Extension of Gaussian2 (G2) theory to bromine and iodinecontaining molecules: Use of effective core potentials Mikhail N. Glukhovtsev, Addy Pross, Mark P. McGrath, and Leo Radom Citation: J. Chem. Phys. 103, 1878 (1995); doi: 10.1063/1.469712 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.469712 View Table of Contents: http://jcp.aip.org/resource/1/JCPSA6/v103/i5 Published by the American Institute of Physics. Additional information on J. Chem. Phys. Journal Homepage: http://jcp.aip.org/ Journal Information: http://jcp.aip.org/about/about_the_journal Top downloads: http://jcp.aip.org/features/most_downloaded Information for Authors: http://jcp.aip.org/authors Downloaded 23 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Extension of Gaussian-2 (G2) theory to bromine- and iodine-containing molecules: Use of effective core potentials Mikhail N. Glukhovtsev and Addy Prossa) School of Chemistry, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia Mark P. McGrath Department of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, California 92717 Leo Radom Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia ~Received 28 November 1994; accepted 20 April 1995! Basis sets have been developed for carrying out G2 calculations on bromine- and iodine-containing molecules using all-electron ~AE! calculations and quasirelativistic energy-adjusted spin–orbit-averaged seven-valence–electron effective core potentials ~ECPs!. Our recommended procedure for calculating G2@ECP# energies for such systems involves the standard G2 steps introduced by Pople and co-workers, together with the following modifications: ~i! second-order Mo” ller–Plesset ~MP2! geometry optimizations use polarized split-valence @31,31,1# basis sets for bromine and iodine together with 6-31G(d) for first- and second-row atoms; ~ii! single-point higher-level energies are calculated for these geometries using our new supplemented bromine and iodine valence basis sets along with supplemented 6-311G and McLean–Chandler 6-311G bases for first- and second-row atoms, respectively; and ~iii! first-order spin–orbit corrections are explicitly taken into account. An assessment of the results obtained using such a procedure is presented. The results are also compared with corresponding all-electron calculations. We find that the G2@ECP# calculations give results which are generally comparable in accuracy to those of the G2@AE# calculations but which involve considerably lower computational cost. They are therefore potentially useful for larger bromine- and iodine-containing molecules for which G2@AE# calculations would not be feasible. © 1995 American Institute of Physics. I. INTRODUCTION The GAUSSIAN-2 ~G2! theoretical procedure, introduced by Pople and co-workers for the purpose of making reliable theoretical thermochemical predictions,1 has been found to have widespread utility, consistently reproducing atomization energies, ionization energies, electron affinities, gas-phase acidities, and proton affinities to within 10 kJ mol1.1– 4 The basis sets required to carry out G2 calculations have been defined to date for first- and second-row atoms,1 and for bromine.5 In a number of current studies,6 we have been making comparisons of series of systems and reactions involving the halogens F, Cl, Br, and I. Although we were able to use G2 theory to obtain high quality thermochemical data for the F, Cl, and Br systems, this was not immediately possible for the iodine-containing molecules since G2 basis sets for iodine were not yet defined. In order to redress this problem, we have developed basis sets suitable for carrying out G2 calculations on iodine-containing molecules, and these are presented and tested in the current paper. G2 calculations have previously been based exclusively on all-electron ~AE! calculations. An attractive alternative for atoms ~such as bromine and iodine! of the lower periods of the periodic table is to use effective core potentials ~ECPs!, which have received increasing attention in recent years.7–11 Such calculations are significantly less expensive a! Permanent address: Department of Chemistry, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel. 1878 J. Chem. Phys. 103 (5), 1 August 1995 computationally than the corresponding AE calculations. It would be desirable to develop ECP-based basis sets suitable for what might be called G2@ECP# calculations. A G2@ECP# procedure would be potentially applicable to considerably larger bromine- and iodine-containing molecules than those