The Theory and Application of Complex Orthogonal Designs Sarah Spence Adams Robert E. Gaines Professor of Mathematics, University of Richmond Associate Professor of Mathematics, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering Research supported by NSA Grant H98230-07-1-0022 Motivation: Wireless Communications • Transmit antenna sends signal to receive antenna • Signal subject to distortion, interference, attenuation, multipath fading, etc. Time Diversity Single Transmit Antenna Example a1 Timestep t1 Timestep t2 t1 z1 t2 z1 Space Diversity Two Transmit Antennas Example a1 a2 t1 Z1 Z1 Power is split between two antennas Combined Space and Time Diversity Timestep t1 Timestep t2 Naïve Scheme for Two Transmit Antennas a1 a2 Z1 Z2 t 2 Z2 Z1 t1 Practical Alamouti Scheme Z1 Z2 -Z2* Z1* Orthogonality permits simple maximum-likelihood decoding algorithm (Alamouti, 1998) Orthogonal Designs Alamouti’s scheme implicitly depends on complex orthogonal designs Introduced in 1970’s by Seberry, Geramita, Geramita Complex Orthogonal Designs (CODs) A complex orthogonal design A is an n x n matrix with entries such that The Alamouti COD Existence Results Based on Hurwitz-Radon matrices Number Square theoretic results from turn of century CODs exist only for n = 1 or 2 Generalizing Alamouti’s Scheme Tarokh, Jafarkhani, Calderbank (1999) – Pioneered use of generalized complex orthogonal designs for wireless communications – Popularized term space-time block code Generalized Complex Orthogonal Designs A generalized complex orthogonal design A is an r x n matrix with entries such that GCOD STBC # Rows Decoding Delay (8) # of Columns # Antennas (4) Rate: A Measure of Efficiency Ratio of number of variables to number of rows Ratio of number of information symbols to number of required timesteps Rate ¾ Example # Rows Decoding Delay (8) # of Columns # Antennas (4) Two Major Research Questions What What is the maximum achievable rate? is the minimum decoding delay for a maximum rate STBC? Maximum Rate (Liang, 2003) For a GCOD with 2m-1 or 2m columns, the maximum achievable rate is Liang provides algorithm to construct max rate designs for any number of columns Maximum Rate Examining Delay for Max Rate GCODs Max rate ¾ Max rate ¾ Decoding Delay 8 Decoding Delay 4 Minimum Decoding Delay A tight lower bound on the decoding delay of a maximum rate GCOD with 2m-1 or 2m columns is Achievable when the number of columns is congruent to 0, 1, or 3 modulo 4 (Adams, Karst, Pollack, 2005) Proof of Lower Bound Involves combinatorial properties of max rate GCODs Specialized properties software helped illuminate these Equivalence Operations Rearrange order of rows or columns Negating rows, columns, or all instances of a given variable Conjugating all instances of a given variable An Important Submatrix Within any max rate GCOD, the Bi submatrix is achievable through equivalence operations for each variable zi (Liang, 2003) B1 “Bi form” A max rate GCOD A is in “Bi form” if – the rows of Bi appear somewhere within A, up to conjugations and negations – the contiguous submatrix Bi is achievable through only row rearrangements, conjugations, negations B1 form Column Rearrangements Rearranging columns within left half of A or within right half of A preserves current Bi form Importance of Single Rows If one row of Bi appears within A, then A is in Bi form Left/Right Column Swaps If A is in Bi form, then after swapping any column from the left with any column from the right, A is in some Bk form Swapping 1st and 5th columns moves from B1 form to B6 form Culminating Corollary Any arrangement of a max rate A is in Bi form for some i Zero Patterns Every zero pattern with m-1 (and m-2) zeros must appear in some row of length 2m (2m-1) Gives lower bound of on the number of required rows Bound is Usually Achievable When the number of columns is equivalent to 0, 1, or 3 modulo 4, an algorithm by Lu, Fu, Xia (2005) shows that the bound is achievable Exceptional Case 2m 2 mod 4 The best achievable delay for a max rate GCOD with 2m 2 mod 4 columns is twice the lower bound: ⎛ 2m ⎞ ⎟⎟ 2⎜⎜ m −1 ⎠ ⎝ (Adams, Karst, Murugan, under review) Multiplicity of Zero Patterns one zero pattern appears κ times, then every zero pattern appears κ times If If delay r of A satisfies then Algorithms exist that achieve – Lu, Fu, Xia (2005), Liang (2003), Su, Xia, Lui (2004) Remained to determine why cannot achieve bound New Proof Techniques Connect the problem to signed graphs – edges labeled ±1 Signed graph is balanced if the product of signs of edges in every cycle is positive Not achieving lower bound on delay is equivalent to a certain signed graph not being balanced Introduce Standard Form To determine sign of (r,c) entry: – Consider binary support of length 2m-1 row r – Expand using basis for (2m-1)-dimensional binary vector space, where basis definition depends on column c – Determine parity of the first c-1 coefficients of the vector expansion Resulting signs effectively organize all 2x2 subdesigns Equivalence Classes of GCODs Standard form achievable for all max rate, min delay GCODs with 2m-1 columns Hence exactly one equivalence class of designs of this order Complete Minimum Delay Result The minimum achievable decoding delay for a maximum rate GCOD with n = 2m-1 or 2m columns is when n is congruent to 0, 1, or 3 modulo 4, and when n is congruent to 2 modulo 4. Min Delay for Max Rate GCODs Practical Implications The decoding delay grows quickly as the number of antennas increases Maximum rate, minimum delay codes are not practical for large numbers of antennas Non-rate optimal codes may be preferable in practice Motivation for Studying Rate ½ GCODs Maximum Trade-off: rate approaches ½ Hopefully a savings in delay will be worth some sacrifice in rate Rate ½ Minimum Delay Conjecture: The minimum decoding delay of a rate ½ GCOD with n = 2m-1 or 2m columns is: – 2m-1 if n is congruent to 0, 1, 2, or 7 modulo 8 – 2m if n is congruent to 3, 4, 5, 6 modulo 8 (Adams, Crawford, Davis, Greeley, Karst, Lee, Murugan) Improved Delay for Rate ½ Max Rate vs. Rate ½ # of Antennas Rate ½ / Max Rate Rate ½ Delay / Max Rate Delay 6 .75 .267 8 .8 .143 10 .833 .0762 14 .875 .0213 20 .909 .00610 Best Balance? Determine minimum delay as a function of arbitrary rate Seek optimal balance between rate and delay Additional Consideration Transceiver Linearized linearization received signal expression allows for – backwards compatibility with existing technologies – the design of low complexity filters, equalizers Connect Practical Consideration to Combinatorial Property A GCOD is conjugation-separated if the nonzero entries in a given row are either all conjugated or all non-conjugated An STBC can achieve transceiver linearization if its underlying GCOD is conjugation-separated (Su, Batalama, Pados, 2006) Achieving Conjugation-Separation Any max rate, min delay GCOD with 2m-1 columns is equivalent to a conjugation-separated GCOD that can achieve transceiver linearization No arrangement of a max rate GCOD with 2m columns that achieves the lower bound on delay is conjugation-separated Delay vs. Linearization Trade-off Max rate GCODs with 2m columns that achieve twice the lower bound can achieve conjugation-separation With 2m columns, cannot simultaneously achieve the lower bound on delay and conjugation-separation Related Work Quaternion orthogonal designs for space-time-polarization codes Multidimensional real and complex orthogonal designs Multilevel Hadamard matrices Summary Classical orthogonal designs utilized in modern communications systems Mathematical properties of designs have significance for implementation Trade-offs in system design are omnipresent