Name:_____________________________ Date: _____________________________ Chemistry "Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie" WS 1 I. Answer the following questions using information presented by the movie or found online: 1. How much TNT was exploded in the Trinity scale test in May 1945? 100 tons 2. What prompted FDR to begin the Manhattan Project? a letter from Albert Einstein 3. What scientific accomplishment was achieved by Enrico Fermi on December 2, 1942? the first self-sustaining nuclear reaction 4. Where was the first atomic bomb assembled? Los Alamos, New Mexico 5. Who is Dr. Edward Teller? father of the hydrogen bomb 6. What was the name of the first atomic weapon ever exploded? When was it exploded? What radioisotope was it made of? Trinity; July 16, 1945; plutonium 7. Was Germany able to develop an atomic bomb? no 8. First atomic bomb dropped on Japan: City: Bomb Name: Date: 9. Yield: # Killed: 15 kilotons (kT) approx. 70,000 Yield: # Killed: 21 kilotons (kT) approx. 42,000 Second atomic bomb dropped on Japan: City: Bomb Name: Date: 10. Hiroshima Little Boy August 6, 1945 Nagasaki Fat Man August 9, 1945 What was the purpose of Operation Crossroads? What bombs were tested there? test nuclear attacks on US forces; Able & Baker 11. How were the islands at Enewetak Atoll prepared for Operation Sandstone? evacuated, stripped of vegetation, graded and paved 12. What was the yield for shot X-Ray, the first bomb to use “yield-boosting” technology? 37 kilotons (kT) 13. What was Sandia Laboratories' primary purpose? bring mass production techniques to nuclear weapons manufacturing 14. What country detonated its first atomic bomb on August 29, 1949, five years earlier than predicted? The Soviet Union (USSR) 15. Because of the high cost of testing in the Pacific, what US state became the site for atomic weapons testing in 1951? Nevada 16. What was the purpose of shot Easy during Operation Greenhouse? structural effects test 17. What radioisotope of hydrogen was used to boost the yield of shot Item by more than double? deuterium 18. What was the yield of shot George, the first device to use thermonuclear technology? How many times larger was George than Little Boy (Hiroshima)? 221 kilotons; around 10 times larger 19. Why did Edward Teller feel we should continue developing nuclear weapons? more knowledge was available, and Stalin was a dangerous threat 20. Why was shot Ivy Mike called a “wet bomb”? used liquid hydrogen 21. What was the purpose of the long plywood tube leading from the Ivy Mike device? filled with helium to better detect radiation 22. What was the significance of Ivy Mike? What was its yield? first full-scale hydrogen bomb; 10 megatons (MT) 23. What was the purpose of Operation Upshot-Knothole? to test new nuclear weapons designs 24. What is a precursor? a special kind of powerful shockwave that caused significant damage to drag-sensitive targets Name:_____________________________ Date: _____________________________ Chemistry "Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie" WS 2 I. Answer the following questions using information presented by the movie or found online: 1. What was the significance of shot Castle Bravo, a.k.a. “The Big One”? largest detonation by the United States – 15 megatons 2. When did the Russians detonate their first hydrogen bomb? 1955 3. What was the purpose of shot Charlie? test the fatal range of enemy subs 4. How many nuclear tests were performed during Operation Redwing in 1956? 17 5. What was the significance of shot Cherokee? first aircraft deliverable H-bomb for the US 6. Why were barges later used for nuclear tests? running out of land, inexpensive 7. How was radiation exposure measured in the human body? a film capsule was swallowed and then removed from the stomach by a string 8. How is strontium-90 similar to calcium? Why is it dangerous? reacts the same way, absorbed into our bones & teeth; can cause bone cancer and leukemia 9. How many nuclear tests were performed during Operation Plumbbob in 1957? 24 10. What was the purpose of Operation Plumbbob? tactical exercises 11. What was the purpose of the Rainier event? underground nuclear test 12. How many nuclear tests were performed during Operation Hardtack in 1958? 34 13. By this point, why were nuclear weapons tests criticized? increased international tensions 14. What did the Soviets do one year before Operation Hardtack that concerned the US? launched the Sputnik satellite 15. What was the significance of shot Teak? What was the result of shot Teak's EMP? first high-altitude nuclear weapons test; silenced radio comm., caused blackouts, fried circuits 16. What did the Soviets announce four days after Khrushchev took office? suspending nuclear weapons testing, the ‘moratoreum’ 17. How large was the yield of the Soviets' “Monster Bomb”? 57 megatons (MT) 18. What was the United States' response to the Soviets' detonation of their “Monster Bomb”? outrage, more nuclear weapons tests, preparations for massive retaliation 19. Approximately how many tests were conducted by the US soon after the nuclear test moratorium? around 100 20. What was the purpose of high-altitude nuclear tests? establish an electromagnetic shield to disable incoming nuclear weapons 21. Which US President signed the Limited Test Ban Treaty in 1963? John F. Kennedy 22. What was the significance of shot Tightrope? last atmospheric nuclear weapon test by the United States 23. What is prohibited by the Limited Test Ban Treaty? atmospheric nuclear weapons testing (anything above ground) 24. How many atmospheric nuclear tests were conducted by the United States between 1945-1962? 331! 25. How many countries signed the Limited Test Ban Treaty? What country violated the Limited Test Ban Treaty just one year after signing it? 100; China