The 3D Quiz Review the handout “3Ds”, then answer the following questions: Definition Duration Progressive loss of brain cells resulting in decline of day-to-day cognition and functioning. A terminal condition. Depression Delirium Dementia An acute or sudden onset of mental confusion as a result of a medical, social, or environmental condition. Years (usually 8 to 20) Hours to months, dependant on speed of diagnosis. Depression Delirium Dementia Thinking Mental status testing Depression Delirium Dementia May be indecisive and thoughts highlight failures and sense of hopelessness Capable of giving correct answers, however often may state, “I don’t know”. Will attempt to answer and will not be aware of mistakes. Recent and past memory impaired. Depression Delirium Dementia Depression Delirium Dementia Testing may vary from poor to good depending of time of day and fluctuation in cognition. Depression Delirium Dementia Generally intact, though may be selective. Highlights negativity. Delirium in the Older Person: A Medical Emergency. Island Health. 3 D quiz. Reviewed: 8-2014. Gradual loss of cognition and ability to problem solve and function independently. Depression Delirium Dementia Depression Delirium Dementia Depression Delirium Dementia At least 6 weeks, but can last several months to years, especially if not treated. Depression Delirium Dementia Fluctuates between rational state & disorganized, distorted thinking with incoherent speech Depression Delirium Dementia Depression Delirium Dementia Memory Depression Delirium Dementia A change in mood which lasts at least 2 weeks and includes sadness, negativity, loss of interest, pleasure and decline in functioning. Depression Delirium Dementia Recent and immediate memory impaired. Depression Delirium Dementia 1 Sleep-wake cycle Disturbed, usually early morning awakening Disturbed, and sleep-wake cycle is reversed (up in night, very sleepy and sometimes non-responsive during the day) Depression Delirium Dementia May awaken often at night, may wander, but sleep can also be normal. Can be present. Usually guilty & negative toward self. Depression Delirium Dementia Can be present. May misperceive. Often of a frightening or paranoid nature Usually diagnosed approximately 3 years after onset of symptoms. Diagnosis based on rapid onset of fluctuating symptoms. Depression Delirium Dementia Hallucinations & delusions Diagnosis Depression Delirium Dementia Care approaches Early recognition is key. Keep person safe, find cause and treat as quickly as possible. Depression Delirium Dementia Prognosis Treatable and reversible, especially if caught early Depression Delirium Dementia Treatment Treat cause. Monitor response. Be alert for relapse. Depression Delirium Dementia Depression Delirium Dementia Depression Delirium Dementia Others may notice symptoms before the person does. May complain of feeling physically ill and begin withdrawing. Depression Delirium Dementia Depression Delirium Dementia Identify the symptoms early. Help person to follow treatment plan & offer them hope. Depression Delirium Dementia Maintain and enhance abilities that remain. Focus on the positive and support the lost abilities. Depression Delirium Dementia Treatable and reversible condition Progression can be slowed but not reversed. Depression Delirium Dementia Depression Delirium Dementia Antidepressants, ECT, cognitive therapy, assist to improve confidence and self-esteem through conversation and activity. Depression Delirium Dementia Delirium in the Older Person: A Medical Emergency. Island Health. 3 D quiz. Reviewed: 8-2014. Depression Delirium Dementia Anticholinesterase inhibitors slow the progression. Symptomatic treatment with environmental & staff approaches. Depression Delirium Dementia 2 The 3D Quiz - Answers Definition Progressive loss of brain cells resulting in decline of day-today cognition and functioning. A terminal condition. Depression Delirium Dementia Duration Years (usually 8 to 20) Depression Delirium Dementia Thinking Fluctuates between rational state and disorganized, distorted thinking with incoherent speech. Depression Delirium Dementia Mental status Capable of giving correct testing answers, however often may An acute or sudden onset of mental confusion as a result of a medical, social, or environmental condition. Depression Delirium Dementia Depression Delirium Dementia Hours to months, dependant on speed of diagnosis. Depression Delirium Dementia Memory Recent and past memory impaired. Depression Delirium Dementia May be indecisive and thoughts highlight failures and sense of hopelessness. Depression Delirium Dementia Depression Delirium Dementia Testing may vary from poor to good depending of time of day and fluctuation in cognition. Depression Delirium Dementia Generally intact, though may be selective. Highlights negativity. Delirium in the Older Person: A Medical Emergency. Island Health. 3 D quiz. Reviewed: 8-2014. Gradual loss of cognition and ability to problem solve and function independently. Depression Delirium Dementia Will attempt to answer and will not be aware of mistakes. Depression Delirium Dementia At least 6 weeks, but can last several months to years, especially if not treated. Depression Delirium Dementia state “I don’t know”. Depression Delirium Dementia A change in mood which lasts at least 2 weeks and includes sadness, negativity, loss of interest, pleasure and decline in functioning. Recent and immediate memory impaired. Depression Delirium Dementia 3 3D Quiz Answers, cont. Sleep-wake Disturbed, usually early cycle morning awakening. Depression Delirium Dementia Hallucinations Can be present. Usually guilty & delusions & negative toward self. Depression Delirium Dementia Diagnosis Usually diagnosed Disturbed, and sleep-wake cycle is reversed (up in night, very sleepy and sometimes non-responsive during the day). Depression Delirium Dementia Depression Delirium Dementia Depression Delirium Dementia treat as quickly as possible. Depression Delirium Dementia Often of a frightening or paranoid nature. Depression Delirium Dementia Diagnosis based on rapid onset of fluctuating symptoms. Care Early recognition is key. Keep approaches person safe, find cause and Depression Delirium Dementia Can be present. May misperceive. approximately 3 years after onset of symptoms. May awaken often at night, may wander, but sleep can also be normal. Depression Delirium Dementia Others may notice symptoms before the person does. May complain of feeling physically ill and begin withdrawing. Depression Delirium Dementia Identify the symptoms early. Help person to follow treatment plan & offer them hope. Maintain and enhance abilities that remain. Focus on the positive and support the lost abilities. Depression Delirium Dementia Depression Delirium Dementia especially if caught early. Treatable and reversible condition. Progression can be slowed but not reversed. Depression Delirium Dementia Depression Delirium Dementia Depression Delirium Dementia Prognosis Treatable and reversible, Treatment Treat cause. Monitor response. Be alert for relapse. Depression Delirium Dementia Antidepressants, ECT, cognitive therapy, assist person to improve confidence and self-esteem through conversation and activity. Depression Delirium Dementia Delirium in the Older Person: A Medical Emergency. Island Health. 3 D quiz. Reviewed: 8-2014. Anticholinesterase inhibitors slow the progression. Symptomatic treatment with environmental & staff approaches. Depression Delirium Dementia 4