(Sample) Hacking Stanford

(Sample) Hacking Stanford:
Getting into Your Dream School
David Ngo
This book is for sale at
This version was published on 2014-05-22
This is a Leanpub book. Leanpub empowers authors and
publishers with the Lean Publishing process. Lean Publishing is
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and many iterations to get reader feedback, pivot until you have
the right book and build traction once you do.
©2014 David Ngo
This is dedicated to all the dreamers, who are willing to be
different, and do great things.
0. What, Who, & Why . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. Dream: every Stanford student got in because they dream
4. David, What’s Next? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0. What, Who, & Why
Last Update: May 20, 2014
If you’re trying to get into Stanford, Hacking Stanford is for you. If
you’re trying to get into any school like Stanford, Hacking Stanford
is still for you.
The mindsets and methods that I share in this book are those that
got me into Stanford.
They are the same as those that I practice to this day.
If you’re my little sister, younger cousins, or other younger relatives
who aren’t old enough yet to read this, then this is for you several
10+ from now.
If you’re my friend or relative reading this in 2014 and you have a
dream, then this is for you now.
If you’re someone who I don’t know personally, but you share the
same desire to dream, to be different, and to do great things, this is
for you, too.
Hacking Stanford is for those who dare to dream, dare to be
different, & dare to do great things. It’s an honor to share with you
what I have learned throughout the years at Stanford.
It’s now 2014, almost one year since I have graduated Stanford. I
want to write this e-book since I still have the time and while the
content is fresh in my life.
In 2012, I attended Harvard Business School’s Summer Venture
Management Program. In 2013, I graduated Stanford University.
0. What, Who, & Why
In 2013, I was accepted into both Stanford Business School and
Harvard Business school.
Since getting in these various programs, I’ve helped friends get
accepted into prestigious schools and programs. As a friend, of
course I wanted to help; but also, I selfishly wanted to make sure my
strategies worked for my friends before I share them to the world.
I helped friends, many from Stanford, to succeed in:
• Gaining admission into Harvard Business School;
• Gaining admission into Columbia University;
• Gaining admission into unique summer programs like Harvard’s Summer Venture Management program;
• Creating individually designed majors via Stanford’s engineering department;
• Creating one-of-a-kind internship opportunities;
• Currently waiting for 2 friends to hear back from Stanford
Graduate School of Business on May 6th, 2014. Update: they
both were accepted.
I know these have worked for myself, for my dozens of close friends,
and for those who dare to dream, fail, & succeed in this world. I truly
and sincerely believe they’ll work for you, too.
But they will only work if you allow them to spark change in
yourself so that you can reach your next level.
If I tell you I’m good, you’ll say that I’m boasting. But if I tell you
I’m not good, you’ll know I’m lying. - Bruce Lee
So I’ll let my friends tell you in their words.
Testimonials “David was instrumental in my Harvard Business
School Summer Venture Management Program application process.
He helped me brainstorm key talking points for my essay, and was
also very helpful with feedback. He is great at understanding the
key ideas, flow, & structure of an essay, while picking out the finer
0. What, Who, & Why
nuances that don’t quite fit.” - W.C., Stanford University, 2011
“Immediately (and I mean IMMEDIATELY) thinking of innovative
ways for me to show my best self.” 2. “Respectful and aware of my
situation, but also willing to push me to think in ways that are
uncomfortable but truly beneficial.” 3. “Empathetic and genuinely
interested in seeing you succeed.” - L.B. Stanford Business School,
2014 admit
“Waiting…” - L.K. Stanford University undergrad, Stanford Business
School, 2014 admit
“Waiting…” - D.P. Harvard Business School 2+2 program, 2014
1. Dream: every Stanford
student got in because they
The first chapter of this book is free. I’m giving it away for free
because I don’t want to waste your time or money (or your pare. If
you currently believe you have NO SHOT in getting into Stanford,
then give yourself ONE SHOT and read this chapter. It’s primarily
for you. By the end of this chapter, if you STILL don’t believe you
have A SHOT – it can be 0.0001% – then this book isn’t for you. No
book will be for you. No talk will be for you. Because your mindset
is still fixed that you have no chances. It’ll be a waste of your time
and money.
Students who get admitted into Stanford don’t have the mindset of
“No shot.” They have the mindset of “I have a chance.” They have a
mindset of possibility. They dream.
Every student that got into Stanford dreams. They
dream of something.
They dream of changing the world. They dream of having a
complete family.
They dream of being the best computer programmer. They dream
of bringing breakdance to youth.
They dream of making breakthroughs in physics research. They
dream of bridging computer games and making the world a better
1. Dream: every Stanford student got in because they dream
The most common dream of all Stanford students is this one: They
dream of getting into Stanford.
If you dream of getting into Stanford – that’s a great start. You
should continue reading chapter 1 because you already have the
first step of what it takes to get in.
If you don’t have a dream of getting into Stanford because you don’t
think you have a chance, then keep reading this chapter. It’s short.
