Signaling pathways perturbing muscle mass

Signaling pathways perturbing muscle mass
David J. Glass
Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Correspondence to David J. Glass, Novartis Institutes
for Biomedical Research, 100 Technology Square,
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Tel: +1 617 871 7820;
Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and
Metabolic Care 2010, 13:225–229
Purpose of review
To discuss the mechanisms of muscle loss during cachexia.
Recent findings
Cachexia can be defined as a wasting of lean body mass that cannot be reversed
nutrionally, indicating a dysregulation in the pathways maintaining body composition. In
skeletal muscle, during cachexia, there is an upregulation of protein degradation. A
search for transcriptional markers of muscle atrophy led to the discovery of the E3
ubiquitin ligases MuRF1 and MAFbx (also called Atrogin-1). These genes are
upregulated in multiple models of atrophy and cachexia. They target particular protein
substrates for degradation via the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway. The insulin-like
growth factor-1 can block the transcriptional upregulation of MuRF1 and MAFbx via the
phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase/Akt/Foxo pathway. MuRF1’s substrates include several
components of the sarcomeric thick filament, including myosin heavy chain. Thus, by
blocking MuRF1, insulin-like growth factor-1 prevents the breakdown of the thick
filament, particularly myosin heavy chain, which is asymmetrically lost in settings of
cortisol-linked skeletal muscle atrophy.
Insulin-like growth factor-1/phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase/Akt signaling also dominantly
inhibits the effects of myostatin, which is a member of the transforming growth factor-b
family of proteins. Deletion or inhibition of myostatin causes a significant increase in
skeletal muscle size. Recently, myostatin has been shown to act both by inhibiting gene
activation associated with differentiation, even when applied to postdifferentiated
myotubes, and by blocking the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase/Akt pathway.
These findings will help to define strategies to treat cachexia.
Akt, MuRF1, myosin, myosin heavy chain, myostatin, skeletal muscle atrophy
Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 13:225–229
ß 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Skeletal muscle atrophy occurs in a variety of settings,
including disuse, denervation, cachexia, renal failure, and
burns [1,2]. Endogenous cortisol is upregulated in many
of these settings of cachexia [3,4]. It is probable that this
cortisol effect is sufficient to mediate skeletal muscle
atrophy, as high levels of synthetic glucocorticoids such as
dexamethasone (DEX) are sufficient to cause loss of
muscle mass [5–9].
Skeletal muscle hypertrophy can be mediated by the
induction of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which
is a protein growth factor that is sufficient to induce
skeletal muscle mass [10,11]. IGF-1 acts in part by
stimulating the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K)/
Akt pathway, resulting in the downstream activation of
targets that induce protein synthesis [12,13]. Activation of
Akt is sufficient to induce hypertrophy in vivo, as was
shown by the production of transgenic mice in which a
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mutant, constitutively active, form of Akt is conditionally
expressed in adult skeletal muscle [14,15,16]. Acute
activation of Akt in an adult animal, for 2 weeks, was
sufficient to induce a doubling in the size of skeletal
muscle; this increase occurs via an increase in the average
cross-sectional area of individual muscle fibers, caused by
an increase in TORC1/p70S6K protein synthesis pathways [14]. Conversely, in settings of skeletal muscle
atrophy, Akt activation is downregulated [17].
In addition to stimulating protein synthesis, IGF-1 acts
by inhibiting the induction of skeletal muscle atrophy
pathways. A distinct set of genes are inversely regulated
under IGF-1-induced hypertrophy conditions vs. DEXinduced atrophy [7]; these include the gene MAFbx [18]
(for Muscle Atrophy F-box; also called Atrogin-1 [19]). A
second gene, MuRF1 [18] (for Muscle Ring Finger1), is
significantly upregulated under atrophy conditions [18].
