2015 – 2016 election speeches - EMSOP Pharmacy Governing

2015 – 2016
Pharmacy Governing Council
Vice President Internal
Vice President External
Corresponding Secretary
Recording Secretary
University Senator
Vacant: RUSA Representatives (2)
Class of 2017
Vice President
Class of 2018
Vice President
Class of 2019
Vice President
Vacant: Treasurer
Vacant: Secretary
Class of 2020
Vice President
Vacant: Secretary
Daniel Dipsia
Daniel Dipsia
Hello Everyone!
My name is Daniel Dipsia and I am running to be the next PGC President 2015 - 2016
academic school year. As a dedicated candidate for the pharmacy program and an active
member of the pharmacy governing council, I find that it is time that I take on a bigger role in
the school of pharmacy. Through my high attendance record of general meetings, my
involvement in multiple events sponsored by PGC and my past experiences, I am ready to
take on this huge leadership role.
Since coming to PGC meetings as a PP1, I have taken on many roles throughout the
pharmacy school, including Class Treasurer, Professional Chair of Alpha Zeta Omega, and
Treasurer of PGC. Through these positions I have helped organized events the school has put
on for students, including Speed Networking, de-stress events, Rx Olympics, CV/Mock Interview
Event, ACCP Professional Series, Advocacy Month Events, and 2 Mr. Pharm Ds as a contestant.
Through my background as a past class treasurer, I am already familiar with the policies and
processes of SABO and understand how to organize and handle all the paperwork that comes
along with being treasurer. I also currently working part time as an Assistant Lab Supervisor at
the Busch Computer Labs where I am learning all the responsibilities of being a supervisor and
managing all the activities that go on through the computer labs. Having my PGC treasurer
experience from this past year, I am confident in my abilities to take on the role of PGC
president. Through my diverse array of experiences and leadership roles, my attention to detail
and my dedication towards the pharmacy school, I plan on making sure we have a successful
As PGC president, I intend to take our pharmacy events and access to student services to the
next level. I would like to make one mentoring program event each semester where mentors
and mentees can interact with each other and participate in bonding activities, such as a
scavenger hunt or a game show. I will also devote time to letting the voice of the pharmacy
student body be heard more and have the “What’s On Your Mind?” idea expanded and
advertised more. This way students can ask more questions and make suggestions to the
school faculty about what they would like to see or changed. I would also like to change the
way reimbursements are requested; working with the treasurer, I would like to come up with a
new way to submit reimbursements that are easier to organize and fewer steps for students to
With all the above qualifications and intentions as PGC president, I hope you all are
convinced that I am right for this position. I promise to be dedicated at all times and make
sure we have a successful PGC year. Thank you for taking time to read my speech and vote
for me come voting day!
Matthew Bermudez
Matthew Bermudez
Hello Fellow Future PharmDs,
My name is Matt Bermudez and I’m a P2 student here at EMSOP looking for your vote to
be elected the Pharmacy Governing Council Vice-President Internal for the 2015-2016 year. As
Vice-President Internal my responsibilities would be to manage and coordinate all activities
pertaining to public relations and social events within the school. These include the Mentoring
Program and the What’s on Your Mind Forum. As a continuing member of the PGC E-Board I
vow to bring my dedication to student interests, work ethic and motivation to these
responsibilities and to the execution of PGC’s outstanding events.
Throughout my four years at Rutgers, I have learned that knowledge is not exclusive to
information within the classroom but also encompasses community and professional
involvement. During my 2 professional years I have strived to maximize my involvement in our
tightly knit community. Within the School of Pharmacy I have been a very active member of
the Pharmacy Governing Council, Alpha Zeta Omega, the American College of Clinical
Pharmacy and the EMSOP Curriculum Committee. As the past year’s Corresponding Secretary
I have been exposed to and tested by the commitment that being a PGC officer requires.
Through maintaining the weekly involvement newsletter and generating organizational rosters I
have been exposed to the true scope of the school’s involvement while building an
appreciation for the connection between students and faculty. As VP Internal I will strive to
enhance the accessibility of student involvement while making myself available to all student
needs, questions and suggestions.
If elected I plan to go above and beyond the assigned duties of Vice-President Internal.
With such a tight knit student body, communication is, and will continue to be, critical to the
success of all organizations. I hope to investigate and gauge interest for new and exciting
ways to keep students informed of events and upcoming deadlines such as text messages
alerts or other social media. Additionally, I would like revamp the PGC public relations
committee to improve the effectiveness of event advertising. This would increase attendance
at events and student involvement in organizations. Finally, I plan to reevaluate the MentorMentee program to improve student matches and to help foster the bond between mentor
and mentee.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Matt Bermudez
Shivani Shah
Shivani Shah
Dear Fellow Pharmacy Students,
My name is Shivani Shah, and I am a P2 running for the position of PGC Vice President
External. My potential responsibilities as VP External include coordination relations outside of
the School of Pharmacy, organizing the involvement fairs, and fostering relationships with other
professional schools. However, my responsibilities would not stop there; I will work
cooperatively with the other PGC E-board members and assist them in every way to make
next year the best as possible just like I did this year!
I know my skill set and objectives meet those needed in a VP External. This past year, I
was PGC Recording Secretary. I learned about all the other roles while fulfilling my own, as
well. Having this experience of being on PGC E-Board before will be extremely beneficial as
VP External. When it comes to fostering relationships with other schools, I am not afraid to be
social and talk to others to get their input. In terms of planning the involvement fairs, my
organizational skills and keen attention to detail will be imperative.
Through my leadership positions, I have learned the inner workings of not only how to
execute successful events, but also how to plan and organize them. I am currently the
Recording Secretary for PGC. I have learned how to take meeting minutes, send them out
quickly, respond efficiently to emails received, and delegate tasks. I also serve as Vice
President of SNPhA. From this position, I have learned to communicate with pharmacy
professionals while working collaboratively with the E-board to plan events tailored to our
members. Additionally, as Co-Patient Outreach Chair of Alpha Zeta Omega last year, I have
been innovative in creating events, such as a Candy vs. Medicine outreach program to
educate youngsters. This role has also required me to reach out to both pharmacy and nonpharmacy organizations, which I can also do next year as VP External.
If elected as VP External, I have several goals and potential ideas for next year. I know a
lot of organizations within the pharmacy school hold health fairs. If all these organizations
could collaborate and we could hold one huge health fair at the pharmacy school, we would
be able to reach out, educate, and counsel a large number of patients from the
Piscataway/New Brunswick area. I also want to address students concerns better and revamp
“What’s on your mind” initiative PGC has started by creating FAQs for each class year.
