncation followed by the addition of telomeric
sequences. The circular minichromosomes
were isolated by the gap-repair method (Hahnenberger et al. 1989; Niwa et al. 1989). These 30to 160-kb minichromosomes were useful to
define the S. pombe functional centromere re-
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Model Organisms in the History of Mitosis Research
gions and also to determine the entire repetitious centromere sequence (Niwa et al. 1989;
Takahashi et al 1992). The pericentromeric repeats are heterochromatic because histone H3
is methylated and heterochromatin protein 1
(HP-1), which affects accurate chromosome
segregation like Swi6, is abundant. The central
centromere region associates with histone H3like CENP-A and Mis12, which form the base
of the kinetochore and are essential for equal
chromosome segregation. Pericentromeric repeats are actually transcribed and directed by
RNA interference, which flanks the central centromere region. The central centromere region
tethers CENP-A-like, Cnp1-containing nucleosomes and promotes kinetochore assembly in
mitosis. A number of proteins bound to central
centromere regions are all conserved in higher
eukaryotes. Although the DNA sequence organization of centromeres differs greatly among
organisms, proteins bound to the centromere
and pericentromere regions are highly conserved, allowing the conservation of segregation
mechanisms that require centromere-binding
Ciliates are a group of protozoans characterized by the presence of hair-like cilia. Unlike
most other eukaryotes, these organisms, such
as Tetrahymena thermophila, possess two different nuclei. A micronucleus, containing ordinary chromosomes, serves as the germ line
nucleus, but does not express its genes, whereas
the large nucleus is generated from the micronucleus by amplification of gene-sized DNAs.
Free ribosomal RNA genes were discovered by
Gall (1974) in the macronucleus. Blackburn
and Gall (1978) studied sequences occurring
at their termini in the extrachromosomal recombinant DNA (rDNA) genes and found a
tandemly repeated hexanucleotide C4A2 sequence 50 (C-C-C-C-A-A)n 30 , in which the parameter n ranges from 20 to 70. Thus, Tetrahymena was an ideal organism for identification of
the linear DNA end sequence.
Szostak and Blackburn (1982) then shifted
to the use of yeast and constructed a linear yeast
plasmid by joining fragments from the termini
of Tetrahymena rDNA to a yeast vector. Thus,
yeast can use DNA ends from distantly related
organisms, suggesting that structural features
required for telomere replication might be highly conserved in evolution. The linear plasmid
was then used as a vector to clone telomeres
from yeast. One Tetrahymena linear end was removed, and yeast fragments that functioned as
an end on a linear plasmid were selected. Szostak and Blackburn (1982) successfully isolated
yeast telomeres and suggested that all yeast
chromosomes appeared to have a common telomere sequence. Yeast telomeres appear to be
similar in structure to the rDNA of Tetrahymena, regarding the presence of specific nicks or
gaps within a simple repeated sequence.
Telomeres are protected from fusion, degradation, or recombination, common properties
of DNA damaged by g-irradiation, which induces double-stranded breakage. An enigmatic
question was what kind of structure at the ends
of linear DNA allows their complete replication.
Shampay et al. (1984) showed that yeast chromosomal telomeres terminate in a DNA sequence consisting of tandem irregular repeats
of the general form C1-3A. The same repeat
units could be added to the ends of Tetrahymena
telomeres, in an apparently non-template-directed manner, during their replication on linear plasmids in yeast.
Greider and Blackburn (1985) then found a
novel activity in Tetrahymena cell-free extracts
that adds tandem TTGGGG repeats onto synthetic telomere primers. The single-stranded
DNA oligonucleotides (TTGGGG)4 and TGT
the Tetrahymena and yeast telomeric sequences,
respectively, each functioned as primers for
elongation, whereas nontelomeric DNA oligomers did not. A novel telomere terminal transferase, later identified as the ribonucleoprotein
enzyme called telomerase, is involved in the addition of telomeric repeats necessary for the
replication of chromosome ends in eukaryotes.
Telomere shortening was later shown to be related to senescence in all eukaryotes.
