How does the scholarship competition work? - Rochester

Scholarship Competition: How does the business game simulation work?
Game introduction
All participants of the Rochester-Bern scholarship competition play anonymously
against each other.
The Business Simulation is offered by Marketplace Business Simulations at, an external learning solution company.
Rochester-Bern has chosen “Introduction to Marketing” for round 1 and “Integrated Business Management” for round 2.
Round 1
April 4 – April 22
During the first three weeks participants play against the computer in the “Introduction to Marketing” simulation. Two decisions per week are made, each of
which require a time-investment of 30-60 minutes. This round allows participants to develop and execute a complete marketing strategy, including brand
design, pricing, ad copy design, media placement, distribution and sales force
Throughout the exercise, students receive information on customer needs as
well as feedback on customer satisfaction with brands, prices and advertising.
They discover how their actions reflect in both brand and firm profitability. Students learn to study competitive tactics and adjust their marketing strategy to
stay ahead of the competition.
Meet your competitors
April 29
On completion of round 1, all game players are invited to Thun where they are
given the opportunity to meet their competitors. At this event, participants are
welcome to attend actual classes and meet the current students and faculty of
the Executive MBA.
For more information, please contact us directly or read more here.
Round 2
May 2 – May 27
During the following four weeks of round 2, the “Integrated Business Management” simulation takes place. Participants play against their peers in groups of
maximum 8 people. The game is set for 8 decision rounds (2 decisions per week,
with each decision requiring a time-investment of approx. 3-3.5 hours) and replicates two years of doing business.
Participants are challenged to make tough decisions in accounting, finance, advanced marketing, manufacturing, business partner negotiations and profitability
analysis. The market in the game is competitive and fast-paced, the customers
are demanding and the competition is working hard to increase their market
Grading is based on the balanced scorecard that measures profitability, customer
satisfaction, market share in the targeted market segments, preparedness for
the future and wealth. Regular feedback on how each participant’s company
scores in relation to the other competitors will be provided by the EMBA team.
Hochschulstrasse 4 | 3012 Bern | phone +41 31 631 34 77 | | | S. 1
Final round:
June 8
The participants who perform the best during the simulation are invited for the
final round that consists of presentations in front of a committee (faculty, alumni
and Rochester-Bern officials). The final decision is made by considering three
aspects in equal measures: the overall game score of round 2, presentation reasoning & skills, and readiness for an EMBA.
The scholarship recipients are announced the same day.
Registration, terms
& conditions
In order to participate in this scholarship competition, interested parties are
asked to register by March 21, 2016, agree to the terms & conditions, pay the
participation fee of CHF 140 to cover administrative costs and send their CV to
the EMBA team (
Please contact us for further questions (+41 31 631 34 56).
Hochschulstrasse 4 | 3012 Bern | phone +41 31 631 34 77 | | | S. 2