Compilation of Environmental Lessons


And so we propose these 4 strands to structure curriculum development at our schools, and set the content direction of our intended research, and ongoing collaborative resource support.

Do these pillars help to direct and guide environmental curriculum development?

The nature of Nature




Material Cycles

Needs and wants

Consumer culture




Use & waste

From Thought to Action



Presence & Respect


Wonder & Awe

The nature of Nature




Guiding question:

How do we find and understand that everything is connected to everything else?

Suggesting these resources on the laws of ecology:

About food webs – a good app to try:

Needing some group development:

• to generate a meaningful student experience through an activity, lesson, or project

• at the junior, middle, and/or senior school level (groups to please work toward 2 of those levels)

The nature of Nature Lesson Plans

Name of Experience

Your River is What you Eat


To appreciate that dietary decisions have an impact on the health of the “river.”


Student materials:

Activity guide:

Mind map – draw a mind map outlining the direct and indirect impacts of a dietary decision – for example, eating a local organic apple vs. an non-organic apple from California. Look for connections beyond linear connections – examine the interconnectedness of the web.


Extension: River Clean-Up, Water Testing

The nature of Nature Lesson Plans cont’d.

Name of Experience

You are What You Eat


Students critically examine the planning and preparation of a healthy meal/diet.


Student materials:

Activity guide:

Put together a healthy/organic meal plan that is nutritionally balanced.


Extension: Grow food

Material Cycles

Needs and wants, Consumer culture

Economy, Resources

Energy, Use & waste

Guiding Questions:

What is the difference between nature and natural resources?

What are the sources of our stuff and our energy?

Where do our goods and our energy go when we have used what we want?

Suggested resources:

The Story of Stuff:

A bit from Cradle to Cradle:

From David Suzuki:

Good sources of data:

Needing some group development:

to generate a meaningful student experience through an activity, lesson, or project

• at the junior, middle, and/or senior school level (groups to please work toward 2 of those levels)

The Material Cycles Lesson Plans

Name of Experience

Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse Art Project


Students complete an art portfolio that is made entirely out of reused materials.


Any reused materials that relate to and align with the vision of the artist

Student materials:

Same as above

Activity guide:

Students will be asked to complete a portfolio using a number of different reused media. They will be asked to create a proposal that will involve the reused materials, plan out the portfolio's elements, and then create the products with a direct link back to the original proposal.


Students will be assessed on their proposal, process, and product.

The product should directly relate to the original proposal that was put forward.

The Material Cycles Lesson Plans cont’d

Name of Experience

Tracking Solar Usage


To track the amount of megawatt hours produced by a school's solar panels and follow where that power is going and being used.


Solar panels and tracking software/hardware

Student materials:

Math workbooks, and any other math resources relevant to tracking, recording, and analyzing data

Activity guide:

Students will track the amount of mw/h produced by the school's solar array. They will then be tasked with seeing where that power is being used in the school and will be challenged to come up with some solutions to ensure that the power is being used more efficiently.


Students will be assessed on the creativity of their solutions and the accuracy of their data tacking and management.

From Thought to Action



Guiding questions:

Are there basic guidelines to keep in mind when deciding how to live?

what to eat?

where to live?

how to travel?

How can we understand right and wrong?

Is there a right and wrong way to do things?

Suggested resources:

These are good footprint calculators.


Needing some group development:

to generate a meaningful student experience through an activity, lesson, or project

• at the junior, middle, and/or senior school level (groups to please work toward 2 of those levels)

From Thought to Action Lesson Plans

Name of Experience

From Food to Flowers - Junior Level


To constantly remind students about their daily carbon footprint using the snacks/lunch they eat and a strategically located compost container.


Large compost container

Student materials:

Daily snacks and lunch

Activity guide:

During snack time or after lunch, boys place their organic wastes into a composter located in a clearly visible location in the classroom. As compost accumulates and biodegrades, the organic material is then used to plant flowers in a garden on school property.


Students will be assessed on their ability to understand the principles of organic and inorganic wastes, and specifically how the former has a positive impact on their bodies and the environment.

From Thought to Action Lesson Plans cont’d

Name of Experience

Keep Your Brain in Touch with Nature - Senior Level


Teach students to improve their mental health by reducing the amount of time they spend in front of an electronic screen and increasing their physical exercise in a natural environment.


No electronics, natural, reality-based experiences

Student materials:

Pencils, paper, self-discipline, self-regulation

Activity guide:

Have students log the number of hours they spend in a virtual or artificial environment (video games/TV/internet) vs. the number of hours they spend in a real or natural environment for a week.

Compare individual results within the classroom and to the national average.


Students will be assessed on their ability to recognize their lifestyle habits and how these decisions will affect their personal health. More specifically, students will be assessed on their ability to communicate an understanding that the real world and environment needs to be managed more critically than their virtual world.

Presence & Respect


Wonder & Awe

Guiding questions:

How can we understand and communicate some humility for our own place in the world?

How can we know and show respect for the natural world?

Suggested resources:

These 2 scales of the very large and very small:

A thought-provoking video, and book

About current environmental troubles ent

Needing some group development:

• to generate a meaningful student experience through an activity, lesson, or project

• at the junior, middle, and/or senior school level (groups to please work toward 2 of those levels)

Presence & Respect Lesson Plans

We thought we’d like to build up, or build onto a project for junior and intermediate level students. Isn’t it possible, if framed deliberately, that a study of dramatic natural forces, and disappointing man-made situations can bring about some personal reflection and reverence for our home planet? Although basically a research project, we thought the basis for this experience should couple the student’s inquiry into natural forces with human’s forces bringing an impact. Relevant music and art examples should be suggested, as an accessible way to express personal feelings – to reflect on times and places in the natural world that have brought profound reactions.

Name of Experience:

Powerful Study – Junior/Intermediate

Objectives :

That we can know our ability to quickly cause environmental trouble, and that natural forces are often beyond our control. Humans then must operate carefully with some understanding of the power of nature, and our own technological ability to have lasting effects.

Resources :

Need a collection of good sites for both natural, and human-made forces

Student materials: See below

Activity guide:

- to find causes, effects? solutions? precautions? contribution

- to research into the details of great “natural” forces, like hurricanes and earthquakes, but also plate tectonics and glaciations

- to research into the details of “un-natural” forces like pollution, deforestation, and climate change

- to find a piece of music, art, film, that brings an inspiration…

- mindful minutes outdoors


Presence & Respect Lesson Plans cont’d

Name of Experience:

Powerful Study – Junior/Intermediate

“catchy name”

Objectives :

That we can know our ability to quickly cause environmental trouble, and natural forces are often beyond our control.


- scale stuff

- natural disaster whatnot…

Student materials:

Activity guide:

- to find causes, effects? solutions? precautions? contributions?

- to research into the details of great “natural” forces, like hurricanes and earthquakes, but also plate tectonics and glaciation

- to research into the details of “un-natural” forces like pollution, deforestation, and climate change

- to find a piece of music, art, film, that brings an inspiration…

- mindful minutes outdoors


Powerful Project

There are things happening on our planet all the time.

Some very quickly and dramatically; some things happen slowly.

For some we know the causes, while others are mysterious.

We know that humans are responsible for many things going on here on Earth, and we see also things happening that we would say are more “natural.”

The goal here is to compile some research material into two powerful processes, and contrast the human-made with the natural.

How do you feel?
