NEW ASPECTS of APPLIED INFORMATICS, BIOMEDICAL ELECTRONICS & INFORMATICS and COMMUNICATIONS Who Performs Better When Learning with Business Simulation Games? A Case Study of a College General Course in Taiwan Yu-Hui Tao1 K. C. Hung2 Department of Information Management National University of Kaohsiung 700 Kaohsiung University Road, Nan-Tzu District Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. 2 Top-BOSS International Corp. 3F., No.19-13, Sanchong Rd., Nankang Distric Taipei City , Taiwan, Taiwan, R.O.C. 1 Abstract: - Previous studies on business simulation game (BSG) have concluded that performance may not be the primary benefits for using BSG since the results are mixed. This studies aims at understanding what kind of student profile may perform better in classroom learning with BSGs. A case study of 43 students in a general course in Taiwan indicates that knowledge and skill do matter, and participation and tacit learning preference contribute well to performance. However, auditory learning preference and high motivation students may not like BSG learning in classroom. More dimensions of variables are needed to increase the explaining power of the performance scores in regression analyses. Key-Words: - Business simulation game, Performance, Perception, Regression, Student profile many universities wish to culture their students through extensive and in-depth general education in addition to students’ majored subjects. From this perspective, an investigation to explore the relationship of student performance and student profile is desirable and is the objective of this study. In the remaining sections of this article, background literature related to the research objective is presented before introducing the research methods, followed by the data analyses, discussions and conclusions. 1 Introduction Business simulation game (BSG) usage has reached 97.5% among the AACSB member schools in U.S.A. more than a decade ago [2]. In early studies, the relationship between BSG learning performance and perception presented mixed results, and thus recently research studies of BSG usage has been shifted to non-performance perspectives such as attract students’ attention and help students focus in class. Prensky [9] claimed that games provide an indispensable motivational condition for students’ learning, and thus students may be more interested in choosing courses that incorporate business simulation games in the instructional activities. Therefore, BSG has been promoted to become popular means for informal learning [5], and is also being promoted for use in formal learning [8, 10]. Based on these three reasons, students’ responses to classes using simulation games is a critical indicator of the widespread use of simulation games in higher education. Extent literature focuses on business major students. However, business operations and management is also considered a general knowledge for non-business major students or working professionals who are interested in accumulated their business knowledge and experience through learning by doing. It is especially critical nowadays when ISSN: 1792-460X 2 Background Literature 2.1 Business simulation games in Taiwan Taiwan has two major business simulation game providers, Top-Boss Corporation ( and Pitotech Corporation ( As revealed in Faria [2], most simulation used in UK universities were developed in-house while most games used in USA were published simulations. In Taiwan, Pitotech mainly sells imported simulations while Top-Boss developed many games in-house. Top-Boss offers self-developed products such as Business Operations Simulation System (BOSS), 471 ISBN: 978-960-474-216-5 NEW ASPECTS of APPLIED INFORMATICS, BIOMEDICAL ELECTRONICS & INFORMATICS and COMMUNICATIONS Marketing Winners, Distribution Master, Beer Games and Retail Expert, and some imported games such as Magnus developed by Singapore National University. These games are as intuitive as their names, such that BOSS is a general business operation game, Beer game is the well known MIT beer game (, and Retail Expert is a convenient store game. On the other hand, Pitotech offers imported games like Virtual Business Management, Virtual Business Retail, and Virtual Business Sport games, which has a smaller overall market share in Taiwan. Other related vendors, such as APEX International Corporation ( offering Virtual Stock Exchange game, are not appropriate candidates of this study aiming at business management. In recent years, Top-Boss Corporation has been successfully promoting their products to higher education institutes through such as free trail, workshop, trainings camp, and sponsorships of national business simulation game competitions. Because these business simulation games are team-based and competition-oriented, BOSS or other games are incorporated in curriculum as various group competition activities, which usually repeat several times in a row and several days apart due to the round of game play nature. For the students, in each round the required parameters in many Web-based