Partners in Prevention Business Meeting Minutes February 7, 2014

Partners in Prevention Business Meeting Minutes
February 7, 2014
Welcome and Instructions
Discussion and Presentation by Laura Hacquard ( of the MU Women’s
Center and Danica Wolf ( of the MU Relationship and Sexual Violence
Prevention Center
a. Notes from our discussion about Title IX
i. You will know people are getting the required education because the online programs
that many of our campuses will use have recording features that will track this for you.
1. Many online options were discussed
a. Haven Everfi (~45 minutes) (Used by UCM)
b. Alcohol Edu (~2.5 hours when combined with Haven Everfi) (UCM)
c. (~60-90 minutes) (Southeast)
i. Required to get an 1100/1750
ii. Encouraged to do this in orientation classes
d. UMKC has developed their own program
e. We End Violence- Agent of Change
Every Choice- Dorothy Edwards
g. United Educators (free!) (Geared towards faculty and staff)
h. Campus Clarity
HR- Workplace Answers (UCM)
UM System has an online training for faculty and staff
i. Could look into adapting options like this
2. As this is a federal requirement, schools can legally put a hold on enrollment for
students who do not comply
ii. The impact on those doing distance education is unknown.
1. Columbia College deals with this often due to their number of campuses- they
typically try to find hotlines and resources in the student’s area to refer them to.
2. UCM defines a student as someone who is degree-seeking, so many distance
students do not fall under the education requirement
a. Definition of what qualifies as a student can be found in your code of
conduct for most campuses
iii. Other ways information can be dispersed:
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1. Freshman convocation packets (Southeast)
2. Residence halls and athletic teams (Columbia College)
3. Summer Welcome resource fair, peer educator skits, trained Summer Welcome
leaders de-briefing sessions, parent presentations (MU)
iv. Clery Releases
1. Using wording like “No matter what…could be the victim of a crime”
2. Possibility of including social norms to get away from victim blaming
“suggestions” that are required to be included
v. Bystander Step Up Training
2. May 15th-16th
vi. May be helpful to create a job description
vii. Funding possibilities
1. Student government funding through fees
2. Parents association
viii. SAVE Act requires a bystander component, risk reduction component, and awareness
1. Tips that do not appear to blame the victim are needed
ix. What are schools currently doing?
1. UMSL, UCM, S&T, Maryville, and Northwest have their written document of
steps and resources to hand to victim on their campuses
2. SLU: Green Dot and mandated training
3. UMKC: Mandatory online training for all new and transfer students, victim’s
advocacy programs, and training for deans and chairs of departments at summer
4. UCM: Haven online education, new peer education groups, sexual assault
resource team
5. Truman: Strong conduct code with up to date definitions, working relationships
between conduct and public safety, and excellent at connecting students in need to
a multitude of services
6. Evangel: Period SHARP training, annual leadership forum conversation with new
7. Westminster: programming, student advocacy, resources, trained staff, student
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8. MU: RSVP center, student conduct, summer welcome, peer education, green dot,
bystander, RADD class, safety presentations, Greek life presentations
9. Drury: Referrals to university counseling and community resources, coalition
subcommittees for sexual misconduct and mental health
10. Linn State: VAST, Women’s seminar, workplace harassment training, RAC
training for all RAs, website- 2 clicks and self-defense training, posting MO
statutes on sexual assault
11. Northwest: community SART, Take Back the Night, Can I Kiss You for incoming
freshman, Hard Cares safety presentation, The Bearcat Watch Bystander
Intervention Training, Work closely with community shelter, on and off campus
12. Southeast: Department of Justice grant, Victory program
13. S&T: Take back the night, training students, RAD training
14. Columbia College: Bystander training for day campus students, Title IX training
for athletes, campus director, residential students, evening faculty, president’s
cabinet, all staff had sexual harassment training, developed Title IX coordinator,
deputy, and investigators position, created tracking process
15. Unknown: audit (outside ID compliance deputies), health and safety programs
x. Challenges our campuses are facing;
1. UMSL: Lack of understanding of how all policies relate and interact, Human
resource power dedicated to the issue
2. UCM: Getting faculty and HR to believe it is their issue too, conflicting messages
from Clery, SAVE, Egdar, Title IX, lack of a dedicated title IX coordinator
3. MSU: No staff in charge of the area
4. Evangel: coordination and communication between departments
5. Southeast: grant ending in June, no current person in charge of requirements, no
direction from project director
6. Columbia College: Distance education (compliance with new requirements,
international learners, 8 week classes), Lack of available legal counsel for Title IX
coordinator, don’t know if reporting in athletics is helping
7. Drury: have not started the compliance process, small school with limited