Additionally, I hope to do a collaborative social event with the medical students of Robert
Wood Johnson since there has been a lot of interest in it.
If elected, I plan on working very closely with the E-board to make the 2015-2016 school
year wonderful! I know my drive, dedication, hard work, and past experience on PGC E-Board
can contribute to next year’s successes. Please vote Shivani Shah for Vice President External.
Thank you for your time and consideration!
Eric Sadlier
Eric Sadlier
First I would like to introduce myself. My name is Eric Sadlier and I am running for
Treasurer. I am going to be a P2 student next fall and I have a deep passion for helping and
networking with students and other organizations. I hope that my prior can sway you into
believing in me for the position of Treasurer. This past year I had the opportunity to be your
Vice President External. As VP External, I was able to expand the role and open
communications between EMSOP and the other schools at Rutgers. I organized the
Involvement Fairs, sponsored Town Hall Events with other schools, and became a direct
communicator between RUSA, the other governing councils, and EMSOP. Outside of PGC, I
held the position of Co-Professional Chair for Alpha Zeta Omega. In this position, I planned and
arranged several events such as Speed Networking, CV/Mock Interview Workshop, etc…. In
high school, I held Overall Student Body President. As Overall Body President I would
coordinate with the Board of Education on student issues, met with administrators and
principals on different ways to handle student conduct, coordinated with the Treasurer to stay
within a budget, and reached out to external organizations such as St Jude’s Children’s
Hospital to synchronize toy drive or raise funds.
My prior experience speaks for itself, but more importantly is what I want to accomplish
for the upcoming academic year. As your Treasurer, I promise I will be easy to communicate
with and respond to any problems or issues with SABO right away. Being on the EBoard the
past year has given me the experience to understand how the processing between EMSOP
and SABO works. In addition, with my experiences coordinating events, I was able to learn
how to send reimbursements and monitor a budget. Outside of Treasurer duties, I want to
continue to develop EMSOP relations with other schools. I will diligently work with the EBoard to
promote and organize more events and interactions between the schools. We took a step in
the right direction next year and I want to continue to strive forward. Finally my last goal is to
try to increase student involvement altogether. This can be done my returning events such as
Mr. Pharm D. and further increasing participation with the Involvement Fair. I know this steps
outside the boundaries of what position governs, but these are ideas that I want to see
continually grow from what I planted as VP External. As Treasurer, I can promise you I will work
my hardest to accomplish these goals. Thank you for your time and I hope to receive your
Alison Lieu
Alison Lieu
Hello fellow EMSOP students,
My name is Alison Lieu, and I am a P1 student running for the position of Pharmacy Governing
Council Corresponding Secretary for the 2015-2016 school year. Throughout my three years at
Rutgers, I have become progressively more involved in the pharmacy community. While I have
chosen to dedicate my time to the E-Board and chair positions that I hold, I try to remain
informed and knowledgeable of EMSOP, PGC, and all other pharmacy-related activities. This
attitude has ideally suited me to be Corresponding Secretary because it has provided me with
the leadership experience and exposure required to effectively communicate between
faculty, PGC organizations, and students while also allowing me to represent the student body
as a PGC E-Board member.
Over this past year, my experiences as co-fundraising chair of AZO, co-professional chair of
DIA, and University Senator of PGC have been incredibly rewarding and instrumental in my
personal and professional development. I have fostered strong relationships with the people
that I have worked with who have become my close friends and mentors. These positions
gave me the confidence to communicate through any medium, ignited a passion for
collaboration, and allowed me to celebrate successes and learn from my failures.
Therefore, I hope to take what I have learned and expand the position of corresponding
secretary by:
Increasing the use of social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc), e-mail, and text messaging
Working in collaboration with the Public Relations Committee
Creating an Academic Advisor event (similar to the Mentorship picnic) to strengthen
our access to faculty
This would ensure that everyone is provided with the information necessary for them to pursue
similar experiences and reap all of the benefits of a strong and supportive community. I have
thoroughly enjoyed working with my fellow E-Board members, and my role as University
Senator has been a great learning experience in which I have helped to plan events and
meetings. As someone who aspires to be a leader in pharmacy, I believe that my strength lies
in sharing my knowledge and helping others achieve their goals. In short, having a presence
on next year’s E-Board would establish greater continuity and mentorship, which has proven to
be a vital aspect of all successful organizations.
Thank you for your time and consideration, and good luck on the rest of the semester!
Emily Burd
Margaret Finnegan
Emily Burd
My name is Emily Burd and I am a P1 student. I am running for Recording Secretary of the
PGC E-Board. As the recording secretary, I would be responsible for transcribing the meeting
minutes and recording attendance throughout the school year. In addition, I would work
extremely close with the other E-board members assisting them in further developing the
organization. I am running for this position because it is a position I see myself developing from
and I would love the opportunity to give back to the pharmacy community.
This position of recording secretary is one in which I would excel in if elected. I am punctual
to every meeting and event as I believe in keeping my promise to commitments I have made.
I am a tech-savvy person who is proficient in Google Docs and Calendar, which the position
requires. In addition, I am very accessible to all students whether it is in person or via computer.
I always have my phone on my hand and respond promptly to all emails and calls.
As a transfer student from MSU, I have not had ample time to become immersed in all
EMSOP has to offer. However, with the little time I have had, I hold a leadership position as
Publications Committee Co-Chair for Phi Delta Chi. I am responsible for maintaining all social
media accounts in order to promote PDC’s events and initiatives throughout EMSOP and the
entire University.
During my time at MSU, I was chosen as captain for the university’s field hockey team. As a
captain, I was a mentor to my team mates on and off the field helping them with school work
and developing necessary skills for the game. My teammates viewed me as not only a leader,
but as a friend, as well, and I hope to instill this relationship with each and every pharmacy
student. In addition, the experience of working as a team and being the team liaison between
the coaches and teammates ensures my capabilities to work with the other PGC E-Board
members and faculty.
If elected to the position of recording secretary, I have several ideas to expand upon. They
1. I would love to implement an annual RxSpelling Bee in which teams of 3-5 students
would compete to spell the top 200 drugs names! This would be a fun event with food
and even a team of professors to make it more interesting!