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M. Yanagida
Mutants defective in mitosis have been isolated from various model organisms from fungi
to mammals, with the aim of understanding
gene functions essential for mitosis. Mammalian culture cell ts mutants have also been isolated
(Nishimoto et al. 1978). Here, two model organisms, fission yeast and fruit flies, are considered as examples. Systematic screening of fission
yeast mitotic mutants (ts and cold-sensitive
[cs]) was performed. A number of genes were
identified and their products were characterized
(reviewed in Yanagida 2005). Three principal
chromosome segregation defects (arrest, cut,
and unequal) were found for this organism at
the restrictive temperature (Fig. 4). For example, b-tubulin nda3 cs mutant was mitotically
arrested at 22˚C because of the absence of the
spindle, resulting in the activation of SAC (Hiraoka et al. 1984), whereas DNA topoisomerase
II (top2) ts mutants displayed the drastic cut
phenotype. In these cells, cytokinesis bisected
the nucleus that had failed to divide during anaphase because of a DNA topoisomerase
Cut phenotype
Unequal segregation
Figure 4. Three types of chromosome segregation
defects in fission yeast mutants cultured at the restrictive temperature. Arrest, b-tubulin nda3 mutant;
cut phenotype, top2 mutant; unequal segregation,
centromere-binding protein mis6 mutant. DNA is
stained with DAPI.
II (Top2) mutation (Uemura and Yanagida
1984). Centromere-associating protein mutants
such as mis6 produced unequal chromosome
segregation, resulting in cells with large and
small daughter nuclei (Hayashi et al. 2004).
Various aspects of chromosome segregation
could be understood through gene functions
essential for mitosis. Some of them are closely
related to cell-cycle control, including stage-specific protein modification and proteolysis. SACrelated APC/cyclosome ubiquitin ligase and
ubiquitin-mediated anaphase proteolysis lead
to the destruction of mitotic cyclin and securin,
whereas protein phosphatases (PP1, PP2A) and
protein kinases (PKA, aurora), other than CDK,
are required for controlling different stages of
mitosis. Assembly and proper functioning of
the mitotic kinetochore and spindle apparatus
are highly complex, requiring multiple gene
functions. Key players in chromosome segregation are cohesin, condensin, the securin – separase complex, Top2, and kinetochore microtubule destabilizers. They function not only in
mitosis, but also in interphase displaying distinct functions. Most mitotic genes identified
are conserved in higher eukaryotes, so that the
basic mechanism of eukaryotic chromosome
segregation in mitosis should, likewise, be largely conserved. There are some curious exceptions, however. For example, fission yeast centromere protein Mis18, required for priming
centromeres to load CENP-A/cenH3 protein
Cnp1, is conserved in vertebrates, but not in
nonvertebrates, such as fruit flies (Fujita et al.
2007). Concerning this essential centromere
protein, vertebrates are more similar to fungi.
Wang’s discovery of DNA topoisomerase
(Wang 1991) brought relief to many biologists
who worked on various aspects of DNA metabolism, because it was apparent that DNA winding, unwinding, catenation, and decatenation
had to occur for DNA to be properly used and
archived. However, no one had any idea how
those functions were performed. The answer
was that many specific DNA topoisomerases
control different aspects of the topological
problems of DNA (Wang 1991). To elucidate
the role of topoisomerase in forming mitotic
chromosomes, a biochemical genetic approach
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Model Organisms in the History of Mitosis Research
was used. S. pombe mutants defective in Top2
activity were isolated by assaying a great number
of mutant extracts. With ts and cs top2 mutants,
it was established that Top2 is required for both
chromosome segregation and condensation
(Uemura and Yanagida 1984; Uemura et al.
1987). In the laboratories of Wang and Botstein,
Top2 was shown to be essential for budding
yeast mitosis (Holm et al. 1986). Type 1 topoisomerase partly overlaps in function (relaxing
activity) with Top2, so that the double mutant
produced a nonmitotic phenotype in which the
cell-cycle block occurred during interphase and
the nucleolus was destroyed (Uemura and Yanagida 1984).
The curious cut (cell untimely torn) phenotype, which bisected the nucleus during cytokinesis (Fig. 4), was used as a cytological marker
to isolate other mutants with similar phenotypes. A number of mutants producing cutlike phenotypes were isolated and their gene
products were identified. All cut-like mutants
turned out to be defective in important mitotic
steps, such as chromosome condensation, segregation, activation of separase, control of ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis, spindle formation,
spindle elongation, cytokinesis, etc. (Yanagida
2005). Among them, mutants in top2, separase
cut1, and condensin cut3 produced highly similar phenotypes. They may be implicated in the
removal of interphase components from chromosomes before chromosome segregation (Yanagida 2009; Akai et al. 2011). Chromosome
condensation may be actually visualized as a
result of the removal of proteins and RNAs
from chromosomes before segregation.