for which all-electron G2 calculations would be feasible. We have taken such an approach here, constructing bromine and iodine basis sets utilizing the so-called energy-adjusted ECPs of the Stuttgart group (S) 10,11 and the shape-consistent ~orbital-adjusted! ECPs of Hay and Wadt ~HW!.9 However, we may of course continue to treat the heavier atoms by the conventional but computationally demanding all-electron calculations,5,12 and so we also construct here all-electron iodine basis sets for G2@AE# calculations. Thus, in this paper, we present basis sets for iodine suitable for G2@AE# calculations to complement those previously derived for bromine,5 together with basis sets for bromine and iodine suitable for G2@ECP# calculations. We compare the G2@AE# results for bromine- and iodinecontaining systems with those obtained with the G2@ECP# procedure, and assess all of the theoretical results through comparisons with experimental data. II. THEORETICAL PROCEDURES Standard ab initio molecular orbital calculations13 were performed at the G2 level with the GAUSSIAN 92 series of programs.14 G2 theory corresponds effectively to calcula- 0021-9606/95/103(5)/1878/8/$6.00 © 1995 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 23 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Glukhovtsev et al.: Extension of G2 to Br- and I-containing molecules 1879 TABLE I. Energy-optimized exponents of polarization d and f functions and diffuse s and p functions for augmentation of the valence basis sets in AE and ECP calculations of bromine- and iodine-containing species. Br Br Br I I I c AE ECP~HW! ECP~S! AE ECP~HW! ECP~S! da db f s ~diffuse! p ~diffuse! 0.389 0.391d 0.381e 0.266 0.279d 0.267e 0.451 0.427 0.410 0.302 0.292 0.276 0.56 0.574 0.590 0.38 0.441 0.434 0.0462 0.0640 0.0493 0.0468 0.0569 0.0405f 0.0347 0.0402 0.0363 0.0286 0.0330 0.0328f a Values to be used with valence basis sets in geometry optimizations. Values to be used with valence basis sets in single-point higher-level calculations. c From Ref. 5. d Values to be used with valence @21,21# basis sets ~Ref. 9!. e Values to be used with valence @31,31# basis sets ~Ref. 11!. f Diffuse function exponents optimized at the QCISD~T! level are 0.0591 (s) and 0.0333 (p). b tions at the QCISD~T!/6-3111G(3d f ,2p)//MP2/6-31G(d) level with zero-point vibrational energy and higher-level corrections.1 In our all-electron calculations, equilibrium structures were optimized at the MP2 level, allowing the full set of molecular orbitals to be used in the electron correlation procedure. The SV4P basis set15 was used for bromine and iodine in conjunction with 6-31G(d) for first- and second-row elements. The bromine basis sets for the higher-level singlepoint calculations required for G2@AE# calculations have been described previously.5 Corresponding iodine sets were constructed in an analogous manner. The (15s,11 p,6d) basis of Stromberg et al.16 was augmented with another p shell and the five valence s p exponents optimized, resulting in a @5211111111,411111111,3111# contraction scheme. Appropriate numbers of optimized d and f polarization functions and s and p diffuse functions ~Table I! were added to the iodine G2@AE# bases. The single-point energies were computed using the frozen-core approximation,13 with the inclusion of the 3d electrons of bromine and the 4d electrons of iodine in the frozen core. The very high-lying virtual molecular orbitals, corresponding to 1s-like antibonding bromine and iodine orbitals, were also excluded from the correlation treatments. The iodine basis functions are summarized in the Appendix. Two types of effective core potentials were examined in detail. Quasirelativistic energy-adjusted spin–orbit-averaged seven-valence–electron ECPs for bromine and iodine atoms were taken from work of the Stuttgart group.10,11 These pseudopotentials were derived11 in a basis-independent way from quasirelativistic all-electron calculations of the neutral atoms and anions. Atomic excitation and ionization energies served as reference data for the parameter adjustment. These ECPs include relativistic contributions11,17,18 associated with the inner shells of the halogen atoms, and have been previously used for calculations of various halogen-containing species.10,19 The shape-consistent ~orbital-adjusted! seven-valence– electron ECPs were generated by Hay and Wadt from nonrelativistic numerical Hartree–Fock ~HF! atomic wave functions for Br and from relativistic HF wave functions for I.9 These ECPs have also been