2. I want to improve the Mentoring Program that PGC offers by hosting an event every
month for the mentors and mentees to reconnect. I feel as though the mentors and
mentees often lose touch during the school year and this event will allow them to come
3. I want to enhance PGC’s exposure through social media accounts by allowing the
minutes to be readily accessible on each class’s page.
If given this opportunity, I will work tirelessly to serve my fellow students.Thank you for your
consideration and please vote Emily Burd for Recording Secretary!
Margaret Finnegan
Hello everyone!
My name is Margaret Finnegan. I am a P1 student in the Class of 2018. I am running for
Recording Secretary of the Pharmacy Governing Council. Currently, I hold the position of RUSA
Representative. As RUSA representative it was my responsibility to effectively communicate the
needs, ideas, and concerns of the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy student body to the
Rutgers University Student Assembly. Being RUSA Representative was a great experience but I
wish to further expand my role within PGC for the upcoming school year in order to help
create the best possible environment for students at EMSOP.
My goals if elected Recording Secretary of the Pharmacy Governing Council are to improve
attendance at PGC meetings, to have more student and faculty involvement at the Open
Forum, and to increase student involvement within all organizations at EMSOP. The objective of
all these goals is to improve the student experience at EMSOP.
I believe that I possess the attributes necessary to achieve these goals. Firstly, I am extremely
approachable. I am always willing to have a discussion and receive input from my fellow
students. Feel free to share with me any complaints or thoughts you may have regarding the
school of pharmacy. The Open Forum is an excellent place for discussion on such topics which
is why one of my goals is to increase involvement at the event. This type of discussion is what
brings about positive change. Secondly, I am an effective communicator, an essential skill for
a secretary. I will make sure all information that needs to be conveyed to the student body will
be done in an appropriate and efficient manner. Finally, I am passionate. I fully commit myself
into every endeavor I undertake. I will not disappoint if you choose to elect me as Recording
My hope is that as Recording Secretary I will be able to serve the EMSOP student body by
bringing positive changes to our community within the school of pharmacy and Rutgers
University. Thank you for taking the time to consider my candidacy, and please feel free to
contact me at margaretfinnegan22@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Ira Yeung
Ira Yeung
Hello my name is Ira Yeung and I am a current P1 student running for the position of PGC
University Senator. Throughout my time here at EMSOP, one of the most defining features of
student life has been the mentorship that i have received. Older students were the ones who
have given me advice and guided me in these past two years. It was because of these
mentors that I was able make the most out of my opportunities and grow both personally and
professionally. As University Senator I hope to give back to the EMSOP community in the way
my mentors have for me while making a difference in our community here at Rutgers
I was previously the Policy Co-Chair for SNPhA and currently I am the legislative affairs co-chair
for the Rutgers Chapter of APhA-ASP. Legislation, and policy-making have been something I
have both been interested in and heavily involved with. This past year I have helped organize
many events including a trip to Trenton and events for advocacy month in order garner
support for Pharmacy prescriber status and Congress Bills HR592 and S314. As someone who is
passionate and experienced with policy, advocacy and the political process I believe I am
uniquely qualified to be University Senator.
Through past experiences I have proven myself to be a leader. This is most exemplified by the
Pharmacy Speed Networking event that I organized in collaboration with AMCP. As a team
we collaborated to organize one of the largest events held at EMSOP which was attended by
67 Pharmacy professionals and over 120 students. My experiences have shown that I work well
in team environments and am a capable leader. If elected I hope to bring together our
student body by encouraging more events such as "how to survive __ year," express the
opinions of the pharmacy school in university wide policies, and encourage students to take a
bigger role in advocating for our profession and policy as a whole.
As University Senator I hope to make the first step in mentoring a younger class of EMSOP
students in the way that others have done for me while being a voice for EMSOP in the greater
Rutgers community. Thank you and please vote for me.
RUSA Representatives (2)
Alexander Lo
Alexander Lo
Dear Class of 2017,
We are nearly done with P2 year!
It is definitely our toughest year in the PharmD program, and I am thankful and proud of our
class for the amount care and support that everyone has shown towards one another. I want
to further build these class relationships and friendships that will continue beyond our
graduation from pharmacy school. Therefore, I would like to ask you all for your same support
in my bid to run for Class Council President.
As your president in our P1 year, I worked with Class Council and committees to plan social
events, including Valentine’s Day, games at Werblin, and Halfway Done, to promote
camaraderie and collegiality in our class. If elected, I want to not only organize more of these
events for our class, but also show an even greater Class of 2017 presence on campus by
encourage participation at events like the DIYA Annual Samosa Eating Contest and
RxOlympics. Our Almost Done and Done parties are also very important for celebrating the
end of P3 year and our graduation. In addition, I will work with the Fundraising Committee to
raise money for these events and the Yearbook Committee (PharmaScript) to capture
memorable moments on camera for our yearbook.
An opportunity to serve as your class president again would allow me to work towards
strengthening class ties and making our experiences together as the Class of 2017
memorable. Thank you for your time and consideration. Please feel free to contact me at
alex.lo898@gmail.com with your questions.
Alexander Lo
Rose Soskind
Rose Soskind
As P2 students, we are all very busy, so I am providing a full speech with a bulleted summary.
Feel free to skip to the summary at the end. Thanks for your time!
The opportunity to make an impact is given to everyone, and I would like to use this
influence positively to make a difference in my community and in my career path. I would like
to help our Class of 2017 community by serving as the Class Vice President.
I am well qualified for the position. At Rutgers, I have made sure to take advantage of
the many extracurricular opportunities, and I am an officer for several clubs and organizations.
Apart from the School of Pharmacy, I have founded two student organizations with primary
affiliations with the School of Engineering and School of Arts & Sciences. Specific to the School
of Pharmacy, my leadership includes serving as a mentor for incoming students, being a
member of several committees, active research participation since freshman year, and recent
induction into the Phi Lambda Sigma leadership society. My leadership involvement has given
me skills in fundraising, event planning, and managing organization members. For example,
the week after Spring Break, I helped host 3 university-wide events: a NASA scientist visit, the
George Takei talk, and Rutgers SciFest.
As many of you know, I also have a lot of class spirit and I am easy to approach and
talk to you. If elected as Vice President, I would be more than happy to hear from everyone
what they would like improved within the Class of 2017. For those of you who I have not had
the pleasure of meeting yet, please feel free to introduce yourselves!
