• C H A P T E R 22 • • TRACKING CARBONS • Glucose to Pyruvate TCA Cycle • • • • • • • • • • • • GLUCOSE TO PYRUVATE Glucose (O“)CH–CH(OH)–CH(OH)– ƒ –CH(OH)–CH(OH)–CH2(OH) 1 2 Pyruvate 3 5 1,6 2,5 3,4 CH3—C(“O)—CO2 3 Acetyl-CoA 4 2 1 6 Glucose numbers Pyruvate numbers 1,6 2,5 3,4 Glucose numbers CH3—C(“O)—ScoA CO2 2 1 Acetyl-CoA numbers Tracing labeled carbon atoms through metabolic pathways would, at first glance,1 appear to be a pretty irrelevant thing to make you do. But if you’ve got to do it, there are a couple of conceptual tricks that make it somewhat easier. The first concept is that organic compounds are numbered starting with the end of the molecule that is closest to the most oxidized carbon. 1 The second and third glances may appear this way too. 236 BG McGraw-Hill: Gilbert, Basic Concepts in Biochemistry, JN 5036 22 • Tracking Carbons 237 • In glucose, C-1 is the carbon of the aldehyde. In fructose [CH2(OH)–C(“O)–CH(OH)–CH(OH)–CH(OH)–CH2(OH)], C-1 is the carbon at the end closest to the C“O; the C“O itself is C-2. Labeling a given molecule at a specific carbon atom means that an isotopically labeled carbon atom (14C or 13C) has been introduced at a given position in the starting molecule. For example, the statement that glucose has been labeled at C-2 means that only carbon number 2 of glucose has been tagged with a 14C or 13C carbon atom. The other carbon atoms are not labeled (they are 12C). The problem is to determine where this label ends up after the glucose is metabolized to some other compound. Tracing the carbons of glucose to pyruvate gets complicated when fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) is cleaved into two 3-carbon fragments, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) and dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP). The numbers of the original carbons of glucose are indicated by the superscripts next to the carbon. CHOH — 5 6 CH2OP FBP Pyruvate Number CHOH CH (— O) G3P 3,4 CO2 1 2,5 C —O 2 1,6 CH3 3 — 3 — 5 CHOH — — CH2OH 3 CHOH DHAP Aldolase – 4 4 CH (— O) CHOH 2 — 3 CH2OP — C —O 1 TIM — C —O — 2 2 — — CH2OP CH2OP — 1 1 6 CH2OP G3P The guilty party is the triose phosphate isomerase (TIM) reaction that interconverts DHAP and G3P. To be converted to pyruvate, the DHAP first has to be converted to G3P. TIM just moves the carbonyl group between the two carbons that don’t have phosphate attached. TIM doesn’t touch the phosphate. So, if the DHAP is labeled at the carbon that has the phosphate attached, the G3P that comes from DHAP will be labeled at the carbon with the phosphate attached. The carbon with the phosphate attached in the G3P that was produced directly by the aldolase reaction came from C-6 of glucose, but the carbon with the phosphate attached in the G3P that was produced from DHAP came from C-1 of glucose. After TIM does it stuff, the carbon of G3P that has the phosphate will be BG McGraw-Hill: Gilbert, Basic Concepts in Biochemistry, JN 5036 • 238 • Basic Concepts in Biochemistry labeled if either C-1 or C-6 of the original glucose was labeled. This all makes sense if you remember that pyruvate only has 3 carbons but glucose has 6. Each carbon atom of pyruvate must come from 2 different carbons of the original glucose molecule. The carboxylate group of pyruvate, being the most oxidized, is called C-1, and the CH3 group is called C-3. The carboxylate group of pyruvate comes from the aldehyde of G3P, so C-4 and C-3 of glucose end up at C-1 of pyruvate. There is an easy way to remember which carbons of glucose end up on the same carbon of pyruvate—the numbers of the equivalent carbons sum to 7. The labeling trick also works backward. You could have to decide which carbons of glucose become labeled when you use pyruvate labeled on a given carbon. Labeling pyruvate on C-1 will result in a glucose molecule that is labeled on both C-3 and C-4, again because of the TIM reaction. TCA CYCLE The two carbons entering from acetyl-CoA do not leave as CO2 on the first cycle. Carbons 2 and 3 of succinate are equivalent. Carbons 1 and 4 of succinate are equivalent. To actually understand how labeled carbons travel through the TCA cycle, you have to draw out the chemical structures of the cycle members, put a tiny little asterisk by the labeled carbon, and follow it around and around. There are two concepts, however, that you have to know in order to do