APPENDIX Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots hapter 7 highlights the importance of learning how to figure out words by using their parts. The following is a convenient list that you can teach in creative ways to students so they can quickly figure out many words without having to consult a dictionary. One good way to teach them in general. of course, is for you to highlight word-part words that arise in context during the school year. C Meaning Sample Words a-, an-. ab- not, without ambi- both before against good, well both, double around together, with abnormal, amoral, apathy, atypical ambidextrous, ambiguous Word Part PREF1XES anteantibene-, bonbicircum-, circCO-, col-. con-, corncontra-, contro-, counterde- against antecedent, antechamber, anticlimax, antidote anteroom benediction, benefactor, benefit, bonanza bicycle, bifocals, bilateral, biweekly circumference, circumnavigate, circumspect codependent, coexist, collect, collide, committee, congregation, conspire, convention, correlation, correspond contradict, contraindication, controversy, counterpart from, down, away, deceive, decline, deduct, defame, depart off, undo depress, derail, derive through, between apart, not, reverse, diagonal, dialogue, diameter, diatribe badly distinct, distort, dysentery, dystrophy ex- out, from, former exception, exclude, exhale, expose, extract extra- beyond extracurricular, extraneous, extraterrestria I fore- before, in front forecast, foregone, foreleg, foreshadow diadis-, dys- disincentive, disinterested, 209 dismiss, dissatisfied extraordinary, Word Part Meaning Sample Words homo- man, one homogenous, hyper- over, above hyperactive, hyperextension, hyperthermia hypo- under hypodermic, in-, im-, il-, ir- t-in, into, illustrate, implicit, imply, import, income, inhabit, innate, involve, irrigate within homophone hypothermia, hypersensitive, hypothesis 2-not illegitimate, improbable, inactive, inane, incompatible, inept, irregular inter- between interchange, intra-, intro- within, into intramural, intravenous, macro- large, excessive macrocosm, macroeconomics mal- poor, badly maladjusted, malady, malicious, malnourished meta- beyond, outside, metabolism, metacognition, change metaphor rnis- wrongly, incorrect misfire, misfit, misguide, misinterpret, misquote, mistreat, mistrust, misunderstand, misuse mono- one monochrome, neo- new neoclassic, neophyte non- not nonexistent, paleo- ancient paleography, paleontology para- beside, almost parachute, para medic, paraphrase, parasite peri- around pericardium, poly- many polygamy, polyglot, polygon post- after posterity, posthumous, pre- before in time, precede, predict, prefer, prefix, preheat, place, or order preliminary, premature, pro- forward, for procure, produce, prohibit, promote quad- four quadrangle, quadrant, quadruplets re- back, again reclaim, regain, reproduce, rescind, revise retro- backward retroactive, retrospect sub- under subdermal, subjugate, submerge, substandard, subterranean syl-, sym-, syn-, sys- with, together syllogism, symbiosis, symbol, symphony, synchronization, system 210 interrupt, intervene introduce, introspection metamorphosis monopoly, monotone nonsense, nonviolent perimeter, peripheral, periscope postpone, postwar premise, pre-Revolution Word Part Meaning Sample Words trans- across, through, transatlantic, beyond transmigration, ultra- beyond, excessive ultraconservative, un- not, reverse uni- one undo, unfair, unkind, unpretentious uniform, unify, unilateral, united transfusion, transit, transmit ultramodern, ultraviolet SUFFIXES -age act of, collection of (v, n) espionage, forage, passage, portage, salvage -ance, -ancy action, state, process (n) allowance, persistence, -ar, -er. -or one who, that which (n) amplifier, collector, preacher, teacher, walker -as is, -osis hypnosis, osmosis, psychosis, stasis -ate process, condition (n) make, cause (v) -cide kill (n) -do m quality, office (n) boredom, freedom, kingdom, wisdom -ee one who receives action (n) employee, interviewee, -en make (v), made of (adj) darken, frozen, golden, wooden -ese language of, native person of (n), of a Balinese, Brooklynese, Chinese, Japanese -fy -ice particular group (adj) make (v) condition, quality (n) resistance congregate, cooperate, correlate, desegregate, meditate genocide, homicide, pesticide, suicide nominee, trainee Maltese amplify, calcify, certify, clarify, classify, simplify artifice,justice, malice 211 Word Part Meaning Sample Words -ion. -sion, -tion state of, act of, results of (n) infection, inspection, opinion, reflection, rejection, suspension -rsrn system, condition (n) activism, idealism, hedonism, plagiarism, racism -ist a person who, that which (n) activist, artist, cyclist, racist -ity. ty quality, state of (n) activity, creativity, frailty, sensitivity -ive having, making, aggressive, conclusive, creative, exclusive causing (adj) -ize make, carry out (v) criticize, hypothesize, -less without (adj) careless, brainless, fruitless, heartless, useless -Iy manner of (adv) -rnent process, result of, act of (n) boldly, callously, carefully, haphazardly, mindlessly, surreptitiously amendment, endowment, experiment, government, sediment -ness state of, condition of (n) darkness, duress, emptiness, -ology, alogy study of, theory (n) astrology, biology, genealogy, ideology, neurology -ous having (adj) -tude condition of (n) inclined to have (adj) malicious, pernicious, perspicacious, spacious, superfluous, unconscious altitude, amplitude, attitude, fortitude, vicissitude -y ROOTS