‘St. Louis Blues’ “First blues popular song” by W.C. Handy “Father of the Blues” Blues Music History ‘Story of the Blues’ Sharon Watkins ‘Singin’ the Blues’ LESSON OBJECTIVES: Blues Vocabulary Brief history of blues genre Characteristics of blues music Famous blues artists & songs ‘Black & Blue’, Broadway Musical Experience blues listening & performing Music History of Blues LANGUAGE ARTS Summarize, compare & contrast recordings Write an original story for ‘St. Louis Blues’ Research an artist & present Write an original blues lyric/song & perform ACTIVITY EXAMPLE: Think of ‘hooks’ from famous blues (or other) tunes… “Hit the Road, Jack…” “Can’t buy me love…” “The Thrill is gone…” ….. ‘Write a Poem ACTIVITY: Cinquain TOPIC: “Lost Love” or “No love yet…” WRITE :Three lines – Six words Five words Four words Recordings John the Revelator Son House St. Louis Blues W.C Handy & his Memphis Blues Band Cab Calloway Bessie Smith & Louis Armstrong Billie Holiday Ella Fitzgerald Doc & Merle Watson Carey Bell Preservation Hall Jazz Band The Magnificent Sevens Isley Brothers Jason Webb Herbie Hancock & Stevie Wonder JAZZ! SING & PLAY The Blues & Jazz are closely related…. Blues bass line in BLUES progression 12 Bar Blues Blues Scale Improvise! Compose & Perform an original blues piece Jazz & Music GLIs VISUAL ART ACTIVITY: Make an album cover Study - Andy Warhol’s Album Cover Art Materials – Jpegs of artists who recorded St Louis Blues & Photoshop Task- create and album cover using that portrait and manipulating it with PhotoShop. Andy Warhol Visual Art: Make an ‘album cover’ Other Ideas • “Sing”a children’s book improvising with the blues scale • Create a collage by making a jazz vocabulary ‘poetry kit’ and gluing the words into an image. • Research the various sets of lyrics used by different artists. Why are they different? • Study the different types of blues. Trace their geography and major artists who influenced the sound ‘Story of the Blues’ Sharon Watkins