Both MuRF1 and MAFbx/Atrogin encode E3 ubiquitin
ligases [18]. Expression of MuRF1 and MAFbx is
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226 Anabolic and catabolic signals
stimulated in multiple distinct models of skeletal
muscle atrophy [18–22]. Mice that are null for MuRF1
(MuRF1 / ) and mice that are null for MAFbx
(MAFbx / ) appear phenotypically normal. However,
under atrophy conditions, significantly less muscle mass
is lost in either MuRF1 / or MAFbx / animals in
comparison to control littermates [18].
Skeletal muscle atrophy occurs via induction
of the E3 ubiquitin ligases MuRF1 and
MuRF1 encodes a protein that contains a RING-finger
domain [23]. RING-finger domains are responsible for
the ubiquitin ligase activity [24] of the E3 ligases that
contain them, as it is this domain that interacts with the
ubiquitin-conjugating E2 enzyme [24]. In a recent study,
a mouse was produced in which only the RING domain of
MuRF1 was deleted [25]. These MuRF1 RING /
animals produce the remainder of the MuRF1 protein,
which would presumably allow for otherwise normal
MuRF1-mediated protein–protein interactions. The
MuRF1 RING / animals demonstrated an identical
phenotype to that of the previously published MuRF1
nulls, in which the entire MuRF1 gene was deleted: a
phenotypically ‘normal’ appearance in the unperturbed
state; less muscle loss under atrophy conditions [25].
This demonstrated that MuRF1 mediates the loss of
skeletal muscle by virtue of its E3 ubiquitin ligase
activity. This in-vivo finding confirmed previously published in-vitro data that also showed the requirement for
the RING domain [18]. MuRF1 has been shown to bind
to the myofibrillar protein titin, at the M line [26–28], but
it is not clear that MuRF1 actually causes the ubiquitination of titin.
The discovery of substrates for MuRF1 came from binding studies. MuRF1 and myosin heavy chain (MyHC)
physically interact – as demonstrated by immune precipitation of epitope-tagged MuRF1 protein, which coimmunoprecipitated MyHC protein [29]; this finding led
to the discovery that MyHC was a substrate of MuRF1
[29], which was demonstrated by several lines of evidence: first, MyHC was shown to be degraded by a
ubiquitin/proteasome-mediated pathway [30]; second,
loss of MyHC was blocked using proteasome inhibitors
[29] and by IGF-1 [30]; third, loss of MyHC was blocked
by siRNA-mediated inhibition of MuRF1[29]; fourth,
MyHC was found to be spared in MuRF1 / in comparison to wild-type mice under DEX-induced atrophy
conditions [29]; and finally, MuRF1 was able to directly
ubiquitinate MyHC in vitro [29]. Subsequently, it was
demonstrated that several other proteins in the thick
filament of muscle were also degraded by MuRF1,
including myosin light chain and myosin-binding protein
C [25]. Interestingly, the loss of myosin-binding protein
C occurs by distinct mechanisms, including transcriptional downregulation under atrophy conditions [31].
MAFbx/Atrogin-1 contains an F-box domain, a characteristic motif seen in a family of E3 ubiquitin ligases
called SCFs (for Skp1, Cullin, F-box) [32]. F-box-containing E3 ligases usually bind a substrate only after that
substrate has first been post-translationally modified, for
example, by phosphorylation [32]. This suggests the
possibility of a signaling pathway in which a potential
substrate is first phosphorylated as a response to an
atrophy-induced stimulus and then degraded via MAFbx.
Substrates have been reported for MAFbx in skeletal
muscle, including MyoD [33] and eIF3f [34,35]. eIF3f is a
translation initiation factor; it is ubiquitinated and
degraded in a MAFbx-dependent manner in myotubes
[34]; and upregulation of MAFbx causes breakdown of
eIF3f [34], giving a mechanism for MAFbx to control
protein synthesis in addition to protein breakdown [34].