And I’ll say things that many of your teachers, counselors, & adults
won’t share with you because I’m an independent writer. I’m not
representing any organization, business, or school. I’m saying the
same things that I want to say to my close family members and
People don’t dream because they’re scared. Including you. I can say
all these things because I’ve been through every single statement
that I’m writing in this book.
I’ve been scared. I’ve dreamed. I’ve failed. I’ve “succeeded.”
And I’ve seen it in the psychology of my teachers, counselors,
parents, and friends.
Dreaming is scary. You have to overcome a certain level of ego
and fear in order to dream. So if you’re not dreaming yet, let’s do
something right now. Answer these questions – on paper or in a
document. Magic happens when you put words on paper.
1. Dream: every Stanford student got in because they dream
1. Do you think you have at least
0.0001% shot or greater at getting
into Stanford? List some reasons
why or why not that immediately
come to mind. DO NOT go to
the next page until you have answered this question in your notebook or on your computer.
Spend 3-5 minutes on this, jotting down everything that comes to
1. Dream: every Stanford student got in because they dream
OK. You should have written some reasons why or why you have
at least 0.0001% chance in getting into Stanford.
Most family members, teachers, counselors, and academic directors
won’t ask you if you think you have a chance to get what you want.
They’ll just tell you that the chances are low and to persuade you
to do something more “realistic” with “more odds.”
For example: “Getting into Stanford is REALLY HARD.
You need a 2400 to get in. David can’t get in.”
“UVA (University of Virginia) is pretty tough to get
into. Their average GPA is ‘blah’ and average SAT
score is ‘blah.’”
“Designing your own major is really hard to do. I’ve
never heard of anyone getting theirs approved. There’s
a ton of existing programs at Stanford that you could
Those all actually happened to me. I know how it feels.
The questions that I’ll ask you, and methods that I’ll share with you
are things that most adults won’t say. They have good intentions,
I think. Their approach, however, is to prevent you from feeling
failure – from dreaming big and potentially falling on your face.
But if you’re reading this book, that means you want something
big in your life. You want to dream. And I’m telling you that you
can. You have my permission. You have the dreamers and doers of
the world’s permission. We need more of you to join us.
So I ask again:
1. Dream: every Stanford student got in because they dream
Do you think you have at least 0.0001%
shot or greater at getting into Stanford?
Spend 1-3 minutes.
Write or add to your existing answer.
1. Dream: every Stanford student got in because they dream
If you said Yes – great. You’re increasing your odds of getting into
Stanford. It’s the first step – because you just gave yourself a chance.
This means your odds of getting into Stanford are greater > 0%
If you’re still at No then write out your answer to this question:
What is the worst that can happen if you
apply and don’t get in? Feel free to list
DO NOT go to the next page until you have answered this question
in your notebook or on your computer.
1. Dream: every Stanford student got in because they dream
Let me guess.
“I would have failed.” “My parents would be disappointed in me.”
“I won’t get to pursue the career that I want.” “I won’t be able to
change the world.” … … “Death.”
The worst thing that could happen if you followed your thoughts
is dying. If you don’t get into Stanford you might die. That doesn’t
make sense.
Currently, you’re imagining the words “Sorry… unfortunately you
did not get in” on a rejection letter before it even happens. It’s to
protect yourself from “failing.” So it feels like getting a “No” on a
letter will feel like dying.
But you won’t die – I’m pretty sure of this. I’ve failed and gotten
rejected more times than I care to remember. I’m still living,
breathing, & relatively “successful.”
Even if we get past the doubters in your circle, the final boss –
the biggest obstacle – is you. You have to stop doubting and start
The purpose of Hacking Stanford is for my words, methods, & case
stories to help you live, breathe, & be relatively “successful” by
getting into Stanford or your other dream school.
If you want to get the most out of Hacking Stanford, it’s not going to
be just this book. It’s going to be you asking me questions, and me
answering them periodically throughout each month. That’s why
you should purchase the bundle deal.
Different - every Stanford student is different by doing the same
ONE thing.
4. David, What’s Next?
Stanford wants to see what your dreams are, how
you’re different, and what you’ve done.
Share with someone your dream(s). You can share any dreams
that you have. You have to at least share that you’re dreaming of
attending Stanford.
Learn more and do more of the things that interest you – that may
not interest those who are close to you.
> > Emotion: Figure out and/or strengthen your inner emotions for
the relationships that are in your life.
Nerd: Figure out and/or strengthen your nerd subject by learning from a Stanford professor or alumni.
Google it.
Superpower: Figure out and/or strengthen your superpower by creating something with it.
Moving Forward As the months go on, I will be updating this section
with more actions based on more students that I help.
I know each student is unique and different.
Each student is at a different stage, and needs different guidance.
I have done my best to provide as much value to as broad of an
audience as possible.
4. David, What’s Next?
That is why I am releasing Hacking Stanford alongside a monthly
question-and-answers program.
As of 5/19/14, Hacking Stanford is a growing ebook
that I will update with organized answers to the
questions that I receive from readers. I plan to update Hacking Stanford until the end of this college
admissions year 2014-2015.