resources and staffing, focusing on other mandates (Safe Campus Act)
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8. Truman: education, logistical/cultural issues with educating all parts of campus,
staffing resources, limited community resources, need to improve coordination
with local law enforcement
9. UMKC: restructuring the organization after grant is gone, need new staff person
for programing, no money
10. SLU: staff turn-over, step-up, NCAA choices grant
11. S&T: limited local resources, res life handles situations internally, BASICS not
well utilized, education gap for staff and faculty, predominately male, reaching
enough students
12. MU: population size, large amount of Greeks, resources, athletics large size,
cultural beliefs
13. Westminster: short staffed, funding, culture/traditions, faculty vs. staff
14. Northwest: who needs to get the training, how to conduct the training, how to
ensure people are taking the training, not knowing the regulations, finances, no
dedicated position
15. Unknown: students are hesitant to report assault, disconnect between age of
students and their needs and knowledge of resources
xi. Strengths:
1. S&T: cooperative campus, active alcohol coalition, good departmental
2. Drury: well-trained personnel in residential buildings to act as resources, spotters,
and reporters
3. Linn State: good local resources, small
4. Southeast: great victims advocate, great working relationship with DPS and
5. MU: Women’s center, RSVP, MUPD, OSC, USTART, VAW, Wellness, good
working relationships
6. Columbia College: policy in place, good title IX team, educating college
community with a consistent message, online advocate form
7. Westminster: communication between departments, interest and ability to make
changes, administration support
8. UCM: engaged leadership, active students, good opportunities for partnerships\
9. Northwest: establish collaboration, willingness to work together, what we are
already doing
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10. Truman: supportive leadership (President is invested), communication across
campuses, momentum and attention to this topic based on recent events, we have
identified populations of concern
11. UMKC: campus programming, advocacy and student involvement, strong task
force, lot of knowledge and experience on campus
12. Evangel: large turnout at community life programming sessions
13. Unknown: small campus works well together, working toward compliance, stepup
a. Quarterly Reports
i. Dan and Joan are currently working on providing technical feedback.
1. Most of these were fantastic!
ii. Those who have not yet submitted their quarterly report will be receiving a SPECIAL
phone call from Dan and Joan next week!!!!
b. Meeting of the Minds Updates
i. Call for Programs due on Feb 14th!
1. No late submissions accepted as we review the following Monday
ii. MoM will offer many opportunities for CEUs (CHES, law enforcement, psychology, etc)
iii. Pre-conferences
1. Comprehensive Safety Planning with Steven Healy and Gene Deisinger we
strongly suggest someone from your campus attends this.
iv. Gene Deisinger and Peter Lake invite only luncheon
1. If you don’t receive an invitation, let Joan know and she will send you one
v. Registration closes two weeks before the conference
vi. Rates are posted on the MoM website
vii. Bacchus discount no longer exists as everyone is a Bacchus member now- no worries
though, the rate is quite low for students.
viii. Prescription Drug Scholarships
1. Up to 6 available for each campus that is employing either a drug take back
event or a peer education program
a. Students, law enforcement, and peer advisors are eligible
b. Application available here:
c. Scholarship covers the registration fee, hotel, and mileage
ix. Check “For PIP members” on the PIP website for the hotel code
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x. It makes it easier for PIP if you do your funding requests separately (i.e. 1 for
registration, 1 for hotel, 1 for mileage). You may put multiple people on each request
c. Evaluation Update: Evan
i. Reminder: Meeting Evaluation available at
1. 4 schools still need to submit their IRB. HURRRY!!!
2. If you need help with your sample, contact Evan or Dan
3. The MCHBS will be going out Feb 14-28 except at the 4 schools that arranged a
different time
4. Data should be available over the summer
iii. Veterans Survey
1. Just finished this, you will get a reporting file next week if you participated
2. Conference call for campuses on February 11th at 11:15am
iv. Campus and Community Policy and Environment Survey- Dan
1. 76% of you have completed this (wooh social norms!)
2. Some did a great job!
3. Remember, your campus only needs to submit one.
d. Prescription Drug Grant Update: Chelsie and Wendy
i. Promotional items are (mostly) in! Still waiting on sleep masks so those will be mailed
to campuses that have ordered them in the next week or two.
ii. Posters printed with school specific social norms have been held up due to the snow
days. These will be mailed out first thing next week.
iii. An Rx strategy reporting form is being created on Wufoo. This is in place of a much
larger document that our funder requires. This form will ask you a series of questions to
assess how the strategy was implemented. It will also provide a place for you to submit
any receipts that you require reimbursement for.
iv. MoSafeRx is online! Refer to us, like us, or follow us!
