Type www.coursecompass.com into your internet browser. This is

My Math Lab instructions -- Glascoe
Type www.coursecompass.com into your internet browser.
This is the log in page. Hit “Register” (under Students) the first time, then each time after that hit “Log In”
The login information you will need is on the syllabus and also on the assistance page for MAT120.
You will also need your student ID which comes with the packet (or will be given to you if you
purchase your account online)
This is the opening page (after you log in) with the buttons along the left side that you will be using. (yours
won’t have the INSTRUCTORS button on the bottom!)
My Math Lab instructions -- Glascoe
Hit “Chapter Contents” and you will get this screen:
Here you can take a tutorial on how to enter answers in the system and there is a Math Tutor Center. If
you scroll down the page you can click on the Chapter you want to work with and see what is available for
“help” in that chapter:
I chose Chapter 13: Quadratic Equations and Functions and it took me to this screen:
My Math Lab instructions -- Glascoe
I then chose Section 13.3 - Quadratic Functions and Their Graphs. Here you can see all the help available
like the video lecture, and a tutorial exercise. You can also view the textbook pages here and work the
assignments you instructor has created.
If you select:
13.3 Multimedia Textbook Section
Open the multimedia textbook section to access video clips and practice exercises.
Not only is it a PDF version of the textbook, but you can click on the button near the example (You Try It) and
try one of your own! *I am not requiring you to buy a copy of the textbook because it is available right here 
My Math Lab instructions -- Glascoe
When you click on “You Try It” it opens a new window (your pop-up blocker must be off) and gives you a
problem to try like the example in the book. When you are finished you can close this window and go back to
the textbook.
It also shows you where the videos fit in the chapter (I am still in the PDF version of the textbook in section
13.3): If you click the button it opens a new window with the video playing in it.
My Math Lab instructions -- Glascoe
13.3 Multimedia Textbook Exercise Set
Work practice tutorial exercises directly from the multimedia textbook exercise set.
Your work on these exercises will NOT be tracked in your MyMathLab Gradebook.
This takes you to the textbook pages that include the exercise set. When your instructor assigns PAPER
homework problems that must be done outside of My Math Lab, this is where you would find them (in the
textbook). You can work more sample problems from here, but they will not be tracked in the system (so won’t
count for HW).
13.3 Tracked Tutorial Exercises
Work tracked tutorial exercises for this section of your textbook. Your work on these exercises will be tracked
in your MyMathLab Grade book and study plan.
This option gives you choices of problem to work that your instructor assigned (there is a different option in the
original menu if you want to only work the assigned problems and not look at the textbook).
My Math Lab instructions -- Glascoe
If you want to see which homework assignments are assigned, then from the original menu (the buttons on the
left side) click “Do Homework” and the assignments that are available (by date) are shown as links.
If you want to do a sample test, just click on “quizzes and tests”.
To take the quizzes, click on “Quizzes and Tests”. You cannot get back in to redo these questions, like the
homework problems. You wait to “submit” until you have answered all the problems.
If you click on a homework assignment, it takes you to the “homework overview” page:
(in the picture I have correctly answered questions 1 and 2 – the green check, but have not answered the
other questions yet – if they were wrong, there would be a red x).
You can go back into the homework assignment and complete it, until the due date the instructor places on the
assignment. If you miss a problem, you can complete another one like it until you get that problem correct. It
is possible to get 100% by redoing the problems you missed.