STUDENT HANDBOOK 2013-14 TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM STUDENT HANDBOOK 2013-14 TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM Contents Contents TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM 5 4 Contents Welcome to Tidewater Community College........................................................ 7 Student Support Services Hours of Operation ........................................................... 8 What Students Can Expect at TCC................................................................................ 9 What TCC Expects of Students..................................................................................... 9 Telephone Directory..................................................................................................10 Frequently Asked Questions ......................................................................... 11 How Do I Get Started at TCC?....................................................................... 16 General Information..................................................................................... 19 Student Rights, Protections and Policies........................................................ 66 Student Life and Leadership......................................................................... 78 Safety and Security...................................................................................... 83 College telephone Numbers.......................................................................... 91 TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM Welcome Welcome TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM 7 6 Welcome to Tidewater Community College W elcome to Tidewater Community College! The faculty and staff at TCC are committed to helping you reach your fullest potential. This Student Handbook is designed to assist you with your personal, professional, and academic success during your time at TCC. Specifically, the Student Handbook provides you with general College information; an overview of College resources that are available to you; important College policies for both inside and outside the classroom, including important Financial Aid policies; information on how to connect with other students through student activities, clubs, and organizations; and your responsibilities as a student. As you begin your educational journey and academic career at TCC, I encourage you to take full advantage of the opportunities around you. Becoming familiar with the Student Handbook is one step that you can take to help ensure your success. Again, welcome to Tidewater Community College and hope you join us in believing “From here, Go anywhere!” Sincerely, Dr. Charles W. Lepper Vice President for Student Affairs Student Supprt Services TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM 8 Student Suppot Services From here, go anywhere.TM 9 Note: Hours of operation are subject to change. Please check Student Support Services Hours of Operation TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE What Students Can Expect of TCC TCC is a large and friendly college, providing comprehensive educational programming at a reasonable cost to students of any age. ¢ FALL 2013 Regular Hours Monday and Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Extended Hours Thursday, August 15, 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Friday, August 16, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Saturday, August 17, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Monday – Thursday, August 19-22, 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Friday, August 23, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday – Thursday, August 26-29, 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. ¢ SPRING 2014 Regular Hours Monday and Tuesday | 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday & Friday | 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Extended Hours Monday - Thursday, January 6-9 | 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Friday, January 10 | 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Saturday, January 11 | 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Monday – Thursday, January 13-16 | 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Friday, January 17 | 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Spring Break Hours Monday – Friday, March 10-16 | 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. ¢ SUMMER 2014 Regular Hours Monday and Tuesday | 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday & Friday | 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Extended Hours Monday – Thursday, May 12-15 | 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Friday, May 16 | 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Saturday, May 17 | 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Monday – Thursday, May 19-22 | 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Friday, May 23 | 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Students can expect quality instruction and support from caring faculty and staff that put students’ needs first. Students can expect a stimulating place where students, faculty, and staff enjoy a climate of mutual trust and respect which encourages exciting intellectual pursuits. What TCC Expects of Students TCC will expect students to demonstrate personal and academic integrity, to be open to new ideas, and to share in a community where individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures help one another grow intellectually, socially, and personally. TCC expects students to achieve, not just to get by. And while many caring and talented faculty and staff are here to help, students must take responsibility for their own learning. Students should strive for a high level of academic performance and to be responsible, contributing citizens within the college and outside communities. Above all, TCC wants students to develop a love of learning that will last a lifetime, along with a life-long interest in maintaining emotional and physical wellness. Student Supprt Services TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM Student Support Services TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM 11 10 Telephone Directory Frequently Asked Questions DEPARTMENT CHESAPEAKE NORFOLK PORTSMOUTH VIRGINIA BEACH Academic Alert 822-5241 822-1204 822-2219 822-7519 Admissions 822-5021 822-1534 822-2193 822-7172 Advising and Counseling 822-5125 822-1534 822-2200 822-7212 Career Development 822-5125 822-1222 822-2200 822-7228 Center for Military and Veterans Education 822-7777 822-7777 822-7777 822-7777 Developmental Education Manager 822-5025 822-1136 822-2643 822-7008 Domicile Services 822-5021 822-1235 822-2193 822-7136 Educational Accessibility 822-5127 822-1226 822-2208 822-7211 Enrollment Services 822-5117 822-1265 822-2193 822-7101 Financial Aid 822-5145 822-1236 822-2215 822-7292 First Year Success 822-5192 822-1654 822-7519 Great Expectations 822-5207 822-5207 822-5207 822-5207 ID Card Office 822-5270 822-1252 822-2175 822-7287 International Programs and Student Services 822-7342 822-7342 822-7342 822-7342 Learning Assistance Services 822-5157 822-1658 822-2709 822-7333 Library 822-5160 822-1101 822-2130 822-7151 Math Lab 822-5157 822-1383 822-2349 822-7176 Open Computer Lab 822-5158 822-1430 822-2314 822-7553 Open Door Project 822-1218 822-2211 Orientation 822-5192 822-1231 822-2169 822-7519 Student Activiteis 822-5138 822-1251 822-2171 822-7226 Student Employment Services 822-5150 822-2168 822-7228 Testing Center 822-5157 822-1310 822-2194 822-7390 Tutoring Lab 822-1420 822-2709 822-7338 Veterans Affairs 822-5140 822-1207 822-2197 822-7235 Women’s Center 822-5133 822-1140 822-2161 822-7363 Writing Center 822-5157 822-1584 822-2709 822-7170 ¢ Where Can I Get Help Choosing A Major? Advisors and counselors on each campus are available to help you explore your interests and abilities so that you can make informed choices about majors and careers. Ask an advisor or counselor about college resources and College Success Skills (SDV) courses. ¢ What If I Want To Change My Curriculum/Plan? You can discuss a curriculum plan change with an advisor or counselor. If you decide to make a curriculum change, you must complete and submit a Curricula Change Form to an advisor or counselor. ¢ What can TCC do to help me decide on a career? All TCC campuses offer a comprehensive program to help you develop, evaluate, and implement career plans. This approach will help you become aware of your interests, skills, values, and life-style preferences. Career Services, Advising, and Counseling offices maintain current information about job characteristics and employment prospects so you can research careers that match your profile. Individual counseling, seminars, workshops, and credit courses can also help you with this important process. Online Career Resources are available. ¢ I’m struggling with one of my classes. Does TCC have tutors? Each campus offers a variety of free tutoring services and learning assistance to assist you in achieving academic success. You can learn more about these services from counselors or academic advisors. You are encouraged to talk with your instructors, who can help you during office hours and refer you to the best resources. ¢ I attended another college before coming to TCC. Will my credits transfer? Course work may be accepted for transfer credit if taken at an institution that is accredited by a regional or national accrediting agency that is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and if it has been determined to be equivalent to course work offered at TCC. Credit is awarded only for course work that is applicable to selected program plans. To request an evaluation, you must be admitted to TCC, be placed into a curriculum, and be attending classes. You must also request that your official transcript be sent to TCC’s Central Records Office and submit an electronic request for evaluation of previous educational experiences. Detailed instructions about transfer credits are available on the web. Eligible transfer credits will officially post TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM Student Support Services Student Supposrt Services 12 once a student is in active attendance at the college. Counselors and advisors can help you determine which courses will be accepted for transfer credit. ¢ What is my SIS User Name and ID? The Student Information System (SIS) automatically assigns a SIS User Name and an ID number when an application for admission is processed. You will receive notification of your SIS ID number in your admissions acceptance letter or you may access it within SIS using the following instructions: 1. Click on, at the top of the page click the myTCC button. 2. Click on Look Up Your Username and Set Your Password. 3. Enter your name exactly as it appears on your TCC record. Enter your birth date in six digit format without spaces or dashes (i.e. January 4, 1978 would be 010478). Enter your Social Security Number (SSN) without dashes or spaces. 4. Click Search. 5. Make note of your Username and SIS/EMPL ID. You will need these numbers to conduct all business with the college. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM Need Help? Call the Inforamtion Center at 822-1122. 13 Passwords cannot be numbers only. To protect your account, make sure that your password is memorable for you, but difficult for others to guess. Do not share your password with anyone. Never use the same password that you’ve used in the past. ¢ Can I get credit for prior experiences? At the discretion of the academic dean, you may take challenge examinations to earn credit for prior experiences. Certifications/licensures are also reviewed by academic deans for possible academic credit. To initiate this process, you are encouraged to meet with an academic dean, instructor, counselor or academic advisor. Detailed instructions on challenge examinations are available on the web. ¢ What can I do if a course I need to graduate is not offered when I need it? You should talk to a counselor, academic advisor, or academic dean. In some cases, you might be able to obtain a course substitution for the required course that they cannot schedule. Detailed information about requesting a course substitution is available on the web. However, you should closely follow and monitor their plan sheet from the beginning and also meet regularly with a counselor or academic advisor to avoid any difficulty. ¢ If I Repeat A Course Because of a Low Grade Earned the First Time Taken, What Happens to the Original Grade? The original grade remains on your transcript, but the last grade earned is used to meet degree requirements and to compute a grade point average. If you retake a class and receive a lower grade, the second course grade is the one that counts. If you receive a message that your record was not found in the directory, please repeat the above procedure or contact the Information Center at 757-822-1122. ¢ How do I set or change my SIS password? You will be required to set a password the first time that you sign in to the myTCC portal. To set your password the first time, follow these steps: 1. Click on, at the top of the page click the myTCC button. 2. Click on Look up Your Username and Set Your Password and fill in the requested information. Enter your first and last names, birth date, and Social Security Number (SSN) without spaces, hyphens, dashes or slashes. 3. Click on Search. 4. Enter your password twice, then select a security question and provide the answer. 5. Click on Next to complete the process. Once you have set your Password, wait at least 10 minutes before attempting to sign-on again. This will allow time for your password to be accepted by SIS, Blackboard, and Email. Except in situations where the college has erred, an “F” grade will not be removed from your record. However, you can retake a course. In most cases, the second grade earned will be used to meet degree requirements and to calculate the grade point average. If you have not attended TCC for five or more years, you may be eligible for academic renewal. The academic renewal petition form is available on the web. We strongly urge you to change your password every 90 days. ¢ What Happens if I Quit Coming to a Course, or Never Attend at All? Password Requirements: Passwords must have at least eight (8) characters in length, but not more than ten (10). Passwords must contain a combination of: • At least one UPPERCASE letter • At least one lowercase letter • At least one number (0-9) Faculty members may drop or withdraw you from class for failure to attend or participate, or when you stop attending or participating. You may also drop or withdraw yourself from a class, but you must do so by the add/drop deadline date. You will receive an “F” or “U” grade if you do not withdraw from the class by the last day to withdraw without academic penalty. Deadline dates are listed on the academic calendar. ¢¢Can I get an “F” removed from my record? Student Support Services TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM Student Supposrt Services From here, go anywhere.TM 15 14 ¢ What is the procedure for making up an “I” (incomplete) grade? An “I” grade provides you additional time to fulfill course requirements that you were unable to complete for verifiable unavoidable reasons during regular semester dates. You must be making satisfactory progress in the course at the time that an “I” grade is requested, and you must have completed at least 50% of the course. It is your responsibility to contact the course instructor to initiate an incomplete grade. You should not register for the class the following semester, and should make every effort to complete course requirements by the deadline, which is determined by the instructor. ¢How TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE late can I register for a class? The academic calendar is available online. Registration deadlines for special session courses may be obtained from Enrollment Services. You are responsible for any materials or assignments missed regardless of when the registration was completed. ¢ What kinds of financial assistance can I get at TCC? Grants, loans, scholarships, and work-study jobs are forms of financial assistance available to eligible students. You can find information at any campus Financial Aid Office or by visiting ¢ Can anyone help me find a part-time job? Student Employment Services is available to assist you in finding employment while you are enrolled at TCC. To view employment opportunities, please visit the HIRENET or Perfect interview websites. For additional information, contact a campus career advisor. ¢ Will I get a refund if my course is cancelled? What happens if I drop or withdraw from a course? If the college cancels a class and you elect not to add another course, you will receive a full refund of tuition and fees for the cancelled class. The same is true if you officially drop a class before the last day to drop for a tuition refund. If you withdraw from a course AFTER the last day to drop for a tuition refund, you are not entitled to receive a refund. Please refer to the Tuition Refund Appeal procedure for special circumstances. ¢ How long will it take to get my refund? If you are entitled to a refund, you will receive a check within four weeks from the last day to drop for a tuition refund. Credit card payments made via the Internet will be refunded to the cardholder. Refunds for credit card payments made at the business office will be mailed to you unless you present the credit card used to make the payment and identification at the business office following the class cancellation or drop. Refunds payable to you will be disbursed to your address on file with TCC in the Student Information System (SIS). ¢ What is a campus of record? You will select a campus of record upon submission of an application to the college, and your permanent record is maintained at that campus. However, you may take classes and access support services at any campus. ¢ How will I get my final grades? You can access your grades in SIS approximately 24 hours following your final examination period. ¢ How safe are TCC campuses, especially in the evenings? Each campus has well-lit parking lots and grounds, as well as security guards who patrol the areas. If you are leaving a building alone at night, you may ask a security guard to walk you to your car. ¢ Can I evaluate my courses at TCC? Near the end of an academic session, you are encouraged to evaluate your classes using TCC’s Scantron Class Climate. Your course evaluation is anonymous. Each fall and spring semester has two evaluation periods: first eight-week session courses are evaluated during the last two weeks of the first eight-week session, and all other classes are evaluated during the last two weeks of the regular sixteen-week session. The ten-week summer session has a single evaluation period during the final two weeks of that term. Students should use the myTCC portal regularly to check their student email (Gmail) accounts for invitation messages that contain specific dates and access information. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM Student Support Services Student Supposrt Services How do I get started at TCC? Individuals are eligible for general admission to Tidewater Community College as curricular students if they have a HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA or the equivalent, or if they are 18 YEARS OF AGE or older and are able to benefit from study at the college, based on the college’s placement testing policies and procedures. High school graduates (or General Educational Development diploma [GED] completers) who score below the college’s required scores must enroll in appropriate DEVELOPMENTAL COURSES and may enroll only in those college credit courses for which they meet developmental prerequisites. Applicants who have completed a HOME-SCHOOL high school program are eligible for admission under the college’s general admissions policy. International Students should check the requirements for admission on the International Student Services website. ¢ Step 2 Apply for Admission Apply online, download an application from the TCC website, or call 757.822.1122 and request a paper application. If you apply online, you will receive your admission decision immediately. ¢ Step 3 Apply for Financial Aid Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid Form (FAFSA) The deadline for submitting your application for fall semester is April 1st. It is highly recommended that you apply as early as possible so that you have your financial aid before the semester starts. The FAFSA requires a code for your information to be sent to TCC. The code is 003712. Apply for Veterans Education Benefits online or visit a campus Office of Veterans Affairs or the Center for Military and Veterans Education. ¢ Step 4 Take the Placement Tests You are strongly encouraged to prepare for the English and Math placement test using online resources. The placement testing schedule, sample tests, and information From here, go anywhere.TM 17 16 ¢ Step 1 Determine Eligibility for Admission TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE for SAT/ACT waivers are available on the testing website. You can also call the TCC Information Center at 757.822.1122 or the information is available at any TCC campus location. The test costs $4.00 and can be paid at any campus Business Office. You must present your receipt and a photo ID when you arrive to take the test. ¢ Step 5 Attend an Orientation Session Review your placement scores and receive advice on tuition and financial aid, course selection, enrollment procedures, academic planning and other information to help you be successful at TCC. Orientation schedules are available on the TCC First Year Success website. ¢ Step 6 Register for classes Students may register for classes online. Print your class schedule and take it with you during the first week of class. If you need any assistance, contact the campus Enrollment/Admissions Office or call the Information Center at 757.822.1122. ¢ Step 7 Pay Tuition Pay your tuition with VISA or MasterCard. You can also pay at any campus Business Office with cash, money order, check, VISA or MasterCard. ¢ Step 8 Get Student Identification Card ¢ Step 9 Purchase Textbooks All students are required to have a college ID card. After you register for classes, print your class schedule and take it to the campus ID card services and obtain your ID card. The card provides access to student activities and services, access to Student Centers, access to printing on campus, and the Storm Card Program option for on campus purchases and special deals for students. Purchase textbooks prior to the start of your classes. Take a printed copy of your class schedule to the bookstore and the staff will assist you with your purchases. If you are using financial aid to pay for your books, you will need your Student ID card and another photo ID, such as a driver’s license. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information General Information TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM 19 18 General Information Associate of Arts (AA) The Associate of Arts Degree is awarded to students majoring in the fine or liberal arts who may plan to transfer to a four-year college or university after completing their community college program. Associate of Applied Arts (AAA) The Associate of Applied Arts is awarded to students majoring in one of the occupational/ technical curricula who may plan to obtain employment immediately upon graduation from college. Associate of Applied Science (AAS) The Associate of Applied Science Degree is awarded to students majoring in one of the occupational/technical curricula who may plan to obtain employment immediately upon graduation from college. Associate of Science (AS) The Associate of Science Degree is awarded to students majoring in specialized pre-professional programs who may plan to transfer to a four-year college or university after completing their community college program. Academic Advisor An academic advisor is a faculty or staff member who helps students plan a course of study in a specific academic area after they have been accepted into a curriculum/plan. Academic Alert Academic Alert promotes student success through faculty referral of students experiencing academic challenges and connecting students with supportive resources to achieve their academic and life goals. Academic Standing This status is based on the grade point average. A student is in good academic standing if he/she maintains a 2.0 semester grade point average on all work. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information General Information This process is for adding courses to your registration. This process must be completed during the time frame indicated in the college calendar. Admissions Visit the TCC website to apply for admission. Personnel in the Admissions Office provide assistance to students who are seeking admission to Tidewater Community College. The office staff also advises students who are interested in admission to the Dual Enrollment program and/or under the Exceptions to the General Policy. From here, go anywhere.TM 21 20 Add Course TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE campuses have distribution stores, where books and supplies can be ordered online and picked up on campus. A limited number of supplies and accessories are available at the distribution stores. All TCC students can order their books and supplies online at and have them delivered to one of the four store locations or directly to their home. Please be aware that both the Chesapeake and Portsmouth stores have limited operating hours. For additional information on all store locations, including hours of operation both during the first two weeks of classes and throughout the semester, please visit Chesapeake Campus (distribution store) 1428 Cedar Road, Chesapeake, VA | 757-822-5315 Advising and Counseling The Advising and Counseling offices offer a variety of services for students, including academic advising, transfer planning, and career assessment testing and interpretation. Academic Advisors are available to assist in the development of meaningful educational plans to help students achieve academic goals, whether it is to continue their education at a four-year college or university, to prepare for immediate entry into the job market, or to develop skills for career advancement or personal growth. Advisors assist with the selection of appropriate courses. Counselors are available to assist students with educational planning, career development, and personal concerns. They can help students explore their interests and identify career and life goals. Counselors help address and explore personal and academic issues related to career indecision, academic difficulty, test-taking, time management, and other obstacles that may hinder the academic and personal success of students. Audit Attending course meetings without taking examinations or receiving course credit is referred to as auditing a course. Permission to audit a course must be received from the appropriate academic dean or designee on the campus in which you plan to take the course. Students who desire to earn credit for a previously audited course must re-enroll in the course for credit and pay tuition to earn a grade other than “X.” Advanced standing credit will not be awarded for a previously audited course. Bookstores Barnes & Noble at Tidewater Community College stocks all necessary books, supplies and college gear that a TCC student may need. The largest of the Barnes & Noble at Tidewater Community College stores is conveniently located in Norfolk in the MacArthur Center Mall on the second and third floors. The MacArthur Center store provides Norfolk, Chesapeake, and Portsmouth campus students with their books and supplies, regardless of the campus they are attending. Virginia Beach Campus students should go to the Barnes & Noble at Tidewater Community College store conveniently located on the Virginia Beach Campus, which also provides full-service textbooks and supplies. The Chesapeake and Portsmouth Norfolk Campus (bookstore) TCC Barnes and Noble 300 Monticello Ave, Norfolk, VA 23510 MacArthur Center Mall, 3rd Level | 757-625-3459 Portsmouth Campus (distribution store) 120 Campus Drive, Portsmouth, VA 23701 | 757-822-2620 Virginia Beach Campus (satellite bookstore) 1700 College Crescent, Virginia Beach, VA 23453 | 757-822-7575 Bulletin/Video Boards Information about student activities, upcoming events, important dates, new courses, and academic, career, and personal assistance is broadcast continuously on WTCC, the college’s video bulletin boards on each campus. Information of general interest and notification of lost and found items or items for sale or rent may be posted on specific college bulletin boards at each campus. The bulletin boards are placed at various locations on the campuses. All items must be approved by the campus provost, campus dean of student services, or other designee. Contact a campus dean of student services to learn of the approval process for posting an item. The college assumes no responsibility for the validity of unofficial notices. Campus of Record Students complete the application for admission and choose their campus of record, which is one of the four campuses on which they are most likely to take most of their classes. The campus of record is where a student’s records are maintained. Students can take classes at any campus, but must take care of some administrative activities at their campus of record. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information General Information The college offers a comprehensive program to help students develop, evaluate, and implement a career plan. This approach helps students become aware of their interests, skills, values, and lifestyle preferences and relate them to a career decision. Career assessment testing is available to help students explore personal interests and talents, clarify career values, and explore and gather occupational information. Resources are available to direct students to accurate, up-to-date information about future job outlooks and salaries. Each campus offers individual career counseling and seminars, workshops, and short courses on career-related topics. Career Studies Certificate The Career Studies Certificate is awarded to students who complete one of the approved non-degree curricula. It consists of a program of study that is less than 30 semester credit hours. Center for Military and Veterans Education (CMVE) The TCC Center for Military and Veterans Education (CMVE) was established in 2011 to broaden TCC’s already extensive service to military-related students, including active duty, reserves, National Guard, Coast Guard, veterans, military family members and Department of Defense employees. Based in the Kempsville Building at the Virginia Beach Campus, the CMVE is a college-wide function providing academic counseling & advising, academic & student support services, and military contract education and training, to military-related TCC students, no matter where they are located. Under the CMVE, TCC provides Veterans Affairs advisors at all four of the college’s campuses as well as academic and student support services at each of the major military installations in South Hampton Roads, including Naval Station Norfolk, Naval Air Station Oceana/Dam Neck, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, Joint Expeditionary Base—Little Creek-Fort Story, and Naval Support Activity Norfolk Northwest Annex. Contact information is available on TCC’s military website at CMVE staff provides a wide variety of services to assist military-related students in succeeding in their educational endeavors. Support includes coordination and delivery of services related to college application, domicile determination, placement and career readiness testing, advising and degree planning, financial aid and veterans benefit enrollment, course registration, and tuition payment procedures. Local and distance learning students may contact CMVE academic counselors and advisors through dedicated toll-free (866-921-6289; 855-399-7480 international calls) and local phone numbers (757-627-6289 or 757-822-7777) or via email at or Information is also available to students through TCC’s military website at CMVE staff are available to provide an unofficial review of military-related students’ military and college transcripts for the awarding of credit toward degree or certificate From here, go anywhere.TM 23 22 Career Development TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE programs based on Navy and Coast Guard rate & rating experiences, Army and Marine Corps MOS, service school training, College Board Advanced Placement Program (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support Subject Standardized Tests (DANTES DSST), Defense Language Proficiency Tests (DLPT), Excelsior ECE, and local examination. Awarding of credit for military training and experience is based on the recommendation of the American Council on Education (ACE). As a participant in the Navy College Program Distance Learning Partnership (NCPDLP), TCC offers five of its numerous degree programs to sailors wherever they may be around the globe. These degree programs, focused on 64 Navy ratings, are designed to maximize conversion of a sailor’s military training and experience into college credits. The Rating Roadmaps may be reviewed at Additionally, TCC is a member of the GoArmyEd network and can pre-certify tuition assistance authorizations for United States Army and National Guard personnel enrolling at TCC through the GoArmyEd network. TCC is a long-time member of the Service members Opportunity Colleges (SOC) program. The SOC Consortium is a worldwide network of U.S. colleges and universities which promotes the transfer of courses among participating colleges and universities. TCC SOC Student Agreements for U.S. Navy, Army, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and National Guard personnel, as well as for military-related family members, facilitate coordination of the completion of an associate degree program through a wide range of SOC network schools. The TCC CMVE staff is dedicated to helping military-related students achieve college degrees by providing SOC Student Agreements to assist, when the need arises, in the transfer of courses and degree programs among SOC participating colleges and universities. TCC, in partnership with Old Dominion and Norfolk State universities, is an Army and Navy Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program participant. TCC students interested in participating in the Army or Navy ROTC program can be approved to enroll into “executive credit” military science courses with the opportunity to become Army or Navy ROTC program candidates. The CMVE also provides assistance to eligible military spouses for application and enrollment in the Department of Defense Military Spouse Career Advance Accounts (MyCAA) program. As enrollment in MyCAA requires a career plan, the CMVE staff provides military spouses with career planning support and related student services. TCC military-related students established the Military and Veterans Student Association (MAVSA). Military-related students interested in contributing to the educational, social, community, and/or physical improvement of the CMVE are encouraged to join and actively participate in the MAVSA. The MAVSA is designed to promote and enhance the college experience of TCC’s military-related students. Central Records Office/Office of the College Registrar The Central Records Office/Office of the College Registrar performs transfer evaluations, processes approved course substitution and waiver requests, reviews applications for graduation, and processes official transcript requests. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information General Information Students may not leave children unattended on college property, in automobiles, libraries, lounge areas, administrative offices, etc. Children cannot be taken into classrooms, testing centers, computer centers, or laboratories. Community Engagement Community Engagement at TCC provides students with a supportive environment and innovative opportunities to participate in meaningful involvement experiences. These efforts promote individual student excellence, invite collaboration and discovery, and challenge students to take responsibility as members of a diverse, global community. The programs and events show that leadership is a process, not just a position, that leadership can be learned and that serving your community is an integral component of leadership development. Lastly, TCC students engage to demonstrate active participation and commitment in their community, and a desire to make a positive change. Therefore, the programs and activities offered will help students develop self-awareness and critical thinking necessary to enhance individual, organizational, and community growth. Computer Labs There are several open computer labs located on the campuses of TCC. The labs are open Monday through Saturday. Because some classes are held in the labs, the hours of operation may change. Check the open computer labs website for the hours and additional information. Cooperative Education Program The Cooperative Education Program is designed to provide students with practical work experience that carries college credit for participating in a coordinated, paid learning program with a cooperating employer. “Co-op” bridges the gap between theory and practice by allowing students to apply skills learned in the classroom on the job. With the assistance and advice from the Cooperative Education Office, students can decide if cooperative education will enhance their academic program. The qualifications for participation in the Cooperative Education Program are listed as follows: • Students should have a clearly stated set of career goals related to the potential work experience and be enrolled in a degree program in the curriculum under which cooperative education work experience is classified. If not already in a degree program, students must be in a position to benefit from career-related work experience. • Students must have attained a 2.0 grade point average before enrolling in the Cooperative Education Program. From here, go anywhere.TM 25 24 Children on Campus TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE • Students must have the appropriate number of course hours, prior training, or previous work experience required by employers before entering the Cooperative Education Program. • Students must be hired by an approved cooperative education employer before enrollment in the program. In all cases, a student’s participation must be approved in writing by Cooperative Education Office personnel before he/she may register for cooperative education credit. Individual curricula vary, but a total of ten hours of cooperative education is usually the maximum allowed in a curriculum. The college assists students in locating cooperative education placements. However, the college cannot guarantee placement. The responsibility for the cooperative education placement rests with the student. For further information and campus contacts, please visit coop.htm. Co-requisite A co-requisite course is one that must be taken at the same time as another course. Counselors Counselors are professional staff members in Advising and Counseling offices who assist students with academic and transfer planning, career counseling, and personal counseling. Credit A credit is a unit awarded for taking a course. Curriculum Plan A curriculum plan is the same as a major, and is a series of courses in a program of study leading to a certificate or degree. Developmental Studies Courses numbered 1 through 9 or designated ESL 11 through 20 are developmental studies courses. These courses provide a foundation or refresher when students need to improve specific skills required to succeed in a program. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information General Information Dismissal is an academic standing status. This occurs when academic performance has been so poor that a student is no longer permitted to attend TCC. Domicile Domicile refers to the present fixed home of an individual to which he or she returns following temporary absences and at which he or she intends to stay indefinitely. No individual may have more than one domicile at a time. Domicile, once established, shall not be affected by mere transient or temporary physical presence in another jurisdiction. The determination of domicile will, in most cases, result in a student paying either in-state or out-of-state tuition and will determine eligibility for state financial aid. Section 23-7.4 of the Code of Virginia governs eligibility for in-state tuition. For a complete description of the most current guidelines, students should visit the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia’s website. All applicants to the college who are claiming entitlement to Virginia in-state tuition rates must complete the domicile section of the application for admission. The college determines the student’s eligibility for in-state tuition rates based on information supplied on the application for admission. For detailed information about the domicile policy, please read the Domicile Policy provided on the web. Drop Course Drop refers to the process of dropping a course from your registration. The process must be completed within the time period indicated in the college calendar. Educational Accessibility The Office of Educational Accessibility provides students with disabilities programmatic and physical access in compliance with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the Americans with Disabilities Act Amended, of 2008, and the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998. Requests for accommodations should be made to the designated campus educational accessibility counselor at least 30 days before classes begin. Documentation must be provided to support the need for accommodations. Guidelines for documentation are available from campus educational accessibility counselors and the online website. An Educational Accessibility counselor is available on each campus to help students with physical, sensory, and/or learning disabilities, or chronic health problems that require academic accommodations. The Coordinator for Educational Accessibility is based at From here, go anywhere.TM 27 26 Dismissal TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE the Virginia Beach Campus and is available to meet with students at any TCC campus. Students needing accommodations are encouraged to contact the educational accessibility counselor 30 days before classes begin. Telephone numbers for Educational Accessibility are listed in the directory for each campus. All contacts and services are confidential. NON DISCRIMINATION POLICY Tidewater Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, political affiliation, veteran status, gender, age, sexual orientation, or disability in its programs or activities. Inquiries related to the college’s nondiscrimination policies may be directed to the Director of Human Resources, Post Office Box 9000, Norfolk, VA 23509-9000, 757-822-1708. TITLE IX AND SECTION 504 OF THE REHABILITATION ACT OF 1973 The college seeks to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. In student grievances arising under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and/or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the student may appeal the provost’s decision to a college grievance officer (Dean of Student Services). The grievance officer will make such investigations, finding of fact, and conclusions as are supported by the evidence and recommend a disposition to the campus provost. eLearning TCC provides alternatives to traditional classroom instruction in a variety of ways. TCC eLearning classes are academically equivalent to traditional, face-to-face classes but have fewer, or in some cases, no class meetings. Some examples of eLearning classes are online, hybrid, and technology-enhanced classes. Delivered through the learning management system, Blackboard, online classes are particularly valuable for motivated students with good self-discipline and time management skills who cannot easily attend regular traditional classes. Regular and reliable access to the Internet and strong technical skills are necessary for success in online classes. Online classes are conducted all or mostly online, but some proctored exams or face-to-face activities may be required. Hybrid courses are a combination of Internet-based and traditional classroom courses, with the mix of online to on-campus activities determined by the instructor. Hybrid courses require students to use a computer and have Internet access for some activities and to come to campus on specified days and times for other activities. Technology-enhanced courses follow a traditional on-campus meeting schedule, but they may require students to use a computer and to have Internet access for some activities and assignments. A variety of technologies may be required, such as use of Blackboard, word processing, PowerPoint, email, and others. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information General Information Elective Final Examination An elective is a course which is not specifically required but offers credit toward a program or degree. Counselors or advisors can answer questions regarding elective courses. A final examination is a test given in a course at the end of a term. All students admitted to TCC are automatically assigned a student email account provided through the Virginia Community College System (VCCS). New student email accounts are activated within 15 minutes of the application being processed. Students needing assistance accessing their email account should contact the TCC Information Center by calling 757-822-1122 or emailing All Blackboard (Bb) students are required to use the VCCS address as their official email address in Blackboard. Students may elect to forward mail (at their own risk) from their official VCCS email account to another (student-selected) email system. Students who use the electronic mail services are subject to the Information Technology Student/Patron Ethics Agreement of the Virginia Community College System. User accounts will become inactive after two semesters of no enrollment with the college. EMPL ID When a student is admitted to TCC, he/she will receive a unique identification number which is referred to as the EMPL ID. It is recommended that students memorize their EMPL ID because the ID number will be needed to conduct business at the college. Enrollment Enrollment refers to registering for classes. Students enroll in courses by using the Internet or in-person at any Enrollment Services office. Enrollment Services Enrollment Services provides a number of services. Staff members are available to assist students with course registration, course withdrawal, unofficial transcript requests, and updating an admissions application. Enrollment Services personnel also process student data change requests and grade changes, Tech Prep Articulation credit, campus of record transfers, student verifications and certifications, and cross registration grades. Family and Friends Information Sessions Family & friends of students are encouraged to attend orientations or information sessions to learn how to best support their students while transitioning into college. The sessions build collaboration between families and the college to achieve the common goals of learning, student development, and success. From here, go anywhere.TM 29 28 Email TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE Final Grade A final grade is he grade earned for a course which is posted to a student’s permanent record. Financial Aid Financial Aid Eligibility In order to qualify for financial aid sources, a student must meet the following criteria: • Be a U.S. citizen or national or an eligible non-citizen as defined by the U.S. Department of Education. • Be enrolled in an eligible curriculum for financial aid purposes. • Have a high school diploma, general education development (GED) certificate, or have been home-schooled at the secondary level. • Be meeting the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress at Tidewater Community College. • Have not defaulted on a federal student loan or owe an overpayment on a federal aid program. • Other factors such as a conviction for the possession or sale of drugs, a current incarceration, or being a registered sex offender subject to an involuntary civil commitment may affect eligibility for financial aid. Financial aid advisors are available at each campus to answer questions related to eligibility. Financial Aid Steps 1. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at www. Visit TCC’s FATV website for more information about applying for and understanding financial aid. If you prefer to complete a paper application, please contact the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-433-3243. a. Apply for a Personal Identification Number (PIN) prior to completing the online FAFSA and use it to sign the application electronically. If you are a dependent student, your parents should also apply for a PIN. You may do so at the following website: b. Be sure to list Tidewater Community College (TCC) as a school choice on your FAFSA. TCC’s school code is 003712. c. If you prefer to sign your application manually, instead of electronically with your PIN, please print the FAFSA signature page and mail it to the Federal Processor immediately upon completing the online application. 2. You will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR) after submitting your FAFSA application. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information General Information Review your SAR for accuracy. If you need to make corrections, please do so at the FAFSA ( website. If your SAR states that you have been selected for verification, you will receive a separate official request from TCC to provide certain financial documents. Comply with all requests for additional information and take the documents to your campus financial aid office as soon as possible. 3. You will receive an official Financial Aid Award Notice from TCC detailing your estimated expenses for the enrollment period and your eligibility for financial aid. a. Review this document carefully and follow any additional directions that it provides. Some sources of aid, such as student loans, require an additional application. b. Determine if your aid will cover your charges. If not, please pay any charges not covered by aid prior to the tuition payment deadline published on the TCC website. c Allow for adjustments if you are less than full-time. All financial aid awards are based on projected full-time enrollment. 4. Register for classes, and note that students are not eligible to receive financial aid for audited courses. a. Follow the directions to register as listed in the current semester schedule. b. Be sure that you are enrolled in an eligible curriculum for financial aid purposes. All of TCC’s degree programs and most of the certificate programs are considered eligible curricula for financial aid purposes. Please see your counselor or financial advisor if you have questions. 5. Pay your tuition by the published deadline. a. If your aid does not cover all of your tuition expenses, please be prepared to pay the balance by the tuition deadline. If you do not pay by the deadline, the classes that are not covered will be dropped. b. Remember that aid is based on projected full-time status. It may be adjusted if you are less than full-time, which could create an outstanding balance that you must pay. 6. Purchase your books. You are expected to purchase your books prior to the beginning of the semester. From here, go anywhere.TM 31 30 If you file the FAFSA electronically and provide an email address, you will receive the results at your email address approximately five business days from the date you filed. If you complete the paper application, please allow two to four weeks for processing and the results will be mailed to your home. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE If you have a remaining aid balance after tuition and fees are deducted, you may use the remaining aid at the college bookstore. The dates that you may use remaining financial aid each semester are published at the bookstore. If you apply late for financial aid, you may experience a 24-hour delay from the time that your award is applied to when you may use the remaining balance at the bookstore. Take your picture ID (driver’s license or student ID) with you to the bookstore to facilitate using financial aid for your purchases. Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Federal regulations require that a student receiving federal financial aid make satisfactory academic progress in accordance with the standards set by the College and the federal government. These limitations include all terms of enrollment, whether or not aid was awarded or received. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards also apply to state aid. Progress is measured throughout the academic program by the student’s cumulative grade point average (Qualitative) and by credits earned as a percentage of those attempted (Quantitative or Pace of Completion). In addition, students must complete their programs of study before attempting 150% of the credits required to complete the program. The College Financial Aid Office will evaluate satisfactory academic progress before aid is awarded and after grades are posted for every term, starting with the student’s first term of enrollment. Some career studies certificate programs (i.e., shorter than 16 credits in total length) are ineligible for student financial aid, but those credits will be counted toward all SAP requirements (GPA, Completion Rate, Maximum Timeframe, and Developmental Maximum) if the student later enrolls in an eligible program. SAP Criteria COMPLETION RATE (67% RULE) Students must, at a minimum, receive satisfactory grades in 67% of cumulative credits attempted. This calculation is performed by dividing the cumulative total number of successfully completed credits by the cumulative total number of credits attempted. All credits attempted at the College (except audits, which must be entered as such by the class census date) are included. All credits accepted in transfer count as both attempted and successfully completed credits. This evaluation will be made prior to aid being awarded and after grades are posted at the end of each semester a student is enrolled at the College. Credits with satisfactory grades at the College are those for which a grade of A, B, C, D, S, or P is earned. Courses with a grade of F, W, U, I, R, X or XN are considered unsatisfactory for financial aid purposes and are included in this calculation. Note: Federalstudent loan borrowers must meet satisfactory academic progress requirements at the point of loan certification and again prior to the disbursement of any loan proceeds. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information General Information In order to continue receiving financial aid, a student must complete his/her program of study before attempting 150% of the credits required for that program. Developmental and ESL course work are excluded in this calculation. Attempted credits from all enrollment periods at the College plus all accepted transfer credits are counted; whether or not the student received financial aid for those terms is of no consequence. • Transfer Students: Credits officially accepted in transfer will be counted in determining the maximum number of allowable semester credit hours for financial aid eligibility. • Second Degree Students: Credits earned from a first degree or certificate must be counted if the student changes programs or attempts a second degree or certificate. Depending on the circumstances, an appeal might be warranted. • ESL and Developmental Studies: Students may receive financial aid for a maximum of 30 semester hours of Developmental Studies courses as long as the courses are required as a result of placement testing, the student is in an eligible program of study, and SAP requirements continue to be met. ESL credits are unlimited in number as long as they are taken as part of an eligible program and SAP requirements continue to be met. Additional Considerations for Quantitative or Pace of Completion Standards • Withdrawals (W grades) that are recorded on the student’s permanent academic transcript will be included as credits attempted and will have an adverse effect on the student’s ability to meet the requirements of the completion rate for financial aid. • Incomplete Grades: Courses that are assigned an incomplete grade are included in cumulative credits attempted. These cannot be used as credits earned in the progress standard until a successful grade is assigned. • Repeated courses enable the student to achieve a higher cumulative grade point average. Students can repeat courses with financial aid until successfully completed but repeating courses adversely affects the student’s ability to meet completion rate requirements. Financial aid can be considered for successfully completed classes that are repeated to achieve a higher grade but for only one additional attempt. Only the latest attempt will count toward the cumulative grade point average. • Cumulative GPA Requirements (GPA Rule): In order to remain eligible for financial aid consideration, students must meet minimum cumulative grade point average requirements based on a progressive scale. Only non-remedial courses with grades of A, B, C, D, F, W, and I are included in this calculation. Transfer credits are excluded. In order to graduate, a minimum curriculum grade point average of 2.0 is required. Units (credits) Cumulative Grade Attempted Point Average (GPA) 1-151.5 16-301.75 31+2.0 Developmental Courses Federal regulations state that students may only receive financial aid for a maximum of 30 credit hours of developmental course work. Students who wish to take developmental From here, go anywhere.TM 33 32 Maximum Hours (150% Rule) TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE courses beyond the 30 credit hour maximum will not receive financial aid for those additional developmental courses. Auditing Courses Students are not eligible to receive financial aid for audited courses. Students who begin in a graded course and then change that course to audited status will lose financial aid eligibility for that course. Results of not meeting SAP criteria Students who do not meet the credit progression requirements (Quantitative or Pace of Completion) and/or cumulative grade point average requirements (Qualitative) will be considered to not be meeting satisfactory academic progress. Warning status Students who fail to meet satisfactory academic progress for the first time (excluding students who have already attempted 150% of the credits required for their programs of study) will be automatically placed in a Warning Status for one (1) term and are expected to meet SAP requirements by the end of that term. Students who fail to meet satisfactory academic progress requirements at the end of the warning status term will lose their eligibility for financial aid. SAP probation Students who have successfully appealed the loss of their financial aid are placed on probation. Students on probation are eligible to receive financial aid for one (1) semester, after which they MUST be meeting all of the satisfactory academic progress standards or the requirements of an academic progress plan that was pre-approved by the College Financial Aid Office. Financial aid suspension Unless extenuating circumstances exist and an appeal is granted, a student in financial aid suspension should expect to continue classes at his or her own expense until satisfactory academic progress requirements are again met. Students who fail to meet SAP and who choose to enroll without benefit of student financial aid may request a review of their academic records after any term in which they are enrolled without the receipt of financial aid to determine whether they have again met satisfactory academic progress standards. If the standards are met, eligibility is regained for subsequent terms of enrollment in the academic year. Students should consult their campus financial aid advisors for assistance in appealing any element of this policy or to determine how to regain eligibility for financial aid. Appeals Under certain circumstances, students who fail to meet SAP standards and lose eligibility for financial aid can appeal the financial aid suspension. Students must clearly state what caused the suspension and must also clearly indicate what has changed that will now allow the student to succeed. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information General Information Only complete appeal submissions, with documentation, will be evaluated by the Financial Aid Office. The decision of the financial aid office is final. Depending on the circumstances, the student could be required to complete additional requirements (i.e., see a career counselor or another type of counselor, meet with an advisor to develop an academic progress plan for completion, limit enrollment, etc.) before an appeal is granted. The goal is to help the student get back on track for graduation. The reasonableness of the student’s ability for improvement to again meet SAP standards and complete the student’s program of study will be carefully considered. Appeals will be approved or denied. Students who have appeals approved will be in probationary status for the coming term. During probationary status, the student must meet the conditions of the appeal as communicated to him or her by the Financial Aid Office, or the student will return to suspension. If an academic progress plan has been pre-approved by financial aid, continuing to meet the requirements of that plan will put the student back into good standing. Appropriate circumstances to consider appealing a financial aid suspension might include: • Evidence of substantial academic improvement • Documented medical circumstances • Death or serious illness of immediate family member • Involuntary job transfer • Military deployment Inappropriate circumstances to consider appealing a financial aid suspension include: • Errors in judgment involving transportation of finances, academic ability, time management, etc. • Misinterpretation or lack of knowledge of college policies and procedures • Dissatisfaction with course content or instruction • Notification of change in domicile status after the refund period • Acceptance of employment or other activity impacting ability to attend class • Incarceration in a civilian or military facility If the appeal of financial aid suspension is denied, the student may appeal to the collegewide Financial Aid Management Team at a second level of appeal. Dissatisfaction or disagreement with the initial decision will not be justification, in and of itself, for further review. Additional supporting documentation is required for consideration at this second level. From here, go anywhere.TM 35 34 Students appealing a financial aid suspension must: • Meet with a financial aid advisor • Submit a written request for probation consideration which must clearly state what caused the suspension and must also clearly indicate what has changed that will now allow the student to succeed • Submit a copy of the student’s Degree Progress Advisement Report • Student will be required to enroll in the SDV course if it has not been successfully completed. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE Questions regarding the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards or any information contained in this document should be directed to the campus Financial Aid Office. Changes in Enrollment and Financial Aid Changes in enrollment may impact a student’s eligibility for financial aid. Students who enroll in class(es) and then drop class(es) by the college’s last day to drop for a tuition refund will receive a full refund of tuition and fees. Any financial aid awarded for the semester will be cancelled. Students who use financial aid for bookstore purchases but then drop classes and have aid cancelled must return their books to the bookstore for a full refund to the original financial aid source or pay for their charges personally. Students who enroll in classes and then withdraw before the Last Day to Withdraw without Academic penalty (60% of semester) are subject to a Return of Title IV Funds calculation. This calculation is mandated by the U.S. Department of Education and is meant to determine the amount of federal financial aid that a student has earned based on the number of days attended. If it is determined that a student has not earned all of the aid he/ she received, the student will be responsible for repayment of funds. Auditing Courses and Financial Aid Students are not eligible to receive financial aid for audited courses. Students who begin in a graded course and then change that course to audited status will lose financial aid eligibility for that course. Developmental Courses and Financial Aid Students may only receive financial aid for a maximum of 30 credit hours of developmental course work, per federal guidelines. Students who wish to take developmental courses beyond the 30 credit hour maximum will not receive aid for those additional developmental courses. Transfer Credits and Financial Aid Transfer credits, as well as the total number of credits the student has attempted at TCC, will be included in determining the percentage of program completed as it relates to the 150% maximum criteria of SAP. Federal Pell Grant Maximum Lifetime Awards Effective July 1, 2012 for 2012-13 Federal Pell Grant Awards, students are now limited to 12 full-time semesters (equivalent to six years or 600%) of total Pell Grant eligibility during their lifetime. All Federal Pell Grant usage throughout the student’s lifetime will be included in this evaluation. For more information, please see a financial aid advisor or contact the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-433-3243. Satisfactory academic progress requirements must be met at the point of loan certification and again prior to the disbursement of any loan proceeds. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information General Information TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM 37 36 Maximum Hours (150% Rule) Results of Not Meeting SAP Criteria In order to continue receiving financial aid, a student must complete his/her program of study before attempting 150% of the credits required for that program. Developmental and ESL course work are excluded in this calculation. Attempted credits from all enrollment periods at the College plus all accepted transfer credits are counted; whether or not the student received financial aid for those terms is of no consequence. • Transfer Students: Credits officially accepted in transfer will be counted in determining the maximum number of allowable semester credit hours for financial aid eligibility. • Second Degree Students: Credits earned from a first degree or certificate must be counted if the student changes programs or attempts a second degree or certificate. Depending on the circumstances, an appeal might be warranted. • ESL and Developmental Studies: Students may receive financial aid for a maximum of 30 semester hours of Developmental Studies courses as long as the courses are required as a result of placement testing, the student is in an eligible program of study, and SAP requirements continue to be met. ESL credits are unlimited in number as long as they are taken as part of an eligible program and SAP requirements continue to be met. Students who do not meet the credit progression requirements (Quantitative or Pace of Completion) and/or cumulative grade point average requirements (Qualitative) will be considered to not be meeting satisfactory academic progress. Additional Considerations for Quantitative or Pace of Completion Standards • Withdrawals (W grades) that are recorded on the student’s permanent academic transcript will be included as credits attempted and will have an adverse effect on the student’s ability to meet the requirements of the completion rate for financial aid. • Incomplete Grades: Courses that are assigned an incomplete grade are included in cumulative credits attempted. These cannot be used as credits earned in the progress standard until a successful grade is assigned. • Repeated courses enable the student to achieve a higher cumulative grade point average. Students can repeat courses with financial aid until successfully completed but repeating courses adversely affects the student’s ability to meet completion rate requirements. Financial aid can be considered for successfully completed classes that are repeated to achieve a higher grade but for only one additional attempt. Only the latest attempt will count toward the cumulative grade point average. Cumulative GPA Requirements (GPA Rule) In order to remain eligible for financial aid consideration, students must meet minimum cumulative grade point average requirements based on a progressive scale. Only nonremedial courses with grades of A, B, C, D, F, W, and I are included in this calculation. Transfer credits are excluded. In order to graduate, a minimum curriculum grade point average of 2.0 is required. Units (credits) Cumulative Grade Attempted Point Average (GPA) 1-151.5 16-301.75 31+2.0 • Warning Status: Students who fail to meet satisfactory academic progress for the first time (excluding students who have already attempted 150% of the credits required for their programs of study) will be automatically placed in a Warning Status for one (1) term and are expected to meet SAP requirements by the end of that term. Students who fail to meet satisfactory academic progress requirements at the end of the warning status term will lose their eligibility for financial aid. • SAP Probation: Students who have successfully appealed the loss of their financial aid are placed on probation. Students on probation are eligible to receive financial aid for one (1) semester, after which they MUST be meeting all of the satisfactory academic progress standards or the requirements of an academic progress plan that was preapproved by the College Financial Aid Office. • Financial Aid Suspension: Unless extenuating circumstances exist and an appeal is granted, a student in financial aid suspension should expect to continue classes at his or her own expense until satisfactory academic progress requirements are again met. Students who fail to meet SAP and who choose to enroll without benefit of student financial aid may request a review of their academic records after any term in which they are enrolled without the receipt of financial aid to determine whether they have again met satisfactory academic progress standards. If the standards are met, eligibility is regained for subsequent terms of enrollment in the academic year. Students should consult their campus financial aid advisors for assistance in appealing any element of this policy or to determine how to regain eligibility for financial aid. Appeals Under certain circumstances, students who fail to meet SAP standards and lose eligibility for financial aid can appeal the financial aid suspension. Students must clearly state what caused the suspension and must also clearly indicate what has changed that will now allow the student to succeed. Students appealing a financial aid suspension must: • Meet with a financial aid advisor • Submit a written request for probation consideration which must clearly state what caused the suspension and must also clearly indicate what has changed that will now allow the student to succeed • Submit a copy of the student’s Degree Progress Advisement Report • Enroll in the SDV course if it has not been successfully completed. Only complete appeal submissions, with documentation, will be evaluated by the Financial Aid Office. The decision of the financial aid office is final. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information General Information If the appeal of financial aid suspension is denied, the student may appeal to the collegewide Financial Aid Management Team at a second level of appeal. Dissatisfaction or disagreement with the initial decision will not be justification, in and of itself, for further review. Additional supporting documentation is required for consideration at this second level. Questions regarding the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards or any information contained in this document should be directed to the campus Financial Aid Office. Return of Title IV (Federal) Funds Calculation The college is required by federal statute to recalculate federal financial aid eligibility for students who withdraw, drop out, are dismissed, or take a leave of absence prior to completing 60% of a payment period or term. The federal Title IV financial aid programs must be recalculated in these situations. From here, go anywhere.TM 39 38 Depending on the circumstances, the student could be required to complete additional requirements (i.e., see a career counselor or another type of counselor, meet with an advisor to develop an academic progress plan for completion, limit enrollment, etc.) before an appeal is granted. The goal is to help the student get back on track for graduation. The reasonableness of the student’s ability for improvement to again meet SAP standards and complete the student’s program of study will be carefully considered. Appeals will be approved or denied. Students who have appeals approved will be in probationary status for the coming term. During probationary status, the student must meet the conditions of the appeal as communicated to him or her by the Financial Aid Office, or the student will return to suspension. If an academic progress plan has been pre-approved by financial aid, continuing to meet the requirements of that plan will put the student back into good standing. Appropriate circumstances to consider appealing a financial aid suspension might include: • Evidence of substantial academic improvement • Documented medical circumstances • Death or serious illness of immediate family member • Involuntary job transfer • Military deployment Inappropriate circumstances to consider appealing a financial aid suspension include: • Errors in judgment involving transportation of finances, academic ability, time management, etc. • Misinterpretation or lack of knowledge of college policies and procedures • Dissatisfaction with course content or instruction • Notification of change in domicile status after the refund period • Acceptance of employment or other activity impacting ability to attend class • Incarceration in a civilian or military facility TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE If a student leaves the institution prior to completing 60% of a payment period or term, the financial aid office recalculates eligibility for Title IV funds. Recalculation is based on the percentage of earned aid using the following Federal Return of Title IV funds formula. Percentage of payment period or term completed = the number of days completed up to the withdrawal date divided by the total days in the payment period or term. Any break of five days or more is not counted as part of the days in the term. This percentage is also the percentage of earned aid. Funds are returned to the appropriate federal program based on the percentage of unearned aid using the following formula: Aid to be returned = 100% of the aid that could be disbursed minus the percentage of earned aid multiplied by the total amount of aid that could have been disbursed during the payment period or term. If a student earned less aid than was disbursed, the institution would be required to return a portion of the funds and the student would be required to return a portion of the funds. Keep in mind that when Title IV funds are returned, the student borrower may owe a debit balance to the institution. If a student earned more aid than was disbursed to him/her, the institution would owe the student a post-withdrawal disbursement which must be paid within 120 days of the student’s withdrawal. The institution must return the amount of Title IV funds for which it is responsible no later than 45 days after the date of the determination of the student’s withdrawal. Refunds are allocated in the following order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Unsubsidized Direct Loans Subsidized Direct Loans Federal Perkins Loans Direct Parent (PLUS) Loans Federal Pell Grants for which a return of funds is required Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grants for which a return of funds is required Other assistance under this Title for which a return of funds is required (e.g., LEAP) Return of State Funds Calculation The college is required to recalculate eligibility for students receiving funds from the Virginia Guaranteed Assistance Program (VGAP), Commonwealth Grant (COMA), and the Virginia Foster Care Tuition Grant if they withdraw from or leave the institution prior to completing 60% of the semester. This non-completion includes grades of W, F, or U, in all courses. The calculation of eligibility will follow the same procedure as described in the Return of Title IV (Federal) Funds Calculation. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information General Information TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM 41 40 Non-Attendance Grants Students who enroll in classes, but are reported by faculty as never attending, will have aid awards cancelled for the semester. Students who use financial aid for bookstore purchases, but never attend and have aid cancelled, must return their books to the bookstore for a full refund to the original financial aid source. Students must personally pay for all bookstore charges if books are not returned. Federal Pell Grant (PELL). The Federal Pell Grant program is designed to assist students with the cost of attending college. Awards are gift aid and do not have to be repaid. Funds must be used for education-related expenses including tuition, books, supplies, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses. Awards are pro-rated based on enrollment. Eligibility for this grant is determined by the U.S. Department of Education upon completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Audited Courses Students are not eligible to receive financial aid for audited courses. Students who begin in a graded course and then change that course to audited status will lose financial aid eligibility for that course. The student may then be required to return the financial aid funds received for that course. Understanding Aid Adjustments Financial aid awards are made based on anticipated full-time enrollment. If the student does not enroll full-time, aid is adjusted accordingly after the Last Day to Drop for a Tuition Refund (see Academic Calendar for sixteen week courses). Students who are receiving a Federal Pell Grant must be enrolled in all intended courses by the Last Day to Drop for a Tuition Refund for the sixteen week semester. No adjustments (increase or decrease) will be made to the Pell Grant award if the student changes enrollment after this date. If the student adds courses late in the semester (dynamic or second-eight week), he or she may be eligible for state aid or student loans, but there will be no adjustment to the Pell Grant award. This also applies to students who drop a course and then decide to re-enroll after the Last Day to Drop for a Tuition Refund. The only exception to this regulation will be in the case of administrative error. Students who are reported for never attending a class will have the aid canceled for that class and their Pell Grant award finalized. If the student gains permission from the faculty member to re-enroll after the Last Day to Drop for a Tuition Refund, the Pell Grant award will not be increased. This procedure adheres to federal regulations as defined by the U.S. Department of Education. Types of Financial Aid Employment Federal Work-Study Program (FWS). The Federal Work-Study Program provides parttime employment opportunities for students who are in need of financial assistance in order to attend college. Employment may be on or off campus, and hourly wages comply with minimum wage laws. Students are paid on a bi-weekly basis. Students average fifteen hours of work per week. Students may inquire about eligibility and employment opportunities through the Federal Work-Study Program at any of the campus financial aid offices. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG). This is a state financial aid program for students who are domiciled Virginia residents and who demonstrate financial need. Awards are gift aid and do not have to be repaid. Eligibility for this grant is determined by Tidewater Community College and awards are made on a first-come, firstserved basis. College Scholarship Assistance Program (CSAP). This program is a state financial aid program for students who are domiciled Virginia residents who demonstrate financial need. Awards are gift aid and do not have to be repaid. Eligibility for this grant is determined by Tidewater Community College and awards are made on a first-come, first-served basis. Students must be enrolled at least half-time in order to receive this grant. Students cannot be enrolled in a program leading to a second associate degree or a bachelor’s degree. Commonwealth Award (COMA). This is a state financial aid program for students who are domiciled Virginia residents who demonstrate financial need. Awards are gift aid and do not have to be repaid. Eligibility for this grant is determined by Tidewater Community College and awards are made on a first-come, first-served basis. Awards cannot exceed the cost of tuition and fees. VCCS Grant: A state financial aid program for students who are domiciled Virginia residents who demonstrate financial need. Awards are gift aid and do not have to be repaid. Eligibility for this grant is determined by Tidewater Community College, and awards are made on a first-come, first-served basis. Part-Time Tuition Assistance Program (PTAP). This is a state financial aid program for students who are domiciled Virginia residents who demonstrate financial need. Awards are gift aid and do not have to be repaid. Eligibility for this grant is determined by Tidewater Community College and awards are made on a first-come, first-served basis. Students must be enrolled in eight (8) or less credit hours in order to receive this grant. Virginia Guaranteed Assistance Program (VGAP). VGAP is a state financial aid program for students who are domiciled Virginia residents, first-time freshman in college, a graduate of any Virginia high school with a minimum 2.5 grade point average, enrolled full-time in an eligible program, and demonstrate financial need as determined from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students must submit a final high school transcript for consideration. Eligibility for this grant is determined by Tidewater Community College, and awards are made on a first-come, first-served basis. Awards may be renewed for a second academic year if the student has maintained continuous, full-time enrollment. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information General Information Federal Direct Loan Program: Student loans are available after all other funding sources have been exhausted. This program provides low interest federal student loans to students who are enrolled at least half-time and meet other eligibility requirements. Payments are deferred during periods of enrollment, and students receive a grace period after leaving school before payments begin. Loans may also be available to the parents of dependent students who meet certain eligibility requirements. Application information is available at any of the campus financial aid offices or on the college’s website at finaid. Scholarships Institution and Foundation Scholarships. Tidewater Community College provides a variety of scholarship opportunities through both the TCC Educational Foundation and from institutional funds. These scholarships are listed on the college’s website and published at the financial aid office on each campus. Please visit the college’s scholarship website for a full list of available scholarship opportunities and application requirements. Private Scholarships. Private scholarships are scholarships provided by private sources external to the College. Information on private scholarships is available from a variety of sources including the financial aid office, local library, high school guidance counselor, community organizations, etc. Nursing Scholarships. Students in the nursing curriculum are eligible to apply for state nursing scholarships. Applications and information are available at the financial aid offices on the Portsmouth and Virginia Beach campuses. Rehabilitative Services. The college cooperates with the State Department of Rehabilitative Services in providing education and training for persons with special disabilities. Virginia National Guard Tuition Assistance. Based on available funds, members of the National Guard may be considered for additional grants. Inquiries should be made to the Unit Commander. Virginia Program for Children and Spouses of Deceased Law Enforcement, Firefighting, and Rescue Squad Personnel. The Commonwealth of Virginia provides financial assistance for attendance at public higher education institutions to children or spouses of law enforcement officers; firefighters or rescue squad members; a sworn law enforcement officer; a special agent of the Department of Alcohol Beverage Control; a State Correctional, regional or local jail officer; a Sheriff; a Deputy Sheriff or a member of the Virginia National Guard while serving in the Virginia National Guard or as a member of the United States Armed Forces who was killed in the line of duty. This assistance covers the cost of tuition and required fees. For more information, contact your campus Business Manager. To be eligible, the applicant must meet the following criteria: • The child must be between 16 and 25 years of age. • The deceased parent was domiciled in Virginia at the time of death. From here, go anywhere.TM 43 42 Loans TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE • The chief administrator of the law enforcement agency, the State Fire Marshall, or appropriate agency must certify that the deceased parent was employed or serving as a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or member of a rescue squad and was killed in the line of duty. • The applicant shall be offered admission to a public institution of higher education according to the normal admission policies and procedures. • The institution shall determine the eligibility of the applicant for these benefits and shall ascertain that the recipients are in attendance and making satisfactory progress. While enrolled, the recipient must make satisfactory progress as determined by the standards of progress of the public higher education institution. Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA) MyCAA was established with Congressional authorization set forth in Public Law 110-417. The Department of Defense expanded the Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts program and is providing financial assistance to military spouses of active duty service members in eligible pay grades who are interested in pursuing associate degree programs, licenses, and certifications in high growth, high demand portable career fields. Tidewater Community College is one of the schools approved to provide education and training through MyCAA. Eligible spouses who are ready to explore portable career options and develop a career goal and plan should establish a MyCAA account by visiting the MyCAA website. This is an easy, self-help process. Once the spouse’s profile information is provided, the Department of Defense (DoD) will verify MyCAA eligibility. For additional information, visit the TCC MyCAA website or call Military Programs at 757822-1195. Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program. This program provides education benefits to spouses and children of military service members killed, missing in action, taken prisoner, or who became at least 90% disabled as a result of military service in an armed conflict. Military service includes service in the United States Armed Forces, United States Armed Forces Reserves, the Virginia National Guard, or the Virginia National Guard Reserves. Armed conflict includes military operations against terrorism or as the result of a terrorist act, a peace-keeping mission, or any armed conflict after December 6, 1941. This program may waive tuition and fees at any statesupported college or university in Virginia. Benefits are available for up to four years. Applications are available in the Veterans Affairs office on each campus. The application should be submitted at least four months before the expected date of enrollment. Financial Information Payment of Tuition and Fees Payment of tuition and fees must be made in full by the close of business on the published payment due date for each respective semester. The student must pay any balance not covered by financial aid or third party contract, such as an employer/agency. Tidewater TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information General Information The college offers multiple methods of payment for tuition and fees including: • Online web payments using Visa or MasterCard • In-person at any campus Business Office using cash, check, money order, Visa and MasterCard • By mail • Nelnet Tuition Payment Plan • Virginia College Savings Plan Students are encouraged to visit the Methods of Payment webpage for more information about each method of payment, as well as applicable forms and procedures. Tuition and Fees Current tuition and fee rates and payment due dates are provided on the college website at or by calling 757-822-1122. Tuition rates are subject to change by action of the State Board for Community Colleges. Tuition and fees are due in full by the close of business on the published payment due date for each respective semester. The following fees are payable with tuition and are assessed on a per credit hour basis. • Institutional Fee is used to fund expenses related to campus parking including, but not limited to parking lot improvements, signage, parking lot repairs, lot security, and overall improvements (charged up to a maximum of 15 credit hours per semester). • Student Activity Fee is used to fund various student activities and programs including, but not limited to honor societies, leadership training, community and cultural events, clubs, athletics, student publications, and learning assistance (charged up to a maximum of 15 credit hours per semester). • Technology Fee is used to finance improvements in information technology. • Capital Fee is assessed to all out-of-state students to help offset debt service on bonds issued for capital construction. • Auxiliary Capital Fee is used to construct, maintain, and operate facilities for which state General Fund dollars are not permitted (charged up to a maximum of 15 credit hours per semester). Other fees may be assessed for special programs and/or administrative purposes as summarized below. • Student Assessment Testing Fee is a $4.00 fee charged for student assessment program testing. • Course/Specific Use Fees are assessed for specific courses that require specialized materials, equipment, and/or testing. Students may also be required to pay for transportation, admission, and other expenses related to field trips. From here, go anywhere.TM 45 44 Community College (TCC) accepts employer/agency Billing Authorization Letters (on company letterhead) or the TCC Tuition Assistance Form. The student must present either form of billing authorization to the campus Business Office at the time of registration in order to have the charges billed to the student’s employer/agency and to avoid being dropped from classes. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE • • Returned Check/Dishonored Credit Card Fees are assessed for any returned check or dishonored credit card or debit card charge back returned to the college. Fees are assessed at $35 if the account is not in past due collection status and at $50 if the account is in past due collection status. Property Damage/Loss fees vary in amount and are based on the estimated replacement cost. Tuition and Fee Refund Eligibility Students are eligible for a refund of tuition and fees for those credit hours dropped during the published add/drop period for each semester. Payments for courses cancelled by the college will be automatically refunded. Refunds for a given semester will begin processing after the published “Last Day to Drop for a Tuition Refund.” Tuition Refund Exceptions Refunds will not be granted after the add/drop period has passed, except for instances involving: (1) administrative error of the college; (2) extraordinary circumstance involving a major medical emergency; (3) a national emergency or mobilization declared by the President of the United States in accordance with Section 23-9.6.2 of the Code of Virginia; or (4) some other extraordinary circumstance as approved by a campus Business Manager. Students may petition for a refund by submitting their request in writing to any campus Business Manager within six months of the beginning of the respective semester. Tuition Refund Designation Refund checks are issued to the student enrolled at the college rather than the individual who originally made payment to the college, if other than the student. Tuition and fees paid by a third-party contract will be refunded to the third-party. Credit card payments made via the internet will be refunded to the cardholder. Students utilizing the Nelnet Tuition Payment Plan will receive a refund check payable to the student, and not to the responsible party on the payment plan agreement. Refunds will be processed within four to six weeks of the last payment plan payment date for the semester. Refunds payable to the student will be mailed to the student’s address on file with the college in the Student Information System (SIS). Refunds payable to a third-party will be mailed to the address of record on the billable document. Tuition Refund and Indebtedness Students indebted to the college will have any outstanding debts deducted from their refund before it is processed. Debts may include, but not be limited to, tuition, returned check fees, student loans, and library materials. The college must also comply with the irginia Department of Taxation Set-Off Debt program by verifying any outstanding debts with agencies of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Virginia local governments, the Virginia court system, and the Internal Revenue Service prior to issuing refunds. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information General Information Questions related to the status of refund checks should be directed to the campus Business Offices. In the event a refund check is deemed to be lost, the student should complete the Lost Check Affidavit Form and submit it to the appropriate Business Office for processing. Returned Check/Dishonored Credit Card or Debit Card Charge Back When a returned check or dishonored credit card or debit card charge back is returned to the college, the student will automatically be removed from all affected classes. A $35.00 service charge will be assessed against the student’s account for a returned check or dishonored credit card or debit card payment for accounts not in past due collection status. A period of ten (10) days will be allowed to satisfy the financial obligation prior to initiating the collection process. A $50.00 service charge will be assessed against the student’s account for a returned check or dishonored credit card or debit card payment when the student’s account is in past due collection status. Notice of these actions will be sent by U.S. Mail to the student. Collection Fees At thirty (30) days past due, all delinquent accounts will be assessed a collection fee of thirty percent (30%) of the original debt. External resources, including the Virginia Department of Taxation Set-Off Debt system and private collection agencies will be used in collection efforts. Services Denied for Indebtedness Students will not be permitted to register or to attend classes, and the college will not issue transcripts, certificates, or degrees to students, until all amounts due to the college are paid in full. First Year Success The FYS system is designed to improve learning for new students during their first year of college in efforts to assist them in achieving academic and personal success. Recognizing that most students need additional assistance as they transition to college, the comprehensive orientation system includes four components: • Orientation • Family & Friends Information sessions • SDV Courses • Academic Alert From here, go anywhere.TM 47 46 Lost Check Procedures TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE All new students should attend an orientation session and since enrolling in college impacts the entire family, they are also encouraged to attend. Family & Friends Information Sessions Family & friends of students are encouraged to attend information sessions to learn how to best support their students while transitioning into college. The sessions build collaboration between families and the college to achieve the common goals of learning, student development, and success. SDV Courses Research shows that students who complete a Student Development (SDV) course within their first year in college have higher levels of academic success. Student Development (SDV) courses assist students in their transition to college. SDV courses provide essential information about TCC’s resources and programs, as well as strategies for the development of academic and personal success. Instructors encourage engagement and integration into college life promoting student persistence. All new students should enroll in one of the SDV Courses within their first 15 credit hours. Academic Alert Academic Alert promotes student success through faculty referral of students experiencing academic challenges and connecting students with supportive resources to achieve their academic and life goals. Freshman A student who has completed fewer than 30 credits of course work in a program. Full-time A full-time course load consists of 12 or more credit hours taken during a semester or term. Special permission is required to enroll in 19 or more credits. GPA GPA is the acronym for grade point average. Each grade earns points (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0). At the end of each semester, grades are averaged to calculate the GPA. A minimum GPA of 2.0 in your curriculum is needed to graduate. Orientation Orientation is the first step in achieving academic and personal success at TCC. Orientation supports student success by facilitating the transition of new students into the college. It is the initial integration into life at TCC, preparing students for broad educational opportunities and educating them about available services and student responsibilities. Grade Appeal Procedure Faculty members at Tidewater Community College are responsible for assigning course grades and for advising students of the objective criteria on which those grades are assigned. As such, most student disagreements regarding course grades are best resolved informally between the student and faculty member. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information General Information From here, go anywhere.TM 49 48 The Final Course Grade Appeal Procedure provides a fair and orderly process for students who wish to pursue a formal appeal of their final course grade. In taking such action, students shall assume the burden of proof concerning any perceived error in the grade assigned. Further, they shall follow the sequence of steps outlined in this procedure with the presumption that, as a matter of rule, instructors do not assign arbitrary and capricious course grades. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE Step Four At Step Four, the Vice President for Student Learning and Chief Academic Officer shall consider the student’s final course grade appeal only within the context of assuring that the decision as rendered by the provost was supported by the evidence presented and, as such, was neither arbitrary nor capricious. The Vice President shall issue his/ her written ruling, sharing it with the student, faculty member, and provost within five (5) working days of receipt of the appeal. The ruling shall be considered final. Step One Students are encouraged to resolve final course grade disagreements with their instructors on an informal basis. Should the dispute not be resolved at this level, the student may proceed to Step Two. Step Two Students shall submit a written appeal to the academic dean under whose division the course was offered no later than ten (10) working days after the first day of classes for the next academic term. Within five (5) working days of receiving the written appeal, the academic dean shall hold a conference with the student and instructor to consider the grade appeal. The dean shall provide a written report of his/her findings to both parties within five (5) working days of the conference. For the record, a copy of the report shall be kept on file in the division office. Should the student wish to advance his/her appeal to the next level, he/she may submit a written appeal to the campus provost within five (5) working days of receipt of the dean’s report. Step Three Within five (5) working days of receiving the student’s written appeal of the Step Two findings, the campus provost shall appoint a Grade Appeal Committee to consider the appeal. The committee shall consist of three (3) teaching faculty members and two (2) students who are not directly involved in the case. The provost shall notify the student, instructor, and academic dean of this action. Within five (5) working days of its appointment, the Grade Appeal Committee shall hold at least one face-to-face meeting with the student and instructor. The committee shall conclude its deliberations within a reasonable time period, submitting a written report of its findings to the provost within five (5) working days of the conclusion of its review. Based on this report, and within five (5) working days of receiving the committee’s report, the provost shall render a written decision on the student’s appeal. The decision shall be shared with the student, faculty member, and dean, as well as with the Grade Appeal Committee. Should the student wish to advance his/her appeal to the next level, he/she may submit a written appeal to the Vice President for Student Learning and Chief Academic Officer within five (5) working days of receipt of the provost’s written decision. Time Limitations The time limitations specified for the Final Course Grade Appeal Procedure are binding on all parties involved, unless they are extended by written mutual agreement. Students are not eligible to receive financial aid for audited courses. Students who begin in a graded course and then change that course to audited status will lose financial aid eligibility for that course. Graduation Requirements The requirements for graduation are listed below; however, students are strongly encouraged to print out the Degree Progress Report for their program of study and meet with an academic advisor prior to submitting an Application for Graduation. Consulting with an academic advisor at least a semester in advance of graduation, allows the opportunity of making necessary course adjustments or attending to particular academic concerns in a timely manner. To be awarded an associate degree, certificate, or career studies certificate, you must: 1. Fulfill all course and credit hour requirements specified in the Tidewater Community College Catalog at the time of your official placement in the curriculum. Subsequent program changes may necessitate course substitutions, but these can only be made with the recommendation of your academic advisor and the approval of the appropriate division dean. 2. Earn a minimum of 25 percent of the total semester credits required for the degree, certificate, or career studies certificate at Tidewater Community College. 3. Have a grade point average of at least 2.0 in all courses that are applicable toward graduation in your curriculum. 4. Satisfy computer competency requirements for a degree. 5. Submit a complete graduation application by the deadlines posted on the TCC website for graduation. 6. Resolve any financial obligations to the College and return all library books and other materials. 7. Be certified by appropriate college officials for graduation. Graduation with Honors Graduation with honors is recognition of academic achievement based on one’s cumulative GPA. It is awarded when you receive a degree, diploma, or certificate and have earned a 3.2 cumulative GPA or higher. Graduates with Career Studies Certificates are not eligible for honors. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information General Information Recognizing that comprehensive health care insurance is often vital to one’s efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle, the college maintains a list of insurance providers for TCC students who desire coverage. Students can obtain information at health.htm. International students can obtain health insurance information from the International Student Services office on the Virginia Beach Campus. Health Problems If students have documented chronic health problems or disabilities that may affect their attendance, learning, or personal safety, they should seek help from a campus Educational Accessibility faculty or staff member who will provide them with a list of appropriate academic accommodations. Instructors will not be informed about a specific disability by Educational Accessibility personnel; it will be the student’s decision and responsibility to inform the instructors. If students decide to talk to instructors about their accommodations, students will be provided with a copy for each instructor at the beginning of the semester. Students should ask for a private meeting to discuss accommodations with instructors. It is not required that students disclose the nature of their disability or chronic health condition to receive academic accommodations. Health Services Tidewater Community College does not provide health services, emergency or otherwise. In case of emergency, call 911 or ask others to call 911. Honors From here, go anywhere.TM 51 50 Health Insurance TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE manner, the ID card will remain active. Further, the ID card reactivates each semester after a student registers for classes. The active status of the card is subject to change based on academic standing, course enrollment and payment of tuition. Any college ID card may be used as a StormCard once funds are placed on it. The StormCard may be used for various services such as vending, bookstore, food service, and child minding. Please visit for more details. For additional information, including hours of operation, please contact an ID Card Office. How to Replace College ID Cards The cost to replace an ID card is $10.00. Replacement fees are paid in the campus Business Office. A student must present a photo ID and proof of payment receipt before a new card can be issued. College ID Card Office Locations and Phone Numbers Chesapeake Campus757-822-5270 Whitehurst Building Room 2012 Norfolk Campus 757-822-1252 Andrews Building Room 1120 Portsmouth Campus 757-822-2175 C Building Room C221 Virginia Beach Campus 757-822-7287 Princess Anne Building Room A-100I Immigration Status Graduation with honors is recognition of academic achievement based on one’s cumulative GPA. It is awarded when you receive a degree, diploma, or certificate and have earned a 3.2 cumulative GPA or higher. Graduates with Career Studies Certificates are not eligible for honors. Students are responsible for keeping their immigration status current in the Student Information System (SIS). To notify the college of a change in immigration status, students should submit a copy of their most current documents issued by the USCIS to a campus Enrollment Services office or to the International Programs and Student Services office at the Virginia Beach Campus, Kempsville Building, andRoom D-126. ID Cards (StormCard) Information Center Students who register for one or more credits must obtain a TCC Student ID Card. The first card is issued free of charge, but students will pay a $10.00 replacement fee for any lost or stolen cards. Student ID cards may be obtained within 24 to 48 hours of a student’s registration. Students can go to any ID Card Office to have their picture taken and their card printed. All students must show a photo ID to receive a TCC Student ID card. An ID card cannot be issued without proof of identity. A student ID card may be required to use Tidewater Community College services or facilities, such as buying and selling textbooks, using TCC’s library and computer labs, and to participate in Student Activity events and programs. As long as tuition is paid in a timely The TCC Information Center provides assistance to individuals seeking information on the college’s admissions, registration, and financial aid processes. Personel provide phone and email support to students seeking assistance finding college services and responding to general questions about college policies and procedures. Personnel act as the helpdesk for students using the Student Information System (SIS) to view schedule and financial aid information, register for classes, and make online tuition payments and those needing help to access their student email and Blackboard accounts. 822-1122 Intercollegiate Athletics The athletic program at Tidewater Community College, a member of NJCAA (National Junior College Athletic Association), is designed to be a vital and integrated part of the TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information General Information Competitive sports include: • Men’s Basketball • Women’s Basketball • Men’s Soccer • Women’s Volleyball (Fall 2014) A signed “Intercollegiate Athletic Assumption of Risk” form must be completed before a student can participate in any team-sponsored activity to include, but not be limited to, team travel, try outs, practices, and games. All students are encouraged to try out for a team sport, but the number of players may be restricted. Teams may practice or play anywhere in the Hampton Roads area, but will represent the college as a whole. Due to their unique needs, teams are funded differently from intramural sports. Athletic Teams’ Requirements 1. The college’s athletic teams compete in the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) Conference and adhere to the VCCS Intercollegiate Athletics Guidelines that govern play. 2. Athletes may be charged and/or held on probation by the college for any equipment/ uniforms that are not returned (or are returned damaged) by the date due. 3. Any team member who does not adhere to team rules and regulations may be put on temporary suspension from team participation by the team Coach, the team Student Activities Coordinator, and/or the Office of Academic and Student Affairs. 4. Violations may result in permanent suspension from all team sports. 5. All teams have a coach. 6. All teams must have a roster of team players, alternates and staff no later than two weeks prior to the first scheduled game. An “Intercollegiate Athletic Assumption of Risk” form must be signed and dated by each student player. 7. The team must be approved by the College-wide Student Activities Coordinator and the Office of Academic and Student Affairs. 8. The team must not impose member restrictions based on race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, political orientation, or physical disability. 9. The advisor, coach, or a TCC staff member must accompany the group on all trips and other activities. 10. The team must submit an Application for Local Funding for Events form to the Collegewide Student Activities Coordinator for consideration by the Student Federation no later than the last Friday in January prior to the academic year in which funding is sought. From here, go anywhere.TM 53 52 students’ educational experience. By participating in intercollegiate athletics, the students can develop a sense of fair play, cooperation, responsibility, self-discipline, and leadership. College-sponsored athletic programs also help to establish TCC’s identity in the community and to bring regional and national recognition to the College. The emphasis of the program is clearly on success as a student first and success as an athlete second. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE 11. All participants must be enrolled in six or more credit hours at Tidewater Community College and maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00. A student’s GPA is a system-wide GPA (i.e. if a student has a 2.00 at one community college, it is considered a 2.00 at any college in the system). Students transferring from colleges outside of the VCCS enter with a “clean slate” since grades do not transfer with credits. Developmental course completions are counted toward GPA calculations as follows: S grades = 3.0, R grades = 1.0, and U grades = 0.0. 12. Each member must complete a minimum of six credit hours each semester of participation, for a total of twelve or more credit hours per academic year (to include summer). Each coach will have his/her registrar or appropriate admissions personnel calculate team members’ GPAs at the end of the semester. A new student’s enrollment will be verified at census to ensure that he/she is registered for at least six credits. 13. No participant may drop below the minimum of six credit hours during any semester of participation. If a student does drop below six credit hours, he/she will become immediately ineligible for the remainder of the season. 