Stretching 101 - Wilmington Lady Fitness

Neck Extensor Stretch
Muscle(s) Targeted: Erector Spinae
 Assume start position standing or sitting.
 Interlock your hands behind the head towards
the top of the head.
 Inhale and then exhale as you pull your head
 Try to touch your chin to your chest.
 Keep your shoulders and scapulae depressed.
 You should feel this stretch in your back along the
Lateral Neck Flexion Stretch with Anchored Shoulder
Muscle(s) Targeted: Sternocleidomastoid, Upper
Trapezius, Spenius
 Assume start position standing or sitting.
 Place your left arm behind and across your back.
 Grab your wrist from behind with the opposite
hand and pull it across the midline of your back
to stabilize your left shoulder.
 Inhale and then exhale as you tilt the head to
the right as if moving the right ear over the right
 Repeat on other side.
 You should feel this stretch in the upper back along
the back and side of your neck.
Posterior Shoulder and Upper Back Stretch
Muscle(s) Targeted: Posterior Deltoid, Latissimus Dorsi,
Triceps, Lower Middle Trapezius
 Assume start position standing or sitting
 Hold your right hand out to the side and then
move your arm across the front of your body.
 Use the left hand and grasp above the elbow to
assist pulling the shoulder horizontally across
the body.
 Inhale and then exhale as you preform the
 Repeat on other side.
 You should feel this stretch in the back of the
arm, shoulder and into the mid and lower back.
Bicep Stretch with Radioulnar Pronation
Muscle(s) Targeted: Biceps and Brachialis
 Assume start position standing or sitting
 Hold both arms out to your side at shoulder
level with palms facing forward and hands open.
 Inhale and then exhale and rotate your arms
pointing your thumbs down.
 You can increase the stretch by moving your
shoulders back but keeping your arms parallel
to the ground.
 You should feel this stretch in the upper part of
your arm between the elbow and shoulder.
Triceps Overhead Stretch
Muscle(s) Targeted: Triceps, Posterior Deltoid,
Latissumus Dorsi
 Assume start position standing or sitting
 Flex the right shoulder until your elbow is next
to your right ear. Your elbow should be bent at
90 degrees or greater.
 Grasp your right elbow with your left hand.
 Inhale and then exhale as you pull the right
elbow backward with forearm traveling
downward and backward.
 Repeat on other side.
 You should feel this exercise in the back of the
arm, shoulder and lower back.
Shoulder Rotation Stretch
Muscle(s) Targeted: Anterior and Middle Deltoid,
Pectoralis Major, Levator Scapulae, Supraspinatus,
Infraspinatus and Teres Minor
 Assume start position standing or sitting
 Bring your right arm behind the back with palm
facing out.
 Inhale and then exhale as you move the arms
across the back with the hand moving upward.
 To assist take your left hand and grasp your
right pulling the arm further across the back.
 Repeat on other side.
 You should feel this exercise in the shoulder
mainly in the front leading into the chest.
Chest and Anterior Shoulder Stretch
Muscle(s) Targeted: Pectoralis Major, Anterior Deltoid
 Assume start position standing.
 Interlace the fingers behind your back with
palms up.
 Inhale and then exhale as you slowly straighten
your arms and turn your elbows inward.
 Lift your hands and arms away from your body.
 You should feel this exercise in the chest and
front shoulder.
Standing Lateral Trunk Flexion Stretch
Muscle(s) Targeted: External and Internal Obliques,
Rotatores, Quadratus Lumborum
 Assume start position standing or sitting.
 Reach overhead with both arms framing the
head and grasp the left wrist with the right
 Inhale and exhale as you bend directly to the
side performing lateral spine flexion.
 Keep a soft extension at the knees in order to
keep the spine neutral.
 Repeat on other side.
 You should feel this stretch along your side.
Standing Hip Flexor Stretch
Muscle(s) Targeted: Psoas Major, Iliacus,
Rectus Femoris
 Assume start position standing.
 Take a large step forward.
 Inhale and then exhale as you tilt
your pelvis (Pull your buttocks down
and under) making sure to keep
your front knee over your ankle.