widely employed in calculations of halogen-containing molecules.20 In order to obtain gas-phase proton affinities and methyl cation affinities at 298 K, vibrational contributions to temperature corrections13 were calculated using harmonic frequencies computed at HF/6-31G(d) and scaled by 0.8929.1 The most naturally abundant isotopes were used ~e.g., 79Br!. For simplicity in nomenclature, the basis sets for bromine and iodine used in conjunction with 6-31G(d) for firstand second-row elements are referred to also as 6-31G(d), while those used in conjunction with supplemented 6-311G or McLean–Chandler 6-311G basis sets for first- and secondrow elements, respectively, are referred to also as supplemented 6-311G sets. The three types of G2 calculations described in the remainder of this paper are distinguished by the nomenclature G2@AE#, G2@ECP~HW!# and G2@ECP~S!# for the all-electron, Hay–Wadt ECP and Stuttgart ECP calculations, respectively. III. CONSTRUCTION OF VALENCE BASIS SETS FOR ECP PROCEDURES The sp parts of the valence basis sets to be used in single-point calculations with the Stuttgart energy-adjusted ECPs10,11 for bromine and iodine were taken as uncontracted (4s,4 p)→@1111,1111# sets.11 These were augmented by appropriate numbers of d and f polarization as well as by s and p diffuse functions. The d function exponents for bromine and iodine were optimized through calculations with a @1111,1111,1# valence basis at the QCISD~T! level on HBr and HI in their experimental geometries.21 The f function exponents were then obtained by adding a single uncontracted f function to a @1111,1111,11# valence basis set and again optimizing at the QCISD~T! level for the HBr and HI molecules. In creating multiple sets of d functions from a single optimized function, the normal procedure is to use exponents that are multiples n a d and fractions a d /n of the single optimized exponent ad . For example, for first- and second-row elements, n52 is used for splitting into two functions and n54 is used for splitting into three functions.22 However, it has been found that such a geometric progression is unsuitable for third-row elements, often leading to an increase in energy compared with that calculated with a single d function.12,23 Values of n53 for the (3d) splitting in third-row elements,12 and n51.5 and n52 for the (2d) and (3d) splittings, respectively, for fourth-row elements have J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 103, No. 5, 1 August 1995 Downloaded 23 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Glukhovtsev et al.: Extension of G2 to Br- and I-containing molecules 1880 TABLE II. G2@AE# and G2@ECP# energies ~in hartrees! of brominecontaining species ~0 K!. Species G2@AE# 2 22572.536 42 22575.658 49 22572.105 89a 25145.141 48 25145.232 10 25144.756 18a 22573.173 25 22573.394 12 22572.747 77a 22612.390 46 22612.641 42 Br~ P! Br2 Br1~3P! Br2 2 1 Br2 2 ~ Su ! 1 2 Br2 ~ Pg ! HBr HBrH1 HBr1~2P! CH3Br CH3BrH1 a G2@ECP~HW!# G2@ECP~S!# Species G2@AE# G2@ECP~HW!# G2@ECP~S!# 213.108 25 213.229 29 212.680 42a 226.282 52 226.374 17 225.898 91a 213.743 98 213.965 64 213.320 61a 252.961 92 253.213 69 213.308 71 213.429 88 212.879 58a 226.686 11 226.776 71 226.302 34a 213.941 43 14.162 67 213.516 89a 253.159 21 253.410 61 HBr HBrH1 CH3Br CH3BrH1 22573.169 95 22573.390 32 22612.386 39 22612.636 47 213.740 68 213.961 84 252.957 85 253.208 72 213.938 13 214.158 87 253.155 14 253.405 65 HI HIH1 CH3I CH3IH1 26917.605 10 26917.842 32 26956.825 85 26957.088 16 211.947 64 212.186 01 251.168 64 251.432 44 211.957 86 212.193 94 251.178 69 251.439 57 a a Including first-order spin–orbit corrections for Br ~25.78 mhartree!, Br1 1 ~26.77 mhartree!, Br1 ~26.26 mhartree!, 2 ~26.55 mhartree!, and HBr obtained from spin–orbit configuration interaction energies @Ref. 27~a!#. The experimental values, calculated as the difference between the lowest spin–orbit coupled state and the weighted J- or V-averaged state ~Refs. 5 and 12! are as follows: Br ~25.60 mhartree! ~Ref. 33!, Br1 ~26.71 mhar1 tree! ~Ref. 33!, Br1 2 ~26.42 mhartree! ~Ref. 21!, and HBr ~26.06 mhartree! ~Ref. 34!. a been found to be more suitable. We find, through appropriate optimizations, that these AE n values are also suitable for our G2@ECP# basis sets. The diffuse s and p exponents were optimized independently for the ground states of the Br2 and I2 anions at the HF level with the @1111,1111,1# valence basis sets. Optimization of these exponents at the QCISD~T! level leads to results for iodine-containing