Drosophila is an attractive organism in which
to study both the rapid rounds of mitosis typical
of embryonic development and the longer cell
cycles of diploid tissues later in development
(Glover 1989). Powerful molecular biological
studies of fruit fly mitosis became possible after
the discovery of Drosophila mutants and use of
reagents, pioneered by Nuesslein-Volhard (St
Johnston and Nuesslein-Volhard 1992). Glover
and associates discovered polo and aurora, protein kinases with important roles in the progression from early to late mitosis (Sunkel and Glover 1988; Glover et al. 1995). The discovery of
these kinases inaugurated a new mechanistic
approach to understand how the entire mitotic
process, including chromosome segregation and
subsequent cytokinesis, is regulated. Although
CDK1 was inactivated during the transition
from metaphase to anaphase, polo and aurora
remain active until telophase because they also
regulate cytokinesis. Drosophila bearing mutant
forms of polo and aurora revealed severe defects
in mitosis and cytokinesis with pleiotropic defects in chromosome segregation. Polo and aurora are present from fungi to higher eukaryotes
(Lane and Nigg 1996). These are profoundly
important in orchestrating mitotic events, such
as CDK regulation, spindle formation, maintenance of centrosome structural integrity, centrosome activation, SAC, chromosome cohesion
and condensation, and progression of cytokinesis (Earnshaw and Cooke 1991; Golsteyn et al.
1994; Kumagai and Dunphy 1996; Biggins and
Murray 2001).
The concept of chromatid cohesion was initially developed in fruit fly genetics. In PubMed,
the terminology of sister chromatid cohesion
started with the papers of Orr-Weaver (Kerrebrock et al. 1992; (Miyazaki and Orr-Weaver
1994) that clarified the phenotype of the fruit
fly mei-S332 mutation that displayed a defect in
chromatid cohesion. Mei-S332/Shugoshin is
now known to protect cohesion at centromeres
in coordination with type 2A phosphatase (Kitajima et al. 2004). The mutant mei-S332, which
stands for “meiotic from Salaria 332” (isolated
in Salaria, Rome, Italy), was originally described
in 1968 (Sandler et al. 1968). The mutant
showed chromosome nondisjunction defects
in homozygotes of both sexes, hinting that this
gene is required in a common meiotic process
for separating sister chromatids. A subsequent
paper (Goldstein 1980) suggested that mei-S332
mutants are defective in sister chromatid cohesiveness, which was felt to be an important factor in chromosome segregation. Holloway et al.
(1993) later investigated this issue using vertebrate cells and showed that the inactivation of
Cdk1 was not required for sister chromatid separation, but proteolysis might be needed to dissolve the linkage (“glue”) between them. However, their hypothesis that ubiquitin-mediated
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M. Yanagida
proteolysis was required turned out to be indirect. There exists a protease that directly cleaves
the protein responsible for sister chromatid
cohesion. Studies on budding yeast showed
that the protein complex, called cohesin, was
responsible for sister chromatid cohesion and
that cohesion was disrupted in mitosis (Guacci
et al. 1997; Uhlmann et al. 1999, 2000). A thiol
protease, separase, cleaves the cohesin subunit
Scc1/Rad21, dissociating the ring-like cohesin
from chromosomes and allowing disjunction of
sister chromatids.
sity and Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) for lively
and stimulating discussions and a productive
research environment. The present article is imperfect in citing important discoveries and research topics, as the field of mitosis is now so
broad and deep. The author apologizes for the
lack of citations of the work of many people who
contributed significantly to the development of
the field. The author thanks Norihiko Nakazawa
for preparing illustrations in Figures 1 and 2.
The author is greatly indebted to Steven D.
Aird (OIST) for editing the manuscript.
Although mitosis was first discovered and described in detail commencing in the 19th century, molecular biological approaches assumed
importance only after the onset of recombinant
DNA technology, that is, gene cloning and sequencing. Whereas a large number of essential
proteins and their functional complexes during
mitosis are now known and their number is still
increasing, very few are understood mechanistically at the atomic level. In the near future,
biochemistry and structural biology may become the dominant methods for solving basic
questions in mitosis.
Thereafter, physiological, medical, and evolutionary fields related to mitosis will flourish.
For example, little is understood about the alteration of mitosis under various nutritional
and environmental stresses. Patterns of mitosis
may change greatly under different physiological, nutritional, and senescent conditions.
Comparative studies of mitosis in stem and
nonstem cells are of interest, as mitosis is a plausible stage for the origin of asymmetric properties between daughter cells, which are essential
features of cell differentiation. In the end, the
importance of evolutionary variations in mitosis must be stressed, as changes in mitosis are
known to be the rich resources of diversification
of organisms.
The author is greatly indebted to past and present laboratory members in both Kyoto Univer12
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