 Repeat on other side.
 You should feel this stretch in the
front of your leg just above your hip
Standing Calf Stretch
Muscle(s) Targeted: Gastrocnemius, Soleus
 Assume start position standing.
 Take a large step forward with the
right leg.
 Inhale and then exhale as you lean
the torso slightly forward keeping
your back straight while keeping
your left heel on the floor.
 Repeat on other side.
 You should feel this stretch in the
back of your calf.
Seated Butterfly Groin Stretch
Muscle(s) Targeted: Adductor(s) Magnus,
Longus, and Brevis. Graciliis and Pectineus.
 Sit on the floor with knees bent and
the soles of your feet touching.
 Bring the heels of the feet as close
to the body as possible.
 Grasp your feet or just above the
ankles. Elbows should spread
sideways touching thighs or legs.
 Inhale and then exhale as you bring
the torso towards the feet and
press the knees down with the
elbow while making sure to keep
the back straight not rounded.
 You should feel this stretch along
the inside of your thighs and into
the groin.
Hamstring Modified Hurdler Stretch
Muscle(s) Targeted: Hamstrings
 Sit in the start position on the floor with right
leg straight and left leg bent at the knee with
the heel touching the inside of the right leg at
the knee or thigh.
 Reach forward and out with the arms as you
lean the torso forward lowering your torso
toward the extended leg.
 Keep your spine straight and avoiding rounding
the back.
 Repeat on other side.
 You should feel this stretch in the back of your
Lower Back Supine Knees to Chest Stretch
Muscle(s) Targeted: Erector Spinae
 Lie on your back with your knees flexed and
your feet flat on the floor.
 Lift the feet off the floor keeping the knees bent
and grasp under the thighs just above the
 Inhale and then exhale as you pull your knees
toward your chest and the hips elevate off the
 You should feel this stretch in your back.
Hip Abductor Drop Over
Muscle(s) Targeted: Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Minimus,
 Lie on your back with both arms out to the side
for support.
 Bring the right thigh towards the chest with the
knee bent.
 Inhale and then exhale as you bend the right
knee and grasp the right leg with the left hand
above the knee slowly pulling it across the body
at hip level. Keep the right shoulder down or
you will lose the effect of the stretch.
 Repeat on other side.
 You should feel this stretch in the buttocks area.
Supine Hip Rotator and Extensor Stretch
Muscle(s) Targeted: Gluteus Maximus, Adductor(s)
Magnus, Longus, and Brevis, Graciliis, Hip Internal
 Lie on your back with both arms out to the side
for support.
 Bend the right knee and cross the right ankle
over and just above the left knee.
 Inhale and exhale as you pull the left leg toward
the chest.
 Repeat on other side.
 You should feel this stretch in the buttocks and
hip area.
Side Lying Quadriceps Stretch
Muscle(s) Targeted: Quadriceps
 Lie on your right side in a sight line with the left
leg stacked directly on top right leg.
 Support the head to maintain spinal alignment.
 Bend your left knee bringing the foot close to
your buttocks.
 With your left hand grasp the left ankle.
 Inhale and exhale as you pull on the foot and
draw the hip backward at the same time as you
push the hips forward.
 Be sure to keep the thigh and the lower leg of
the top leg aligned and keep the thighs
 Repeat on other side
 You should feel this stretch in the front of your
Prone Abdominal Stretch
Muscle(s) Targeted: Rectus Abdominus
 Lie on your stomach with the feet no more than
hip width apart and arms out to the side at
shoulder height with the elbows bent at a 90
degree angle.
 Keep head straight and aligned with spine or
slightly up to keep face off the floor.
 Press through the arms and hands as you push
the torso into extension.
 Do not overextend. Be sure to keep your head
in alignment with your spine.
 You should feel this stretch in your lower
Pandora Williams – Weight Loss & Wellness Coach
Weight Loss: 250lbs.
Starting Weight 420lbs.
For More Information about Weight Loss, Wellness,
Fitness, Nutrition and for assistance with your
transformation journey contact Pandora at Wilmington
Lady Fitness (910)-392-3339 or by email at
For more information about Pandora visit her personal