species almost the same as those obtained with the HF-derived s and p diffuse exponents ~see Table IX below!. For geometry optimizations at the HF and MP2 levels, the @31,31# basis sets11 were augmented by d functions with exponents optimized at the MP2 level for the HBr and HI molecules. For the orbital-adjusted Hay–Wadt ECPs,9 an uncontracted (3s,3p)→@111,111# basis set9 was augmented by d and f polarization as well as by s and p diffuse functions on TABLE III. G2@AE# and G2@ECP# energies ~in hartrees! of iodinecontaining species ~0 K!. Species G2@AE# 2 26 916.997 23 26 917.107 59 26 916.614 26a 213 834.046 64 213 834.135 31 213 833.704 88a 26 917.608 40 26 917.846 15 26 917.231 10a 26 956.829 99 26 957.093 25 I~ P! I2 I1~3P! I2 2 1 I2 2 ~ Su ! 2 I1 2 ~ Pg ! HI HIH1 HI1~2P! CH3I CH3IH1 a TABLE IV. G2@AE# and G2@ECP# energies ~in hartrees! of bromine- and iodine-containing species ~298 K!. G2@ECP~HW!# G2@ECP~S!# 211.337 54 211.446 98 210.954 26a 222.727 56 222.814 57 222.386 96a 211.950 94 212.189 84 211.572 85a 251.172 78 251.437 50 211.351 84a 211.460 56 210.969 33a 222.751 23 222.842 16 222.410 09a 211.961 64 212.197 77 211.584 52a 251 182 84 251.444 67 a Including first-order spin–orbit corrections for I ~211.49 mhartree!, I1 1 ~213.52 mhartree!, I1 ~212.26 mhartree!, 2 ~211.63 mhartree!, and HI obtained from spin–orbit configuration interaction energies @Ref. 27~b!#. The experimental values, calculated as the difference between the lowest spin–orbit coupled state and the weighted J- or V-averaged state ~Refs. 5 and 12!, are as follows: I ~211.55 mhartree! ~Ref. 33!, I1 ~214.03 mhar1 tree! ~Ref. 33!, I1 2 ~211.80 mhartree! ~Ref. 21!, and HI ~212.20 mhartree! ~Ref. 35!. bromine and iodine in a manner similar to that described above for the valence basis sets for the energy-adjusted ECPs. However, the diffuse s and p exponents were optimized at the QCISD~T! level and geometrical (2d) and (3d) splittings were used. We find ~see Table VIII below! that calculations on iodine species with reduced (2d) and (3d) splittings lead to little or no change to the results. The @21,21# basis sets,9 augmented by d exponents optimized at the MP2 level for the HBr and HI molecules, were used for geometry optimizations at the HF and MP2 levels. The exponents used for supplementary functions for bromine and iodine for all of the basis sets are summarized in Table I. IV. EVALUATION In attempting to obtain accurate results for molecules and ions containing heavy atoms, we are faced with the problem of how to treat spin–orbit coupling and other relativistic effects which increase with atomic number.7,18,24 –26 The quasirelativistic ECPs9–11 that we have used take into account the contributions of two of the most important relativistic effects, namely, the mass–velocity and Darwin contributions.18,25 But to favorably compare our reaction energies with experiment, we must explicitly take account of spin–orbit coupling effects.24 –26 When spin–orbit effects are introduced in a perturbational manner, it is found that first-order corrections result when the ground state of the atom or molecule of interest is TABLE V. Comparison of MP2@AE# and MP2@ECP# bond lengths ~in Å! for bromine-containing species with experimental values.a a Bond length AE ECP~HW! ECP~S! Expt.b Br—Br Br—Br2 Br—Br1 H—Br H—BrH1 H—Br1 H3C—Br H3C—BrH1 2.3088 2.8676 2.2315 1.4348 1.4539 1.4627 1.9485 1.9918 2.3346 2.8933 2.2520 1.4352 1.4548 1.4623 1.9532 2.0028 2.3124 2.8634 2.2299 1.4297 1.4491 1.4571 1.9498 2.0008 2.278 a 2.18c 1.414 1.448 1.934d See the text for the description of basis sets used in the geometry optimizations. b Experimental values taken from Ref. 21 unless otherwise indicated. c Reference 28. d Reference 29. J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 103, No. 5, 1 August 1995 Downloaded 23 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Glukhovtsev et al.: Extension of G2 to Br- and I-containing molecules TABLE VI. Comparison of MP2@AE# and MP2@ECP# bond lengths ~in Å! for iodine-containing species with experimental values.a Bond length AE ECP~HW! ECP~S! Expt.b I—I I—I2 I—I1 H—I H—IH1 H—I1 H2C—I H3C—IH1 2.7159 3.2718 2.6448 1.6413 1.6538 1.6606 2.1624 2.1774 2.6900 3.2606 2.6080 1.6150 1.6262 1.6330 2.1417 2.1613 2.7113 3.2841 2.6433 1.6262 1.6394 1.6460 2.1607 2.1893 2.666 1.609 1.62 2.132c a See the text for the description of basis sets used in the geometry optimizations. b Experimental values taken from Ref. 21 unless otherwise indicated. c From Ref. 30. spatially degenerate ~e.g., 2P, 3P for atoms and 2P for molecules in this work!.24 –26 Our previous calculations have shown that it is important to take into account these firstorder spin–orbit corrections, as the resulting energy lowerings are already essential in obtaining accurate reaction energies for the bromine-containing systems.5,12 We have therefore included first-order spin–orbit corrections, obtained from spin–orbit configuration interaction calculations,27 in our G2 total energies. The incorporation of calculated first-order spin–orbit corrections into the G2 total energies is consistent with our recent all-electron extension of G2 theory to molecules containing third-row elements.12 The G2@AE# and G2@ECP# energies for X, X2, X1, X2 , 2 1 1 1 X2 , X1 2 , HX, HXH , HX , CH3X, and CH3XH are given 1881 TABLE VIII. Comparison of G2@AE# and G2@ECP# predictions of ionization energies, electron affinities, and atomization energies ~in eV! for bromine-containing species with experimental values. Br→Br1 Br2→Br1 2 HBr→HBr1 2 Br →Br Br2 2 →Br2 Br2→Br1Br HBr→H1Br CH3Br→C1Br13H AEa ECP~HW! ECP~S! Expt.b 11.72~11.71! 10.48~10.47! 11.58~11.57! 3.32~3.31! 2.47~2.46! 1.87~1.85! 3.72~3.72! 15.50~15.50! 11.64 10.44 11.52 3.29 2.49 1.80 3.69 15.49 11.68 10.44 11.55 3.30 2.47 1.87 3.61 15.41 11.81 10.52 11.66 3.37 2.5c 1.97 3.77 15.55 Values calculated with geometrical ~i.e., the same as for first- and secondrow elements! splitting factors for the d functions required for the (3d) parts of the basis sets are shown in parentheses. b Experimental values ~at 0 K! are taken from Ref. 32. c Other experimental values are 2.4, 2.6, and 2.9 eV, see Ref. 32. a in Tables II ~X5Br! and III ~X5I!. Corresponding energies at 298 K for HX, HXH1, CH3X, and CH3XH1 ~X5Br and I! are presented in Table IV. The MP2 optimized geometries of these systems are compared with available experimental data21,28 –31 in Tables V ~X5Br! and VI ~X5I!. Additional comparisons of geometries and vibrational frequencies for a series of A–X systems ~X5Br or I! are presented in Table VII. Ionization energies ~IEs!, electron affinities ~EAs!, and atomization energies, calculated using both the G2@AE# and G2@ECP# procedures, are compared with experiment32 in Tables VIII and IX, while the data collected in Table X illustrate the role of spin–orbit corrections21,27,33–35 in calcula- TABLE VII. Deviations of AE and ECP bond lengths and harmonic vibrational frequencies from experimental values.a vMP2c r MP2b vHFd AE HW S AE HW S AE HW S H—Br Li—Br Na—Br B—Br Al—Br F—Br Cl—Br umeanue 0.021 0.036 0.030 0.015 0.016 0.031 0.030 0.026 0.021 0.057 0.034 0.015 0.026 0.033 0.029 0.031 0.016 0.052 0.040 0.016 0.021 0.033 0.029 0.030 10.9 20.2 21.7 11.8 11.9 13.3 10.7 1.5 10.9 10.2 11.0 12.8 13.4 11.3 20.2 1.4 10.5 22.4 22.3 11.0 11.9 10.7 10.5 1.3 25.5 212.1 213.6 211.5 212.4 13.3 22.5 8.7 27.0 211.2 212.5 212.1 211.9 11.5 24.5 8.7 26.2 212.9 213.7 211.9 212.1 11.8 23.3 8.8 H—I Li—I Na—I B—I Al—I F—I Cl—I umeanue 0.032 0.042 0.037 0.03 0.031 0.032 0.048 0.036 0.006 0.052 0.041 0.01 0.015 0.006 0.023 0.22 0.017 0.052 0.041 0.02 0.020 0.034 0.047 0.033 10.2 11.7 12.2 20.1 11.6 15.0 10.3 1.6 11.1 21.0 10.8 11.2 12.5 11.8 20.5 1.3 20.0 21.2 11.2 10.5 12.8 12.3 21.5 1.4 26.1 211.5 211.4 214.1 213.4 12.8 24.2 9.1 25.9 212.5 211.7 213.3 212.4 10.4 25.4 8.8 26.8 212.5 211.1 214.0 212.4 11.9 26.1 9.3 Experimental bond lengths ~in Å! and harmonic vibrational frequencies ~in cm21! are 1.414, 2649 ~HBr!, 2.170, 563 ~LiBr!, 2.502, 302 ~NaBr!, 1.888, 684 ~BBr!, 2.295, 378 ~AlBr!, 1.759, 671 ~FBr!, 2.136, 444 ~ClBr!, 1.609, 2309 ~HI!, 2.392, 498 ~LiI!, 2.711, 258 ~NaI!, 2.13, 575 ~BI!, 2.537, 316 ~AlI!, 1.910, 610 ~FI!, and 2.321, 384 ~CII!. All experimental values are from Ref. 21 except those for BI which come from Ref. 31. b Values tabulated are r MP22r expt in Å. c Values tabulated are 100~vMP22vexpt!/vexpt~%!. d Values tabulated are 100~vHF2vexpt!/vexpt~%!, where the vHF values are the directly calculated harmonic frequencies, scaled by 0.8929. e Mean absolute deviations. a J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 103, No. 5, 1 August 1995 Downloaded 23 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Glukhovtsev et al.: Extension of G2 to Br- and I-containing molecules 1882 TABLE IX. Comparison of G2@AE# and G2@ECP# predictions of ionization energies, electron affinities, and atomization energies ~in eV! for iodinecontaining species with experimental values. AE 1 I→I I2→I1 2 HI→HI1 2 I →I I2 2 →I2 I2→I1I HI→H1I CH3I→C1I13H ECP~HW! 10.42 9.30 10.27 3.00 2.41 1.42 3.02 14.92 10.43 9.27 10.29 2.98 2.37 1.43 3.09 14.99 ECP~S! 10.41 9.28 10.26 2.96 2.47 1.29 2.99 14.88 b TABLE XI. Comparison of G2 proton affinities ~PA! for HBr, CH3Br, HI, and CH3I with experimental PA values.a Expt.a 10.45 9.40~9.31!c 10.39~10.38!c 3.06 2.5d~2.56!c 1.54 3.05 14.94 Experimental values ~at 0 K! taken from Ref. 32 unless otherwise indicated. G2@ECP~S!