Brief Constructed Response Prokaryotes Teacher Guide Objectives assessed: The student will be able to: Explain that prokaryotes are individual microscopic organisms with no nucleus that reproduce asexually Explain that bacteria are the most commonly known form of prokaryote. Explain that the vast majority of bacteria are not harmful to humans Students will need about 15–20 minutes to complete this brief constructed response. A. What distinguishes a prokaryotic cell from a eukaryotic cell? Correct response(s): Sample Correct Response: Prokaryotes are typically unicellular organisms, although some live in multicellular colonies. For example, prokaryotic cells such as bacteria do not have nuclei. Eukaryotic cells are more complex than prokaryotic cells. All animal and plant cells have nuclei and are therefore eukaryotic. Each eukaryotic cell contains membrane-bound cell structures called organelles. Some types of eukaryotic cells such as plant cells also have a cell wall outside the membrane. Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus or organelles. Response scoring tool: Content Score Response identifies that Eukaryotic cells are more complex and 3 prokaryotes are typically unicellular organisms. Animal and plant cells have a nucleus and are eukaryotic; Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus or organelles. Response correctly identifies bacteria are prokaryotic as they do not have 2 a nucleus; all animal and plant cells have nuclei and are therefore eukaryotic. Response correctly identifies that bacteria are prokaryotes or plants and 1 animals are eukaryotic; little to no detail about the eukaryotes or prokaryotes is given. No response, or response not appropriate to the question. 0 Brief Constructed Response: Prokaryotes © Discovery Education Page 1 of 2 Brief Constructed Response Prokaryotes Teacher Guide B. What is the domain that bacteria belong to? Describe how their reproduction patterns differ from a Eukaryote organism. Correct response(s): Sample Correct Response: Bacteria fall under the domain of prokaryotes. Eukaryotes reproduce through either mitosis or sexual reproduction. Prokaryotes reproduce using asexual reproduction in which an exact copy if produce each time reproduction occurs. Response scoring tool: Content Score Response identifies; bacteria fall under the domain of prokaryotes; 3 eukaryotes reproduce their cell through either mitosis or sexual reproduction; prokaryotes reproduce using asexual reproduction in which an exact copy if produce each time reproduction occurs. Response correctly identifies bacteria fall under the prokaryote, correctly 2 identifies the reproduction patterns of either prokaryotes or eukaryotes. Response correctly identifies that bacteria are prokaryotes; little to no 1 detail about the reproduction of eukaryotes or prokaryotes is given. No response, or response not appropriate to the question. 0 Teacher Notes: Brief Constructed Response: Prokaryotes © Discovery Education Page 2 of 2