APUSH Review – Textbook Part 2 Explain the significance of the following Terms (Socially, Politically, Economically and Religiously) General George Washington Robert Morris General John Burgoyne Ja mes Ma dison General Nathaniel Green Federalists Conti nental Army Al exa nder Hamilton Ba ttl e of Saratoga Vi rgi nia Plan Benedict Arnold New Jers ey Pl an General William Howe Anti -Federalists Jos eph Bra nt Bi l l of Rights Surrender at Yorktown Sha y’s Rebellion Tori es Sepa ration of Powers General Charles Cornwallis The Federalist Papers John Adams Ha milton’s Report on Ma nufactures Abi gail Adams Republicans XYZ Affa i r John Ma rshall Ci ti zen Genet Impressment Al i en and Sedition Acts The Trea ty of Ghent Ba nk of the United States Wa r of 1812 Ja y’s Treaty Ba rba ry Pi rates Whi skey Rebellion Tecumseh Hartford Convention Kentucky a nd Virginia Resolutions Wa r Ha wks Ma rbury v. Ma di son Corps of Discovery Aa ron Burr Andrew Ja ckson Fra ncis Scott Key American Revolution 1775-1781 http://www.gilderlehrman.org/history-by-era/american-revolution-1763-1783/war-forindependence/timeline-terms Scroll down half-page to “Timelines” interactive British Legislation/Acts Battles\Turning Points: Lexington & Concord Colonial Response Famous Participants Impact Bunker Hill Valley Forge Saratoga Battle of Trenton King’s Mountain/Cowpens Yorktown COMPARE AND CONTRAST THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION AND THE CONSTITUTION: CHECK OUT !!! http://thomas.loc.gov/teachers/constitution.html CHARACTERISTICS UNIQUE TO THE SIMILARITIES OF THE TWO CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION DOCUMENTS CONSTITUTION WEAKNESSES: WEAKNESSES: STRENGTHS: STRENGTHS: Li s t the major Federalists Li s t the major Anti Federalists Ameri can Revolution: Wha t wa s the role of women in this era? Who were the most significant women i n this era? Why? Di d the role of women change i n this era? What ca used this change? Wha t wa s the role of minorities i n this era? Who were the most significant minorities in this era? Why? Di d the role of minorities change in this era? What caused this change? Wha t ma jor political changes occurred during this era? Whi ch historical forces most s haped this era? Economic/Political/Social/ or Combo? Explain… http://www.gilderlehrman.org/history-by-era/age-jefferson-and-madison/resources/guided-readings-federalists-andjeffersonians Read the primary documents linked above and answer the following questions: 1. Describe the differences between the Federalists and the Republicans in their attitudes toward democracy, the role of government, and cities and manufacturing. 2. Do you consider the Federalists or the Republicans to be more realistic? more idealistic? 3. What was the purpose of Hamilton's program--to create a wealthy class and bind their loyalties to the national government or to build a strong and prosperous nation? 4. Why do you think the Federalists went down to defeat in 1800? Growth of Political Parties ISSUE Power rests with… Led by… Members typically… Preferred Economy National Debt Constitutional Interpretation Territorial Expansion Foreign Alliances FEDERALISTS DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICANS JOHN MARSHALL, THE SUPREME COURT, AND FEDERALISM STUDY AID: BEST WEBSITES ABOUT SUPREME COURTand http://www.landmarkcases.org/ Supreme Court Case - Marbury Vs. Madison Nature of Dispute Court’s Decision in favor of… Lasting Impact Supreme Court Case - McCulloch v Maryland Nature of Dispute Court’s Decision in favor of… Lasting Impact http://www.oyez.org Supreme Court Case - Gibbons v Ogden Nature of Dispute Court’s Decision in favor of… Lasting Impact Supreme Court Case - Dartmouth v Woodward Nature of Dispute Court’s Decision in favor of… Lasting Impact War of 1812 Ca us es: Bri ta in’s Acti ons: Ba ttl es/Turning Points Ti ppecanoe Fort McHenry Wa s hington DC New Orl eans The US Response Generals Impa ct