IT1001 Italian Advanced 1

Italian Advanced I
Teaching hours
Autumn Term
Translation into English
Oral skills
1 hour per week
1 hour per week
1 hour per fortnight
1 hour per fortnight
Spring Term
Translation into English
Oral skills
1 hour per week
1 hour per week
1 hour per fortnight
1 hour per fortnight
Summer Term (first 4 weeks only!)
2 hours per week
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Denise De Rôme, Soluzioni! A Practical Guide to Italian Grammar (London:
Arnold, 2003), ISBN 0 340 66203 4 (pb)
Autumn Term
ÔGrammatical categories: nouns and
Soluzioni! Units 1, 2.1 – 2.4.
Regular and irregular nouns; uses and
omissions of articles.
ÔGrammatical categories: adjectives
Soluzioni! Unit 3: descriptive adjectives,
Regular and irregular adjectives;
agreement; position of adjectives.
Unit: 8 possessives.
+Elements of translation: Using a
dictionary and other resources.
ÔGrammatical categories: the verb (1):
Soluzioni! Unit 18: the present tense.
Regular and irregular verbs; uses of the
present tense; the present continuous.
ÔGrammatical categories: the verb (2):
auxiliaries, simple and compound tenses,
transitive and intransitive.
Soluzioni! Unit: 20.1 and 20.2.
The past tenses: passato prossimo;
Soluzioni! unit 20.3 and 20.4: imperfect
and passato prossimo; imperfect
Reinforcement (1): past tenses contrasted
Soluzioni! Unit 20.5: pluperfect
Reinforcement (2): past tenses contrasted
+Elements of translation: reading
strategies, cultural references
Soluzioni! Unit 20.6: simple past
Soluzioni! units 7.1-7.5: personal pronouns
(subj., reflexive, direct and indirect, ci/ne)
Soluzioni! units 7.6-7.8 and 7.10: personal
pronouns (position, agreement, disj. and
comb. pronouns)
.Homework Dossier (4): translation into
Italian (annotated)
. Grammar Test
Spring Term
Soluzioni! Units 19 and 21: The future and
the conditional
ÔGrammatical categories: the verb (3):
Soluzioni! units 24.1 and 24.2: present and
perfect subjunctive.
Soluzioni! unit 24.3 – 24.4: imperfect and
pluperfect subjunctive.
+Elements of translation: annotated
translations into Italian
Focus on hypothetical sentences (teacher’s
.Homework Dossier (6): translation into
Italian (annotated)
Soluzioni! Unit 22: the imperative.
Soluzioni! Unit 13: relative pronouns.
Soluzioni! Unit 5: comparatives and
Soluzioni! Unitis 25.5 and 25.6: piacere and
other impersonal verbs
Soluzioni! Unit 25.7: impersonal and passive
. Grammar Test
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
N. Ammaniti, Io non ho paura (Turin: Einaudi, 2001)
Autumn Term
Spring Term
Reading in Italian: Riconoscere un testo e
le sue parti.
Reading in Italian: Tecniche e strategie di
Reading in Italian: stile e registri.
Introduzione di Io non ho paura
Practice: esercizio di analisi e
comprensione dei capitoli 1 e 2 di Io non
ho paura
Writing in Italian: il saggio
.Homework Dossier (5): Essay
Practice: eserecizio di analisi e
comprensione dei capitoli 3 e 4 di Io non
ho paura
Writing in Italian: il testo narrativo
Practice: eserecizio di analisi e
comprensione dei capitoli 4 e 5 di Io non
ho paura
Writing in Italian: il testo giornalistico
(l’articolo di cronaca)
Practice: esercizio di analisi e
comprensione dei capitoli 6 e 7 e di Io
non ho paura
Writing in Italian: il testo giornalistico
(l’articolo d’opinione)
Practice: eserecizio di analisi e
comprensione dei capitoli 8, 9 e 10 di Io
non ho paura
Writing in Italian: il testo giornalistico (la
Reading in Italian: testo scelto
Practice: Esercizi di ricapitolazione di
scrittura e di lettura
Reading in Italian: testo scelto
Practice: Esercizi di ricapitolazione di
scrittura e di lettura
Reading in Italian: testo scelto
Practice: Esercizi di ricapitolazione di
scrittura e di lettura
.Homework Dossier (8): Essay
Reading in Italian: testo scelto
Practice: Esercizi di ricapitolazione
Week 4
Practice: esercizio in classe di lettura e
.Homework Dossier (1): Reading
Writing in Italian: la punteggiatura
Week 5
Writing in Italian: i connettivi
Week 6
Writing in Italian: la sintesi (la parafrasi)
Week 7
Writing in Italian: la sintesi (il riassunto)
Practice: esercizio in classe di sintesi
.Homework Dossier (3): Summary/
Writing in Italian: la lettera (formale e
Week 8
Week 9
Writing in Italian: il saggio breve (la
Week 10
Writing in Italian: il saggio breve
(organizzazione in paragrafi)
Week 1
Week 3
Week 5
Week 7
Week 9
Autumn Term
Translation tools: Using a dictionary
(Italian into English).
Introduction to translating: Setting,
context and audience
Translation tools: Translation dossiers
Introduction to translating: Active
reading; looking for cultural references;
reconstruction of meaning
Practice: The Recipe Exercise (1)
Translation tools: Research
Introduction to translating: Annotated
Practice: The Recipe Exercise (2)
.Homework Dossier (2): translation into
English (annotated)
Practice: Contrastive analysis of L1 and
L2 using parallel texts
Practice (1): Correcting a translation
Practice (2): Compare L1 versions (more
Spring Term
Translating texts: Italian language in
history; creating a glossary.
