Announcement Health and Accident Insurance for PSU Study

Health and Accident Insurance for PSU Students
S ubject: Health care services and accident insurance for Prince of Songkla University students at
Hat Yai Camp us.
The following announcement dealing with the health care services and accident insurance for
individuals and group s of students at Prince of Songkla University , Hat Yai Camp us is hereby
declared below.
Section 1
Medical and Health Care Eligibility
Item 1.
To be eligible for the medical and health care services of the University the
individual must be a student of the Prince of Songkla Hat Yai camp us who
has enrolled in accord with the university rules and regulations in the
current semester and benefits from student liability .
Item 2.
Eligibility for medical and health care services includes the diagnosis and
treatment of illnesses and dental services from hosp itals identified by the
university .
Item 3.
Only individuals qualified in accord with item 1 who have p aid the
university health care service fee will be eligible for all the health care
benefits covered by this announcement.
Item 4.
Individuals eligible in accord with items 1 and 3 must allow the p hy sician
or the hosp ital to indicate the nature of their illnesses as ap p rop riate to the
university staff resp onsible for certify ing their eligibility to be cared for by
the hospital.
Item 5.
Eligibility for health care p rivileges according to this announcement is for
primary health care services only , and does not cover the health care
services listed hereunder, which will be at the students’ own exp ense.
5.1 Artificial organs and p rosthesis
5.2 Hired nurses
5.3 High-cost medicines and medicines that are not listed in the National
Essential Drug List. These medicines, however, may be allowed with the
consent of the p hy sician.
5.4 Hospital p rivate rooms and food or meals that are not p rovided by the
hosp ital.
5.5 Treatment fees at hosp itals not identified by the Prince of Songkla
University .
5.6 M edical certificates required for job ap p lications, educational
enrollments or for ap p lications to go abroad.
5.7 Annual health check up s.
5.8 Cosmetic and beauty services, including treatment of p imp les.
5.9 Chronic illnesses the students had before enrolling at the university .
These cases will be diagnosed by p hy sicians in Songklanagarind Hosp ital.
5.10 Illnesses or p hy sical malfunction conditions arising from students’
own behavior such as AIDS, sexual diseases, medical overdoses, diet,
pregnancy , ante- and p ost-natal services, child delivery services, and
5.11 Overtime time health care services
Item 6.
The cover for health care services is limited to Bt. 10,000 p er academic
year. Students are resp onsible for medical exp enses in excess of Bt. 10,000.
Item 7.
Students who have been issued with health care service cards (the gold
card) at the Songklanagarind Hosp ital are allowed to obtain services at any
time and on any day with no limit for the service charges, and in accord
with the regulations issued by the National Health Security Office. (Note:
Item 7 is not ap plicable to international students)
Section 2
The Health Care S ervices
Item 8.
Students admitted to and treated at the Songklanagarind Hosp ital are
required to conform strictly to the rules and regulations of the hospital.
Item 9.
Students can obtain health care services from the hosp ital by rep orting to
the Sp ecialist Clinics at the Primary Care Unit during hosp ital office
hours or at the Emergency Section out of hosp ital office hours. Students
are required to p resent their student card, and p atient card, and, for Thai
students only , health care card (gold card).
Item 10.
If it is established that students have allowed others to avail themselves of
their p rivileges from the health care services, or in cases where students
have wrongly obtained p rivileges, these health care benefits will be
Students are eligible for dental services including treatment for toothache,
(such as tooth removal), gum treatment, and X-ray s at Songklanagarind
Hosp ital. For other services and treatment obtained from dentists students
will have to p ay 50% of the charges. It is therefore recommended that
Thai students (not ap plicable to international students) make use the
health care gold card service.
Item 12.
The dental services mentioned in item 11 do not include gap filling,
p roviding false teeth and other cosmetic dental surgery .
Section 3
This S ection Applies to Thai S tudents only
Eligibility of the S ongklanagarind Hospital Health Care Gold Card Holders
Item 13.
Students can register for the health care gold card (of the Universal
Coverage Program) at the Primary Care Unit (PCU). New PSU students
who do not want to register to use the health care gold card at the
Songklanagarind Hospital have to report to the PCU or call the telep hone
number 1767.
Item 14.
The health care gold card holders can obtain health care services at the
PCU, the Sp ecialist Clinics, the Emergency Unit, and the Student Health
Care Unit located at the PSU canteen there being no limit to the expenses
relating to both health p roblems and injuries from accidents.
Item 15.
Students holding the health care gold card are eligible for health services
in other hosp itals in cases of emergencies.
Item 16.
There is no limit to the cost of treatment.
