Summer Reading Directions


Vinal Technical High School

Summer Reading Program 2013



Choose any book of your liking to read. It does not have to be an AR book.


If you are interested in reading a book that is related to your trade, the construction industry, technology, or running a business, see our school website for a list of recommended titles: Click on the

“Summer Reading” link located on the homepage.


Go to your local library to check out the book OR purchase the book at a local bookstore.


Read the book and then complete one of the assignments below. Go to the school’s website if you want to read/see examples of each assignment. Click on the “Summer Reading” link located on the homepage.


The assignment is due on Friday, September 6, 2013. Hand it in to your academic/shop homeroom teacher.


Students who hand in their project on time and earn a passing grade, will receive a “Dress Down Day Pass”!!!!!!!



Give 3 awards to the main character.

Awards may be real, ie Purple Heart, or original. Include an explanation paragraph for each award, using quotations to support the explanation.

Fiction, Biography, or


To Receive a Passing Grade

Correct citation of title and author

3 awards.

1 Paragraph explaining each award (7-10 Sentences: topic sentence, transitions, support, concluding sentence)

Minimum of 1 direct quotation per paragraph

All quotes should include page number. Example: (45).


Create a 26 line alphabetical poem.

Each line starts with a letter of the alphabet. Each line needs to be about the book. All Genres


Create a dream vacation for a character and explain, using quotes to support, why that vacation would be perfect for that character. Fiction,

Autobiography, or Biography Only.


Create a character drawing . Draw one character from the novel and include quotes to support specific details in the drawing. Fiction,

Autobiography, or Biography.


Create a newspaper article about an event in your book. Select a significant event that occurs in your book. Write the article as if you are a journalist reporting on the event. All


Correct citation of title and author

A-Z related to book

Minimum of 2 direct quotes

All quotes should include page number. Example: (45).

May include graphics

Correct citation of title and author

Paragraph format

Details: character name, location, sights, activities, with whom, how, why perfect for that character.

2 direct quotes supporting the idea for the vacation

All quotes should include page number. Example: (45).

Correct citation of title and author

10 details about the character

Each detail supported by 1 quote from the book.

All quotes should include page number. Example: (45).

Correct citation of title and author

Answer the 5 Ws: Who? What? Where? When? Why?

2 paragraphs about the event

2 quotes supporting the event. These quotes should be woven into your paragraphs.

All quotes should include page number. Example: (45).

Contact Dr. Donna Risolo for further information:

Contact Dr. Donna Risolo for further information:
