Constitution of the United States Resources

Constitution of the
United States Resources
The following sources provide information on the U.S. Constitution. They are available
in the government publications collection, DVD and video collections, and the general
stacks book collection or via the Web as indicated. This is not a comprehensive list.
Constitution Resources on the Web
America’s Historical Documents
This National Archives site provides electronic access to several historical documents
including the Constitution.
The Charters of Freedom
This site, maintained by the National Archives and Records Administration, provides
scanned images, as well as transcripts, of the Declaration of Independence, the
Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
The Constitution of the United States of America. Analysis and Interpretation.
Analysis of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to June 26,
FindLaw – Resource for lawyers on current constitutional law.
Law Library of Congress – United States Constitution Texts, Commentaries,
Historical Texts and Judicial Decisions
Supreme Court of the United States
Teaching with Documents: Observing Constitution Day – Background, activities and
lessons by era on the Constitution.
United States Senate – Reference resource on the Constitution written for the use of
Senators, with a paragraph by paragraph explanation of the original text.
Government Publications
The Bill of Rights Y 3.B 47/2:2 B 49/4
The Framing of the Federal Constitution I 29.9/5:103/986
Signers of the Constitution: Historic Places Commemorating the Signers of
the Constitution I 29.2:H 62/9/ v. 19
We the People: the Commission of the Bicentennial of the United States
Constitution, 1985-1992: Final Report Y 3.B 47/2:2 C 73/3/992
Stacks and Electronic Books
The Bill of Rights: a Bicentennial Assessment KF 4749 .A2 B54 1994
Constitution 3.0 Freedom and Technological Change [electronic resource]
The Constitution and the Supreme Court; a Documentary History KF 8742 .P77
Critiquing Free Speech: First Amendment Theory and the Challenge of
Interdisciplinary KF 4772 .B86 2001
The Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787, Which Framed the Constitution of
the United States of America. Reported by James Madison JK 141 1970 .A52
Encyclopedia of Constitutional Amendments, Proposed Amendments, and
Amending Issues, 1789-2010 [electronic resources]
Faith and Freedom: Religious Liberty in America KF 4783 .F7 1994
The Forging of the Union, 1781-1789 E 303 .M884 1987
The Founding Fathers v. the People: Paradoxes of American Democracy
JK 31 .K56 2012 and [electronic resource]
A Guide to the Constitution, That Delicate Balance: a Thirteen-week Telecourse
JK 38 .M35 1984 (Video for course is available in the video list below.)
How Does the Constitution Secure Rights? KF 4749 .H68 1985
The Idea of America: Reflections on the birth of the United States
E 302.1 .W77 2011
James Madison Rules America: The Constitutional Origins of Congressional
Partisanship [electronic resource]
Keeping Faith with the Constitution [electronic resource]
Lincoln and the Triumph of the Nation: Constitutional Conflict in the American
Civil War KFZ 9001.5 .N44 2011 and [electronic resource]
The Living Constitution [electronic resource]
Making Sense of the Constitution: a Primer on the Supreme Court and Its Struggle
to Apply Our Fundamental Law KF 4550 .F678 2012 and [electronic resource]
Original Intent: Chief Justice Rehnquist and the Course of American Church/State
Relations KF 4783 .D38 1991
Origins of the Bill of Rights KF 4749 .L488 1999
Prohibition HV 5089 .H55 2004
The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 JK 141 1966A v.1-4
Religion and the American Constitutional Experiment [electronic resource]
The Rhetoric of Church and State: a Critical Analysis of Religion Clause
Jurisprudence KF 4865 .G43 1995
Soldier-statesmen of the Constitution E 302.5 .W85 1987
Terrorism and the Constitution: Sacrificing Civil Liberties in the Name of National
Security KF 4850 .D46 2006
The Tides of Power: Conversations on the American Constitution JK 271 .E25
Understanding the Constitution KF 4528 .C6 1964
The Upside-down Constitution [electronic resources]
Visions of Liberty: the Bill of Rights for all Americans KF 4749 .G53 1991
We the People: the Economic Origins of the Constitution JK 146 .M27
A DVD History of the U.S. Constitution, 1619-2005 DVD KF 4541 .D83 2005 v.1-4
The Constitution: That Delicate Balance Video KF 4550 .C657 1984 pt.1-13
Free Speech and Advertising, Who Draws the Line? Video KF 1614 .F744 1987
In Search of the Constitution Video JK 31 .I55 1989 pt.1-11
Interpreting the Law: The Role of the Supreme Court Video KF 8742 .I58 1990
One Woman, One Vote Video JK 1896 .O542 1995
Our Constitution: A Conversation DVD KF5130 .S9 O9 2005
Our Living History: A Celebration of our Constitution with a Discussion About the
Future of the First Amendment DVD KF4558 1st .O97 2005
The Presidency and the Constitution Video JK 516 .P6389 1992 pt.1-5
Search and Seizure: the Supreme Court and the Police Video KF 9630 .Z9 S435
That Delicate Balance II: Our Bill of Rights Video KF 4749 .T489 1992b pt.1-5
For a complete list of databases available see the Databases A-Z or Databases by
Subject Web pages.
CQ Researcher
CQ Researcher single-themed reports offer in-depth, non-biased coverage of political
and social issues, with regular reports on topics in health, international affairs, education,
the environment, technology and the U.S. economy.
FDsys (Federal Digital System)
The United States Government Printing Office’s Federal Digital System (FDsys) provides
free electronic access to government information, publications, and collections.
LexisNexis Academic
Provides full-text access and/or indexing and abstracting to information in a wide range
of subject areas: federal and state law, general and political news from U.S. and nonU.S. sources, corporate news and financial information, industry and market news,
medicine and health, country profiles.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
A source for information on social issues. Access viewpoint articles, topic overviews,
statistics, primary documents, links to Web sites, and full-text magazine and newspaper
ProQuest Congressional
Provides access to congressional publications and includes some full-text of reports,
bills and resolutions, and laws.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers The New York Times
The New York Times (1851-2009) offers full page and article images with searchable
full-text back to the first issue.
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