I have a lot of ideas I would like to implement if elected to Class Council. Though our
class is quite cohesive, including when compared to other classes in the school, I would really
like to unify the class. I would love to organize social events so that we will be able to meet
each other and stay motivated throughout our time at the school. Last year, the class
committees were established such as for the yearbook, fundraising, etc. However, these
committees were not in service this year. I would like to re-instate the committees to enhance
class involvement. Finally, since the Class Council ultimately runs on you, the class, I would like
to establish a feedback system to incorporate class opinions in Council decisions.
Overall, I consider helping others a priority; a contribution necessary to improve the lives
of people around me. With your vote, I will be able to help YOU, the Class of 2017, as Class
Vice President!
 Lots of class spirit; friendly, approachable
 Significant leadership experience with the School of Pharmacy and other Rutgers
Selected Changes I’d Like to Implement
 Unite the class, including by having more social events
 Re-instate class committees
 Establish an feedback system to incorporate class opinions in shaping Council decisions
Sagar Shah
Sagar Shah
Hello my name is Sagar Shah and I am re-running for class Treasurer for the Class of 2017. I am
still the same fun loving, approachable person that I have always been. As treasurer I would
be responsible for keeping track of our class funds and working with other E-board members. I
know this past year has been a tough one but we’ve all done such a great job handling it.
Next year will still be a lot to handle but I know that together we can make it manageable
and possibly have some fun doing so!
I served as treasurer last year and learnt a lot in that process. I developed greater skills working
as a team member, learnt the duties and responsibilities as treasurer, and to the best of my
ability, made sure that anyone that had an opinion that they would like to voice, had the
opportunity to do so. I believe that one of my strengths comes from a strong work ethic and a
motivation to always do the best that I can on any given task. If elected, I will continue to
apply those strengths next year as Treasurer.
My greatest assets that I can provide for the class of 2017 as Treasurer include my
approachability as a person and my innovative way of thinking. I believe those qualities make
me an excellent candidate for the position. I’m a people person and I love collaborating on
projects. When it came to helping coordinate Half-Way Done, and right now with Should’ve
Been Done, I’ve found success as a complementary team player and would love to get the
chance to continue with our future events!
Some goals I have in mind for next year is to organize a long-term budget for the last two years
that we have at Rutgers. This would include setting aside funds for what our class needs, and
possibly finding innovating ways of using remaining funds in order to make our final two years
the best they can be. These events could be both social and competitive in nature. I realize
that with our immense workload from the previous year that it was difficult to implement new
ideas such as volunteering opportunities for our class but I’d still like to have one of my goals
for the upcoming year. My final goal is to ensure that everything that we need moving forward
with rotations upon the completion of our P3 year is organized and understandable. I think
that there can be improvements to the infrastructure that currently exists to provide
information regarding rotations. I want to make sure that anyone else who thinks they can
improve the process has their opinion heard.
I hope I can count on you to vote for me, Sagar Shah, for Treasurer so I can have the
opportunity to represent and work for our class! If you have any questions for me don’t
hesitate to contact me either at srs227@scarletmail.rutgers.edu or in person!
Thank you,
Sagar Shah
Dhara Shah
Dhara Shah
Hello Class of 2017! My name is Dhara Shah and I am re-running for Secretary for our class. The
duties of a class officer include acting as the mediator between the class members and the
administration and representing the class as a whole. As your secretary this year, I enjoyed
working with the class council to represent you and to create a better year for all of us. If you
would re-elect as me your Class Secretary, I will continue to work even harder for our
upcoming year.
I am interested in re-running for Secretary and feel as though I am a good candidate for this
position due to my past experience, my goals, and my ambition. Currently as class council
member, I learned a tremendous amount of organizing and collaborating events. Helping to
plan events such as Half Way and What Should Have Been Done has allowed me to build on
my coordination skills. Working at a CVS and Walgreen’s Pharmacy has given me the
experience of being able to handle and work well under stress and pressure. By electing me as
Secretary, I will work with the rest of the E-Board and faculty to provide a better experience for
the Class of 2017.
Some goals I have in mind include finding more ways for our class to volunteer and hold fund
raising events. I believe volunteerism is a good model to see pharmacy students giving back
to the community. Holding fundraising events such as bake sales, car washes, and friendly
competitions between the six classes in the pharmacy school, are just a few examples for us to
raise our funds. These events will allow us to have more social events or purchase things for our
Another goal I have in mind is to create an online open forum for our class for our 6th year
rotations. I understand that the current system can be stressful to use and can cause
confusion. I am hoping to implement a system similar to our current class liason program. An
online open forum will allow students to present any questions or concerns that they may have
regarding rotations and the Class Council will communicate them to the administration. I am
hoping this system will allow our class to encounter less problems and issues.
Finally, the last goal I have in mind is to have increased interclass communication. I would like
to help plan and organize events that involve all classes within the pharmacy school. I believe
more events such as these will help the students feel more united and will allow them to have
more guidance throughout their years at Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy.
I would love to continue to work closely with the Class Council to make the upcoming year an
unforgettable experience for everyone. Please consider me, Dhara Shah, for Secretary of
Class of 2017. Thank you!
Dhara Shah
Anna Yang
Anna Yang
Hello there, Class of 2018!
I hope this letter finds you well during this hectic semester. In light of all your busy schedules
and exciting pharmacy lives, I appreciate you taking the time to read about my qualifications
for reelection and goals for next year.
This year, the council and I planned two milestone events for our class: the White Coat
Ceremony and the Halfway Done Party. Along with Dean Nancy, we helped coordinate white
coat fitting and processing of over 500 white coats, managed over $14,000 flow of funds, and
most importantly, catered to the needs of our student body. As many of you may know, the
party was booked for April 17 initially, but was changed due to the exam schedule and
students’ preferences. It was quite a struggle to plan, promote, and organize Halfway Done in
just a few weeks, especially with last minute changes in transportation (each bus costs $650
guys and I had to book a second one on very short notice, that’s how much I care about you
all ☺), but the event turned out to be a great success! In addition to these two events, the
Class Council and I also held bake sales this semester and two social events last semester, the
beach trip to Long Branch and the Ice Cream Social in the beginning of fall semester.
Next year, I plan to integrate the Liaison Program to better integrate communication with
professors for exams and questions on lectures, establish a shared Google Drive to organize
class notes and lectures where everyone can post material instead of just Class Council, and
continue to hold profitable fundraisers. These funds will go towards lowering the costs of the
Should’ve Been Done Party, graduation, and other fun-filled events for our class, such as a
Game Night.
