Internet Hearing Aid Sales - New Jersey Academy of Audiology

Internet Hearing Aid Sales: Some3mes Saving Money Becomes Very Expensive © Copyright, 2013, New Jersey Academy of Audiology, all rights reserved.
Some Background •  Efforts to sell hearing aids over the Internet have been increasing over the past few years •  Even insurance companies have entered the business •  In many cases the hearing aids may be far less expensive than if you purchased them from an audiologist or hearing healthcare provider Background •  Some Internet sites also include –  Simple ques3onnaires, and in some cases…… even simple hearing tests –  They claim to use these tools to help pa3ents determine their need for hearing aids, and what brand and model will best meet their needs You Might Be Thinking… •  Wow! This all sounds fantas3c so far, doesn’t it? I mean, what can be beMer than a direct-­‐
to-­‐pa3ent Internet sales model? Well…………….let’s take a closer look! Background •  First, let’s answer the ques3on: What is the New Jersey Academy of Audiology? •  We are an organiza3on dedicated to –  suppor3ng the needs of people with hearing loss and other audiological disorders and concerns –  educa3ng the public about hearing loss and preven3on of hearing loss from noise exposure •  Our Members Are Professional Audiologists –  university trained, and most with Doctoral Degrees in Audiology –  licensed to prac3ce audiology and dispense hearing aids in New Jersey NJAA Posi3ons On Internet Sales •  Internet sales are not in the best interests of individuals with hearing loss •  There is a poten3al risk of serious, nega3ve consequences for Internet buyers of hearing aids •  Other na3onal hearing health organiza3ons agree: American Speech-­‐Language Hearing Associa3on, Associa3on of Dispensing Audiologists, American Academy of Audiology Huh????? Wait a Minute! •  You just said: – Hearing Aids are less costly on the Internet – There are ques3onnaires and tests to help people with hearing loss make the right hearing aid selec3on WELL………………………. •  Some3mes saving money can get preMy expensive •  Purchasing a hearing aid is not like buying headphones or other personal electronic devices Na3onal Audiology Associa3ons Agree •  Standard of Care –  Always involves in-­‐person contact with hearing health professionals –  Begins with a thorough case history of the pa3ent to help iden3fy specific concerns, medical history, and familial history pertaining to hearing loss –  Includes a valid and reliable hearing evalua3on that involves a full baMery of tests not available on any Internet site Na3onal Audiology Associa3ons Agree •  A comprehensive audiological hearing test baMery includes •  Visual examina3on of outer ear and behavioral observa3on of pa3ents that may suggest hearing loss •  Visual observa3on of the ear canal up to the ear drum •  Special equipment to test the middle ear to gauge if and how the eardrum is moving •  Special equipment to test the en3re hearing system to determine if it is responding properly to sounds at different pitches and volume levels Audiological Test BaMery •  Audiological tes3ng to determine •  The so[est level that a pa3ent responds to a sound when it is presented (e.g., raise your hand when you hear the tone) •  The lowest volume words can be consistently heard and repeated correctly by the pa3ent •  A comfortable listening level for a pa3ent to best understand speech in the real world – which also helps the audiologist determine the level of amplifica3on the pa3ent needs to best perform in the real world The Audiogram and Report •  When all the tes3ng is completed, the audiologist will develop a report, which includes a review of what we call an Audiogram An Audiogram is but One Guide •  The audiogram, combined with the wriMen report, includes all the informa3on obtained during tes3ng •  It is cri3cally important to understand that two people with the exact same audiogram may not have the same hearing handicap! •  Someone with a mild hearing loss according to the audiogram may have a major hearing handicap •  Conversely, someone with a moderate hearing loss may have only a mild hearing handicap Key Issue for HA Fibng •  Each pa3ent has very different hearing and communica3ons challenges—even if their audiograms are iden3cal •  Person-­‐to-­‐person contact with an audiologist is the only way each of these challenges can be specifically addressed in the hearing aid selec3on and fibng process •  The hearing aid fibng process is not a “one size fits all” process and op3mum pa3ent performance with their hearing aids o[en requires mul3ple visits for fine tuning Why Such a Robust Test BaMery •  All of this informa3on together helps the audiologist determine not only the type of hearing loss a pa3ent has……. •  But also if there is any underlying medical condi3ons that requires the aMen3on of a physician Why Such a Robust Test BaMery •  It is well known that many cases of mild-­‐to-­‐