forms need to be entered, and thus graphical reports or visual performance data are available for the users to increase users’ usability and learning interests during the games. For the teachers, they used these games throughout most of the semester, the rationale of different expertise of business decision-makings in the games were used to illustrate the knowledge and applications of targeted course subjects in class [10]. procedural knowledge, and strategic knowledge; affective learning outcomes refer to attitudes. However, these three categories of outcomes are not necessary be consistent. Anderson and Lawton [1] followed-up their previous studies and confirmed the failure to find a relationship between simulation performance and students’ attitude toward the simulation. Consequently, they called for further effort in finding the missing link between performance and measurement items. An interesting contrast is that Wellington and Faria [13] confirmed that good simulation performers are consistently good by examining high versus low rank performers in two consecutive rounds of simulation competition. Although no explanation was found for this research finding, but it seems to indicate GPA, beginning attitude toward the simulation exercise, and team cohesiveness were not significant differences. Due to previous studies rarely focus on technology perspective of BSGs, Tao et al. [11] proposed an integrated model fusing IS theories and education theories. In general, the empirical students’ perceptions provide adequate evidence for Taiwan’s teachers to adopt or continue using business simulation games. 3 Research Design Data collection design is first described and then the variable selection is briefly justified, followed by the statistical methods used in this study. 3.1 Data collection design Based on the suggestion of Tech and Murff [12], a general course for teaching three different complexity levels of BSGs, BOSS (a total enterprise simulation), Retail Expert (single-player small game) and Beer Game (multiple-player small game) from TOP-BOSS, is offered in a general class to undergraduate students in a university in Taiwan. Each game is taught in a sequence of introducing the game, practicing by simulated game competition, writing group thought-sharing report, and gaming competition, which was designed in reference to the problem-solving game model [6]. The final grade calculation is divided into attendance, individual tests, group reports and competitions, which can be used as dependent variables in this analysis stage. The objective is to focus on “learning by doing” for students with or without management background. Students learned most of the knowledge by playing the games and 2.2 Research on business simulation games Kiili [6] proposed a problem-based gaming model which distinguishing the learning process into elements of strategy formation, active experimentation, game world observation, and reflection. During this process, single-loop learning is formed if the player goes from reflection to active experimentation without forming new strategies or double-loop learning is formed if reflections follow by forming new strategies. Kraiger et al. [7] classified several broad categories of learning outcomes, including skill-based, cognitive, and affective outcomes. Skill-based learning outcomes address technical or motor skills; Cognitive learning outcomes include three subcategories of declarative knowledge, ISSN: 1792-460X 472 ISBN: 978-960-474-216-5 NEW ASPECTS of APPLIED INFORMATICS, BIOMEDICAL ELECTRONICS & INFORMATICS and COMMUNICATIONS performance and found out the sample groups were significantly different in GP. collecting needed information over the Internet. Some tips can also be learned from the winners who shared their wining experience at each practicing and formal competitions, as well as from the thought-sharing reports summarizing some necessary knowledge, tactics and strategies for playing the games. A self-reported questionnaire is distributed at the end of this class for collecting the data as described in Section 3.2. 3.3 Statistical methods Three different statistical methods are used in this study: First, descriptive analysis is used to profile the sample students; second, t-test is used to test the performance of two groups of students with different characteristics; third, linear regression is used to identify the selected variables contributing to different performance scores collected in Section 3.1 3.2 Variable selection Students divided by gender, management major, previous experience of management courses and previous experience of BSG are individually tested for their differences on performance scores. The justification is briefly described below. Gender has been associated with learning performance and investigated in BSG context in previous studies [14]. Because previous business experience plays an important role on the BSG performance [14] and the sample students come from five different colleges, Management, Science, Engineering, Society and