14. If a student is enrolled at more than one college during the same semester, he/she can only be listed on one college’s roster. A signed “Intercollegiate Athletic Assumption of Risk” form must be completed before a student can participate in any team-sponsored activity to include, but not be limited to, team travel, try outs, practices, and games. Athletes are expected to be actively involved in the college and community represented. Each team must support at least one community activity per season that is sanctioned by The Office of Student Life and Leadership. Instructor An instructor is a faculty member assigned to teach a course, and may also be referred to as a teacher or professor. International Programs and Student Services The International Programs and Student Services office located at the Virginia Beach Campus provides admission assistance and immigration advising for temporary nonimmigrant applicants and currently enrolled students. The office also assists students, faculty, and members of the TCC community who participate in TCC’s international programs and study abroad. For additional information, contact 757-822-7342. Job Referral Service The college offers an employment referral service designed to assist students and graduates in finding employment. Job listings are received from various employers (local companies, federal government, state and city agencies and many more), and posted online at the TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information General Information TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM 55 54 website. Students may also use Perfect Interview ™ to search for job openings and enhance job interviewing and resume writing skills. The college also provides additional services such as on-campus recruitment by local employers, and assistance with resume writing and interviewing skills. For additional information, contact the Student Employment Services Office (757- 822-7228) or any campus Career Services Office. students at each of the campuses may participate in study skills workshops, supplemental instruction offerings, distance tutoring, and computer-based tutoring services. Last Day to Drop Students experiencing writing difficulties may seek free help in grammar and/or may receive a comprehensive review of a research paper required for a course. All tutors are trained and are prepared to help students succeed through one-to-one, peer, and group tutoring. Staff members of the Writing Center also offer online assistance to students writing for any course at the college. While they do not write, edit, or revise student work, staff members will suggest strategies for improvement. The date designated in the college calendar is the last day to receive a tuition refund when you drop a course. Leadership Programs Emerging Leaders is a program that enables students to discover and develop their personal capacity to lead effectively during their time at TCC and in the future. Students must apply to the program through the college-wide Student Leadership and Community Engagement office. National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) (TCC Chapter - Sigma Alpha Pi) is a national leadership honor society available to a limited number of students. Membership in NSLS is based on students’ leadership potential and is a nationally recognized achievement of honorable distinction. Interested students should contact the college-wide Student Leadership and Community Engagement office. Phi Theta Kappa recognizes and encourages scholarship among associate degree students. The organization provides opportunities for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate to exchange ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship for scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence. Membership is given added significance by the fact that the Society is recognized by the American Association of Community Colleges as the official honor society for two-year colleges. Interested students should contact their campus student activities office or visit for further information. Chesapeake Alpha Zeta Lambda Chapter Norfolk Beta Zeta Upsilon Chapter Portsmouth Chi Mu Chapter Virginia Beach Psi Upsilon Chapter Learning Assistance Services Learning Assistance Services are offered at all campuses and include tutoring, writing labs, and math labs. At the Portsmouth Campus, these services are contained within one office. At the other three main campuses, these services are offered but are housed in separate offices. Regardless of location, free assistance is offered to students in a variety of academic areas, from math, English, and writing to biology and Spanish. In addition, For example, students needing assistance in mathematics can expect help that covers basic arithmetic to calculus and differential equations. Computer tutorials, solution manuals, and integrated mathematical software programs are available for student use. Libraries (Learning Resource Centers) Libraries are located on each campus. The college’s art collection including videos and print materials is located at the Visual Arts Center. The Libraries contain research materials in both print and electronic format to support the courses, curricula, and mission of the college. These materials include books, newspapers, magazines, journals, videotapes, DVDs, streaming media and an extensive collection of indexes, abstracts and full text databases. Faculty members may place materials on reserve in the Library for their students. The Libraries maintain a website that provides access to the Library catalog, to electronic research resources, and to many of the services the Library provides. Library staff members are available to help students take full advantage of these resources. Students must have a valid Tidewater Community College (TCC) identification card in order to check out library materials for home use or to access materials in restricted library locations. The normal loan period for library print materials is four weeks. The normal loan period for audiovisual materials is one week. Materials that have been placed on reserve, however, may have a shorter loan period. Items may be renewed once in person, by telephone, or through “My Account” in the online library catalog as long as they are not overdue or requested by someone else. Students are personally responsible for the safety, proper use, and timely return of the library materials that they have borrowed. Students who fail to return library materials shall incur a financial obligation for the unreturned materials and a collection fee in accordance with the policy on Use of Library materials. The replacement charge for materials shall be based on the average academic book pricing as listed in the Library and Book Trade Annual. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information General Information Math Labs • • • • • • To help students who need support in math, math labs are located on each campus and are staffed with friendly, knowledgeable instructors who can provide assistance with questions from basic arithmetic through calculus and differential equations. Computer tutorials, solution manuals, and integrated mathematical software programs including Derive, Mathcad, and Minitab, are available for student use. Students must bring a photo ID to the campus math labs. Military students who cannot contact the Center for Military and Veterans Education, Campus Dean of Student Services or a Base Representative should call the college’s Information Center at 822-1122 (fax: 822-1369). The Information Center staff will confirm the student’s campus, list the classes, and forward all information to the appropriate campus dean for needed action. Military Programs myTCC Major Refers to the program of study a student is pursuing. Military programs provide Base Representatives at the various military bases in Hampton Roads—Naval Station Norfolk, Naval Air Station Oceana, Naval Air Station Oceana Dam Neck Annex, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, Joint Expeditionary Base—Little Creek and Fort Story, and Naval Support Activity Norfolk Northwest Annex to assist active duty military personnel, their dependents and civil service employees with counseling, enrollment, registration and placement testing. Base Representatives work directly with the appropriate Navy College Office or Educational Services Officers to assist military students with their professional educational goals. Military Student Deployment or Unplanned Call to Active Military Service Military students who are called to active military service and have to leave quickly may call any Tidewater Community College Campus Dean of Student Services, any TCC Base Representative, or the Information Center to obtain assistance with the processes of withdrawal from the college and tuition refund. The military student should provide the Dean with his/her name, student identification number, and a copy (fax, mail, electronic) of his/her military orders, deployment orders, or documentation indicating he or she must leave the area for service or is otherwise unavailable to attend classes. Students should contact the Center for Military and Veterans Education at 822-7777. The following are the numbers of the Campus Deans of Student Services offices: • Chesapeake Campus: 822-5115 Fax: 822-5007 • Norfolk Campus: 822-1585 Fax: 822-1247 • Portsmouth Campus: 822-2181 Fax: 822-2919 • Virginia Beach Campus: 822-7244 Fax: 427-0418 The following are the numbers of the TCC Base Representatives: • Naval Station Norfolk: 489-7397 Fax: 451-1157 From here, go anywhere.TM 57 56 Library hours of operation are adjusted periodically. Check the Library website for current hours of operation. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE Naval Air Station Oceana and Dam Neck Annex: 491-4385 Fax: 491-5250 Joint Expeditionary Base—Little Creek and Fort Story: 363-3939 Fax: 363-6066 Naval Medical Center Portsmouth: 953-6007 Fax: 953-6066 Naval Support Activity Norfolk, Northwest Annex: 489-7397 Fax: 451-1157 United States Coast Guard: 491-7397 Fax: 451-1157 Military Programs: 822-1195 Fax: 822-1501 Provides access to the student information system (SIS) self-service that allows students to view enrollment, tuition charges, financial aid, refund status, registration holds, priority enrollment appointments, to do lists, email, grades, access to change passwords and pay tuition and more. Non-Attendance Students who enroll in classes, but are reported by faculty as never attending, will have aid awards cancelled for the semester. Students who use financial aid for bookstore purchases, but never attend and have aid cancelled, must return their books to the bookstore for a full refund to the original financial aid source. Students must personally pay for all bookstore charges if books are not returned. Noncredit course A continuing education course which does not earn college credit. Non Discrimination Policy Tidewater Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, political affiliation, veteran status, gender, age, sexual orientation, or disability in its programs or activities. Inquiries related to the college’s nondiscrimination policies may be directed to the Director of Human Resources. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information General Information The Open Door Project is a federally funded Student Support Services/TRIO program that provides academic support and personal services to eligible students at the Norfolk and Portsmouth campuses. The goal of the project is to help participants improve their academic performance, stay in college, graduate from TCC and transfer to a four-year college or university. For more information, contact the Open Door Project Office at 757-822-1218. Orientation Orientation is the first step in achieving academic and personal success at TCC! Orientation supports student success by facilitating the transition of new students into the college. It is the initial integration into life at TCC, preparing students for broad educational opportunities and educating them about available services and student responsibilities. All new students should attend an orientation session and since enrolling in college impacts the entire family, they are also encouraged to attend. ESL Student Orientation At the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters an orientation is offered to all new ESL students at TCC. This orientation offers the following information: • ESL course plan and course descriptions • Types of degrees and certificates offered at TCC • Computer Competency requirement • Expectations of TCC students • Support Services, Student Activities and Leadership Opportunities • Important Dates • How to use TCC Catalog and TCC Schedule Book • ESL Registration • Tuition/Fees and Payment • Campus Tour Sign up for the ESL Orientation in the Counseling Center, Room A-115, Princesss Anne Building or by calling 822-7211. Parking and Traffic All posted and distributed traffic, parking, and speed limit regulations are to be observed by all students, faculty, and staff. Designated college officials and staff persons are authorized to issue citations to violators. The college assumes no responsibility for the care or protection of any vehicle or its contents at any time it is operated or parked on the campus. Automobiles should be locked at all times. From here, go anywhere.TM 59 58 Open Door Project TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE Drivers of automobiles who are bona fide visitors are also subject to a traffic citation. Parking and/or moving violations will be noted by an administrative summons. Failure to honor this summons will result in disciplinary action. The intent of the parking policy is to discourage improper parking and to encourage compliance with traffic rules and regulations on campus. A system of fines has been approved by the Tidewater Community College Board and may be implemented. Parking for the individuals with disabilities is restricted to those vehicles displaying a disabled veteran’s license plate or an official Division of Motor Vehicles license plate or permit for a disabled person. Law enforcement agents will issue a traffic summons to vehicle owners who violate disabled and fire lane parking regulations. Part-time Students are considered part-time students when they take a course load of fewer than 12 credit hours during a term. Payment Plan To help students meet educational expenses, TCC offers a payment plan, which allows students to pay tuition in monthly, interest-free payments for a small, non-refundable fee. Different payment options are available depending upon enrollment date. Students may enroll in the payment plan or review the available payment options by logging in to MY TCC. A copy of the Payment Plan is also available at any campus business office or by contacting the college payment plan coordinator at 757-822-1776 or by email: Students using the payment plan to pay tuition must enroll in classes first. After a payment plan contract has been completed, contract associated classes will be held until the guarantee date. Personal Counseling Professional personal counselors are available to assist students experiencing personal, educational, and interpersonal/relationship, family, social or psychological difficulties. They also offer individual and group counseling to help students with these concerns. Referral to appropriate local resources is available if students require additional professional assistance. Prerequisite A course that must be completed successfully before enrolling in another. Prerequisites are listed in the TCC Catalog or are developmental courses identified through the college’s placement testing program. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information General Information TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM 61 60 Priority Registration Student Employment Services Students currently enrolled and in good academic and financial standing at the college may take advantage of early priority registration. Check the schedule of classes or MYTCC for priority registration dates. The College offers employment referral services designed to assist students and graduates in finding employment. Job listings are received from various employers and posted online to the www.TCC/ website. Other services provided include assistance with resume writing and interviewing skills. Probation Students are placed on probation when they have attempted 12 or more credit hours and have a cumulative grade point average less than 1.5. Recycling TCC is committed to recycling and green initiatives. Individual recycling bins are located in offices, labs, and classrooms. Registration Registration refers to the process of enrolling in classes. Students register for courses by using the Internet or in-person at any Enrollment Services office or off-campus registration site (e.g. military bases). Student Information System (SIS) SIS is the system that maintains information within Tidewater Community College’s purview, including student record data, student life data, and all other data that pertains to, or supports the administration of the college. Student Records Changes in Name, Address or Other Information A student must notify the college immediately when his/her name, address, telephone number, or other personal information changes by completing a Student Data Change Form and submitting it to any campus Enrollment Services Office. In some instances, students may make changes online at Directory Information Policy Semester A semester normally represents 16 weeks of study during the fall or spring. Session A session is any term other than fall or spring 16 week semester. Sophomore A sophomore is a student who has completed 30 or more credits of course work in a curriculum/plan. Specialization A specialized type of program within a curriculum/plan is considered a specialization. Student Development Courses (SDV) Student Development (SDV) courses assist students in their transition to college. SDV courses provide essential information about TCC’s resources and programs, as well as strategies for the development of academic and personal success. Instructors encourage engagement and integration into college life promoting student persistence. All new students should enroll in one of the SDV Courses within their first 15 credit hours. At its discretion, Tidewater Community College may disclose “directory information” in accordance with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). Directory information is defined as that information which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Designated directory information at Tidewater Community College includes the following: Student’s name Mailing address of record* College email address Number of credit hours enrolled Major field of study Dates of attendance Degrees, honors, and awards received * Disclosure is limited to colleges and universities only Students may prohibit the release of directory information through submission of a Prohibit Release of Directory Information form to any campus Enrollment Services Office within one week after the initial day of class during any regular semester/term. This request will prohibit the college from releasing this directory information, unless permitted as an exception under § 99.31 of FERPA or if the student submits written consent for each individual disclosure. Students should consider very carefully the consequences of a decision to withhold directory information. Regardless of the effect upon a student, Tidewater Community College assumes no liability as a result of honoring a student’s instructions that such information be withheld. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information 62 Initial requests for non-disclosure will be honored by the College unless a written notice to remove the non-disclosure block has been submitted by the student to a campus Enrollment Services Office. Information Privacy Statement Tidewater Community College values each individual’s privacy and actively seeks to preserve the privacy rights of those who share information with the college. The trust of the college’s constituents is important to TCC, and those constituents have the right to know how information submitted to the college is generally handled. TCC has adopted privacy policies and practices for any and all parts of the college where personal information in any format is created, received, maintained, and transmitted. However, in legal terms, this notice shall not be construed as a contractual promise, and the college reserves the right to amend its policies at any time without notice. Privacy and public records obligations of the college are governed by applicable Virginia and federal laws and regulations. Hold on Records When a student’s records are put on hold, the student will not be permitted to register, nor will the college issue transcripts, certificates, or degrees to the student, until all obligations to the college have been settled. Privacy of Student Records-Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) The policy governing access to, challenge of, release of, and complaints regarding student records and grades is on file in the office of the campus dean or provost. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records: 1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the college receiving a request for access. Students should submit written requests to Enrollment Services listing the record(s) they wish to inspect. The college will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the date, time, and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the office to which the request was submitted, that office shall advise the student of the correct office to which the request should be addressed. 2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes is misleading or inaccurate. Students may ask the college to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write to the college officials responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the college decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the college will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing. General Information TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM 63 3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. • The disclosure is to school officials who have been determined to have legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the college in an administrative, supervisory, academic research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company whom the college has retained as its agent to provide a service instead of using college employees/officials (such as an attorney, auditor, contractor, consultant, volunteer, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. • The disclosure is to officials of another institution in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. • The disclosure is to state or local educational authorities auditing or evaluating Federal or State supported education programs or enforcing Federal laws which relate to those programs. • The disclosure is pursuant to a lawfully issued court order or subpoena. • The disclosure is made for compliance with the Solomon Amendment. • The disclosure is to a parent who legally declares the student as a dependent, as defined by 20 U.S.C. § 1232g. • The disclosure is to parents and legal guardians of students under the age of 21, regardless of their dependency status, of information regarding a student’s violation of laws or policies governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance. • The disclosure is made in situations deemed by the college as a health/safety emergency. • The disclosure is provided to organizations conducting studies to improve instruction, or to accrediting organizations. • The disclosure is made in connection with the receipt of financial aid (validating eligibility). • The disclosure is made in connection with information received from the Virginia State Police and in accordance with the Wetterling Act. • The information disclosed has been designated as directory information by the college. 4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Tidewater Community College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The contact information for FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 600 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202-4605 TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM General Information General Information From here, go anywhere.TM 65 64 Additional information regarding the college’s FERPA policy may be found on the College Registrar’s web site. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE Students are placed on suspension when they have attempted 24 or more credit hours, are currently on academic probation, and have a semester grade point average less than 1.5. NOTE: If you intend to transfer coursework from another community college within the Virginia Community College System (VCCS), you do not need to submit these transcripts for our review. However, you do need to insure that all other processes have been followed, as outlined in this section. Please be sure to note on the form (described below) that you wish for this coursework to be reviewed. Note also that coursework taken from another college within the VCCS must meet all other policies for transfer credit (e.g., grade of “C” or higher). Syllabus Using the online form, submit a request for an Evaluation of Previous Educational Experiences to the Central Records Office. Suspension A syllabus is provided for each course and includes a course outline and requirements. Term Term refers to the fall and spring semesters and all other sessions. Testing Centers Testing Centers offer comprehensive testing, including placement testing, computer competency testing, online proctored testing, and testing with special accommodations, as well as other specialized testing. Transcript The transcript is a copy of a student’s permanent academic record, containing all courses with grades received at TCC. Transfer Counseling Assistance is available on each campus for students who plan to transfer to another college. Transfer counselors can help students design a program to maximize transferability of courses to public or private colleges and universities in Virginia or out-of-state. Transfer Resources provide students with transfer information about Virginia’s 4-year institutions, such as applications, transfer guides, and catalogs. The Virginia Community College System has created a webpage showing all system-wide transfer articulation agreements. Transfer Evaluation Process for Requesting an Evaluation of Transfer Credits Apply and gain admission to TCC. With assistance from a counselor, be placed in a curriculum. Have your official transcripts mailed to: Tidewater Community College Central Records Office P.O. Box 9000 Norfolk, VA 23509-9000 Students meeting the above criteria may expect an evaluation to take place approximately 4 to 6 weeks following receipt of the transcript(s) and the Evaluation of Previous Educational Experiences form. Notification of the evaluation will be sent to the student at the address of record located in the Student Information System (SIS). Official transcripts - transcripts from a college stamped with appropriate college seal and authentication. The colleges will not accept hand-carried transcripts for evaluation. Voter Registration Voter registration forms are available at multiple locations on all campuses, including the Student Activities Office and the ID Card Office. The college will assist persons with known disabilities in completing and mailing voter registration forms. Warning Students are placed on academic warning when they fail any course or when their semester GPA is less than 2.0. Withdrawal Withdrawal is the formal act of dropping a course after the deadline to receive a refund and before the last day to process a withdrawal and receive a “W” grade. Women’s Centers TCC Women’s Centers maintain an office on each campus to provide services that help women achieve their academic and personal goals. Among the services offered are educational programming, leadership training, counseling, weekly support groups, crisis intervention, and help in obtaining emergency assistance. Writing Centers Writing Centers provide help to students, faculty, and staff with research papers, essays, outlines, summaries, case studies, book reviews and other writing assignments. In TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM Student Rights, Protections and Policies Student Rights, Protections and Policies Student Rights, Protections and Policies Student Rights Right to Attend Class You have the right to attend assigned classes on any TCC campus. That right includes the right to attend class without physical violence, fear of violence, psychological abuse, or racial, sexual, or other harassment. General Provisions The Chancellor of the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) is authorized by the State Board for Community Colleges to impose appropriate penalties including expulsion from the college for student conduct which tends to discredit or injure the college. This authority has been delegated by the chancellor to the administration of each community college, subject to review by the chancellor or a delegated representative. The VCCS guarantees to students the privilege of exercising their rights of citizenship under the Constitution of the United States without fear of prejudice and takes special care to ensure due process and to spell out defined routes of appeal when students feel their rights have been violated. As a student, you are considered a responsible adult and are expected to maintain standards of conduct appropriate to membership in the college community. The college, therefore, emphasizes standards of student conduct rather than limits or restrictions on students. Guidelines and regulations governing student conduct usually are developed by representatives of the students, faculty, counseling staff, and administration. The college reserves the right to take disciplinary action compatible with its own best interest if such action is clearly necessary. Failure to meet standards of conduct acceptable to the college may result in disciplinary probation, suspension, dismissal, or other penalty depending upon the nature of the offense. Students who are dismissed must reapply to the college. Readmission is not guaranteed. Academic Freedom Tidewater Community College is committed to the concept of academic freedom as presented in the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) policy statement. From here, go anywhere.TM 67 66 addition, small group workshops on writing basics are offered in the Writing Centers. The Language Lab at the Virginia Beach campus provides access to computer-based programs for foreign languages and English as a second language. In addition to using the websites connected to their textbooks, students may practice their pronunciation and record their speeches with a microphone headset. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE Membership in the academic community imposes on students, faculty members, administrators, and trustees an obligation to respect the dignity of others, to acknowledge their right to express differing opinions, and to foster and defend intellectual honesty, freedom of inquiry and instruction, and free expression on and off the campus (AAUP Policy Documents & Reports, 1990 edition, 77). Academic institutions exist for the transmission of knowledge, the pursuit of truth, the development of students, and the general well-being of society. Free inquiry and free expression are indispensable to the attainment of these goals. As members of the academic community, students should be encouraged to develop the capacity for critical judgment and to engage in a sustained and independent search for truth. Freedom to teach and freedom to learn are inseparable facets of academic freedom. The freedom to learn depends upon appropriate opportunities and conditions in the classroom, on the campus, and in the larger community. Students should exercise their freedom with responsibility. The responsibility to secure and to respect general conditions conducive to the freedom to learn is shared by all members of the academic community (AAUP Policy Documents & Reports, 1990 edition, 153). Students should be free to take reasoned exception to the data or views offered in any course of study and to reserve judgment about matters of opinion, but they are responsible for learning the content of any course of study in which they are enrolled. Students should have protection through orderly procedures against prejudiced or capricious academic evaluation. At the same time, they are responsible for maintaining standards of academic performance established for each course in which they are enrolled (AAUP Policy Documents & Reports, 1990 edition, 154). If a problem arises concerning class content and/or procedures, it is appropriate for the student to discuss the problem with the faculty member before seeking help from an administrator. If the student feels he/she has been injured by an infringement of academic freedom, the Student Grievance Procedure provides an avenue for resolution. The purpose of the Student Grievance Procedure is to provide an equitable and orderly process to resolve grievances, other than appeals of final grades, by students at Tidewater Community College. Academic Misconduct Policy Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following actions: • Cheating on an examination or quiz — either giving or receiving information • Copying information from another person for graded assignments • Using unauthorized materials during tests • Collaboration during examinations • Buying, selling or stealing examinations • Arranging a substitute for oneself during examinations • Substituting for another person, or arranging such a substitution TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM Student Rights, Protections and Policies Student Rights, Protections and Policies Faculty Disposition of Academic Misconduct Faculty members processing an instance of apparent academic misconduct in which the penalty sought is not dismissal from the college will employ the following procedure: Faculty members who have reliable evidence of academic misconduct will (1) investigate the matter, and (2) review the facts of the matter and the proposed penalty with the appropriate academic dean. They may then take one or more of the following actions: • Require the work to be accomplished again • Give no credit for the test, paper or exercise • Assign a grade of W or F for the course • Refer the matter to the campus Dean for Student Services or designee for possible disciplinary sanction through the college’s disciplinary procedure If the faculty member chooses to refer the matter to the campus dean or designee for disposition, the Plenary Disciplinary Procedure shall be followed, and dismissal from the college is a possibility. Students may appeal a faculty penalty through the Student Final Grade Appeal Procedure when a final course grade is involved, or through the Student Grievance Procedure for penalties not involving final course grades. Alcohol and Drug Policy Tidewater Community College students or employees shall not possess, sell, use, manufacture, give away, or otherwise distribute illegal substances including drugs or, where prohibited, alcohol while on campus, attending a college sponsored off-campus event, or while serving as a representative of the college at an off-campus meeting, event, or other function. Students or employees who violate this policy shall have college charges processed against them in the normal manner of due process provided by college rules. Further, students or employees who violate this policy shall have committed a criminal offense, and the college shall notify the appropriate agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia or city government for investigation and, if warranted, prosecution. It is the responsibility of every member of the college community to know the risks associated with substance use and abuse. This responsibility obligates students and employees to be aware of relevant college policies and federal, state, and local laws, and to conduct themselves in accordance with these laws and policies. To these ends, TCC’s Alcohol and Drug Policy publishes information regarding college policies and sanctions, laws and penalties concerning substance use and abuse, health and behavioral risks of drug abuse, and resources for substance abuse issues. From here, go anywhere.TM 69 68 Plagiarism — the intentional or accidental presentation of another’s words or ideas as your own • Submission of work other than your own for written assignments • Collusion with another person or persons in submitting work for credit in class or lab, unless such collaboration is approved in advance by the instructor TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE Campus and Workplace Violence Prevention TCC promotes a safe environment in which to learn and work by strictly prohibiting threats or acts of violence by or against members of the college community including, but not limited to, the following: • Intentionally causing physical injury to self or another person • Engaging in behavior that creates a risk or reasonable fear of physical injury to self or another person (e.g., stalking) • Engaging in behavior that subjects another individual to extreme emotional distress • Possessing, brandishing, or using a firearm, weapon, or other device that is not required by the individual’s position while on college property or engaged in college business or in violation of law or college policy • Intentionally damaging property • Threatening to injure an individual (including oneself) or to damage property • Committing injurious acts motivated by, or related to, domestic violence or sexual harassment • Retaliating against any individual who, in good faith, reports a violation of this policy TCC prohibits threats and acts of violence on college property and within college facilities. In addition, TCC prohibits threats or acts of violence at any college-sponsored event; while engaged in college business, educational, or athletic activities; and while traveling in college vehicles. TCC shall also evaluate any conduct of which it becomes aware, that occurs off-duty or outside the above-listed activities when that conduct may impact an employee’s or student’s relationship with the college community. TCC shall use a variety of strategies to educate members of the college community; to identify, prevent, and provide consequences for threats and acts of violence; and to mitigate the effects of threats and acts of violence on victims. Any member of the college community who becomes aware of information that causes concern, apprehension, or suggests a potential risk of violence shall report that information to the TCC Safety & Security Department for investigation. No person who, in good faith, reports threatening or otherwise troubling behavior in accordance with this policy will be subject to retaliation. Click here for the Campus and Workplace Violence Prevention Policy. Code of Student Conduct Tidewater Community College has the right to set and expect reasonable standards for students’ conduct that safeguard and protect the college, college property and all components of the educational process. TCC reserves the right to take disciplinary action against a student for conduct on-campus and at off-campus college-sponsored events, when such conduct adversely affects the college community, poses a threat of harm to the college community, interferes with the college’s pursuit of its objectives and mission, and/or if a student is charged with a violation of state or federal law. Students are expected to recognize their responsibility and respect the rights and welfare of others. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM Student Rights, Protections and Policies Student Rights, Protections and Policies Alcohol and Drugs. Using, distributing or manufacturing illegal drugs and alcohol on college property, including buildings, facilities, grounds, property controlled by the college, as part of the college’s activities on or off-campus, in any state-owned vehicle, controlled or leased property or at a site where state work is performed. Students who are inebriated or otherwise under the influence of drugs or alcohol are not allowed in TCC classrooms. Assault, Battery, Fighting. Engaging in fighting, assault, or battery. Bomb Threat, Fire Alarm. Students who activate a fire alarm, make a threat to damage or bomb college property, or encourage, incite, entice, or solicit any person to commit such a threat, shall be disciplined by the college and recommended for criminal prosecution to the full extent of the law. Children on Campus. Leaving children unattended on college property, in automobiles, libraries, lounge areas, administrative offices, etc. Children cannot be taken into classrooms, testing centers, computer centers, or laboratories. Classroom Disruptions Performing acts that impair, interfere with, or obstruct the orderly conduct, processes and functions of faculty’s ability to teach or a student’s right to learn. Some examples of disruptive behavior include: • Loud and/or frequent interruption of class flow with inappropriate questions or remarks • Verbal and/or physical threats • Threatening emails, letters, or voicemails • Persistent late arrival or departure that disrupts the class • Belligerent behavior when confronted • Distressing or disturbing behaviors Communication Devices Using cell phones and other communication devices in classrooms, laboratories, and libraries, unless authorized by the appropriate faculty or staff. Communication devices shall not be used during class, nor shall students disrupt a class by leaving to respond to calls or communication. From here, go anywhere.TM 71 70 The following misconduct is subject to disciplinary action: TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE Criminal Charges Being formally charged with the commission of a crime. Debt Issuing bad checks or failing to pay a debt owed to the college. Dishonesty Falsification of Official Information. Cheating, plagiarism, knowingly furnishing false information to the college, forgery, and alteration or use of college documents or instruments of identification with intent to defraud is subject to disciplinary action. Disorderly Conduct. Causing or inciting disturbances, including excessive noise, in or near any college building. This includes, but is not limited to, verbally intimidating, threatening or abusing any person or persons, physically intimidating, threatening, abusing or assaulting others, or making inappropriate and incessant demands for time and attention of college employees or students. Disruption Disrupting a classroom, laboratory, library, office, public student space (such as a student center), meeting, or hearing. Failure to comply with a college official. Failing to comply with a request or order from a college official. Violations include failure to properly follow through with any disciplinary measure imposed upon a student. False Information Providing false information to the college. Fire Safety Failing to maintain appropriate fire safety measures. Non-compliance includes failure to evacuate during fire alarm, falsely pulling a fire alarm, and/or misusing fire safety equipment. Violations of these prohibitions may also be punished by relevant law enforcement authorities. Forgery Forging, altering, or misusing college documents or records, to include student identification cards or Hampton Roads Transit passes. Gambling. Engaging in gambling which is unauthorized by law, unless exempted by a special permit. Computer Security Hazing Using unauthorized computer resources, making any unauthorized efforts to penetrate or modify computing hardware or software, or using computer resources to achieve any of the acts prohibited in the Student Code of Conduct. Performing any action that leads to physical or mental discomfort for any member of the shared community. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM Student Rights, Protections and Policies Student Rights, Protections and Policies From here, go anywhere.TM 73 72 Illegal Entry • • Illegally entering or occupying college property. Intimidating Behavior Intimidating that results in an individual’s fear for his/her personal safety; engaging in stalking behavior or any behavior that is considered to be frightening; coercing, or inducing distress to any member of the college community. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE Any person who is not currently enrolled is not allowed to participate in demonstrations on the campuses. All formal disciplinary actions taken under this policy are subject to grievance and the accused may pursue the finding through the appropriate grievance procedure. Property Destruction Destroying, damaging, defacing, or misusing public or private property. Littering Improperly disposing of litter on college property. Publications Obscene Conduct Distributing written materials on campus without prior approval of the campus provost, dean, or other designee. This prohibition includes individual students, student groups, and other organizations of the college, as well as individuals or organizations not affiliated with the college. Engaging in any type of lewd or obscene conduct on college property or at a collegesponsored event. This applies to possessing, producing, or distributing illegal or inappropriate sexual materials. Students shall not use profane language on college property or at a college-sponsored event. Partisan Political Activity, Assembly Students may conduct political activities on the campuses, but such activities must be conducted with respect for the rights of all students, without disturbing classes or administration of the college and must be consistent with statutes and regulations governing partisan use of public property. Registration Data Tampering with student registration data or misuse of the student registration PIN number. Riot Engaging in a riot or a disorderly assembly. Sexual Assault, Stalking The right of free speech irrevocably includes the right to speak, the right to listen, the right to be quiet, and the right not to listen. The right to peaceably protest or demonstrate irrevocably includes the right not to agree and the right not to participate. Engaging in sexual assault or stalking. Sexual Misconduct (See Sexual Misconduct Policy ) It is permissible for members of college organizations to state their position on controversial matters. However, each organization must file a completed Campus Event Form in the campus Provost’s Office 96 hours in advance of any demonstration. To prevent misunderstanding, the college has issued the following clarifications: • When an assembly on campus of students not authorized by the college has been requested to disband by the president or another designated officer, those refusing to comply will be subject to immediate suspension and/or dismissal and legal action. • In the event that an assembly appears to be a demonstration related to grievances, those present should be advised that orderly procedures for the hearing of grievances are available to which adherence is mandatory. College officials will not negotiate with such groups under conditions of duress, such as unauthorized occupation of college property. • Any unauthorized occupation of buildings and/or college property constitutes reason for immediate suspension and/or dismissal from the institution of students who may be involved. Furthermore, legal action will be brought against any student involved in illegal acts on community college property. Smoking Using tobacco or similar products inside college buildings, within 25 feet of building entrance/exit points or in areas of the college grounds where smoking is prohibited. Theft Engaging in theft, larceny, embezzlement or the temporary taking of the property of another. Threat to Health or Safety When a person’s (or persons’) continued presence at the college is deemed to constitute a threat to the health, safety, or welfare of members of the campus community. Traffic Rules Disobeying traffic and parking rules. Violation of local, state or federal laws on college property or off-campus at a college-sponsored event. Student Rights, Protections and Policies TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM Student Rights, Protections and Policies TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM 75 74 Weapons Keeping, using, possessing, displaying or carrying any rifle, shotgun, handgun, knife, other edged weapon, or other lethal or dangerous instrument capable of maiming and/or casting a projectile by air, gas, explosion, or mechanical means on any property owned or operated by the college. This prohibition extends to realistic facsimiles of a weapon. These conditions are met if the weapon is on one’s person or in their vehicle. (See Weapons Policy). These prohibitions shall not apply to possession of a lawfully owned handgun, rifle, or shotgun when stored securely inside the vehicle of a student. If a student desires to store a handgun in a vehicle, he/she must hold a current, valid concealed handgun permit. Any firearm stored in a vehicle under this exception shall be unloaded and secured in a locked container, which may include the vehicle’s glove compartment or trunk. Any student desiring to store a firearm in his/her vehicle shall provide written notice of such intent to the college official responsible for the location. Failure to provide such notice of intent in advance of introducing a firearm onto college property shall be considered a violation of this policy. Authorization to store a handgun in a vehicle on campus expires coincident with the expiration of the concealed handgun permit. If the student desires to continue to store a handgun, he/she must submit an updated Notice of Intent to Store Firearm Form to the responsible college official, either producing a valid concealed handgun permit for inspection or attaching the permit to the form as described above. For a student storing a handgun in his/her vehicle while on college property, the authorization to do so expires coincident with the concealed handgun permit. Possessing the weapon on campus after the concealed handgun permit expires is a violation of this policy. Rights and responsibilities are equal for all persons. Federal, state, and local laws apply on the campuses. Rights and responsibilities are irrevocably intertwined. Personal conduct, both on and off campus, reflects equally upon the student, the student’s family, and the college. Disorderly conduct will not be tolerated. The college places primary responsibility for student conduct on the student. Students are also responsible for the conduct of their guests at college events. Disciplinary Process Tidewater Community College considers each student a responsible adult and assumes that students should maintain standards of conduct appropriate to membership in the college community. When a student’s conduct adversely affects the pursuit of the college’s mission, TCC will take action to resolve the situation and help students learn from their conduct. Disciplinary action by the college becomes necessary when the safe and healthy learning environment that TCC promotes is compromised by a student’s action(s). Students who violate the TCC Code of Student Conduct are subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension or dismissal. TCC will consistently follow a set of defined procedures in the administration of disciplinary action against students who are in violation of the conduct guidelines. The campus dean of student services is responsible for administering the disciplinary procedures for students in credit and noncredit programs. Students who are alleged to have violated the Code of Student Conduct will be afforded due process. TCC reserves the right to take disciplinary action against a student for conduct at off-campus college-sponsored events when such conduct adversely affects, poses a threat of harm to the college community or interferes with the college’s pursuit of its objectives and mission. This will also apply if a student is charged with a violation of state or federal law. The policy complies with Virginia Community College System (VCCS) policy 6.5.0 which acknowledges TCC’s right to take disciplinary action compatible with its own best interest and when it is clearly necessary. In implementing this policy, the college is guided by an additional policy of the VCCS (6.0.1 - General Admission to the VCCS Colleges) which allows colleges to evaluate and document special cases and refuse or revoke admission to a student if it is considered to be in the best interest of the college. The complete policy is available at the TCC website. Student Grievance Procedure Purpose The purpose of this student grievance procedure is to provide equitable and orderly processes to resolve grievances other than grade appeals by students at Tidewater Community College. Grievance procedures for appealing final grades in a course are described separately. Definitions Student: A student is defined as one who is or has been duly and legally registered as either a full-time or part-time student at Tidewater Community College. Grievance: A grievance is defined as a difference or dispute between a student and a college employee of the campus with respect to the application of the rules, policies, procedures, and regulations – exclusive of grade appeals – of the campus and college. Procedure First Step: Recognizing that grievances should be raised and settled promptly, a grievance should be raised within ten calendar days following the event giving rise in the grievance. As the first step, the student should contact the college TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM Student Rights, Protections and Policies Student Rights, Protections and Policies TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM 77 76 employee who would best be able to handle the grievance (e.g., the person with whom the student has a difference or dispute). Every reasonable effort should be made by all parties to resolve the matter informally at this level, and no written records of the matter will be placed on the student’s official file. Second Step: If the student is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at the first step, he/she may file a written appeal to the immediate supervisor of the employee involved within five calendar days of receipt of the decision given in the first step. Within five calendar days of the supervisor’s receipt of the written appeal from the student, he/she will notify the employee and notify the student where and what time the meeting shall take place, but such a meeting must be held no later than ten calendar days after receipt of the written appeal by the student. At this point, the college employee involved may respond in writing to the grievance. Third Step: If the student is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance by the supervisor of the employee involved, the student may request a hearing with the provost within five days after receipt of the disposition of the grievance at the second step. If, in the provost’s discretion, the appeal and record of previous actions indicate an appeal is not warranted, the provost will notify the student, employee, and supervisor of his/her decision within five calendar days after receipt of the appeal. If the provost grants the appeal, the provost may either hear the appeal himself/ herself or appoint an ad hoc hearing committee. The provost will notify the student, employee, and supervisor within five calendar days after receipt of the appeal as to whether the provost or an ad hoc committee will hear the appeal. If the provost hears the appeal himself/herself, the provost will set a date for a meeting and notify the student of the time and location in which the meeting will take place, but the meeting will take place no later than ten calendar days after receipt of the written appeal by the student. The provost will notify the student, employee, and supervisor of his/her decision within five calendar days after hearing the appeal. If, in his/her discretion, an ad hoc committee is desired, the provost will appoint the ad hoc committee within five days after receipt of the written appeal. The ad hoc committee will consist of five disinterested persons, including student representation, from the college. The provost shall designate the chairperson of the committee. Within five calendar days after the ad hoc committee has been appointed by the provost, the chairperson of the ad hoc committee will set a time and place for the hearing and will notify the student, the employee, and the employee’s supervisor. The hearing will begin within ten calendar days after the ad hoc committee has been appointed. The ad hoc committee will reach its decision by simple majority vote and communicate its recommendation in writing to the provost within five calendar days after the hearing is completed. Within ten calendar days of the provost’s receipt of the recommendation from the ad hoc committee, the provost will make his/her decision and notify the student, the employee involved, and the employee’s supervisor of this decision. A copy of the appeal, the recommendation of the committee, and the decision of the provost will be placed in the student’s official file. Time Limitations for Grievances Extension of Time: It is important that grievances be initiated and processed as rapidly as possible. Every effort will be made by all parties to expedite the process. The time limitations specified herein may be extended by written mutual agreement initiated by either party. Effect of failure to appeal within time limits: If there is no written mutual agreement to extend the time limit set herein, and if a decision at the first step is not appealed to the next step of the procedure within the specified time limit, the grievance will be deemed settled on the basis of the last decision rendered. Effect of failure to respond within the time limits: Failure at any level of the grievance procedure to initiate communication of a decision to the student within the specified time will permit the lodging of an appeal at the next step of the procedure within the time which would have been allotted had the decision been communicated by the final day. General Provision for Grievances Identification: All written grievances and appeals will include the name and position of the aggrieved party and a brief statement of the nature of the grievance and the redress sought by the aggrieved party. Informal Discussion: Nothing contained herein will be construed as limiting the right of the student having a grievance to discuss the matter informally with any appropriate member of the college and to have the grievance informally settled. Employment of attorney: If a student so desires, he or she may employ an attorney at his or her own expense to provide counsel at any level of the grievance procedure. Academic Freedom: This grievance procedure will not be construed as restraining students in their exercise of constitutional rights nor faculty in their exercise of academic freedom Student Life and Leadership TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM Student Life and Leadership TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM 79 78 Inclement Weather Policy When weather conditions make it necessary to delay opening, cancel classes, or close the college, one of the following notices will be provided by the TCC Information Center, TCC Alerts, an emergency notification system that allows Tidewater Community College to contact you during an emergency and local radio and television stations. Determine the college’s status by calling 757-822-1122, checking the radio or television stations, or visiting the college’s website (www.tcc. edu). Please do not call any other college telephone numbers. One of the following notices will be provided: 1. Message: The college is closed. The college is closed day and evening for students and staff. 2. Message: The college will open/close at ( ). The college will open/close at designated time for students and staff. 3. Message: The college will open at 4:00 p.m. The college will be closed for day classes and day staff, but will open for evening classes and evening staff. 4. Message: Evening classes are cancelled. The college is closed for evening students and staff. 