We truly are a dynamic, intelligent, and well-rounded class; for those of you who went to
Professor Colaizzi, Jr.’s first PPM lecture, we are one of the best-dressed, most interactive class
he’s seen in awhile. I could not agree more. It has been an honor to serve you for the past two
years, and I guarantee you that I will continue to work hard and dedicate my passion and
energy in order to make P2 year easy on the GPA. Thank you for your time and consideration
in reelecting me, Anna Yang, as your President.
Michelle Chawla
Michelle Chawla
Good Morning Fellow Classmates,
My name is Michelle Chawla, and I am running for re-election as the Vice President of
the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy Class of 2018. My campaign and mission can be
summarized with three objectives: connecting, fundraising, and effectively leading.
One of my top objectives for the upcoming year is to develop greater communication
within the student body. Over the past two years as Vice President, I have learned that in
order to be a successful student leader, it is important for me to be able to understand your
opinions and ideas in order for me to completely and accurately address them. I also would
like to come up with a more efficient way for students to interact with professors and
communicate concerns about our classes.
My mission’s next objective is fundraising. The importance of continuing to build
sufficient funds has significantly increased as we have moved forward in our professional years.
If elected, fundraising will continue to be one of my topmost priorities. Along with bake sales
and small goals, I have a vision to greatly increase our funds by suggesting a large sale of
stylish, drawstring bags for the entire pharmacy class. By gaining more funding, we will be able
to provide a larger variety of helpful events and resources for the class, which is our overall
The most important objective for the upcoming school year is effectively leading the
student body in every task, event, and fundraiser that is planned. During this past year as Vice
President, I have come to understand the utmost significance of being effective in every
aspect of what I do. If elected, I will continue to be effective in communicating with you and
with the administration. I hope to use the skills I have acquired in the past two years to be an
even more effective leader next year.
If re-elected, I will continue to improve and work towards more open and clear
communication, more aggressive and creative fundraising and event planning, and a more
effective execution of everything that I do. With me as your Vice President, we can work
together towards an exciting and successful year! Remember, I’m your prescription for
progress. Vote Michelle Chawla, Vice President for the Class of 2018.
Carolyn Zhu
Carolyn Zhu
Hi, Class of 2018!
My name is Carolyn Zhu, and I am running for Treasurer of our class. I had the privilege
of serving you all last year as part of our class council, and I believe that my experiences in
working with the rest of the council members and managing the details of our class’s finances
make me the best qualified candidate for this position.
For the past two years, our council has worked hard to build up our class as a whole,
both academically and financially. As the upcoming school year approaches, there are three
main objectives I hope to accomplish: plan more class-wide social events, develop innovative
fundraisers to build our treasury, and provide academic support as we enter our P2 year. I vow
to use our past successes to create even more unique and distinctive events for our class, such
as pizza and movie nights in the Pharmacy building or class trips to the city. With Halfway Done
behind us, we have even more Done parties and events (including graduation!) quickly
approaching, and it is imperative that we have a stable treasury to fund these events.
Academically, class council and I have sought to provide you with useful resources: I will
continue to upload lecture recordings to Sakai, and would be happy to take suggestions on
which other resources would be most helpful to you.
Further, my experiences with this position and the Pharmacy Governing Council have
allowed me to become familiarized with the intricacies of the treasury and the Rutgers SABO
system. If elected, I vow to continue to lead and guide our class as we take on the academic
challenges of our P2 year. I also look forward to collaborating with all of you and the rest of the
council to plan more social and de-stress events as we continue through pharmacy school,
and I will ensure that you all have a strong say in our events and are continuously updated
through class polls and announcements.
I fully understand the time and organizational commitments required of the treasurer,
and I hope you have all seen my dedication in devoting myself to this role. As always, I
promise to speak on your behalf and put your ideas into action, so please feel free to come to
me with concerns, suggestions, or just to say hello—I’d love to speak with each and every one
of you. So remember, if you want to be represented well, vote Carolyn Zhu for Treasurer of the
Class of 2018!
Angie Kang
Angie Kang
Dear members of the Class of 2018,
My name is Angie Kang, and I am running for the position of secretary of our class council for
the 2015-2016 school year. I have served as secretary for the past two academic years and
have found that nothing brings me more joy and satisfaction than helping my fellow
classmates in any way that I can. By running again for the position of secretary, I would like to
work with the future class council to bring about beneficial changes to best prepare ourselves
for our 2nd Professional year, to focus even more on the concerns of the members of our class,
and to further foster and reinforce a sense of community amongst our class.
As I am finishing up my second year as secretary, I believe I have exhibited the organizational
and communication skills required for the position. I have arranged numerous fundraisers as
well as the Halfway Done Party, which I believe was a great success. In addition to these
events, I have put our Sakai and Facebook communities to use, to encourage communication
amongst members of our class and to ensure that all important information and resources are
shared and can be accessed by all. I worked on these individual projects with the hope that
each member of our class could benefit both academically and individually from them. I
believe, still, that there is much more I could do for our class in the upcoming year.
One of the most important goals I would like to accomplish for the 2015-2016 school year is to
establish an official class liaison system. I believe communication is key, especially between
student and professor; I want to form a committee of select students to represent the class of
2018 to more efficiently communicate our questions and concerns. There are many students
within our class who are highly capable of this role, and through this, I believe I can encourage
more personal connections between the class and faculty. In addition, I will always strive to
create events to support our class through traditional fundraisers, as well as fun events. For
example, I would like to hold a coffee house event for the pharmacy school, for students to
enjoy themselves and showcase their individual talents. Though these may not cater to
academic needs, I think a sense of community amongst the class is equally as important, and
would like to work towards improving it as well.
With our 2nd Professional year fast approaching, I am realizing some changes that can be
implemented for the benefit of our class. I would like to be given the chance to serve again
as secretary to implement these changes, and to offer the support and help to my colleagues
to the best of my abilities. Thank you very much for your time and consideration, and wish the
very best for everyone with the remainder of the semester!
Rohan Chittella
Diana Cho
Rebecca Kim
Boning Zhao
Rohan Chittella
Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is Rohan Chittella. I am a Pp2 and I stand
here before you today because I hope to become class of 2019 President. Soon enough we
will HOPEFULLY become P1s and with that, our journey as actual pharmacy students begins. As
a smaller class than most of the other majors and programs at Rutgers, I think it is imperative
that we capitalize on our size. That means we get closer as one class. That means we develop
a tighter knit community of pharmacy students. Most importantly, that means we can all
become friends and not just numbers in a program that is nothing short of cut throat. The
reason this is so important to me is because our years at school are going to absolutely fly by
and when they do, I am sure that we do not want to look back and think of all the wasted
opportunities we could have had to meet great people and foster great friendships. Now, as
good as this idea sounds on paper, I’m no fool; I know this will be much harder to bring into
fruition. Its not easy getting people to come out to events. Its not easy when not everyone
wants to be friends. And its definitely not easy when all we have is exams on exams on exams.