# calculations in which the diffuse s and p exponents on iodine have been optimized at the QCISD~T! level ~instead of the HF level! give the same values for all the energies except the ionization energy of I, which is 10.40 eV. c Reference 21. d Other experimental values are 2.4 and 2.6 eV; see Ref. 32. a Species AE ECP~HW! ECP~S! Expt. HBr CH3Br HI CH3I 584.8 662.8 629.0 694.9 586.9 664.9 632.0 698.8 585.7 663.9 626.0 691.1 582b 662.3c 618d 683.1c All PA values are given in kJ mol21 at 298 K. Reference 32. A more recent PA298~HBr! value is 580.7 kJ mol21, see Ref. 36. c Experimental PA~CH3Br! and PA~CH3I! values are taken from Ref. 6~b!. d T. B. McMahon, private communication. The value of PA298~HI! given in Ref. 32 is 615 kJ mol21. a b b tions of these quantities. Finally, the G2@ECP# and G2@AE# calculated gas-phase proton affinities ~PA! of HX and CH3X as well as the gas-phase methyl cation affinities ~MCA! of HX ~X5Br and I! are compared with experiment6~b!,32,36 in Tables XI and XII, respectively. A. Bond lengths and harmonic vibrational frequencies The results in Tables V and VI show that all three procedures, MP2@AE#, MP2@ECP~HW!# and MP2@ECP~S!#, when used in conjunction with the singly polarized splitvalence bases defined above, consistently overestimate the length of bonds to bromine and iodine. For the brominecontaining systems ~Table V!, there is little difference beTABLE X. Effect of spin–orbit corrections on the calculated G2@AE# ionization energies, electron affinities, and atomization energies ~in eV! of bromine- and iodine-containing species. Without spin–orbit corrections With first-order spin– orbit correctionsa Expt.b Br→Br1 Br2→Br1 2 HBr→HBr1 Br2→Br Br2 2 →Br2 Br2→Br1Br HBr→H1Br CH3Br→C1Br13H 11.74 10.66 11.75 3.48 2.47 2.18 3.88 15.66 11.72 10.48 11.58 3.32 2.47 1.87 3.72 15.50 11.81 10.52 11.66 3.37 2.5 1.97 3.77 15.55 I→I1 I2→I1 2 HI→HI1 2 I →I I2 2 →I2 I2→I1I HI→H1I CH3I→C1I13H 10.48 9.62 10.60 3.31 2.41 2.05 3.33 15.23 10.42 9.30 10.27 3.00 2.41 1.42 3.02 14.92 10.45 9.40 10.39 3.06 2.5 1.54 3.05 14.94 The spin–orbit corrections in eV are: 20.1573 ~Br!, 20.1842 ~Br1!, 1 1 20.1782 ~Br1 2 !, 20.1703 ~HBr !, 20.3128 ~I!, 20.3679 ~I !, 20.3165 1 1 ~I2 !, and 20.3337 ~HI ! ~Ref. 27!. See also the footnotes to Tables II and III. b Experimental data were taken from Ref. 32. See also Tables VIII and IX. tween the three procedures, the mean absolute deviations from experimental bond lengths being 0.027 Å ~AE!, 0.029 Å @ECP~HW!#, and 0.025 Å @ECP~S!#. For the iodinecontaining systems ~Table VI! there are larger differences, the mean absolute deviations being 0.038 Å ~AE!, 0.013 Å @ECP~HW!#, and 0.031 Å @ECP~S!#. However, the small set of comparisons makes the significance of these differences uncertain. Interestingly, similar trends are observed in the different sample of systems shown in Table VII. Thus, for the bromine-containing systems, the mean absolute deviations from experimental bond lengths are 0.026 Å ~AE!, 0.031 Å @ECP~HW!#, and 0.030 Å @ECP~S!#, whereas for the iodinecontaining systems, the mean absolute deviations are 0.036 Å ~AE!, 0.022 Å @ECP~HW!#, and 0.033 Å @ECP~S!#. All three MP2-level procedures fare very well at predicting harmonic vibrational frequencies ~Table VII!. The mean absolute percentage deviations in the vibrational frequencies, given as 100~vMP22ve !/ve ~%!, come out as 1.5% ~AE!, 1.4% @ECP~HW!#, and 1.3% @ECP~S!#, while for the iodinecontaining systems, the percentage deviations are 1.6% ~AE!, 1.3% @ECP~HW!#, and 1.4% @ECP~S!