Translating texts: poetry
Translating texts: the modern text
Translating texts: different registers/
styles (1)
.Homework Dossier (7): translation into
English (annotated?)
Translating texts: different registers/
styles (2)
Oral Skills
Autumn Term
Week 2
Week 4
Conversation topic: Gli italiani e la
Listening comprehension: (video) Un
medico in famiglia.
Conversation topic: Gl italiani e i gesti
Week 6
Conversation topic: Gli italiani e il cibo
Video: Bianca di Nanni Moretti
Week 8
Conversation topic: la musica
Listening comprehension exercises (tape):
Italian pop music
Conversation topic: il cinema
Listening Comprehension (tape):
Appassionata di cinema da Primo Ascolto
Week 10
Spring Term
Conversation topic: emigrazioni interne.
Listening Comprehension (video): Rocco
e i suoi fratelli oppure terzo episodio da
Strane Storie
Conversation topic: com’era quando ero
Listening Comprehension (video): l’Italia
vent’anni fa.
Conversation topic: la cronaca (1).
Listening Comprehension (video): il
Conversation topic: la cronaca (2).
Listening Comprehension (video): il
Listening Comprehension: mock exam
IT1001: Continuous Assessment
20% of the final mark for this module is based on continuous
coursework assessment; the remaining 80% of the mark is based on
the final examination.
The continuous assessment is divided into two parts:
Ø a dossier of homework completed throughout the two terms;
Ø two class tests (taken at the end of each of the two
o The ‘homework dossier’ will consist of 8 pieces of work
completed during the course of the two terms: 4 essays (or
summaries, paraphrases, comprehension exercises, etc.), 2
translations from Italian into English, and 2 translations
from English into Italian
The deadline for handing in assessed work will be ONE WEEK
after the date when the work is set. Work which is handed in
late will be penalised according to normal University rules.
That is to say, ten marks will be deducted if your work is
submitted up to one week after the original deadline (or
after the date agreed with Mrs Enza Siciliano Verruccio if
you have been granted an extension). If your work is
received after this time a mark of zero will be recorded.
Assessed work should be handed in, in the first instance, to
Mrs Hudson IN ROOM 59 (NOT to the class teacher). You will
be asked to sign a form stating that the work is your own
work and that you understand the consequences of cheating
(which, in extreme cases, may lead to a fail mark being
awarded for the module as a whole). Mrs Hudson will keep a
record of the date of submission of the work, before passing
it on to the relevant class teacher for marking. After
marking, a copy of your work will be kept – along with a
record of the mark awarded – by the Department. The original
copy will be returned to you in class in the usual manner.
Any students having serious problems (medical or otherwise)
which are likely to affect their ability to hand in assessed
work on time should contact Mrs Enza Siciliano Verruccio as
soon as possible. You should fill in the University’s
extension request form (a copy of which can be found at the
end of the Part 1 Handbook), and may be asked to provide
documentation to support your claim. If you feel that
personal or medical problems have affected your performance
in assessed work, you should fill in the University’s
Extenuating Circumstances form (which can also be found at
the end of the Part 1 Handbook).
The final mark for your dossier will consist of the average
of the 8 marks awarded during the two terms. This will count
as 10% of the final mark for the course.
o The class tests will be taken at the end of each term, and
will consist of a series of grammar-based exercises. You
will be informed of the dates and times of the tests in
advance. If you are unable to attend the test, due to
illness or for some other reason, it is essential that you
contact Dr La Penna or Mrs Siciliano Verruccio as soon as
possible, and in any case before the day of the test.
Alternative arrangements cannot be made after the day of the
test, and in such cases a mark of zero will be entered.
The average of the marks for the two tests will count as a further
10% of the final mark for the course.
Please fill in all relevant details on this form
before handing in your work. Ensure that you have
read the declaration carefully before signing it.
Attach the completed form to your work. You will be
given the lower part of the form as a receipt. Keep
this carefully — it is your proof that the
Department has received your work.
Work due: 29th October 2002
I certify that this is my original
work and that use of material from
other sources has been properly and
fully acknowledged in the text. I
understand that the normal consequence
of cheating in any element of an
examination, if proved and in the
absence of mitigating circumstances,
is that the relevant Faculty
Examiners’ Meeting will be directed to
fail the candidate in the Examination
as a whole.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DEPARTMENT OF ITALIAN STUDIES
Assessed work for Homework Dossier (1)
.......(on behalf of Department of Italian Studies)
IT1001: Examination
The examination for this module will consist of two elements:
a written paper and an oral exam.
The written paper will be a two-hour exam, and will consist
of three exercises:
- a passage to be translated from Italian
- an short essay to be written in Italian
- a reading comprehension exercise
The reading comprehension exercise will be based on an unseen
text. You will be asked to read a passage taken from either
an Italian contemporary novel or a short story and then to
answer questions on it. The questions will be in English, to
be answered in English, except that one question may ask
students to write a short summary of the passage in Italian.
Dictionaries are not allowed in the examination.
The written paper counts for 60% of the overall mark for this
The oral exam will consist of a speaking test and a listening
For the speaking test students will be examined individually
by a member of the Italian Department who is a native-speaker
of Italian. The exam will last about 15 minutes and will
consist of:
- a passage to be read aloud and discussed
- some general conversation
The listening test will be sat separately from the speaking
test and will be taken by all students following this module
as a group. You will listen to two pieces of authentic
material in Italian (TV or radio broadcast or clips from
Italian films or Italian TV serials) which will be played to
you on a tape three times. The questions will be in Italian
and the answers will be in Italian.
The oral exam counts for 20% of the overall mark for this
module. The speaking test counts for 10% and the listening
test counts for 10%.
The pass mark for the examination as a whole is 40%. Those
who fail at the first attempt will be allowed to re-sit the
examination in September.