But, I think if we can find a common ground in a medium that everyone likes, we will be able
to maximize our ability to develop this sense of community within our class. I plan to, if elected,
organize informal retreats for our class post exam time at locations such as Roller Skating and
paintball at discounted rates. I plan to create more fundraising opportunities so that we can
all eventually get matching apparel. And to leave our legacy as the class of 2019, I would
assist in the creation of a time capsule that spans our four professional years here that we can
open up at our reunion. These tasks may seem daunting but I’ve been a competitor my whole
life so I know how to handle adversity. I still compete on the Club Volleyball team here and am
the captain of my team. I am also apart of SCREAM Theater so I can understand and
empathize with Your needs. At the end of the day, pharmacy school is only going to be as
rewarding as we make it. Vote for me and I promise to do just that. Thank you.
Diana Cho
Hello Class of 2019!
These past two years as pre-professional students, we faced challenges and struggled through
our exams, but we have pushed through and endured. Together, we have built a community
where we have gotten to know each other and help each other out. However, the journey
has just begun. As we embark on another phase of our lives and officially transition into our
professional years, I hope to continue to serve you with your best interests in mind. So I, Diana
Cho, humbly ask for your support as I run for re-election as your Class of 2019 President.
This past year, I have had a rewarding experience representing our class. In a group effort, our
class council continued the tradition and organized “How to Survive Your PP2 & P1 Years,”
which was a great opportunity for pre-professional students to learn more the curriculum and
have their questions answered by a wonderful group of panelists. Additionally, we initiated a
Sakai page, where we shared various resources such as approved lecture recordings for
Systems Physiology and Organic Chemistry. We also participated in DIYA’s annual competition
and represented our class as “pharmkids2K19” and won 3rd place. Currently, we are working
hard to facilitate the white coat orders for our upcoming ceremony in the fall, and I am
making sure that our transition to a different vendor is as seamless as possible. All of these
different events were successful because we collaborated together and worked as a team,
and your enthusiasm and feedback enhanced the whole experience. I am very grateful that I
had such opportunity, and I am looking forward to doing so again in the upcoming academic
With your support, I plan to expand our class involvement. I am envisioning having liaisons for
our core classes and forming various committees where you can have a more direct
involvement with our class council. In the end, a class council is for all of us, and I want to help
capture a diversified but focused team synergy within our Class of 2019. I firmly believe that
when our diverse backgrounds and perspectives come together, it will elevate our teamwork
and benefit all of us. In addition to the committees, I hope to organize socials where we can
get to know each other more and welcome the transfers to our class, so we can strengthen
our community. And last but not least, I aim to continue our fundraising efforts to raise money
for our class activities and celebrations.
Serving our class has been a wonderful learning experience, and I thank you for giving me
such an opportunity. Because I have the prior experience and the passion to see my goals
come to fruition, I am an ideal candidate for the position. So please take a brief moment to
make the right choice and re-elect me, Diana Cho, as your Class President. Thank you so
much for your consideration, and please feel free to reach out to me for any concerns or
Rebecca Kim
Hello Class of 2019!
My name is Rebecca Kim and before I start, I would like to thank you for taking your time in
reading my qualities and goals for next year. I am running for Class Council President and I am
excited for this wonderful opportunity to not only represent our class, but also to help our
student body in building our community together.
I believe that the duties of a class president are as follows: to publicize the voices of the class,
to initiate and take action, and to be very approachable, so that any student in our class can
freely express his concerns to the president. Class representatives act as a waterway between
the administration and the student body, where information and opinions are exchanged. As
the President of our class, I seek to navigate our class to unity.
If elected as President, I am thrilled to share with you the upcoming plans I’d like to achieve:
1. Fundraising for our class by selling EMSOP and pharmacy related lapel pins that go very well
with the white coats to reduce the cost of our Halfway Done Party and other expenses. As an
active sister of Lambda Kappa Sigma, I have experience in designing pharmacy apparel,
contacting the vendors, and publicizing the fundraiser for the Rutgers Pharmacy sweatshirts
that many of you are wearing right now. It was a great opportunity for our students to
represent our school pride and to participate in Relay for Life. This experience will help me
efficiently plan and carry out the lapel pin fundraiser that I have planned for our class.
2. Holding class socials and professional events with students and professors to design a bigger
and better network. Last fall I co-hosted “Rx Rotations” with Rho Chi and it was the first time our
school had a full panel of current P4s, alumni, and professors who informed the students about
rotations, their experiences, and general advices regarding the pharmacy career. Despite
being first time events, both the fundraising idea and professional event were successful
because we took action. One of the most important qualities of a leader is to be bold, to
initiate the previously undone, and to take a firm action. If elected as President, I plan to
successfully carry out similar ideas in such manner.
3. Creating class committees (Yearbook, Fundraising, Professional) to approach our class
concerns at a more close and intimate level. Through such committees, students will get a
better understanding of what the council does and also gain experience in communicating
with the student body, while nurturing leadership skills.
With my past experiences and combining them with new, promising ideas, I hope to work
hand in hand with you to make the best memories at Rutgers. If elected, I will not fail in striving
toward these goals and making sure your ideas are heard, as your concerns are the class
council’s concerns. I will take action!
Please vote Rebecca Kim for President of Class of 2019.
Boning Zhao
Greetings Class of 2019,
My name is Boning Zhao and it would be an honor to be elected Pharmacy Class of 2019
As many of you might know, I have been the Class of 2019 treasurer for our PP2 year. Being
that this is the first year our class has had a council, we spent a lot of time establishing
ourselves within the school, establishing financial goals for our class, and ultimately, creating
projects where our pharmacy class can come together.
Since this was our first year, our positions were not cemented. While my focus as class treasurer
was obtaining reimbursements through SABO and organizing the money that we fundraised,
everyone worked together as a team in creating new project ideas and pushing our
objectives forward. Therefore, I understand that one of the most important jobs as Class of
2019 president is to keep the e-board organized and to establish strict dates for these projects
in order to ascertain that our goals are met.