1. Website:
2. Facebook:
3. Twitter:
a. Social media contains prescription drug related news, but also tips and
stories about being a healthy college student
e. Suicide Prevention Update: Kimi
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i. The ALR Newsletter data distribution is out of date
1. Starting now, each school will receive a breakdown by school and year in
addition to the newsletter
a. This will help make the counts more accurate as students who took it in
2009 will no longer be included
Driving Safety Update: Jessica
i. Don’t forget to pick up your boxes of sunglasses and tumblers!
ii. Sunscreen giveaways are coming soon
1. If you need this before the March PIP meeting- let Jessica know and she will
mail it to you
New Memorandum of Understanding for PIP Campuses
a. This is very outdated for most of our campuses
b. We are looking to update this but we want feedback
i. Current MOU does not require public schools to do the MCHBS
1. Feedback: should include action steps and also what a president should be doing,
could even do this annually or biennially
2. Could possibly bring presidents together to celebrate how far they have come
and then re-sign the MOU
3. Being able to see the current MOU could be helpful
4. PIP members say it is a good idea to update these
5. Police chief, conduct officer, etc should also get a copy
Summer Training Planning
a. Start thinking about specific trainings you may be interested in (brainstorm presenters too)!
Other Discussion/Updates
a. Marijuana brochure
i. A group of colleagues including many PIP members have been serving on a planning
committee to help shape this brochure
ii. Student groups have provided feedback on the draft
iii. This will likely come out in about 6 weeks
b. We are thinking about other brochures or written resources that PIP could use so let us know
if you have ideas
i. Wendy is great and very fast at working on projects like this
c. Alan Berkowitz will be in our area this spring. If you have interest in him visiting your campus,
this would be a good time as it would help to reduce costs as he will already be in the area.
Next Meeting: March 7th, 2014 at the Stoney Creek Inn
Check PIP out on Facebook at! Or on Twitter @MissouriPIP
a. Please invite your colleagues who work with student veterans on campus
Meeting resources can be found at:
Wireless password: #SalusPopuli#
Dale Voigt-Catlin, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Kate Melton, University of Missouri-Kansas City
D’Andre Braddix, University of Missouri-Saint Louis
Robin Kimberlin, University of Missouri-Saint Louis
Dan Reilly, University of Missouri-Columbia
Jessica Schlosser, University of Missouri-Columbia
Kim Dude, University of Missouri-Columbia
Joan Masters, University of Missouri-Columbia
Chelsie Covey, University of Missouri-Columbia
Evan Ramsey, University of Missouri-Columbia
Kimi Nolte, University of Missouri-Columbia
Wendy Walden, University of Missouri-Columbia
Mike Laughlin, University of Missouri-Columbia
Donnell Young, University of Missouri-Columbia
Dave Brown, Missouri Western State University
Jenny Rabas, University of Central Missouri
Amy Kiger, University of Central Missouri
Chris Moody, University of Central Missouri
Check PIP out on Facebook at! Or on Twitter @MissouriPIP
Christina Incontro, Northwest Missouri State University
Raymond Ottman, Northwest Missouri State University
Jennifer Kennymore, Northwest Missouri State University
Beth Kral, Truman State University
Tom Johnson, Truman State University
Sara Holzmeier, Truman State University
Joe Hamilton, Truman State University
Lou Ann Gilchrist, Truman State University
Randy Carter, Southeast Missouri State University
Kenny Mayberry, Southeast Missouri State University
Patti Fleck, Missouri S&T
Oscar Kemp, Missouri S&T
Cady Holmes, Missouri S&T
Christy Laughlin, Missouri S&T
Jerilyn Reed, Missouri State University
Don Johnson, Harris-Stowe State University
Jay Winig, Saint Louis University
Jason Goodman, Drury University
Jacob Popa, Drury University
Check PIP out on Facebook at! Or on Twitter @MissouriPIP
Amanda Stevens, Westminster College
Bethany Brio, Evangel University
Katie Buckholz, Evangel University
Andrea Greer, Evangel University
Gina Rentschler, Evangel University
Columbia College
Brian Sappington, Columbia College
Cheryl Stephens, Columbia College
Chris Walters, Columbia College
Molly Borgmeyer, Columbia College
Dave Roberts, Columbia College
Jenia Kincaid, Maryville University
Linda Meyers, Maryville University
Pam Culliton, Maryville University
Linn State
Jason Hoffmeyer, Linn State Technical College
Nancy McGee, Missouri ATC
Check PIP out on Facebook at! Or on Twitter @MissouriPIP