LANDFILL CLOSED SITES AS ENERGY PARKS SWANA Florida Summer Conference July 28-29, 2014 Debra R. Reinhart Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering Mike Toth, Geosyntec Nicoleta Sorloaica-Hickman Florida Solar Energy Center University of Central Florida Presentation Overview • Landfill as Energy Parks • Methodology • Results – Preliminary Screening – Case Study • Conclusions Introduction • Utilizing closed landfills as energy parks converts what would otherwise be a liability into an asset while also contributing to a solution for meeting growing energy demands. • UCF conducted a comprehensive and systematic analyses to evaluate the suitability of closed landfill sites as power parks. Possible Technologies • • • • • Landfill gas to energy Wind energy Photovoltaics Heat or thermal energy recovery Energy crops Possible Technologies • • • • • Landfill gas to energy Wind energy Photovoltaics Heat or thermal energy recovery Energy crops Landfills as Energy Parks – Potential Advantages • Land, utilities, roads and other infrastructure are readily available and the site is already an undesirable land use. • located near critical infrastructure, including electric transmission lines and roads, near areas with high energy demand, • Constructed with large areas of minimal grade • Lower land costs compared to open space. • Coupling renewable energy technologies with landfill gas projects may be particularly advantageous because of shared infrastructure upgrade costs Landfills as Energy Parks – Potential Challenges • Interference with closure systems such as stormwater management, geomembrane 30-yr warranty • Construction on top of a landfill (deep foundations may be necessary) • Additional loading on roadways • Climate changes impact on cloud cover • Cover depth • Side slope issues • Compatibility with post-closure care Wind Projects at Landfills in USA Frey Farm Landfill, Lancaster County, Southwest PA 2, 1.6 MW turbines erected in 2011 adjacent to landfill; $9.5 million project Avg. annual wind speed at 80 m1: 5 m/s; 4.632 Hub Height: 80m; Co-location to Dairy Farm 1Source: 2TMY NREL 80 m wind maps ( 3 data using power law conversion Wind Projects at Landfills in USA Town of Hull Wind II Project (2006) Wind speed: 6.5 – 7.0 m/s at 70 m; confirmed empirically at 7.0 m/s at 60m Needed to build the turbine atop a landfill Allowed rotor to be sufficiently high above surroundings while still using a tower of moderate height Vestas 1.8 MW turbine Foundation Design: Concrete pad supported by pilings and rock anchor bolts Piles driven through landfill to solid rock No landfill liner existed. Cost Cost (2006 dollars/2012 dollars): 850,000/975,000; Approx. 25% of installed capital costs compared to normally estimated 2.5 - 5% (NREL, 2010) for utility scale turbines. Source: Photovoltaic Technology Thin-Film PV at Tessman Road Landfill, TX Power Generation Depends on Many Factors Rigid Panel PV at Pennsauken Sanitary Landfill, NJ Energy Park Projects Worldwide “Energy Hill” (Georgswerder Landfill, Hamburg, Germany) Source: Comparison to Other Energy Sources (Adapted from V. Smil, 2010) Proposed Technologies Technology Description Collected landfill gas as fuel for internal combustion engine (ICE) powering an electrical generator, gas turbines, microturbines, direct applications such as for use in boilers, dryers, and kilns collocated Landfill Gas to with the landfill, and direct use in natural gas pipelines Energy (LFGTE) Wind Generators Photovoltaic Technologies Traditional geared systems and newer direct-drive systems Multiple rigid and flexible photovoltaic (PV) technologies including monocrystalline, polycrastalline, amorphous silicon (a-Si), tandem amorphous/Si crystalline, thin-film Si crystalline, and others based on compound II-VI and III-V materials Methodology Phase 1 Phase 2 - Prescreening - Site Screening Phase 3 - Financial - Environmental Impact Assessment - Final Selection Among Viable Alternatives Pre-Screening Technology Thresholds Threshold Technology Landfill Gas Collection (Direct Use) Distance from co-located operation or natural gas a pipeline should be under 8 km Landfill Gas Collection (Electricity Production) Landfill must produce at least 5.6 m3/min of gas at a 50% methane (for ICE) Electricity Production from Wind Generators Cut-in wind speed greater than 4 m/sb Electricity Production using Solar energy Low shading, tilt angle between 26-31degrees and 2average solar insolation greater than 3.5 kWh/m dayc aUSEPA, 2011; cNREL, 2013 b Iowa Center, 2012; Site Locations for PreScreening Candidate Sites – Summary of 27 Landfills 6 sites All three Two or more 18 sites Landfill gas extraction PV 10 sites 19 sites 23 sites Wind 0 20 40 60 Percentage (%) 80 100 Phase 3: Case Studies: Financial and Environmental Impact Evaluation • Life Cycle Analysis: Process Analysis and Economic Input-Output – energy input, – energy output capabilities, – material flows, – global warming potential, and – costs associated with each technology (engineering and design, manufacturing, constuction, O&M, decommisioning) (Crawford, 2007; Sharrard, et al. 2008; Changbo et al., 2012) Global Warming 100 Potential Results from BestCase Technologies, g CO2e/ kWh Out Martin County Palm City Saint Cloud West Nassau 74 82 79 79 69 63 52 68 -- 1138 1152 1138 Technology\ Buckingh Case Study am Road Solar Wind Turbine LFGTE Comparison To Fossil Fuels, g CO2e/ kWh AC Out Fuel Cell Natural Gas Various Combined Cycle Turbinesa Various Combined Cycle Turbinesb 443 499 Diesel Heavy Oil Coal Hydrogen Gas Reforminga Various Generator and Turbine Typesa Various Generator and Turbine Typesa Various Generator Types with Scrubbinga Various Generator Types without Scrubbinga 664 778 778 960 1,050 Solar: 74 – 82 Wind Turbine: 52-69 LFGTE: 1140 Payback Periods for Best-Case Technologies, Years Bucking Martin Technology ham County \ Case Road Palm City Study Solar 22 24 Wind Turbine LFGTE Saint West Cloud Nassau 23 23 80 54 29 75 -- 2 5 2.5 Levelized Cost of Energy for Best-Case Technologies, $/kWh Technology Bucking Martin \Case ham County Study Road Palm City Saint Cloud West Nassau Solar 0.100 0.100 0.107 0.108 Wind Turbine 0.090 0.079 0.066 0.085 -- 0.017 0.063 0.017 LFGTE Conclusions – Needed For Technology Viability • A substantial increase in energy prices • The implementation of new policies that promote renewables • The implementation of new/renewed incentives • Technological cost reductions (e.g., lower cut in wind speeds, better capacity factors, lower cost materials) • Longer-term warranties on renewable energy equipment allowing for an increase in project life during analysis. Funding Acknowledgements Hinkley Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management National Science Foundation Questions?