#. At the scaled HF level, while the deviations from experimental frequencies are uniformly larger, the three procedures again perform similarly, with mean absolute deviations for the three methods lying between 8.7% and 8.8% for the brominecontaining systems and between 8.8% and 9.3% for the iodine-containing systems. Because the efficient calculation of MP2 force constants is now routine,14 it is unfortunate that scaled HF zero-point vibrational energies are used in standard G2 theory, especially when the scaling is found not to improve the agreement with experiment compared with the unscaled MP2 results. TABLE XII. Comparison of G2 methyl cation affinities ~MCA! for HBr and HI with experimental values.a a Species AE ECP~HW! ECP~S! Expt.b HBr HI 222.5 265.9 226.4 270.5 225.1 262.3 227.7 257.4 All MCA values are given in kJ mol21 at 298 K. The G2 energy of CH1 3 is 239.381 79 hartrees at 298 K. b Reference 6~b!. a J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 103, No. 5, 1 August 1995 Downloaded 23 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Glukhovtsev et al.: Extension of G2 to Br- and I-containing molecules B. Ionization energies, electron affinities, and atomization energies For bromine-containing species, the G2@AE# results for the energetic quantities shown in Table VIII are somewhat better than those obtained at G2@ECP#. Thus, mean ~and maximum! absolute deviations from experimental values for G2@AE# are 0.06 ~0.10! eV, while the corresponding deviations for G2@ECP~HW!# are 0.10 ~0.17! eV, and for G2@ECP~S!# they are 0.10 ~0.16! eV. The G2@AE# results obtained with the geometrical (3d) splitting parameter n54 differ only slightly ~by 0.00–0.02 eV! from those obtained with the standard third-row (3d) splitting parameter n53 ~Table VIII!. For iodine-containing species, the performance comparison ~Table IX! is similar, with one exception. Thus, the mean ~and maximum! absolute deviations are 0.07 ~0.12! eV for G2@AE#, 0.08 ~0.13! eV for G2@ECP~HW!#, and 0.10 ~0.25! eV for G2@ECP~S!#. The reason for the significantly larger error in the G2@ECP~S!# atomization energy of I2 is not apparent. It is perhaps surprising that overall the G2@AE# results are at least as good as those obtained from the G2@ECP# procedures. Apparently, a relativistic treatment of the halogen core is not necessary to achieve comparably accurate reaction energies, at least for the reactions shown in Tables VIII and IX. As a further test of this point, we carried out MP4 calculations of the IEs and EAs of Br and I using both the relativistic and nonrelativistic ~V R and V NR! ECPs defined by Schwerdtfeger et al.,37 coupled with their uncontracted (9s,6p,2d) basis,37 which we supplemented with an f function ~a f 50.5!. The relativistic ~V R! ECPs yield MP4 reaction energies for the four comparisons that are 0.03–0.06 eV lower than the nonrelativistic ~V NR! values. The same trend is shown in Tables VIII and IX, where in seven out of eight comparisons the G2@ECP# IEs and EAs are lower ~further away from the experimental values! than the corresponding G2@AE# values by 0.01–0.07 eV. As expected, the first-order spin–orbit corrections are quite significant for attaining accurate reaction energies ~Table X!. When spin–orbit coupling is not taken into account, the mean absolute G2@AE# deviation from experiment nearly doubles for the bromine-containing systems, and more than triples for the iodine-containing systems. It is unlikely that application of the present G2 procedures to the analogous astatine-containing species would result in reaction energies of quality comparable to that demonstrated in Tables VIII and IX. Second-order spin–orbit corrections, which arise from the interaction of the spin–orbit operator between the unperturbed ground state and its excited states, will not be negligible for the astatine-containing species, since their magnitudes are expected to be comparable to the nonzero first-order corrections of the iodine-containing species. In addition, there are other corrections that we have not considered ~e.g., core penetration!17 that are likely be important for some astatine-containing systems. C. Proton and methyl cation affinities Calculations of gas-phase proton affinities and methyl cation affinities are very sensitive to the computational level 1883 employed.3f,3i,38 Therefore, it is instructive to test both the G2@AE# and G2@ECP# schemes in calculations of PA~HX! and PA~CH3X! as well as of MCA~HX!, X5Br and I. The best performance is provided by G2@ECP~S!#, which shows a mean absolute deviation from the experimental results in Tables XI and XII of 0.05 eV, with a maximum deviation of 0.08 eV. For G2@AE#, the mean and maximum deviations are 0.07 and 0.12 eV, respectively, while for G2@ECP~HW!#, the corresponding values are 0.09 and 0.16 eV. D. The choice of standard G2[AE] and G2[ECP] procedures The data presented in Tables VIII and IX show that G2@ECP~S!# and G2@ECP~HW!# generally demonstrate similar accuracy, the sole exception being the relatively poor G2@ECP~S!