5. Emergency Information hearing of grievances are available to which adherence is mandatory. College officials will not negotiate with such groups under conditions of duress, such as unauthorized occupation of college property. • Any unauthorized occupation of buildings and/or college property constitutes reason for immediate suspension and/or dismissal from the institution of students who may be involved. Furthermore, legal action will be brought against any student involved in illegal acts on community college property. • Any person currently who is not currently enrolled is not allowed to participate in demonstrations on the campuses. • All formal disciplinary actions taken under this policy are grievable and the accused may pursue the finding through the appropriate grievance procedure. Racial Harassment The harassment of students, faculty, or staff due to their race or national origin is prohibited. College disciplinary procedures or grievance procedures will be utilized when allegations of racial harassment are made. The college will utilize the Notice of Investigative Guidance on Racial Harassment, promulgated by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights, in addressing such matters. Sexual Assault Nondiscrimination Policy Tidewater Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, political affiliation, veteran status, gender, age, sexual orientation, or disability in its programs or activities. Inquiries related to the college’s nondiscrimination policies may be directed to the Director of Human Resources, Post Office Box 9000, Norfolk, VA 23509-9000, 757-822-1708. Partisan Political Activity, Assembly Students may conduct political activities on the campuses, but such activities must be conducted with respect for the rights of all students, without disturbing classes or administration of the college and must be consistent with statutes and regulations governing partisan use of public property. The right of free speech irrevocably includes the right to speak, the right to listen, the right to be quiet, and the right not to listen. The right to peaceably protest or demonstrate irrevocably includes the right not to agree and the right not to participate. It is permissible for members of college organizations to state their position on controversial matters. However, each organization must file a completed Campus Event Form in the campus Provost’s Office 96 hours in advance of any demonstration. To prevent misunderstanding, the college has issued the following clarifications • When an assembly on campus of students not authorized by the college has been requested to disband by the president or another designated officer, those refusing to comply will be subject to immediate suspension and/or dismissal and legal action. • In the event that an assembly appears to be a demonstration related to grievances, those present should be advised that orderly procedures for the Sexual assault is a crime and a violation of college rules. It is defined as sexual intercourse without consent, including rape (whether by acquaintance or stranger), sodomy, or other form of sexual penetration. To constitute lack of consent, the acts must be committed either by force, threat of force, intimidation, or through use of a victim’s mental helplessness, which includes incapacitation by alcohol or other drugs. Sexual assault also includes intentionally touching, directly or through clothing, of the victim’s genitals, breasts, thighs, or buttocks without the victim’s consent, as well as unwanted touching or fondling. Common Misconceptions Most sexual assaults are not committed by psychopathic strangers hiding in the shadows. College students are actually in far greater danger of being sexually assaulted by a friend or a fellow student than by a stranger. The campus setting, with its high number of dating and social activities, can offer opportunities for date rape to occur. The term “date rape” or “acquaintance rape” is used when a victim’s relationship with the offender or the situation in which the incident occurs makes a victim hesitant to report a sexual crime. Sometimes the offender is a date or a friend. Sometimes alcohol, drugs, or sexual play past a mutually agreed upon point is forced upon a partner. In this situation, victims in the past have mistakenly felt responsible for being attacked, while perpetrators have tended to deny their own guilt and responsibility. An otherwise reasonable person might suggest that it is permissible to pressure or force another to have sex if: TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM Student Life and Leadership Student Life and Leadership There is one single principle to remember: when any form of sex is against a person’s will, it is against the law. • It is never okay to force yourself on another person • No one ever owes a sexual payment or deserves sexual assault • If there are any doubts about what your partner wants, stop and ask From here, go anywhere.TM 81 80 • He/she paid for dinner or a night out, especially if the evening was expensive • He/she agreed to have sex, but later had a change of mind • The two had sex before • The person dressed provocatively or flirted • The person was picked up at a bar or was hitchhiking TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE Student Life and Leadership Mission The Office of Student Life and Leadership of Tidewater Community College provides exceptional services, facilities, programs, and innovative opportunities that enrich student learning and development, foster an inclusive college community, promote individual student excellence, invite collaboration and discovery, and challenge students to take responsibility as members of a diverse, global community. Vision Tidewater Community College actively engages students in extraordinary experiences that prepare them for a life dedicated to high levels of service and leadership. Core Values Foundational to our mission and vision are eight core values which we believe are directly in line with the college’s commitments: Leadership We offer our students opportunities to be citizen-leaders both on and off campus thus to prepare themselves for leadership and responsible citizenship in their professions and their communities. We understand that leadership is the combination of knowledge, skills, and abilities that can be developed as an individual or with others through experience and education. In addition we are devoted to the idea that authentic leadership requires commitment to a personal and professional code of ethics, self-awareness, and an ability to communicate across differences. We endeavor to provide every student the opportunity to lead. Global Perspective and Diversity As a community, we recognize that human diversity is our strength. We prepare students to thrive in a diverse society and in a world where social interaction, work, and exchange occur across geographical, cultural, and linguistic boundaries. We are steadfast in our efforts to create programing that contains a global perspective and provide opportunities to ensure that diverse viewpoints and experiences are encouraged, valued, and included. Respect We foster a positive and supportive environment that encourages students to explore and value diverse ideas and perspectives; and, we recognize and honor the dignity, TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM Student Life and Leadership Safety and Security Integrity As individuals and as a unit, we honor our commitments and use the principles of honesty, fairness, candor, respect, responsibility and trustworthiness to guide our decisions and practices. Integrity gives us the ability to realize the greater good in our actions and programs and challenges us to look at our work and ourselves holistically. We strive to have the courage of our convictions to do what is right. Excellence We strive to be the best in all that we do. We commit to being reliable, prepared and informed. We persevere to improve and develop our programs, services, staff and students. Service We are dedicated to use our gifts, talents and abilities to advance the genuine wellbeing of our community and those we encounter. We are devoted to find opportunities for civic engagement and for learning through service on each campus, in the region, and beyond. Wellness We are dedicated to educating the whole student which means to provide opportunities for students to develop knowledge, behaviors, and habits conducive to wellness and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Wellness is a lifelong process, and for our students, success in the classroom starts with living a healthy lifestyle outside the classroom. With that we encourage our students to participate regularly in recreation and physical activity; to manage their personal health care; to attend programs and events promoting wellness, and to manage their personal finances. From here, go anywhere.TM 83 82 worth, and individuality of each person and accept individual differences. We treat others with consideration, courtesy and civility. In all our efforts, we pursue what is fair and just with openness, objectivity and consistency. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE Establishing and Chartering Student Organizations Student organizations that will contribute to the educational, social, community, and/or physical improvement of Tidewater Community College and/ or the larger community may be established. A student organization must be academic, educational and/or serviceoriented, and all full-time and part-time students are eligible to participate. Students petitioning to establish or charter a new student organization must fulfill the following requirements: 1. Recruit a minimum of ten (10) currently enrolled students who have an interest in serving as a member and/or officer. Only currently enrolled TCC students may serve as members, unless otherwise authorized by the campus Dean of Student Services or the Director of the Student Center. If the petitioning organization has difficulty in obtaining the required interest, the petitioning organization may request the Office of Student Life and Leadership to assist with organizing an organizational meeting on behalf of the petitioning organization to encourage interest. 2. Secure a TCC faculty/staff member who is mutually interested in serving as a student organization advisor. If assistance in this area is needed, the petitioner should seek advice from a TCC faculty/staff member or the Office of Student Life and Leadership. (NOTE: The official campus of record for the student organization will be based at the organization’s advisor’s primary campus, and all guidance, supervision, and fiscal responsibility will be assigned to personnel of the organization advisor’s primary campus. In addition, it is the primary responsibility of the student organization to locate a fulltime faculty/ staff to become advisor.) 3. Submit the following to a campus Office of Student Life and Leadership: An Application for Student Organization Recognition. A constitution that describes the organization’s mission. Sample constitutions are available at any campus Office of Student Life and Leadership. Learning for Life We are committed to the idea that learning encourages us to pursue knowledge and truth throughout our lives in ways that improve our communities and ourselves, and that strengthen our understanding of each other. Our hope is that our programs and services will contribute to students’ preparation for life and their ability to translate knowledge into effective action. 4. Once materials are submitted to and reviewed by the Office of Student Life and Leadership, the petition will be forwarded to the Student Government Association (SGA) for review at their next scheduled meeting. The contact person petitioning must be in attendance at this meeting. If disapproved, the student organization’s contact person will be notified accordingly with justification. If approved by the SGA, the application will be forwarded back to the Office of Student Life and Leadership for final approval. The Office of Student Life and Leadership (or designee) will review the student organization’s petition and respond in writing with respect to the official action taken by the College on the student organization’s request for official recognition. If the student organization has been approved, the Office of Student Life and Leadership will issue an official college charter to the student organization petitioner and advisor. This charter grants the organization the privileges of using college facilities and formal affiliation with the TCC name. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM Safety and Security Safety and Security TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM 85 84 Leadership Programs Emerging Leaders Program Emerging Leaders is a dynamic 8-session program designed for students who want to become the very best they can be both in and outside the classroom. Every organization and business—whether it is an on-campus student organization, a nonprofit, or a multimillion dollar corporation— places a high value on having people with excellent leadership skills. In addition, these skills provide you with a competitive advantage in all your endeavors. Having a respectable GPA is important, but good leadership skills are highly sought after in today’s marketplace. There is no better way to develop these skills than by enrolling in this program that introduces five fundamentals of leadership: • Valuing Others • Integrity • Knowledge of Self • Personal Accountability • Change the obligation to be governed by the principles of professional journalism. All student communications will explicitly state on their editorial page that the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the college or its student body. Honor Society Each campus maintains a chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the International Honor Society of the Two-Year College. Contact the campus Office of Student Life and Leadership for more information. Student Activities Information The Information Center 757-822-1122 provides information about upcoming student activities and allows students to make reservations for certain events, according to the details that follow. College-wide Events First and second weeks of sales: students only Third week of sales: students, faculty, and staff Community Engagement Community Engagement at TCC provides students with a supportive environment and innovative opportunities to participate in meaningful involvement experiences. These efforts promote individual student excellence, invite collaboration and discovery, and challenge students to take responsibility as members of a diverse, global community. The programs and events show that leadership is a process, not just a position, that leadership can be learned and that serving your community is an integral component of leadership development. Lastly, TCC students engage to demonstrate active participation and commitment in their community, and a desire to make a positive change. Therefore, the programs and activities offered will help students develop self-awareness and critical thinking necessary to enhance individual, organizational, and community growth. Publications No one may distribute written materials on campus without prior approval of the campus provost, dean, Student Center Director, or other designee. This prohibition includes individual students, student groups, and other organizations of the college, as well as individuals or organizations not affiliated with the college. Written materials proposed for distribution and/or publication by a student, group, or organization of the college will be approved unless, in the opinion of the campus provost, dean, Student Center Director or other designee, the material is libelous or obscene, or subject to time, place, and manner limitations. Editorial freedom carries with it CONTACT INFORMATION Chesapeake Campus Whitehurst Building 757-822-5123 Room 2012 Norfolk Campus757-822-1251 Student Center Room 5310 Portsmouth Campus C Building 757-822-2258 Room C221 Virginia Beach Campus Princess Anne Building 757-822-7226 Room A 100G TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM Safety and Security 86 Safety and Security Acceptable Use of Information Technology As part of its mission, the college provides access to information technology (IT) resources to enhance the educational experience of its students. Students and other users of these resources must understand and agree to abide by all applicable Commonwealth of Virginia (COV), Federal, Virginia Community College System (VCCS), and college policies, procedures and standards that relate to the security and acceptable use of college computers, network and Internet access, information technology applications, data, and other IT resources. Students must follow all the security procedures of the VCCS computer systems and protect the data contained therein. Students must also understand that Tidewater Community College reserves the prerogative (with or without cause or notice) to: • Monitor, access, and disclose all data created, sent, received, processed, or stored on COV or TCC information systems • Limit or restrict any individual’s access to COV or TCC systems • Inspect, remove or otherwise alter any data, file, or system resource that may undermine the authorized use of VCCS or college information technology resources • Review and/or confiscate (as needed) any equipment connected to a TCC owned information systems device Students should not knowingly disclose or permit another individual to use his her password to myTCC, the Student Information System, Blackboard Learning Management System, Gmail electronic mail, or network services. Students shall not use any password or other access mechanism that TCC has not expressly assigned to them. Students should treat all information maintained on the VCCS computer systems as strictly confidential and should not release information to any unauthorized person. Students and library patrons must understand and accept that certain activities are prohibited when using college computers, network services, and Internet access or electronic communications. These include, but are not limited to: • Attempting to gain unauthorized access to computing resources of other institutions, organizations, individuals, etc. • Using TCC computing resources to support any commercial venture or for personal financial gain • Attempting to gain access to information owned by the college or by its authorized users without the permission of the owners of that information • Accessing, downloading, printing, or storing information with sexually explicit content as prohibited by law • Downloading or transmitting fraudulent, threatening, obscene, intimidating, defamatory, harassing, discriminatory, or otherwise unlawful messages or images Safety and Security TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM 87 • Installing or downloading computer software, programs, or executable files contrary to policy • Uploading or downloading copyrighted materials or proprietary agency information contrary to policy • Sending e-mail using another’s identity, an assumed name, or anonymously • Attempting to intercept or read messages not intended for them • Intentionally developing or experimenting with malicious programs (viruses, worms, spy-ware, keystroke loggers, phishing software, Trojan horses, etc.) on any college– owned computer • Knowingly propagating malicious programs • Changing administrator rights on any college-owned computer, or the equivalent on non-Microsoft Windows based systems • Using college computing resources to support any commercial venture or for personal financial gain Students should use the college wireless network to connect personal computers to the Internet. Students may not plug a personal computer into any fixed network access port. Computer software, databases, and electronic documents are protected by copyright law. Students and other users of college computers are responsible for understanding how copyright law applies to their electronic transactions. They may not violate the copyright protection of any information, software, or data with which they come into contact through the college computing resources. Downloading or distributing copyrighted materials such as documents, movies, music, etc. without the permission of the rightful owner is considered copyright infringement and is illegal under federal copyright law. Use of the college’s network resources to commit acts of copyright infringement may be subject to prosecution and disciplinary action. Students must follow any special rules that are posted or communicated to them by responsible staff members, whenever they use the college computing laboratories, classrooms, and computers in the Learning Resource Centers. They shall do nothing intentionally that degrades or disrupts the computer systems or interferes with systems and equipment that support the work of others. Problems with college computing resources should be reported to the staff in charge or to the Information Technology Help Desk. Priority use of TCC computers is reserved for members of the TCC community engaged in education-related activities. Staff may request someone who is not using a computer for education-related activities to surrender the computer for use by a member of the college community engaged in education-related activities. Students have the responsibility to read and abide by the above provisions, even if they do not agree with them. If a student has any questions about the VCCS Information Technology Acceptable Use Agreement, the student should contact the campus Dean of Student Services or the college Information Technology Help Desk. Violating college policy regarding acceptable use of information technology is a serious offense that will result in disciplinary action as well as possible prosecution under federal and state law. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM Safety and Security Safety and Security Students should report all accidents—personal and automotive—to the campus Security Office, where students will be advised of subsequent steps to take. Reporting forms are available in the Security Office. In addition, statements related to the accident should be made a matter of record. The intent of reporting accidents is to protect you and to secure valid documentation for insurance purposes. If witnesses were present when the accident occurred, they should make appropriate written statements. It is the responsibility of the person involved in the accident to take the initiative in carrying out these procedures. Campus Safety From here, go anywhere.TM 89 88 Accidents TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE • • • • • • • • Inspect the area around vehicle, including the back seat. Have keys ready to enter car. Avoid strangers and hitchhikers. Walk with friends. Don’t leave books and knapsacks unattended. Always lock bicycles. Don’t flash large amounts of cash or credit cards. Report any suspicious activity to security or college personnel. State police are called whenever there is a crime involving state property. City police are called for immediate emergencies such as assaults, automobile damage, or other similar incidents. TCC promotes a safe environment in which to learn and work by strictly prohibiting threats of acts of violence by or against members of the college community. The Campus and Workplace Violence Prevention policy designates a committee responsible for coordinating the college’s violence prevention efforts. The policy also creates a Threat Assessment Team responsible for implementing the college’s assessment, intervention, and action protocol in individual cases. For full text of this policy and procedures, visit the TCC website and search for policies. College policy states that federal, state, and local laws apply to the college. A single act may constitute a violation of federal law, state law, city ordinance, and college regulations. The double jeopardy provision of the federal constitution is not applicable. College policy is to encourage the person harmed to state the facts to the appropriate agency’s investigators as promptly and accurately as possible. Fire The student, not the college, determines whether or not a criminal prosecution is pursued unless college property or personnel is involved. The college will pursue a student disciplinary remedy. All campuses have a fire alarm system. In the event of a fire alarm, everyone MUST evacuate the classrooms and office areas in accordance with fire instructions posted in each hallway next to the entrance and at the exit doors of each classroom or office. Fire extinguishers are strategically placed for use against minor fires. In case of a fire, administrators, faculty, staff or students should sound the alarm and notify Campus Security: Chesapeake Campus 757-822-5099 or 757-327-9940 Norfolk Campus 757-822-1201 or 757-327-9924 Portsmouth Campus 757-822-2707 or 757-592-7742 Regional Automotive Center 757-822-5082 or 757-327-9899 Truck Driving Program and Regional Workforce Development Center–Suffolk757-822-2250 or 757-327-9942 Virginia Beach Campus 757-822-7038 or 757-327-9900 Visual Arts Center 757-822-1880 or 757-327-9907 Preventive Measures and Staying Safe TCC has maintained a relatively safe environment over the years. However, students should take the following common sense measures at all times: • Lock all valuables in the trunk of your automobile. • Lock your vehicle doors and secure windows. • Park in well-lit areas at night. Campus security education programs are conducted as part of student and faculty orientation and are a part of the college’s on-going efforts to encourage civil behavior. Educational programs are held on a regular basis to promote awareness of rape, acquaintance rape, and forcible and non-forcible sex offenses. All members of the college community will observe the rules of proper safety at all times. Safety regulations are displayed near all machinery that could be dangerous. Additionally, drivers must give the right-of-way to pedestrians at all times. Safety Precautions Students should take the following precautions to reduce the risk of being victimized: • Travel with friends whenever possible. • Walk directly and with purpose. • Plan route in advance. Use only well-lit areas. • When leaving school or work late, leave with a group. Never be the last one out alone. • Travel in comfortable walking shoes and clothing. • Carry a pocketbook only if absolutely necessary, but protect valuables. • Do not respond to advances from strangers or communicate with them in any way. • If being followed, do not go home. Go to the police station or nearest public place. • Service vehicle regularly to avoid breakdowns. TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM Safety and Security College Telephone Numbers • Keep car locked while riding or parked. • Park in well-lit areas. • When approaching vehicle, begin checking from a distance under the car, nearby hiding places, etc. • Have keys ready to enter vehicle. • Check the back seat. • Report suspicious activity to the school and/or police. • Be realistic about the ability to protect yourself. An immediate reaction of yelling, hitting, or biting may give you a chance to escape, but it may also lead to further harm. • If your life is in danger, passive resistance (vomiting, urinating, telling the attacker you’re diseased or menstruating) may be the best defense. If An Assault Occurs: What to Do After an attack, the victim should try to be as calm as possible. Getting to a safe place and calling for help promptly are extremely important. If the attack occurs on campus, immediately contact Security, The Women’s Center, Dean for Student Services, or a counselor. You can also call the police, a friend, and/or Response Sexual Assault Support Services. Leave the crime scene exactly as it is, not touching anything, cleaning up, or throwing anything away. You should not change, wash, or destroy any clothing or wash any part of the body, externally or internally, if you have any idea that you may file legal charges. However, concerns about disease prevention may warrant other actions. It’s important to receive medical aid promptly. Not only can internal and external injuries be treated, but measures can also be taken to combat the possibilities of disease. This is also an opportunity to collect evidence. At the hospital, request an S.A.N.E. nurse (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner). They are trained to give psychological support as well as to collect evidence in a sensitive, supportive manner. Details frequently collected by an S.A.N.E. nurse include: • Who, what, where, and how. • What the assailant looked like. • The kind and make of the vehicle used. • What kind of force or coercion was used. • Any objects touched, taken, or left by the assailant. • If the assailant said anything, the words, the grammar, any accents, or speech defects. • If there were witnesses, the names and addresses of them. From here, go anywhere.TM 91 90 TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE Safety and Security Practices at TCC Tidewater Community College includes district administrative offices, four campuses, and numerous off-campus facilities: schools, offices, hospitals, and military facilities. The safety and security practices at a given TCC site will vary according to the ownership of the site. TCC classes are taught on military bases, where access to facilities is controlled at a gate and where national defense security practices prevail; in community facilities, where local law enforcement or security officers provide security; and in campus facilities, where private security officers provide security services. In all of these settings, the college seeks to promote a reasonable level of safety and security. Report criminal incidents or emergencies to the Dean of Student Services, a security officer, or local police officer. In a criminal emergency, the campus may involve local, state, or federal law enforcement authorities. Criminal incidents will be documented and the documentation routed to administrators. All members of the college community will observe the rules of proper safety at all times. Safety regulations are displayed near all machinery that could be dangerous. Additionally, drivers must give the right-of-way to pedestrians at all times. Sexual Harassment The harassment of students, faculty, or staff due to their sex is prohibited. College disciplinary or grievance procedures will be utilized when allegations of sexual harassment are made. The college will utilize the Notice of Investigative Guidance on Sexual Harassment, published by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights, in addressing such matters. Tidewater Community College’s position is that sexual assault and sexual harassment are forms of misconduct that undermine the integrity of the student and employment relationship. No student or employee—either male or female—should be subject to unsolicited and unwelcome sexual overtures or conduct, either verbal or physical. Sexual misconduct does not refer to occasional compliments of a socially acceptable nature. It refers to behavior that is not welcome, that is personally offensive, that debilitates morale, and that, therefore, interferes with work and academic effectiveness. Such behavior may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Sexual Misconduct Everyone has the right to safety. Sexual misconduct, which includes sexual assault and sexual harassment, can put severe roadblocks in your educational path. If sexual assault occurs on campus, contact a security officer, The Women’s Center, the Dean of Student Services, or a counselor. Even if the assault or violence occurs off campus or occurred in the past, you can get help by contacting The Women’s Center, a Counseling office, or a community support agency (listed below). If a faculty member, staff person, or administrator harasses you sexually, College Telephone Numbers TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM From here, go anywhere.TM 93 92 contact the Dean of Student Services on your campus. You can also seek information about harassment at The Women’s Center or a Counseling Office. 