am, amor anthro arch auc,aug aud aut, auto love, like humankind realize, summarize, theorize helplessness, robustness greedy, itchy, needy, seedy, shady amiable, amorous, enamored anthropologist, anthropomorphic, philanthropy first, top, head archaic, archangel. archetypical, patriarchal increase listen, hear auction, augment audience, audio, auditory, inaudible autocracy, automation, autonomous, self 212 monarch, matriarch. autopilot Word Part Meaning Sample Words belli war, violent life bellicose, belligerent, rebellious bio card, cord, cour heart, center autobiography, biome, bionic, biopsy, biosphere accord, cardiopulmonary, cordial, courage, discord carnivore, incarnation carn cede, ced, ceed flesh surrender, yield, move cede, concede, intercede, precede, proceed recede, succeed chron time chronicle, chronological. civ claus, clud, clus citizen close, shut civic, civil. civilian, civilization, civilize, civvies claustrophobia, conclude, exclude, preclude, recluse cogn, gnos know corp cosm cour, cur, curs body world, universe cognition, cognizant, diagnose, Gnostics, prognosis corporation, corporeal, corps cosmic, cosmos, microcosm cred crease, cresc, cru believe grow, rise dem people derm dic, dict skin speak, say duc, duct dur, dura lead, guide end,endo erg fac, fic, fect fer fid, feder fin flu, fluc, fluv run lasting, hard within work make, do carry, bear trust end flow forc, fort fract, frag gen strong break produce, birth, race geo germ earth essential, cause grad, gress go, step gram, graph re synchronize concur, concurrent, courier, cursive, incur, occur accredited, credentials, credit, creed, incredulous accrue, crescendo, decrease democracy, demographics, epidemic dermal, dermatologist, epidermis, taxidermy benediction, dedicate, dictate, dictator, edict, indicate, verdict conduct, deduce, produce, viaduct durable, duration, endure endogenous, endoskeletal erg, ergometer, ergophobia faculty, fiction, infection, manufacture ferry, fertile, infer, refer confident, federal, fidelity, infidel confine, define, finale, finite, infinity fluctuate, flue, fluent. flush, fluvial forceful. forte, fortify, fortitude fractal, fraction, fragile, fragment, refract congenital, gender, genealogy, generate, genetic, genus, indigenous geographic, geometry, geothermal germ, germane, germinate aggressive, congress, degrade, digress, gradation, gradual. graduate biography, geography, orthography, sonogram, telegram 213 photography, Word Part Meaning Sample Words grat congratulation, grateful. gratitude, gratuity, ingrate aggregate, congregate, gregarious, segregate hab, habit pleasing crowd, gather, group live, have hetero different heterogeneous, hydr jud liber, liver lee, loco water lawyer, judge loosen, free place, near dehydration, locut.Ioqu log.Iogy speak word, study magn great man hand emancipation, manage, manicure, manifest, manipulate, manual medi half median, mediate, medieval, mediocrity, medium mem remember wander death, mortal commemorate, shape, form new all amorphous, metamorphosis innovative, nova, novel. novice, renovate greg migra mori, mors, mort morph nov omru cohabitate, habitat, habitual, inhabit, rehabilitate heterosexual hydrogen, hydraulic, rehydrate judge, judiciary, prejudice deliberate, deliver, liberal. liberation allocate, collocate, local. locality, locomotive, relocate circumlocution, loquacious, soliloquy analogy, apology, dialogue, illogical, prologue, theolo magnanimous, magnification, magnificent, magnitude CJ memoir, memorial immigrant, migration, migratory immortal, moribund, mortify, mortuary omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient orthodontist, orthodox, orthogonal, orthopedic path straight, correct feeling, suffer pend,pens weigh, hang compendium, suspend impending, pending, pendulum, pensi e phon photo sound light cacophonous, photoelectric, euphonious, phonograph, symphony photogenic, photosynthesis, photon pon,pos put, place deposit, disposition, exponent, oppose, postpone, postulate, posture, proponent, propose port prim, proto recti. reg carry first straighten break import, portable, report, support, transport primal, primary, protagonist, prototype, protozoan direct, incorrect, rectangular, regiment, regulate corruptible, erupt, interrupt, rupture write follow describe, manuscript, ortho rupt scrib, script secu, sequ sens, sent solu, solv feel loosen antipathy, empathy, pathetic, sympathy, telepath prescription, scribble, scribe consecutive, consequence, non sequitur, subsequent. sequential dissension, sensation, sensory, sentimental absolve, resolute, resolve, solvent 214 rd Part ~,: spic e -- po ers. vert :::- vinc ~. VIS T, vour Meaning Sample Words look aspect, conspicuous, despicable, expect. inspect, introspective, perspective, perspicacious, respect, retrospect, specimen, spectacle breath aspire, inspire, perspire, respire, spirit make tight constrict, restrict, strict, stricture far time teleconference, telepathy, telephone, telescope contemporary, extemporaneous, temporal earth extraterrestrial. poison bestow, pay antitoxin, intoxicated, toxic empty worth, strength turn conquer see call eat animal terrain, territory attribute, contribute, retribution, tributary evacuate, vacant, vacation, vacuole, vacuous, vacuum evaluation, valiant, valid, valor advertise, avert, divert, invert, revert convince, evict, invincible, victor, victory invisible, supervision, video, vista advocate, invoke, provoke, vocabulary carnivore, devour, herbivore, omnivorous, voracious protozoan, zodiac, zoology, zooplankton 215