After working as a member of class council, I understand that events require a lot of
preparation and approval in order for it to actually come to life. Before we even begin
planning for an event, each step has to be laid out in order to obtain approval from the
school. Even if all of that is achieved, it might not go according to planned. Therefore, as Class
of 2019 President, I will make sure that events are pushed out in a timely fashion, whether it be
a fundraising money for our class, organizing academically-orientated presentations (for
example, “How to Survive PP1 and PP2 year”), or simply events where the Class of 2019 comes
together as a whole.
I believe that one of my most important character traits is my ambition. I will always create
new fundraising ideas and class-oriented events where people can meet everyone in our year
and become more comfortable with our pharmacy class. Despite the many circumstances
that might come up within a planning process, as class president, I will make sure that these
goals are achieved. My leadership in a group setting, confidence in meeting new people,
and appreciation of different opinions will allow me to lead when necessary while also being
an effective team player. I will make sure that everyone in our class has a say in what we do
and create an open environment where people can easily contribute.
My personality and experience makes me a highly qualified candidate for class of 2019
president. I always have the class in mind and my decisions will be driven purely by your
interests and your voice, Class of 2019.
Nimit Jindal
Nimit Jindal
My dearest colleagues! It truly has been a sincere honor and privilege to been your Vice
President this past year! I had a fantastic time working with the other officers in creating a
strong foundation for our class as we enter our professional years, and I hope you grant me the
continued privilege to serve our class yet again as Vice President.
As a member of class council this year, I have spent much time doing what I can to foster
collaboration among our class. I worked on creating the EMSOP 2019 Sakai Page, in order to
help distribute lecture recordings for Systems Physiology as well as other important
announcements, and I helped facilitate the “How to Survive PP2/P1” program at the
beginning of the year. Currently, I am taking the lead on facilitating white coat measurements
for our ceremony, and am hopeful that that will be done soon!
Having served in certain leadership capacities in the past, I feel that I extremely organized,
ambitious, and well spoken. I have shown time and time again that I can manage large
projects and get them done quickly and efficiently. For this upcoming year, we need to ensure
we elect a person who can grapple with the incredibly large tasks at hand, our White Coat
Ceremony and Halfway Done programs just to name a few.
If elected Vice President, I will work alongside our President in ensuring that the traditional
programs that have always been iconic moments for pharmacy students, continue to remain
as such. I will not only meet your expectations, but I will supersede them. If elected, I promise
to organize the White Coat Ceremony in a quickly, but efficient manner. I am currently
working on acquiring the order for White Coats, and if elected I will ensure that the coats are
ready for a prompt ceremony in September. Furthermore, I will continue to work to ensure
inter-class collaboration with small get together programs in order to acquaint members of our
class who may not know each other, including the transfer students that will join our ranks next
semester. I also ensure you that I will work diligently to plan a fun halfway done party for our
class, in order to give this monumental achievement the celebration that it deserves.
I have always tried to serve our class in the greatest capacity that I can, whether that be
helping peers for exams and on assignments, facilitating class bonding programs, or anything
else. I feel that by being re-elected to the office of Vice President, I will be able to continue to
help our class in even more ways. The list of goals I have for next year is long, but I believe I
have the skills needed to get them done.
Thank you again for all of your support in the past, and thank you again for your continued
Wishing you all love and friendship,
Nimit Jindal
HoSung Rhyu
Eric Zhu
HoSung Rhyu
Hello, fellow Class of 2020 students! My name is HoSung Rhyu, and I am honored to have an
opportunity to run for Class Council President of Class of 2020. As of now, I am certainly
amazed by the supportive faculty members and fellow students I met this year. I am also
surprised by many precious opportunities EMSOP offer us through numerous pharmacy
organizations and events. In return, I wish to take one more step to participate more actively
and make contributions to EMSOP.
Communication and teamwork are essential skills for any leadership position. I believe that I
was able to hone such skills through various leadership positions I held before coming to
Rutgers. While serving in China as a translator between Korean doctors and Chinese patients, I
was communicating with hundreds of patients and collaborating doctors every day in two
different languages. I learned to articulate the given information to both parties to avoid any
miscommunications. I believe such skills will come in handy when I facilitate communications
between faculty and EMSOP students in an effective and accurate manner. I will also
collaborate with my Class of 2020 Council members to plan numerous exciting events to bring
our student body together and improve communications between fellow students.
I believe that serving is another most crucial characteristic of leaders. Serving as President of
Concert Choir of more than 100 students at my high school, I learned to connect with each
and every member, and meet different needs. I listened to any concerns they had, and
reached out to students who did not actively participate as well. I am ready to listen to all your
concerns and take actions to fix problems.
My rather recent experience as a resident of Davidson Hall has taught me the importance of
active participation in community. In the beginning of the spring semester, Davidson Hall did
not have proper heat and electricity. Residents were sleeping in freezing room and
experiencing power shortage every single day. After two months, staff members from
University Facilities held meeting. I attended all of these meetings of all Davidson residents and
assured that problems were fixed. This experience assured me once again that when putting
our efforts together, we can solve our problems. I hope I can commit myself to similar causes
for EMSOP students.
To sum up, I would like achieve the following objectives if given the chance to represent you:
1. Liaison between faculty and fellow students of Class of 2020
2. Class of 2020 Social events to bring student body together
3. Fund-raising events for class apparels and White Coat Ceremony (photo booth)
Furthermore, I will work hard to plan awesome events that will make our journey in pharmacy
school more exciting amongst our hectic schedule! I am sincerely excited to take this job and
achieve my objectives. I appreciate your time reading my speech. Please take your time to
vote for me, HoSung Rhyu, as your Class Council President.
HoSung Rhyu
Eric Zhu
Congratulations fellow classmates for earning your spots in the Class of 2020. My name is Eric
Zhu, AMCP’s Pre-Professional Liaison, a Past Lieutenant Governor of Key Club, a previous VP of
Piscataway High’s Chinese Culture Club, a former Safety Ambassador for Robert Wood
Johnson Hospital, and possibly the imminent PGC Class President for the Class of 2020.
As an executive officer for multiple organizations, I have created many successful events,
upheld correspondence with both members and professional organizations, and developed
my skills as a leader. At Rutgers, I have continued my training as a leader by aiding in the
advocacy of managed care pharmacy as a Liaison: organizing presentations, planning
events, and earning more experience in helping others gain the knowledge and opportunities
to succeed.