this. First, the two carbons entering the cycle as acetyl-CoA are not lost as CO2 during the first turn of the TCA cycle. — C—O — CH2 — *CH2 — CO2 HO — C — CO2 — — *CH3 — C(— O) — SCoA CO2 CH2 — CO2 Citrate CO2 Oxaloacetate The two CH2–CO2 arms of citrate are different (Fig. 22-1). They can be (and are) distinguished by the aconitase enzyme. To see that they’re dif- BG McGraw-Hill: Gilbert, Basic Concepts in Biochemistry, JN 5036 22 • Tracking Carbons BASE H H H * CH2CO 2 OH CO 2 H OH CH2CO 2 H ACID BASE Correct citrate binding 239 • CO2 H * ACID If citrate binds incorrectly, the OH and H are in the wrong orientation for the reaction Figure 22-1 THE TWO CH2CO 2 ARMS OF CITRATE ARE NOT IDENTICAL, and the enzyme aconitase can tell them apart. The CH2CO2 arm that was derived from acetyl-CoA (*) is not metabolized to CO2 during the first turn of the TCA cycle. ferent, imagine grabbing the CO 2 group of the central carbon of citrate in your right hand, and the OH group of the central carbon in your left hand. The CH2–CO 2 that came from acetyl-CoA will be pointing up while the CH2–CO 2 that came from oxaloacetate will be pointing down. Aconitase holds onto citrate in the same way, and when it moves the hydroxyl group of citrate, it moves it specifically from the central carbon to the CH2 group on the bottom. Aconitase can move the OH group only because the catalytic apparatus is in the right place. If we were to try to bind citrate to aconitase with the CH2–CO 2 that came from acetyl-CoA in the down position, the CO 2 on the central carbon would be on the left, and this wouldn’t do. Aconitase is set up to expect the CO 2 group on the central carbon to be on the right. As we follow the label from citrate to succinyl-CoA, there are no problems. But at succinate, it all seems to fall apart. CH2C(— O)SCoA *CH2CO2 — — *CH2CO2 CH2CO2 Unlike the CH2–CO 2 groups of citrate, the two CH2–CO 2 groups of succinate are indistinguishable. If you pick up succinate by the labeled CH2 group, you will always be able to pick up succinate by the unlabeled CH2 group so that it looks exactly the same (except for the label). BG McGraw-Hill: Gilbert, Basic Concepts in Biochemistry, JN 5036 • Basic Concepts in Biochemistry CO2 H — C— H H — *C — OH H — *C — H H — *C — OH — — — H — C—H CO2 — — H — *C — H CO2 — CO2 — CO2 — 240 — • CO2 Malate The consequence of the symmetry of succinate is that the enzyme succinate dehydrogenase has a fifty-fifty chance of picking up succinate in either of the equivalent orientations. By the time you get to malate, in which all the carbons are obviously different, one-half of the original label is found at the CH2 group of malate while the other half of the label is on the CH–OH group of malate. Each molecule of malate has only one labeled carbon; however, in the collection of all malate molecules, the label is equally distributed between the two carbons in the middle [if it started out on the CH3 group of acetyl-CoA (C-2)]. The same thing happens with the label that comes into the TCA cycle from the C-1 of acetylCoA except that the label ends up equally distributed between the two carboxyl groups of the malate. Since neither of the carbons that come in from acetyl-CoA is lost during the first turn of the TCA cycle, it’s reasonable to wonder when they are lost. If the label was originally at C-1 (the C“O) of acetyl-CoA, it ends up in the two carboxylate groups of oxaloacetate. On the next turn of the TCA cycle (go around again without bringing any more label in from acetyl-CoA) both of these carboxyl groups are lost as CO2. So when C-1 of acetyl-CoA is labeled, all the label is lost from the TCA-cycle intermediates on the second turn of the cycle. It’s a lot more complicated when C-2 of the acetyl-CoA is labeled. After the first turn of the cycle, this label ends up on the central carbons of oxaloacetate, and neither of these is lost during the second turn of the cycle. However, on the third turn of the cycle, half the label is lost because half the total label is on the carboxylates of oxaloacetate. On each subsequent turn of the cycle, half the remaining label is lost. The only way to sort this out for yourself is to sit down with the TCA cycle and go round and round. It’s a dizzying experience that leaves you a little bit nauseated when it’s over. BG McGraw-Hill: Gilbert, Basic Concepts in Biochemistry, JN 5036