Section 4
Eligibility for Personal and Group Accident Insurance
Item 17.
Individuals eligible for p ersonal or group accident insurance are PSU
students who, in accord with the university rules and regulations, have
registered as university students and have status on the date of taking out the
insurance p olicy .
Item 18.
Eligible individuals in item 17 who have p aid the university health care
service fee are eligible for all the health care services and benefits from
accident insurance throughout the academic y ear.
Item 19.
Eligible students may get health care services in all government or p rivate
hosp itals, p oliclinics, and clinics attended by registered p hysicians around
the world.
Item 20.
The accident insurance covers all ty pes of accidents occurring during the
students’ daily activities including learning, traveling, relaxing, doing daily
activities, undertaking field work and studies, attending the military services
p rogram, working, p lay ing sport, training and competing in sp orts which are
not excluded in the insurance p olicy . The liability includes all accidents
while riding or commuting by motorcy cle or car or being injured in daily
activities or in riots.
Item 21.
Insurance benefits are sep arated into 2 sections for the coverage of hosp ital
services fees, and comp ensation for loss of organs, disablement and death,
subject to the terms and conditions in the insurance p olicy and according to
the sum insured by the university in any academic year which might be
subject to change each y ear.
Item 22.
The accident insurance liability excludes the following coverage.
22.1 Loss and damages caused by or as a result of the factors or
conditions listed hereunder.
Incidents caused by the insured p erson’s own
behavior under the influence of alcoholic drink, drugs or
other addictive substances to the degree of loss of selfcontrol. The term “influence of alcoholic drink” is identified
by an alcohol check showing 150 milligrams p ercent and
Suicide, attemp ted suicide, and self injury .
Infections, other than those such as tetanus and
rabies, obtained from wounds in accidents.
Any medicinal and surgical treatment other than that
needed to be done due to injury identified in the insurance
p olicy and within the p eriod of the p olicy issued.
M iscarriage and abortion.
Dental treatment including root canals, and making
of false teeth excep t when they are necessary due to injury
from accidents
All back p ains and aches due to Sp ondy lolisthesis,
Degeneratation, of Spondy losis, Sp ondy litis and
Sp ondyloly sis excep t for any fractures or dislocation of the
sp ine due to accidents.
Declared or undeclared wars, alien invasion or
imp acts from foreign force intrusion or civil wars, civil
disobedience, p olitical up risings or rebellions, riots or
Nuclear weap ons, toxic radiation or nuclear radiation
from nuclear power or nuclear waste and of any ty pes of
self-activated nuclear incidents.
22.2 Loss and damage occurring during the p eriods of time hereunder
22.2.1 During the insured p erson’s leisure time activities such
as wild life hunting, car and boat racing, horse racing, all
ty p es of leisure and comp etitive skiing, skating, boxing, and
p arachuting (excep t in the case of life saving), getting on or
off the balloons or flying machines, bungy jump ing,
mountain climbing with hiking instruments, diving with the
full instrumental supp ort of a gas tank and under-water
resp iration aids.
22.2.2 During the time when the insured p erson is getting on or
off or commuting in an airp lane or other air transp ort
vehicles not registered for transp ortation and not authorized
for commercial aviation.
22.2.3 During the time when the insured p erson is fly ing or
working as a flight attendant on an airp lane or other air
transport vehicles
22.2.4 During the time when the insured p erson is involved in
fighting or p rovoking the fighting.
22.2.5 During the time when the insured p erson is involved in
criminal activities or being arrested or escaping after
committing a crime.
22.2.6 During the time when the insured p erson is p erforming
duties as a military soldier, a p olice officer or working as a
volunteer or when he/she is participating in war or in
subjugating an up rising.
Item 23.
In the case of car accidents, claims for liabilities should be first sent to the
Liability From Car Accident Act B.E. 2535 and then to the p ersonal and
group accident insurance and health care gold card resp ectively .
Item 24.
The Vice President for Student Affairs is authorized to grant the liability in
health care and accident insurance for students and to interpret and decide
on the rules and regulations of the insurance p olicy
Item 25.
This announcement is valid on the date of declaration and rep laces any
other previous announcement related to this one.
Dated the 28 Day of M ay B.E. 2551 (2008).
Boonsom Siribumrungsukha
(Assoc. Prof. Dr. Boonsom Siribumrungsukha)
President of Prince of Songkla University
Certified as the true cop y
(Signed) Sup attra Wijitsopha
(M rs. Sup attra Wijitsop a)
The Academic Supp ort Staff 8
Tip p awan /ty p ed
Sup attra/ drafted and reviewed