In cardiac muscle, it was shown that though MAFbx has
no effect on Akt activation in response to IGF-1 or insulin
challenge in cardiomyocytes, nevertheless MAFbx can
repress Akt-dependent hypertrophy by activating the
Forkhead transcription factors via a distinct type of
ubiquitination – ubiquitination using lysine 63, which
perturbs transcriptional activity (in this case that of the
FOXO transcription factors) rather than inducing proteasomal degradation [36]; FOXO activation was shown to
be required to activate the atrophy transcriptional program [37,38], as will be discussed further. Because FOXO
proteins regulate MAFbx expression in skeletal and
cardiac muscle, these findings indicated the presence
of a feed-forward mechanism in which MAFbx is activated by, and in turn coactivates, FOXO3a and FOXO1
[36], making it clear why IGF-1’s ability to inhibit FOXO
via activation of Akt is necessary to inhibit uncontrolled
atrophy in skeletal muscle.
Insulin-like growth factor-1/
phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase/Akt inhibition
of FOXO transcription factors blocks
upregulation of MuRF1 and MAFbx
Studies of differentiated myotube cultures demonstrated
that treatment of myotubes with the cachectic glucocorticoid DEX promotes enhanced protein breakdown and
increased expression of genes broadly involved in the
ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway [39–41]. Invitro treatment of myotubes with DEX induces atrophy,
accompanied by the specific increased expression of
MAFbx and MuRF1 [37,38]. The upregulation of MAFbx
and MuRF1 was antagonized by simultaneous treatment
with IGF-1 [8,37,38], acting through the PI3K/Akt pathway [37,38]; this finding demonstrated a novel role for
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Signaling pathways perturbing muscle mass Glass 227
Figure 1 Signaling diagram illustrating myostatin, transforming growth factor-b, and insulin-like growth factor-1 pathway
Myostatin’s effects require both Smad2 and Smad3, which block muscle differentiation, including the E3 ligases MuRF1 and MAFbx, which are
normally upregulated during muscle atrophy. MuRF1 ubiquitinates myosin heavy chain (MyHC; not in figure). This distinguishes the effects of myostatin
with ‘typical atrophy’. Smad2 and 3 activation are both required for myostatin’s inhibitory effects on Akt. Inhibition of RAPTOR, and thus TORC1, is
additive with myostatin signaling. Smad2,3 phosphorylation increases when RAPTOR is downregulated. RICTOR is itself sufficient to block
differentiation. Transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b) family members that signal through the TGF-b type II receptor can also activate Smad2
and 3. Treatment with insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) can counteract myostatin’s antidifferentiation effects, indicating the IGF-1/Akt pathway is
dominant over the myostatin pathway.
Akt – in addition to stimulating skeletal muscle hypertrophy, Akt stimulation could dominantly inhibit the
induction of atrophy signaling (Fig. 1). Similarly, MuRF1
and MAFbx were activated in a separate model of atrophy,
diabetes, and here too IGF-1 blocked the transcriptional
upregulation [42]. Genetic activation of Akt was shown to
be sufficient to block the atrophy-associated increases in
MAFbx and MuRF1 transcription [38]. The mechanism
by which Akt inhibited MAFbx and MuRF1 upregulation
was demonstrated to involve the FOXO family of transcription factors [37,38,42]. In myotubes, FOXO transcription factors are excluded from the nucleus when
phosphorylated by Akt and translocate to the nucleus
upon dephosphorylation. The translocation and activity
of FOXO transcription factors is required for upregulation of MuRF1 and MAFbx – in the case of FOXO3,
activation was demonstrated to be sufficient to induce
atrophy [37], a finding that was subsequently supported
by the transgenic expression of FOXO1, which resulted
in atrophic phenotype [43].
Akt regulation of myostatin
In addition to IGF-1, other secreted proteins have been
demonstrated to perturb skeletal muscle size. Myostatin,
also called growth and differentiation factor 8 (GDF-8), is a
transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b) family member,
which is a negative regulator of muscle mass [42]. Myostatin’s effect was demonstrated in studies with mice which
were made null for the myostatin gene [44] and also by
correlating increases in muscle mass that were observed in
strains of cattle with a loss of myostatin [45–47]; the loss of
myostatin resulted in more than doubling in muscle mass.