Humanilities, and Law, thus business major, previous experience of management courses and previous experience of BSG are used in this study to reflect students’ business experience. Since BSG is like an online simulation-based game usually playing by a group of students together, it is natural to assume that students who like to play online games, will influence their BSG performance. Feinstein et al. [3] distinguished simulation from simulators where simulators are sometimes called iconic model with because of their visual, auditory, and kinesthetic representations of a real system for training purpose. Furthermore, visual, kinesthetic, structure, learning with others, tactile, motivation and persistence, belonging to Dunn and Dunn’s PEPS learning style model, and were used by Hawk and Shah [4] when comparing learning style between undergraduate business students in American universities and International universities. Since the class activities are designed to be team-work in preparing the thought-sharing reports and two of the three game playing as well as learning by the students themselves for management knowledge necessary to play the games, students’ participation [15] in group discussion and information searching off class are assumed to contribute to the BSG performance. Wellington and Faria [13] compared students’ simulation ISSN: 1792-460X 4 Data Analysis 4.1 Sample profile and descriptive statistics This general course “Business Simulation Games and Competition” was offered to all undergraduate students in a National University in Taiwan. Over 150 students pre-registered this course, but only fifty one students were officially approved by the online registration system. Forty-three of them completed the questionnaire at the end of the class. Tables 1 lists the means and standard devidations (S.D.) of the perofrmance scores and measumrenet items. A brief summary of the sample profile is sketched as follows: 67.4% of the students were male and only 25.6% of the students had experiences using business simulation games in previous classes. Students majored in Colleges of Engineering, Management, Science, Law and Humanalities displaying a distribution of 37.2%, 30.2%, 18.6%, 9.3% and 4.7%, respectively. In terms average scores in previous semester, majority of the students fall into the 80’s (55.8%) and 70s (34.9%) while very few fall into the 50s, 60s and 90s. 4.2 Data analysis Four individual characteristics, major, gender, previous experience of management courses, and previous experience of BSG, were tested against final score. A t-test comparison of students divided by these 4 characteristics is shown in Table 2. Even though the means for the positive-answer (yes) groups students are higher and with less standard deviations, only management major and previous experience of BSG have mild impacts on students class scores at p=0.1 level. In other words, students majoring in management or having BSG experiences may potentially perform better than their counterparts. 473 ISBN: 978-960-474-216-5 NEW ASPECTS of APPLIED INFORMATICS, BIOMEDICAL ELECTRONICS & INFORMATICS and COMMUNICATIONS Table 1. Descriptive statistics Item Final score (100%) Competition score (50%) Sharing report score (15%) Test score (20%) Attendance score (15%) Online game Visual Learning Auditory Learning Kinesthetic learning Wants structure Tacit learning Learning with others High motivation High persistence Participating group discussion Searching information after class Mean/S.D. 82.74/8.19 76.77/11.18 82.17/11.80 85.97/3.29 95.60/9.68 6.37/1.94 7.40/0.93 5.97/1.40 7.29/1.13 6.30/1.46 7.05/1.17 6.60/1.29 5.63/1.31 5.67/1.24 6.37/1.00 5.35/1.45 Range 0-100 9-point Likert scale from 1 representing very disagree and 9 representing very agree Table 2. T-test analysis between students groups for class score Variables Management major? Female? Management course before? BSG before? at 0.1 level Mean/S.D. 85.23/2.83 83.86/4.60 84.47/3.33 85.09/3.05 Nyes 13 14 22 11 Mean/S.D. 81.67/9.48 80.42/12.76 81.09/10.85 81.94/9.24 Nno 30 29 21 32 t 1.847 0.977 1.395 1.683 Sig. 0.069 0.345 0.175 0.100 Table 3. Regress Analysis Results for Intention to Continuance Usage Independent Variable Visual learning Mean performance (Scores) Sharing -0.504*** -0.388*/-0.356* -0.355* -0.316* 0.319* - - Kinesthetic learning - - 0.291 -/0.436* - 0.562*** -/-0.469* Wants structure Learning with others Attendance Competition Auditory learning Tacit learning Test Final - -0.481** - -0.375 -/0.662* - -1.148*** High persistence - -/-0.169* - -0.745* Online game Participating group discussion Searching information after class - - 0.440* 0.285/0.487** High motivation -0.341* 0.524** 0.339* 0.319 GPA last semester F 3.779* 3.844*/3.702** 4.327* 4.620** 4.849** Adjusted R square 0.264 0.155/0.343 0.097 0.259 0.465 ***P< 0.001 ** P< 0.01 * P< 0.05 P= 0.1 ISSN: 1792-460X 474 ISBN: 978-960-474-216-5 NEW ASPECTS of APPLIED INFORMATICS, BIOMEDICAL ELECTRONICS & INFORMATICS and COMMUNICATIONS learning-loop and reflection concepts in Kiili’s [5] problem-based gaming