Welcome to English IV!
Unit 1: Diagnostic Essay
All students will first write a “diagnostic” essay. The essay will help both the instructor and the student pinpoint areas requiring further study or review. Note: Prescriptive exercises will be assigned for any areas in need of study or review.
Remember: Spelling counts. Punctuation counts. Grammar counts. Everything counts!
Choose one of the following prompts, and write a 300 – 400 word response (2 – 3 pages):
1) If money was no object and you could select any career, what career would you select and why?
2) What could schools be doing to better prepare students for college and/or the workplace?
3) How do you view your future? Describe the steps you are taking now as you work toward your future.
Please make sure your essay has an introduction paragraph, body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph.
Please note: If the following are used correctly in the essay, prescriptive exercises for these will not be assigned: Commas, colons, semicolons, apostrophes, and quotation marks.
All students must complete the following:
Open Word.
Click the F1 key.
When the Word Help site pops up, go to search bar at the top and type in Word 2007 and click Search.
Find the hyperlink that says “Up to Speed with Word 2007.”
*If the “Up to Speed with Word 2007” demo does not come up in the Help search box, you can also find it by using a search engine (such as Google) and typing “Up to Speed with Word 2007” into the search box.
Click the Word 2007 Up to Speed Demo .
Click Play Demo . (There is sound; please use headphones.) The Demo lasts 6 minutes and
45 seconds.
Click the red X box and close the demo, or you can choose to watch it again for more comprehension of the Word 2007 program. You can also choose more training tutorials.
Note: Make sure you have mastered how to double-space, how to paginate, and how to use headers and footers. You should also have mastered how to save Word documents and send them as attachments. Please make sure you can also find and use the Word Help site. If you have not mastered the above, please watch another training tutorial.
To demonstrate your mastery of the above, please send an email to your instructor with an attached double-spaced Word document. The document must include page numbers. You can find your instructor’s email address on your syllabus.
Prior to completing a recorded song or poem oral presentation, all students must complete the following:
PowerPoint is presentation software. In this course, you will present either your song or selected poem. In the future, you may use this software to prepare presentations for your college classes and in many careers.
To open PowerPoint, go to START button, and then locate PowerPoint.
To access a tutorial, follow these instructions:
Click on ? (question mark).
Type training in the box.
You will need headphones.
Click Up to Speed with PowerPoint 2007.
Click on Demo.
Click play Demo.
Use Power Point 2007 to create a 5 – 10 slide presentation about your selected poem (20 points). Please make sure you include the answers to the 5 questions you selected (20 points) as well as your analysis of the poetic devices (20 points) found in your poem. Please make sure you include and cite your poem using MLA guidelines (20 points).
Play around, and be creative, but make sure you try the following :
Change Background
Insert Clip Art
Change Font size/color
Please carefully proofread all text, and save all of your corrections.
Using a headset and microphone, add an oral component (20 points).
After your presentation is finished, please save your final version. You will be sending it as an attachment, so when you save it, name the presentation something you will remember.
Open your IRSC student email account.
Create a new email message. Address the email to your instructor (see syllabus).
Attach your saved PowerPoint presentation to your email message. Ask for help if you need it!
Type your first and last name in the subject field and send the message.
Total points: 100
Step 1:
English IV: MLA Research Paper Project
Take the online tutorials and quizzes.
Go to irsc.edu.
Click on Libraries.
Click on Tutorials & Research Guides.
Scroll down. Click on Research Process Tutorial.
Complete Modules 1, 2, and 3.
Print score section of each quiz (one for each module) after attaining a score of 80% or better.
Give score section (with your name on each one) to your instructor.
Step 2: Review MLA Handout.
Step 3: Take MLA written test.
Step 4:
Step 6:
Step 7:
Step 8:
Select a possible career choice or college program you would like to explore as a topic for your MLA research paper project.
Type an 800 - 1000 word MLA research paper (4 – 5 pages). Please make sure you include a cover page, 3 in-text citations, and a bibliography (Works Cited) page.
Submit paper electronically to your instructor.
All papers must be submitted electronically so that anti-plagiarism software can be utilized.
Complete all assigned prescriptive exercises and suggested revisions. (Prescriptive exercises are based upon instructor assessment of the paper. These exercises may include one or more Word 2007 tutorials.)
Important Note: Please save your rough draft and grading rubric; you are required to turn these in to your instructor when you turn in your final paper.
Career Pathways Choice Narrative Essay: 5 years “Down the Road”
Please make sure your essay has the following heading:
First and Last Name
Career Pathways Choice: Narrative Essay
Creative Writing I
Please note: Spelling, grammar, and punctuation count. Proofread and revise before you turn it in.
Your grade will be based upon the following checklist, which both you and your instructor will use:
Career Pathways Choice Narrative Essay: 5 years “Down the Road” Grading Checklist
Please circle the points earned if the answer to the question is “Yes.” (A “No” answer = 0 points)
Is the essay a narrative essay?
(See definition of a narrative essay.) Yes = 15 points
Was the essay proofread?
(Fewer than 5 spelling, capitalization, or punctuation errors?) Yes = 15 points
Are there fewer than 5 grammatical errors?
Is there an introduction?
Are there supporting details?
Yes =
Yes =
Yes =
15 points
15 points
15 points
Is there a conclusion?
Is the essay at least 250 words?
Yes =
Yes =
15 points
10 points
TOTAL POINTS = ______________
90 – 100 = A 80 – 89 = B
Letter Grade Scale
70 – 79 = C 60 – 69 = D
When you are satisfied with your essay and your self-assessment, please total your points and circle your grade.
Career Pathways Choice One Act Play: 10 years “Down the Road”
Please make sure your one act play has the following heading:
First and Last Name
Career Pathways Choice: A One Act Play
Creative Writing I
Please note: Spelling, grammar, and punctuation count. Proofread and revise before you turn it in.
Your grade will be based upon the following checklist, which both you and your instructor will use:
Career Pathways Choice One Act Play: 10 years “Down the Road” Grading Checklist
Please circle the points earned if the answer to the question is “Yes.” (A “No” answer = 0 points)
Is what you are turning in a “one act play?” (See definition of a one act play.) Yes = 15 points
Was the play proofread?
(Fewer than 5 spelling, capitalization, or punctuation errors?) Yes = 15 points
Are there fewer than 5 grammatical errors?
Is the dialogue correctly formatted? (Quotation marks, punctuation…)
Yes =
Yes =
15 points
15 points
Can a reader hear the “voice” of the character(s)?
Is it clear what the Career Pathways choice was?
Yes = 15 points
Yes = 15 points
Is the play at least 250 words?
Yes = 10 points
TOTAL POINTS = ____________
90 – 100 = A
Letter Grade Scale
80 – 89 = B 70 – 79 = C 60 – 69 = D
When you are satisfied with your play and your self-assessment, please total your points and circle your grade.