1. The Women’s Center at TCC Chesapeake 757-822-5133 Norfolk 757-822-1140 Portsmouth 757-822-2161 Virginia Beach 757-822-7363 2. Administrators (See phone numbers for division offices, deans of student services, and provosts in this handbook.) 3. Response Sexual Assault Support Services 757-622-4300 4. Virginia Family Violence and Sexual Assault Hotline 800-838-8238 5. Relationship/Domestic Violence Support Services Chesapeake/Portsmouth: H.E.R. Shelter Norfolk: YWCA Women in Crisis Suffolk: Genieve Shelter Virginia Beach: Samaritan House 757-485-3384 757-625-5570 757-925-4365 757-430-2120 Statewide Registration of Sex Offenders Information concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained online. Stalking Stalking is the willful, malicious, and repeated harassing of an individual by another person. Any repetitive, obsessive or unwanted contact or behavior that threatens or places fear in the victim constitutes stalking, including activities such as following the individual, showing up at his/her home or workplace, sending unwanted messages (including e-mail) or objects, vandalizing property, or making harassing telephone calls. Do not ignore stalking. Notify security or police of your concerns. Contact The Women’s Center for more information. TCC Alerts TCC Alerts is an emergency notification system that allows Tidewater Community College to contact you during an emergency. Opt-in, and you’ll be registered to receive urgent text messages to your cell phone, e-mail address, pager, or BlackBerry/Treo. It’s your personal connection to real-time updates during the event of an emergency. You’ll find out where College Telephone Numbers College Telephone Numbers TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM From here, go anywhere.TM 95 94 to go, what to do, what to avoid, whom to contact, and other important information. TCC Alerts is a free service offered by Tidewater Community College. Your wireless carrier may charge you a fee to receive messages on your wireless device. Register online today at tcc. edu. College Telephone Numbers TCC Information Center...........................................................................757-822-1122 Weapons Policy Tidewater Community College promotes a safe and secure environment in which to learn and work. The presence of weapons on college premises or at college-sponsored events is not conducive to maintaining such an environment. Thus to the extent allowed by law, regulation and the Virginia Community College System policy, weapons are prohibited on college property and at college-sponsored events. Possession or carrying of any weapon by any person, except a law-enforcement officer, is prohibited on college property in academic buildings, administrative office buildings, student centers, child care centers, dining facilities, and places of like kind where people congregate, or while attending any sporting, entertainment or educational event. Any individual in violation of this prohibition shall be directed to remove the weapon immediately. Failure to comply may result in a student conduct referral or arrest. Students are prohibited from possessing or carrying a weapon while on college property, in a college vehicle, or while attending or participating in a college-sponsored event. Students violating this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action. These prohibitions shall not apply to possession of a lawfully owned handgun, rifle, or shotgun when stored securely inside the vehicle of a student or employee. If a student or employee desires to store a handgun in a vehicle, he/she must hold a current, valid concealed handgun permit. Any firearm stored in a vehicle under this exception shall be unloaded and secured in a locked container, which may include the vehicle’s glove compartment or trunk. Any student or employee desiring to store a firearm in his/her vehicle shall provide written notice of such intent to the college official responsible for the location. Failure to provide such notice of intent in advance of introducing a firearm onto college property shall be considered a violation of this policy. For a student or employee storing a handgun in his/her vehicle while on college property, the authorization to do so expires coincident with the concealed handgun permit. Possessing the weapon on campus after the concealed handgun permit expires is a violation of this policy. ...........................................................................................................800-371-0898 Student Activities Information & Ticket Reservations..................................757-822-1122 Touchtone Registration............................................................................757-822-2000 Tri-Cities Center......................................................................................757-822-5100 Website..................................................................................................... Online Enrollment.................................................................................. CHESAPEAKE CAMPUS 1428 Cedar Road, Chesapeake, VA 23322 Academic Divisions.................................................................................757-822-5100 Business, Public Services, and Technologies Division.................................757-822-5150 Languages, Mathematics & Sciences Division............................................757-822-5150 Admissions............................................................................................757-822-5021 Advising/Counseling................................................................................757-822-5125 Bookstore..............................................................................................757-547-5315 Business Office......................................................................................757-822-5110 Career and Transfer Center......................................................................757-822-5125 Computer Lab....................................................................................... 757-822-5060 Continuing Education............................................................................. 757-822-5247 Motorcycle Riding...................................................................................757-822-5247 Dean of Student Services....................................................................... 757-822-5115 Dual Enrollment.................................................................................... 757-822-5116 Educational Accessibility.........................................................................757-822-5125 Enrollment Services................................................................................757-822-5117 Admission to the College........................................................................ 757-822-5021 Registration...........................................................................................757-822-5117 Financial Aid..........................................................................................757-822-5145 International Programs and Student Services.............................................757-822-7296 Study Abroad.........................................................................................757-822-7296 Learning Resources Center Library and Audio-Visual Materials...........................................................757-822-5160 Audio-Visual Equipment......................................................................... 757-822-5170 Testing Center....................................................................................... 757-822-5131 Provost................................................................................................. 757-822-5202 College Telephone Numbers College Telephone Numbers TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM From here, go anywhere.TM 97 96 Regional Automotive Center.....................................................................757-822-5028 Security.................................................................................................757-822-5099 Cell Phone.............................................................................................757-327-9940 Student Activities.................................................................................. 757-822-5138 Student ID Office....................................................................................757-822-5123 Switchboard...........................................................................................757-822-5100 TCC Theater Production Ticket Sales........................................................757-822-5219 Testing Center........................................................................................757-822-5131 Tutoring (Learning Assistance).................................................................757-822-5157 Upward Bound Program......................................................................... 757-822-5240 Veterans Affairs..................................................................................... 757-822-5140 Women’s Center......................................................................................757-822-5133 NORFOLK CAMPUS 300 Granby Street, Norfolk, VA 23510 Main.....................................................................................................757-822-1110 Academic Divisions Business, Social Sciences & Public Services Division....757-822-1186 Languages, Mathematics & Sciences Division............................................757-822-1187 Admissions............................................................................................757-822-1206 Bookstore..............................................................................................757-640-5983 Business Office......................................................................................757-822-1240 Computer Lab........................................................................................757-822-1430 Dean of Student Services........................................................................757-822-1585 Dual Enrollment.....................................................................................757-822-1206 Educational Opportunity Center................................................................757-683-2312 Enrollment Services (Registration/Transcripts)...........................................757-822-1235 Admissions (Domicile).............................................................................757-822-1265 Advising and Counseling..........................................................................757-822-1534 Educational Accessibility.........................................................................757-822-1226 Financial Aid..........................................................................................757-822-1236 Veterans Affairs......................................................................................757-822-1207 International Programs and Student Services.............................................757-822-7342 Study Abroad.........................................................................................757-822-7296 College-wide Educational Accessibility......................................................757-822-1213 Learning Resources Center Library...........................................................757-822-1100 Media Resources....................................................................................757-822-1100 Audio-Visual Equipment..........................................................................757-822-1121 Maritime Training Center.........................................................................757-822-1315 Open Door Project..................................................................................757-822-1218 Provost..................................................................................................757-822-1182 Security.................................................................................................757-822-1201 Cell Phone ............................................................................................757-327-9924 Student Activities...................................................................................757-822-1251 Student ID Office....................................................................................757-822-1252 Testing Center (Placement Test)..............................................................757- 822-1310 Tutoring Center......................................................................................757- 822-1420 Women’s Center.....................................................................................757- 822-1140 Workforce Development and Continuing Education....................................757- 822-1234 PORTSMOUTH CAMPUS 120 Campus Drive, Portsmouth, VA 23701 Main.....................................................................................................757-822-2124 Academic Divisions Business, Public Services & Technologies Division........757-822-2300 Languages, Mathematics & Sciences Division............................................757-822-2431 Admissions............................................................................................757-822-2193 Advising and Counseling..........................................................................757-822-2193 Bookstore..............................................................................................757-483-2620 Business Office......................................................................................757-822-2425 Dean of Student Services........................................................................757-822-2180 Dual Enrollment.....................................................................................757-822-2431 Educational Accessibility.........................................................................757-822-2208 Enrollment Services................................................................................757-822-2193 Financial Aid..........................................................................................757-822-2215 Learning Assistance Manager...................................................................757-822-2349 Learning Assistance Program...................................................................757-822-2539 Learning Resources CenterLibrary and Audio-Visual Materials.....................757-822-2130 Maritime Program and Ship Repair Center................................................757-822-2616 Nursing.................................................................................................757-822-2303 Nursing Support Center...........................................................................757-822-2627 Open Door Project..................................................................................757-822-2211 Provost..................................................................................................757-822-2240 Security.................................................................................................757-822-2707 Cell Phone.............................................................................................757-592-7742 Student Activities...................................................................................757-822-2171 Testing Center........................................................................................757-822-2194 Career Services.......................................................................................757-822-2165 Co-op and Job Referral............................................................................757-822-2168 Student ID Office....................................................................................757-822-2175 Switchboard...........................................................................................757-822-2124 Title III Project Director...........................................................................757-822-2125 Veterans Affairs......................................................................................757-822-2197 Women’s Center......................................................................................757-822-2160 TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM From here, go anywhere.TM 99 98 VIRGINIA BEACH CAMPUS 1700 College Crescent, Virginia Beach, VA 23453 Main.....................................................................................................757-822-7100 Academic Divisions Information Technology & Business Division.................757-822-7373 Engineering, Mathematics & Industrial Technologies Division......................757-822-7197 Health Professions Division......................................................................757-822-7329 Humanities Division................................................................................757-822-7183 Natural Sciences Division........................................................................757-822-7260 Social Sciences & Public Services Division................................................757-822-7207 Admissions............................................................................................757-822-7172 Advising and Counseling..........................................................................757-822-7211 Bookstore..............................................................................................757-427-1824 Business Office......................................................................................757-822-7115 Cooperative Education.............................................................................757-822-7228 Dean of Student Services........................................................................757-822-7244 Domicile................................................................................................757-822-7136 Dual Enrollment.....................................................................................757-822-7172 Educational Accessibility.........................................................................757-822-7211 English Computer Center.........................................................................757-822-7183 Enrollment Services................................................................................757-822-7101 Financial Aid..........................................................................................757-822-7292 Grammar Hot Line..................................................................................757-822-7170 International Programs............................................................................757-822-7193 International Programs and Student Services.............................................757-822-7342 Study Abroad.........................................................................................757-822-7296 Language Lab Learning Assistance...........................................................757-822-7333 Learning Lab..........................................................................................757-822-7407 Learning Resources Center Library...........................................................757-822-7151 Library Reference...................................................................................757-822-7152 Audio-Visual Equipment..........................................................................757-822-7159 Math Lab...............................................................................................757-822-7176 Open Computer Lab................................................................................757-822-7344 Placement Testing..................................................................................757-822-7172 Provost..................................................................................................757-822-7121 Security ................................................................................................757-822-7038 Cell Phone.............................................................................................757-327-9900 STEM....................................................................................................757-822-7493 Student Activities...................................................................................757-822-7226 Student Employment Services..................................................................757-822-7228 Student ID Office....................................................................................757-822-7287 Switchboard...........................................................................................757-822-7100 Tech Prep..............................................................................................757-822-7028 Transfer Center.......................................................................................757-822-7211 TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM From here, go anywhere.TM 101 100 Tutoring Lab...........................................................................................757-822-7338 Veterans Affairs......................................................................................757-822-7235 Women’s Center......................................................................................757-822-7363 Writing Center........................................................................................757-822-7170 TCC TRUCK DRIVING PROGRAM AND REGIONAL CENTER FOR WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT 7000 College Drive, Suffolk, VA 23435 TCC VISUAL ARTS CENTER OLDE TOWNE PORTSMOUTH 340 High Street Portsmouth, VA 23704 Truck Driving..........................................................................................757-822-2124 Workforce Development (main).................................................................757-822-1234 Security ................................................................................................757-822-2250 Cell Phone.............................................................................................757-327-9942 Main.....................................................................................................757-822-1888 Art History Office....................................................................................757-822-1818 Ceramics Office......................................................................................757-822-1869 Design Office.........................................................................................757-822-1859 Director’s Office......................................................................................757-822-1888 Drawing Office........................................................................................757-822-1853 Exhibits Coordinator................................................................................757-822-1878 Facility Manager.....................................................................................757-822-1824 Glass Studio...........................................................................................757-822-6997 Graphics Lab..........................................................................................757-822-1801 Graphics Office.......................................................................................757-822-1817 Library...................................................................................................757-822-1885 Multimedia Office...................................................................................757-822-1895 Photography Lab.....................................................................................757-822-1820 Photography Office.................................................................................757-822-1819 Security.................................................................................................757-822-1880 Cell Phone.............................................................................................757-327-9907 TCC AT TRI-CITIES CENTER 1070 University Boulevard, Portsmouth, VA 23703 Main.....................................................................................................757-822-2623 Security.................................................................................................757-408-4175 Alternate................................................................................................757-683-4000 TCC REGIONAL AUTOMOTIVE CENTER 600 Innovation Drive, Chesapeake, VA 23320 Main.....................................................................................................757-822-5028 Security ................................................................................................757-822-5082 Cell Phone.............................................................................................757-327-9899 Military Programs Main.....................................................................................................757-822-1195 Military Programs/Projects.......................................................................757-822-1188 Naval Station Norfolk..............................................................................757-489-7397 Naval Air Station Oceana.........................................................................757-491-4385 Naval Air Station Oceana Dam Neck Annex...............................................757-491-3749 Joint Expeditionary Base.........................................................................757-363-3939 Naval Medical Center Portsmouth.............................................................757-953-6007 Naval Support Activity Norfolk Northwest Annex........................................757-421-8210 United States Coast Guard Finance Center................................................757-523-6706 United States Coast Guard Portsmouth Base.............................................757-483-8594 Army, Navy and Marine Corps..................................................................757-822-1195 Tidewater Community College Workforce Development................................757-822-1234 TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM 102 TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE From here, go anywhere.TM