
PSY 211 Introductory Statistics
Course Outline
Spring Semester 2015
James V. Lupo, Ph.D.
HLS 317
402 280-3195
Office Hours: I will be available in my office before class begins. If there are any days
where I can not be available, I will announce that in class. Please let me know if you plan
to visit so that I can insure that I am available.
Text: Class notes will be made available on BlueLine for each unit of the course. Practice
problems and other materials will also be made available on BlueLine. In all cases, the
materials will be placed in the "Files" area for this class.
Course Objectives
1. Understand the relationship between data and measurement, research design, analysis and
interpretation in the process of "doing science".
2. Recognize the strengths and weaknesses of the various research methods.
3. Learn to apply the various statistical procedures and interpret the results.
4. Master the computer skills required to perform the various computational procedures.
5. Critically evaluate the analysis of research projects and recognize the strengths and
limitations of the process of statistical analysis.
Test Dates:
Jan 28
Descriptive Statistics
Feb 13
Correlation and Regression
Feb 27
Probability, Normal Distribution and Hypothesis Testing
Mar 27
Z and t Tests
Apr 20
Analysis of Variance
May 5
Non-parametric Analyses (8:00 AM)
Please note: Psychology majors should not be enrolled in this course. Psychology
majors should enroll in the PSY 313, 315-316 sequence of courses for statistics and
research methodology. This course is intended for students in other disciplines such as
nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, business and others who need a course
in basic statistics.
Course Materials:
For each of the six units of this course during the semester, I will post material online in
the "Files" section of BlueLine for this course. The materials will include class notes and
equation sheets in PowerPoint (.pptx) format, practice questions in Word (.docx) format
and Excel (.xlsx) format. I plan to post the documents using the newest Word,
PowerPoint and Excel formats. If you have any trouble getting access to the information,
please let me know.
During class, we will discuss the material contained in the class notes. Please remember
that the posted materials are only notes and not intended to stand alone without content
presented in the lectures. It is your responsibility to take your own notes to supplement
the material provided.
When we complete the posted practice problems to prepare for each test, I will post the
work on the practice problems on BlueLine so that you will have the correct answers to
each problem available when you study for the tests.
Grades for each of the tests will be entered into an Excel file that I will post on BlueLine in
the "Files" section for this class. As each test is completed, I will add each new grade to
the roster. Each student will be identified by a random four digit number that I will ask you
to provide at the time of the first test. This should not be related in any way to your Blue
ID number. The latter is not anonymous and should not be used for grade identification
purposes. I will use the same number that you provide throughout the semester. Contact
me if you forget your number.
Class Attendance
I will take attendance at the beginning of each class. If you are a few minutes late, it's up
to you to let me know that you were in class. For each absence in excess of three, your
final letter grade will be reduced by one level. Sending an e-mail to tell me that you will be
missing class does not qualify as an excused absence. Only university sponsored events,
professional school interviews or health problems where documentation can be provided
qualify as an excused absence.
Test Attendance
A grade of zero (0) will be assigned for each missed test. If a conflict occurs with a
scheduled test, I must be informed at least 24 hours PRIOR to the scheduled test time so
that a make-up test can be arranged.
Final Exam
The last test is scheduled during exam week but is not a cumulative final. The time allowed for
this final test will be the same as all other tests; approximately 50-60 minutes and not the full
final exam period of 100 minutes.
Your final grade will be determined by your six test scores and attendance record. To
determine final grades, the following standards will be adopted. 90-100=A, 85-89 = B+,
80-84=B, 75-79=C+, 70-74=C, 60-69=D, less than 59=F.
Class Cancelation
If the university is closed for any reason, obviously we will not have class that day. If
class might be cancelled for other reasons, I will send a group e-mail to your Creighton email account as early in the morning as possible.
Special Testing Conditions
Students with documented disabilities who require special conditions for testing should
contact me during the first week of classes so that proper arrangements can be made.
Scheduled testing MUST overlap with the test times for the rest of the class but my occur
in a different location and/or with an adjusted duration.
Academic Honesty
The university believes in a policy of academic honesty. You are expected to conform to
this policy. If a student cheats on any test, a grade of zero will be assigned and the
college administration will be notified.