Biology 9 Study Guide Chromosomes and Cell Division Reading: • Goodenough et al., “Biology of Humans”, Chapter 19 and Chapter 20, pages 443 to 445 Key Terms: cell cycle chromosomal inheritance apoptosis chromatin histones chromosomes sister chromatids centromere centrosome, centrioles spindle fibers karyotype interkinesis G1, G2, S, and M stages cytokinesis mitosis nuclear division interphase prophase metaphase anaphase telophase diploid (2n), haploid (n) homologous chromosomes meiosis I and II synapsis crossing-over independent alignment gametogenesis spermatogenesis oogenesis polar body autosome syndrome mutation amniocentesis chorionic villi sampling nondisjunction Down syndrome (trisomy 21) Turner syndrome (XO) Klinefelter syndrome (XXY) deletion duplication translocation inversion Study Objectives: • Draw a diagram describing the human life cycle. What are the functions of mitosis and meiosis in the life cycle of humans? • Describe the interplay of cell division and apoptosis in humans. • Describe the structural organization of chromosomes using the terms DNA, histones, and chromatin. • Define karyotype. How many chromosomes are present in the normal somatic cell? Define homologous chromosomes, diploid, and haploid. • What are the stages of the cell cycle and the major events that occur in each stage? • Describe how DNA is replicated before cell division. What is the point of attachment for two sister chromatids called? • Name the four phases of mitosis and describe what is happening to the chromosomes during each phase. What is the function of the mitotic spindle? • Name the phases of meiosis I and II and describe what is happening to the chromosomes during each phase. • How do the terms diploid (2n) and haploid (n) pertain to meiosis? What is the significance of meiosis? • Describe crossing-over (prophase I) and independent alignment (metaphase I). What is the significance of these processes? Do they occur during mitosis? • Contrast meiosis I with meiosis II. • Compare and contrast meiosis and mitosis. • How does spermatogenesis in males compare with oogenesis in females? • What two processes are said to regulate the cell cycle? Be able to give examples of cells that continually divide through adulthood, those that do not generally divide but can be stimulated to do so, and those believed not to divide. • Describe what is meant by selective gene expression and why it is important to how a cell functions. • When and how is karyotyping of fetal cells done? Describe the two most common procedures used in the US. • What is nondisjunction and how does it occur? What is the result? • Describe Down syndrome (trisomy 21), the most common autosomal chromosome abnormality in humans. • Recognize syndromes caused by changes in sex chromosome number including Turner syndrome (XO) and Klinefelter syndrome (XXY). • Define mutation and describe four changes that can occur in chromosome structure.