It has been suggested that other TGF-b superfamily
molecules, distinct from myostatin, play a role in modulating skeletal muscle size, because myostatin / mice that
are mated with mice that are transgenic for follistatin
(TGfollistatin), which is capable of inhibiting not only myostatin, but also its close relative GDF-11, and other TGF-b
molecules such as the activins, resulted in an even greater
increase in muscle size [48].
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228 Anabolic and catabolic signals
In-vitro studies with myostatin have been performed on
rodent cells. In these studies, it has been shown that
myostatin can block the differentiation of myoblasts into
myotubes [49–52]. Experiments both in vitro and in vivo
have demonstrated that myostatin signals by first binding
the type II activin receptor, IIb, which then allows for
interaction with type I receptors ALK4 or ALK5 [53].
The binding of myostatin to these receptor complexes
results in the phosphorylation and activation of the transcription factors Smad2 and Smad3, which translocate to
the nucleus upon phosphorylation [54]. In a study of
myostatin and other TGF-b molecules on human
skeletal myoblasts (HuSkMC) and myotubes, HuSkMCs
respond to myostatin at physiologic concentrations,
0.1–300 ng/ml, resulting in a decrease in fusion index,
myotube diameter, creatine kinase activity, and expression of MyoD and myogenin [55]. It was previously
demonstrated that follistatin, a more general inhibitor of
TGF-b molecules, could induce an additive increase in
muscle mass when combined with myostatin [48]. A
range of other TGF-b molecules are shown to be able
to block muscle differentiation, including the more distantly related activins, and BMP-2 [55]. Myostatin
inhibits activation of Akt, in both myoblasts and myotubes [55,56]. It was recently reported that musclespecific ablation of TORC1 (by ablating RAPTOR)
results in a dystrophic phenotype [57]. Inhibition of
RAPTOR, and thus TORC1, does not by itself block
muscle differentiation, but does contribute to myostatin’s
inhibitory effects, by resulting in an increase in myostatin-induced Smad phosphorylation, establishing a feedforward mechanism: myostatin activates Smad2, which
inhibits Akt, inhibiting TORC1, which in turn potentiates myostatin’s activation of Smad2 [55,56]. These
findings are outlined in Fig. 1.
Addition of IGF-1 dominantly blocks the effects of
myostatin, when applied to either myoblasts or myotubes
[55]. The precise intersection between the two pathways may be multifold, but it is clear that Akt is a
particular nexus and that IGF-1 can rescue the activation
of the PI3K/Akt pathway that is blunted by myostatin.
The demonstration that IGF-1 can dominantly overcome
myostatin inhibition via this pathway adds to the rationale for treatment regimens that activate the PI3K/Akt
pathway in clinical settings wherein myostatin is active.
A considerable amount of recent progress has been made
in the understanding of the signaling pathways that
mediate skeletal muscle hypertrophy and atrophy.
Whereas it was appreciated many years ago that hypertrophy comes about via an increase in the rate of protein
synthesis and atrophy through an increase in protein
degradation, only now can specific signaling pathways
be drawn, as the particular molecular mediators of hypertrophy and atrophy in skeletal muscle have only recently
been determined. Furthermore, it is only through recent
studies that it is understood that hypertrophy pathways
are dominant over the induction of atrophy mediators.
These findings help to give hope that novel drug targets
may be found to block skeletal muscle atrophy, seen in a
variety of clinical conditions, from the cachexia of AIDS,
sepsis, and cancer, to the gradual loss of muscle mass
observed during normal aging.
The authors would like to thank Drs. M. Fishman, B. Richardson, A.
Mackenzie, E. Trifilieff and the rest of the Novartis Muscle group as well
as the rest of the Novartis community for their enthusiastic support and
References and recommended reading
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This study illustrates the importance of TORC1 signaling and demonstrates
unexpected dystrophy-like disease upon raptor ablation.
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