Nickie Michaud Wild Department of Sociology: University at Albany, SUNY Albany, NY 12222 Phone: (518) 442-4666 Email: Home: 229 Glen Ave. Scotia, NY 12302 Home Phone: (518) 357-3563 Cell Phone: (414) 241-1069 Education Ph.D. M.A. B.A University at Albany, SUNY, December 2014 Dissertation: “Political Criticism and the Power of Satire: The Transformation of ‘LateNight’ Comedy on Television in the United States, 1980-2008.” Committee: Ronald Jacobs (chair), Richard Lachmann, Elizabeth PoppBerman University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Sociology, December 2006 Master’s Paper: “The ‘Oprahfication’ of Social Problems: Social Construction of Domestic Violence in the United States as an Individual Problem on a Television Talk Show.” Committee: Jennifer Jordan (chair), Barbara Ley, Kent Redding New York University, cum laude in Literature, May, 1995 Publications Jacobs, Ronald N. and Nickie Michaud Wild. 2013. “A Cultural Sociology of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report.” American Journal of Cultural Sociology 1: 69-95. News Editor, Sociology Lens 2008-2009 Academic Affiliations Pre-Doctoral Fellow at the Center for Cultural Sociology, Yale University. American Sociological Association – general membership and Culture Section Awards Paul Meadows Excellence in Teaching Award for 2013 Department of Sociology, University at Albany 1 Teaching Experience Course Development Original Course, Cults, Conspiracies, and Moral Panics. Taught Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013. Original Course, Sociology of 9/11 and the War on Terror. Taught two semesters as a standard lecture course; re-developed as an on-line only course and taught two sessions each in Summer 2012, Fall 2012, Wintersession 2013, Spring 2013, Summer 2013 and Fall 2013. Semester-in-Progress Substitution, Political Sociology. During Fall 2011 at SUNY Albany, original instructor was unable to continue with semester. There was a necessity for a new instructor to step in and redesign syllabus, material, exams, and lectures after a few weeks. College of St. Rose, Albany, NY Instructor, Introduction to Sociology (small seminar format) Instructor, Sociology of 9/11 and the War on Terror (small seminar format) Spring 2015 Instructor, Introduction to Sociology (small seminar format) Fall 2014 Instructor, Sociology of 9/11 and the War on Terror (small seminar format) Spring 2014 Instructor, Introduction to Sociology (small seminar format) Fall 2013 Instructor, Sociology of 9/11 and the War on Terror (small seminar format) Spring 2013 University at Albany, SUNY Instructor, Cults, Conspiracies and Moral Panics (large lecture) Instructor, Sociology of 9/11 and the War on Terror (on-line format, 8-week Sessions 1 and 2) Spring 2015 Instructor, Sociology of 9/11 and the War on Terror (on-line format, intersession) Winter 2015 2 Instructor, Cults, Conspiracies and Moral Panics (large lecture) Instructor, Sociology of 9/11 and the War on Terror (on-line format, 8-week Sessions 1 and 2) Fall 2014 Instructor, Sociology of 9/11 and the War on Terror (on-line format, 4-week Session 3, two sections) Summer 2014 Instructor, Cults, Conspiracies and Moral Panics (large lecture) Instructor, Sociology of 9/11 and the War on Terror (on-line format, 8-week Sessions 1 and 2) Spring 2014 Instructor, Sociology of 9/11 and the War on Terror (on-line format, intersession) Winter 2014 Instructor, Cults, Conspiracies and Moral Panics (large lecture) Instructor, Sociology of 9/11 and the War on Terror (on-line format, 8-week Sessions 1 and 2) Fall 2013 Instructor, Sociology of 9/11 and the War on Terror (on-line format, 4-week Session 3, two sections) Summer 2013 Instructor, Cults, Conspiracies and Moral Panics (large lecture, 2 sections) and Instructor, Sociology of 9/11 and the War on Terror (on-line format, 8-week Sessions 1 and 2) Spring 2013 Instructor, Sociology of 9/11 and the War on Terror (on-line format, intersession, two sections) Winter 2013 Instructor, Cults, Conspiracies and Moral Panics (large lecture) and Instructor, Sociology of 9/11 and the War on Terror (on-line format, 8-week Sessions 1 and 2) Fall 2012 Instructor, Sociology of 9/11 and the War on Terror (on-line format, 4-week Sessions 1 and 3) Summer 2012 Instructor, Sociology of 9/11 and the War on Terror (large lecture) Spring 2012 Instructor, Sociology of 9/11 and the War on Terror (large lecture) and Instructor, Political Sociology (large lecture) Fall 2011 Instructor, Sociology of Culture (small seminar format) Summer 2011 Instructor, Introduction to Sociology (large lecture) Spring 2011 Instructor, Introduction to Sociology (large lecture) Fall 2010 3 Instructor, Sociology of Culture (small seminar format) Summer 2010 Teaching Assistant, Sociological Theory, Ronald Jacobs Spring 2010 Co-teaching Intern, Sociology of Culture, Ronald Jacobs and Teaching Assistant, Sociology of Work, James Zetka Fall 2009 Teaching Assistant, Mass Media, Ronald Jacobs Spring 2009 Teaching Assistant, Occupations and Professions, James Zetka Fall 2008 Teaching Assistant, Race, Gender, and Class, Karen Loscocco Spring 2008 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Teaching Assistant (on-line), Small Groups, Sally O’Connor Fall 2006 Discussion Section Leader, Introduction to Sociology, Thomas S. Moore and Kent Redding 2004-2006 Professional Development Whatever Should We Do With Millennials?, August 2013 Mastering the Craft of the Interactive Lecture, August 2012 Course Design for Deeper Learning, January 2012 Online Course Development Program, January-May 2012 Teaching Interests Culture, Sociology of 9/11, Media, Public Sphere, Political Sociology, Moral Panics, Social Problems, and Qualitative Methods. Research Interests Cultural Sociology, Politics, Mass Media, Public Sphere, Moral Panics, and Popular Culture. Research Experience The Center for Social and Demographic Analysis, Nancy Denton Ronald Jacobs, Aesthetic Public Sphere projects 2009-2010 2007-2009 4 Papers Presented at Professional Meetings American Sociological Association Annual Meeting Culture Section Roundtable “A Documentary that Helped Right a Legal Injustice: The ‘West Memphis 3’ and Cultural Autonomy” 2013 Media Sociology ASA Pre-Conference “News, Entertainment, or Performative Failure? Comparing the Parodies of George W. Bush and Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live in the Journalistic Public Sphere” 2013 Yale Center for Cultural Sociology Spring Conference “Political Criticism and the Power of Satire: The Transformation of ‘Late-Night’ Comedy on Television in the United States.” 2011 Eastern Sociological Society, Violence Against Women Section “A Narrative Analysis of Domestic Violence in the Media.” 2009 Yale Center for Cultural Sociology Spring Conference “‘And That’s When He Snapped’: A Comparison of Domestic Violence Narratives on the Oprah Winfrey Show and NBC News Programs.” 2009 Professional Service Yale Center for Cultural Sociology Spring Conference Session Chair 2014 Eastern Sociological Society Presider: “Cultural Icons: Representation of Popular Culture.” 2010 University at Albany, SUNY President, Students of Sociology Member, Multi-Cultural Affirmative Action Committee 2008-2009 2008-2009 5