By serving you through our last pre-professional year, I hope to earn the title of PGC president
and bring your ideas to fruition. Earlier, I congratulated the class for making it into Rutgers
pharmacy because each of us made the choice to embark on such a difficult journey. So let
me help all of us succeed.
1. By creating events and generating action for the sake of academic achievement, I
hope to help in our studies. For example, given the opportunity, I will make and share
recordings of a certain system professor’s lectures, which use highly specific information
from the lecture for exams, to benefit our class.
2. By listening to all of you, I hope to be your voice in the governing council and use your
input to create events, be it de-stress, social, academic, or professional, that you want.
Feel free to reach out to me, anytime, with your questions and concerns.
3. By focusing on helping my other executive’s agendas succeed, I hope to help make
your vote get more of what you want from your future class council.
All of you chose pharmacy so I trust you to pick the right candidate.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Drym Oh
Parth Vaidya
Drym Oh
Hello, Class of 2020!
My name is Drym Oh and I want to serve you as your Vice President of our class council.
To begin, I would like to tell you about myself. I am very passionate, dedicated, and hopeful. I
have hope not only for my future, but also for the future of the Class of 2020. Through my
experience of serving others throughout my high school career in various positions and in my
first two semesters at Rutgers as the PPAG Representative for the Class of 2020, I have learned
that leaders should not direct or command, but serve others. If elected vice-president, I hope
to serve you, listen to you, and work with you so that we all may reach or even exceed the
standards that we set for ourselves. Therefore, I have established the following goals that I will
work to achieve if I am elected to serve you as your vice president.
First, I want to increase the attendance of our class in the various events coordinated by the
pharmacy organizations. At an event that was organized by PPAG and NCPA, there were only
five students from our class who attended. I believe that these lectures and events contain
prodigious amounts of resources that can help all of us work towards our goals or even
develop new aspirations. I want to make sure that all students receive this information about
such events so that we can use such invaluable information to continue our journeys in
becoming pharmacists.
In addition, I wish to improve the mentoring program by extending it beyond the one picnic
that we have in the beginning of the school year. Some of the members of our class have
expressed that they never talked to their mentors after the picnic. I want to create stronger
relationships between our class and the classes above us so that we can learn from not only
their mistakes, but also their successes. Such interactions or connections can allow us to have
a better understanding of how to apply to pharmacy technician jobs, which electives we
should choose or which ones would interest us more, and how to prepare for the classes we
dread, such as organic chemistry.
Finally, I want to organize open study group sessions for the classes in which many of us may
struggle. In these gatherings, we would break out into smaller groups so that students can work
out problems together and teach each other. I would ask willing individuals in the classes
above us to attend these sessions to provide us with tips on how to study or prepare for exams.
I believe that creating a collaborative and interactive environment will allow us to better
understand the material at hand and to develop ourselves into well-rounded individuals filled
with knowledge and confidence.
I would like to thank you for your time and your consideration. I hope to get to know all of you
throughout the rest of our six years here at Rutgers.
Parth Vaidya
My name is Parth Vaidya, and I am currently a freshman running for the position of Vice
President for the Class Council of 2020. I am running for this position because since entering
pharmacy school, it has been a strong desire of mine to obtain a pharmacy leadership
position, and I believe I meet and exceed the expectations required of Vice President.
Currently, I was chosen to be Class Representative for 2020 for DIA, I work as a pharmacy
technician in CVS, and I have industry job shadowing experience. I believe my involvement in
these pharmaceutical organizations demonstrates my passion for the field, and is proof of my
commitment to the profession. These experiences have given me insight from various angles
about how the pharmacy world works, and as Vice President, I can contribute all I have
learned to the Pharmacy Governing Council to expand its reach. As Vice President, I hope to
achieve three main objectives: interclass collaboration, fundraising for the class of 2020, and
information sessions between faculty and students.
Primarily, I believe it is very important for the younger students in the EMSOP community
to familiarize themselves with older students. Interclass events such as a football game
between two different classes can give students the opportunity to learn about each other
and ask each other questions, and I hope to organize such events as Vice President.
Fundraising is also an important objective of mine, and I have many ideas of raising money for
the class of 2020. For example, selling class of 2020 apparel and clothing can be a great way
to financially support my class, while also raising class pride and spirit. Such sales would occur
in locations such as the pharmacy building and various Student Centers across Rutgers. Lastly,
and most importantly, I believe it is essential for the class of 2020 to get to know the different
professors in the pharmacy school and what they do. Information sessions such as Q and A’s
with different professors can be an excellent opportunity for students to connect with
professors and learn about the different research and projects they are working on, so that
students can get a chance to get involved with research of their interest. I think events like
these held in the pharmacy school lecture halls can be a huge success.
Overall, I am very excited to be running for Vice President for my class council. The
experience and involvement I currently have will help me contribute to PGC, and I believe
that a position such as this one will help me grow as a professional individual.
Rebecca Chang
Rebecca Chang
Hello, fellow members of Class of 2020!
I am very pleased to introduce myself to you. My name is Rebecca Chang, and I am running
for treasurer on the PGC Student Council. Since I have a profound expertise in the usage of
various graphic software, I have engaged in numerous activities that focused on publicizing of
events and resources for multiple public facilities over many years. To list few examples, some
of my illustrations on posters for high school events have been in use for more than 3 years and
are still in use for promoting annual, major events such as the Senior Fashion Show. In addition
to promotion of events, I am also experienced in designing advertisements for certain
resources and programs. At the local library, I was designated to design advertisements for
such as a library affiliated website and many summer programs for children. Therefore, I am
confident that my background can be adequately implemented for fundraising and
facilitating financial planning.
Additionally, here are my three objectives that I would like to accomplish if I am elected a
1. I hope to foster funds through cost efficient fundraisers that would reach and appeal to
the most number of supporters. For example, I would like to improve the traditional posts
on SNS to attract most number of supporters by utilizing more modes of
communications such as vivid illustrations and videos. Moreover, I will strategize these
activities to involve and focus around our classmates to better our experience as the
Class of 2020.
2. I would like to optimize the budget to fit both expected and unforeseen expenses so
that I am able to meet the demands and concerns of the Class of 2020 anytime.
3. In collaboration with the council members, I will strive to execute financial planning in
order to initiate and fulfill the council’s desired projects that would help create
opportunities for our pharmacy class to establish ourselves prominently at Rutgers.
With my knowledge and experience, I will strive to present you efficient creativity and
competent action.
Thank you for your time and support.
Rebecca Chang