# atomization energy of I2 . However, ECP~S! has the better performance in calculations of gas-phase proton affinities and methyl cation affinities ~Tables XI and XII!. On balance, we have selected the G2@ECP~S!# scheme, based on the quasirelativistic energy-adjusted spin–orbitaveraged seven-valence–electron ECPs for bromine and iodine atoms derived by the Stuttgart group, as the standard G2@ECP# scheme, although it must be admitted that our choice is somewhat arbitrary.39 The G2@AE# scheme for bromine has been presented previously,5 while for iodine we recommend the basis sets and procedures described in the present paper. G2@ECP# calculations with quasirelativistic ECPs are generally comparable in accuracy to the G2@AE# scheme ~Tables V–XII!. At the same time, particularly for iodinecontaining species, the ECP scheme gives a substantial reduction in computational time in comparison with the AE calculations.40 Although, as a result of the frozen core approximation, the G2@AE# single-point energies also do not correlate 46 electrons per iodine atom, a price has to be paid for the greater number of virtual spin orbitals in the AE calculations. For example, with the 6-311G(2d f ) basis set, while there are 59 virtual spin orbitals ~29 alpha and 30 beta! per iodine atom in the ECP calculations, there are 93 ~46 alpha and 47 beta! in the AE calculations. For MP4 calculations on molecules of the size considered in this work ~two heavy atoms!, the computational cost increases roughly as the number of active alpha ~or beta! spin orbitals to the fifth power, while for increasingly larger molecules, the cost will approach a seventh power dependence. Thus the smaller number of virtual spin orbitals in the ECP scheme can lead to significant computational savings. V. CONCLUDING REMARKS This paper introduces the use for the first time of quasirelativistic effective core potentials ~ECPs! in G2 calculations, enabling the efficient application of this high quality procedure to heavier atoms, in the first instance bromine and iodine. The computational results for ionization energies, electron affinities, atomization energies, and proton and methyl cation affinities of simple but representative sets of bromine- and iodine-containing species are encouraging. An accuracy comparable to that of G2 calculations on molecules J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 103, No. 5, 1 August 1995 Downloaded 23 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions Glukhovtsev et al.: Extension of G2 to Br- and I-containing molecules 1884 TABLE XIII. Iodine 6-311G ~and supplementary function! Gaussian exponents ~ai !, and contraction coefficients (c i ). 1s 8 1s 9 2s 8 2s 9 3s 8 3s 9 4s 8 4s 9 5s 8 5s 9 2p 8 2p 9 3p 8 3p 9 4p 8 4p 9 5p 8 5p 9 5p 3d 8 3d 9 4d 8 4d 9 ai ci 444 750 66 127 14 815 4 144.9 1 361.2 508.44 209.59 81.959 36.805 13.495 6.885 9 2.552 0 1.208 8 0.273 4 0.100 9 2 953.6 712.61 236.71 92.631 39.732 17.273 7.957 0 3.152 9 1.332 8 0.494 7 0.216 0 0.082 93 261.95 76.734 27.551 10.606 3.421 7 1.137 0 0.000 89 0.006 94 0.036 09 0.135 68 0.338 78 0.436 59 0.183 75 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.012 21 0.085 87 0.294 93 0.478 49 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.031 44 0.190 28 0.472 47 1 1 1 Supplementary functions s diff p diff d f 0.046 8 0.028 6 0.302 0.38 1 1 1 1 and ions containing only first- and second-row atoms is often achieved. This extension of G2 theory opens horizons for analogous extensions to other fourth-row main group elements. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We gratefully acknowledge a generous allocation of time on the Fujitsu VP-2200 supercomputer of the Australian National University Supercomputing Facility and the award ~to A.P.! of an ARC Senior Research Fellowship. We thank Dr. L. A. Curtiss, Professor H. Stoll, Professor P. Pyykkö, and Professor G. Frenking for helpful discussions, and Dr. J. P. Blaudeau and Dr. L. A. Curtiss for providing the first-order spin–orbit corrections prior to publication. APPENDIX The iodine basis functions are summarized in Table XIII. 1 ~a! L. A. Curtiss, K. Raghavachari, G. W. Trucks, and J. A. Pople, J. Chem. Phys. 94, 7221 ~1991!; ~b! L. A. Curtiss, J. E. Carpenter, K. Ragha- vachari, and J. A. Pople, ibid. 96, 9030 ~1992!; ~c! L. A. Curtiss, K. Raghavachari, and J. A. Pople, Chem. Phys. Lett. 214, 183 ~1993!. 2 See, for example, ~a! L. A. Curtiss, D. Koch, and J. A. Pople, J. Chem. Phys. 95, 4040 ~1991!; ~b! L. A. Curtiss, K. Raghavachari, P. W. Deutsch, and J. A. 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