model. Third, students with auditory learning preference and high motivation may be not used to BSG type of learning-by-doing style. Finally, more hidden variables and dimensions of variables are yet to be identified to increase the explaining power of regress analysis for determing the contributing factors of BSG performance scores in future research. This study is interested in learning how the performance scores are influenced by student’s learning styles in Taiwan context. Variables in learning style may belong to different dimensions, and this study adopted the following 12 variables as seen in Table 3. Backward stepwise linear regress was used to identify significant variables contribute to five different performance scores. Several observations can be derived as follows: First, visual learning is the most significant variable contributing negatively all but the test performance scores. Since BSG is more of a text-based simulation than a simulator, the feelings of visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning do not resemble online games or simulators. Accordingly, students with high visual learning preference may find it negatively associated with BSG performance scores in most cases, except in the test score. It is surprising to see negative influcnece on performance scores for high motivational students, which may imply that they are not used to this new method of learning by doing through game competition. Second, on the positive influnce, participating group discussion had significant positive influence to student performance on three out of five performance scores. Tacit learning reflects well the nature of BSG as a problem-based gaming involves strategies. Both meet the original expectation of this research. Third, test score indeed is very different from the other scores in that three variables, online game, searching information after class, and GPA of last semester, that uniquely contribute to test score, but not others. This implies that test scores may not be appropriately evaluated by the BSG competition activities, and vice versa. Teachers need to be very careful in matching the course objective with its evaluation method. Forth, only the adjusted R-square of the attendance score borders high level while the rest are at low level or insignificant level. This implies, more hidden dimensions of variables are needed to increase the explaining power of the regression analysis on BSG performance score. References: [1] Anderson, P. H. and Lawton, L. Simulation performance and its effectiveness as a PBL problem: A follow-up study, Developments in Business Simulation & Experiential Exercises, Vol. 34, 2007, pp. 43-49. [2] Faria, A. J. and M. Schumacher. Business Simulation games: Current usage a ten year update, Developments in Business Simulation & Experiential Exercises, Vol. 11, 1996, pp. 220-225. [3] Feinstein, A. H., Mann, S. and Corsun, D. L. Charting the experiential territory: Clarifying definitions and uses of computer simulation, games, and role play. Journal of Management Development, Vol. 21, No. 10, 2002, pp. 732-744. [4] Hawk, F. F. and Shah, A. J. Using learning style instruments to enhance student learning, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2007, pp. 1-19. [5] Kapp, K. Gadgest, games and gizmos: Informal learning at, 2006. [6] Kiili, K. Foundation for problem-based gaming, British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 38, No. 3, 2007, pp. 394-404. [7] Kraiger, K., Ford, J. K., and Salas, E. Application of cognitive, skill-based, and affective theories of learning outcomes to new methods of training evaluation. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 78, No. 2, pp. 311-328 [8] Lim, C. P. 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Second, participating group discussion and tacit learning are positive factors in influencing student performance, which matches the ISSN: 1792-460X 475 ISBN: 978-960-474-216-5 NEW ASPECTS of APPLIED INFORMATICS, BIOMEDICAL ELECTRONICS & INFORMATICS and COMMUNICATIONS [11] Tao, Y.-H., Cheng, C.-J. and Sun, S.-Y., What influences college students to continue using business simulation games? The Taiwan experience, Computers & Education, Vol. 53, No. 3, 2009, pp. 929-939 [12] Tech, R. and Murff, E. R. T. Are the business simulations we play too complex, Developments in Business Simulation & Experiential Exercises, Vol. 35, 2008, pp. 205-211. [13] Wellington,W. J. and Faria, A. J. An investigation of the relationship between simulation play, performance level and recency of play on exam scores, Developments in Business Simulation & Experiential Exercises, Vol. 18, 1991, pp. 111-114. [14] Wellington, W. J. and Faria, A. J. Are good simulation performers consistently good, Developments in Business Simulation & ExperientExercises, Vol. 22, 1995, pp.5-11. [15] Whiteley, T. R. and Faria, A. J.. A study of the relationship between student final exam performance and simulation game participation. Simulation & Gaming, Vol. 20, 1990, pp. 44-64. ISSN: 1792-460X 476 ISBN: 978-960-474-216-5