Integrated Gas Recovery Services Inc. Constructing the well field Harnessing landfill energy Step 1: Planning the system The size, volume, waste type and age of the landfill are factors in the decision to install a gas utilization system. Turning landfill gas into green energy Landfill gas can be collected from a landfill and utilized by neighbouring industries as a green energy source or to generate electricity for the provincial power grid. Pump Test MOE default Lo=125m3/tonne, k=0.04 8,000 11,000 6,500 10,000 6,000 9,000 8,000 8,077 m3/hr (4,754 cfm) 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 0 1990 2010 2030 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 T 1,000 1970 5,500 AF metres per hour Cubic metres per hour 7,000 R • A fairly young site just beginning to create gas is ideal. An older site where gas production is on the decline may not have sufficient gas for a utilization project. 12,000 D • A number of extraction gas wells are installed into the landfill to determine the quality and quantity of the landfill gas. 7,500 2050 Cubic feet per minute feet per minute • A gas curve is created for the site that shows the anticipated amount of gas production over time. 13,000 500 0 2070 Year Designing the well field COMCOR E NV IRO NME NTAL LI MITE D Consulting Engineers and Landfill Gas Specialists LFG Production Estimate East Landfill Thorold, Ontario FIGUR 2.3 • Based on the gas curve information and a review of site history, a well field is designed for the site. • Extraction wells are placed in locations to ensure gas collection is maximized and there is sufficient coverage of the site. • Generally, a well field has a header system that rings the site. Lateral pipes are then connected from one side of the site to the other so gas can be drawn from either direction into the header system, and ultimately to the gas plant. • The entire collection system must be approved by the Ministry of the Environment prior to installation. APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF PROPOSED SCALE Installation of a landfill gas lateral pipe that will transport gas from the well field to the gas plant. NOTES: CEPTUAL WELLFIELD 1. Received above figure 5.3 (OVERALL CON tal Limited - 320 Pinebush Road, Suite INSTALLATION) from Comcor Environmen ) 621-6669, on December 14, 2005. 12 Cambridge Ontario N3C 2V3 - phone (519 FIGURE No. Proposed Walker South Landfill Design and Operations Report NOT TO SCALE LANDFILL GAS COLLECTION SYSTEM LAYOUT 24 Integrated Gas Recovery Services Inc. Constructing the well field Harnessing landfill energy Step 2: Construction Installing and operating the wells • The gas collection system is installed as areas of the landfill are closed and ready for gas collection. • The wells are plastic perforated pipes drilled down into the waste to about 3-5m above the bottom of the waste fill. • Screenings (stone) are placed around the outside of the well to prevent waste from clogging the holes. Installation of a landfill gas lateral pipe in the East Landfill, May 2009. • A control valve on top of the well is used to adjust the flow of gas to the gas plant. • On top of the well are two monitoring ports that measure the vacuum on the well, the quality and quantity of gas, and the vacuum from the gas plant. High density polyethelene piping for well field construction. • The valves are adjusted based on how much landfill gas is being produced in the area around the well. • In areas of the landfill where less gas is being generated, the valve is closed down to limit the flow. Perforated pipe to be used for landfill gas extraction well. • In areas where lots of gas is being produced, the valves are opened wide to increase the amout of gas flow to the gas plant. Active extraction well in closed portion of landfill. Extraction well under construction: white PVC pipe is the well, black pipe is the collection piping. Integrated Gas Recovery Services Inc. Constructing the well field East Landfill, well field site plan Installing the pipe • Landfill gas collection piping is typically installed by trenching in the pipe to a depth of approx. four feet (1.2 m). • Trench widths are kept small to minimize odours and expedite pipe installation. • Open trench length is also kept to a minimum, about 20 m. • Safety measures such as gas monitoring and trench safety are strictly enforced. • Once installed, the pipe is backfilled and the landfill cap is restored to its original condition. • At the end of each working day the trench is covered completely to control odours.