moderate hearing loss can be caused by anything from excessive wax in the ear canal to tumors •  A comprehensive audiological evalua3on can reveal underlying medical condi3ons that, if untreated, could put pa3ents at great risk You May Be Saying to Yourselves •  “OK, I got my hearing test done by a licensed audiologist.” •  “I have medical clearance to wear hearing aids.” •  So now’s a great 3me to buy my hearing aids online •  “Oh boy, I’m going to save a bundle!!” Now, Wait A Minute!! •  Remember….Some3mes saving money can become very expensive!! By Saving Money……………… What Might You Be Losing? •  The hearing aid or aids arrive at your home and now you have: –  No orienta3on on how to use and clean these devices as well as how to acclimate to the devices –  No guidance on hearing aid selec3on based on whether or not you have the dexterity to even put the baMeries in the units purchased –  No tes3ng of whether the hearing aid is performing as it should NJAA Posi3ons on Internet Sales •  Consumers with hearing loss must understand that an audiologist’s job is just beginning a[er pa3ents are prescribed to wear hearing aids •  A[er ini3al fibngs, pa3ents should have “real-­‐world experience” (usually two weeks) and note any con3nued or new challenges with their hearing aids, along with instruc3on on how to use them •  Pa3ents then return, o[en mul3ple 3mes, for fine tuning of the HAs un3l op3mum pa3ent performance is achieved •  A[er purchasing hearing aids from the Internet, the pa3ent is usually le[ with no professional support or follow-­‐up—and if they do seek professional support, each appointment will add to the cost of their Internet hearing aid purchase NJAA Posi3ons on Internet Sales •  While we encourage all audiologists to see pa3ents who purchase hearing aids online, unfortunately the audiologist will likely have liMle or no –  informa3on about the pa3ent’s hearing loss or specific challenges –  background on the specific HAs specifica3ons or fibng so[ware –  understanding as to how or why the specific device was chosen for the pa3ent –  knowledge of the HA’s actual sebngs NJAA Posi3ons on Internet Sales –  No tes3ng as to whether the unit(s) are adjusted properly to the pa3ent’s hearing loss –  No follow-­‐up for fine tuning the hearing aid based on consumer experience and issues –  No aural rehabilita3on strategy sessions with the audiologist mmmmmmm NJAA Posi3ons on Internet Sales –  No structured process to determine if the pa3ent will perform beMer by wearing one hearing aid or two, even if they have hearing loss in both ears –  No pa3ent follow up, period! –  And what happens? –  Unfortunately, the pa3ent o[en does not take the ini3a3ve to visit an audiologist to try and address the issues they are facing NJAA Posi3ons on Internet Sales •  The hearing aids are sent back for a refund or end up in the night table drawer, leaving you where you started •  But probably a liMle more frustrated, and if the trial period for the hearing aid has passed-­‐-­‐a lower balance in your checking account NJAA Posi3ons •  As a person with hearing loss, you must always keep in mind that hearing aids are medical devices •  Hearing aid fibng and selec3on should include: –  Comprehensive diagnos3c tes3ng –  Development of the most appropriate treatment plan –  Verifica3on that the hearing aid is performing as it should –  Fine tuning to op3mize your hearing ability in all environments important to your lifestyle NJAA Posi3ons •  The cost of hearing healthcare from an audiologist includes –  Aural rehabilita3on –  Communica3ons strategy counseling –  Follow-­‐up and more follow-­‐up to help ensure your success with your hearing aids NJAA Posi3ons •  You will find that NJAA audiologists are –  Focused on providing the highest quality of care for hearing healthcare needs –  AND sensi3ve to a your budgetary needs as well NJAA Posi3ons •  NJAA audiologists… –  work with you to achieve the most successful outcome possible –  embrace the idea of making hearing aids more accessible to you, but when it comes to Internet sales remember…… …Some3mes trying to save money by purchasing hearing aids via the Internet can end up being a very expensive proposi3on!!! © Copyright, 2013, New Jersey Academy of Audiology, all rights reserved. No portion of this presentation
may be reproduced or altered without written permission from the New Jersey Academy of Audiology.