Joseph, Suad - Gender in the Arab World, Winter

WMS 184
Winter 2014
Suad Joseph
220 Young Hall
Gender in the Arab World: Syllabus
Jan 7
I. Introduction: Where / Who / What
Jan 9
II. Colonial Contexts:
Franz Fanon. “Algeria Unveiled.” In Fanon. A Dying Colonialism. NYC: Grove
1965. Pp 35-64. R.
Chandra Talpade Mohanty. “Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial
Discourses.” In Patrick Williams & Laura Chrisman, eds., Colonial Discourse
and Post-Colonial Theory. NYC: Columbia U.P. Pp. 196-220. R.
Jan 14
III. Gender, Constitutions, Citizenship, State-Making
In Suad Joseph. Gender and Citizenship
Suad Joseph. “Gendering Citizenship in the Middle East.” Pp. 3-30.
Women for Women International. “Our Constitution, Our Future: Enshrining Women’s
Rights in the Iraqi Constitution. 2005.
Jan 16
IV. Gender, Colonialism, Nation-Making
Hoda Elsadda, “Imagining the ‘New Man’: Gender and Nation in Arab Literary
Narratives in the Early Twentieth Century.” Journal of Middle East Women’s
Studies. 2007:3:2:31-55. R.
Jan 21-23
FILM: Elie Suleiman: “Devine Intervention” (90 minutes)
Jan 28
V. Sociality, Relationality, Family, Self-Making
In Suad Joseph, Intimate Selving:
Suad Joseph “Introduction” pp1-20
Suad Joseph, “Brother/Sister Relationships”. Pp. 113-140 R
Jan 30- Feb 4
Film: “Four Women of Egypt” (90 min)
Feb 4
Feb 6
Feb 13
Gender in the Arab World
VI. Religion, Secularism, and Feminism – Who is the Feminist Subject?
A. Barlas. “Globalizing Equality: Muslim Women, Theology, and Feminism.” In
Fereshteh Nouraie-Simone. On Shifting Ground. Muslim Women in the
Global Era. 2005. Feminist Press. Pp. 91-110. R.
Saba Mahmood. “Feminist Theory, Agency, and the Liberatory Subject.” In NouraieSimone. Pp. 111-152. R.
Sunera Thobani. “White Wars: Western Feminism and the ‘War on Terror’.
Theory. 2007. V 8. No. 2. Pp. 169-185
Islah Jad. “The ‘Ideal Woman’: Between Secularism and Islamism”. 2005
VII. Gender and the Veil – Unveiling Politics and Dress
Leila Ahmed. “The Veil Debate-Again”. In Nouraie-Simone. Pp. 153-171. R.
Joan Wallach Scott. “Racism”. In Scott. Politics of the Veil. Princeton 2007. Pp.
Feb 18
Feb 20
VIII. Sexualities
Joseph Massad, Desiring Arabs. Chaps 3 pp 160-189. R.
Grant Walsh-Haines. “The Egyptian Blogosphere: Policing Gender and Sexuality and the
Consequences for Queer Emancipation.” Journal of Middle East Women’s
Studies. 2012. V8. No. 3. Pp. 41-62. R
Feb 25
IX. Violent Bodies
Paul Amar. “Middle East Masculinity Studies: Discourses of ‘Men in Crisis,’ Industries
of Gender in Revolution.” Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies. 2011: V7.
No. 3. Pp36-70. R
Julie Peteet, “Male Gender and Rituals of Resistance in the Palestinian Intifada: A
Cultural Politics of Violence” In Ghoussoub, Sinclair-Webb pp103-126. R
Feb 27
Mar 4
IX. Becoming Men: Class, Masculinity, and Revolution
Farha Ghanem, Live and Die like a Man, chaps, 1-3, pp 1-106
Farha Ghanem, Live and Die like a Man, chaps 4-Conclusion, pp 107-176
Mar 6
Mar 6
X. Becoming Women: Gender and Education
Fida Adely. Gendered Paradoxes, chaps 1-3 pp 1-82
Fida Adely. Gendered Paradoxes, chaps 4-6, pp 83-175
Mar 11
Mar 13
XI. Representing Muslims & Arabs: Gaze, Representation, Identity
Lila Abu-Lughod 2002 “Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving? Cultural
Relativism and its Others”. American Anthropologist 104: 3:p783-90. R.
Nadine Naber. “Muslim First, Arab Second: A Strategic Politics of Race and Gender”
The Muslim World. 95: (Oct) 2005. Pp. 479-495. R.
Syllabus may be revised during the quarter.
Books in Bookstore, Required
Suad Joseph, ed. Gender and Citizenship in the Middle East. 2000. Syracuse: Syracuse U. Press.
Farha Ghannam. Live and Die Like a Man. Gender Dynamics in Urban Egypt. 2013 Stanford UP.
Fida J. Adely. Gendered Paradoxes. Educating Jordanian Women in Nation, Faith, and Progress. 2012
Chicago UP
Reader, Required Davis Copy Maxx, Third St: Articles with an “R” after the title are in the Reader
Books on Reserve: Required books + (Readings are in Shields library, except articles from journals).
Suad Joseph and Susan Slyomovics, eds. Women and Power in the Middle East. 2001.
Philadelphia: U. of Pennsylvania Press.
Suad Joseph, ed. Gender and Citizenship in the Middle East. 2000. Syracuse: Syracuse UP
Mai Ghoussoub & Emma Sinclair-Webb, Eds., 2000. Imagined Masculinities. Male Identity and
Culture in the Middle East. London: Saqi Books.
Jack Shaheen. Reel Bad Arabs. How Hollywood Vilifies a People. 2001 Olive Branch Press.
Franz Fanon. A Dying Colonialism. NYC Grove Press. 1965
Patrick Williams & Laura Chrisman, eds., Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory. Columbia U.P.
Fereshteh Nouraie-Simone. On Shifting Ground. Muslim Women in the Global Era. 2005. Feminist P.