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GEB4890 -Spring-2012 - Strategic Management/Decision Making Syllabus - final – Dr. Velma McCuiston

GEB4890 - Strategic Management and Decision Making

Spring, 2012



Dr. Velma E. McCuiston

Piano Man 107

OFFICE PHONE: (727) 873-4268


OFFICE HOURS: M: 11:30-2:00; 5:00 -6:00; 8:50-9:30 pm and by appointment





GEB4890.601Sp12, M 2:00pm-4:50pm, STG114

GEB4890.691Sp12, M 6:00pm-8:50pm, STG114

Course Description, Prerequisites, and Grade Requirements:

This course is intended to be a challenging capstone course that provides a unifying, integrating, and coordinating opportunity to tie together concepts, principles, and skills learned separately in other, more specialized courses in Business Administration. The primary focus of the course is on problems confronted by top managers in formulating and implementing strategy. The content of this course will, among other things, introduce you to the meaning of strategic management, the role of managers, strategy formulation and implementation, and useful diagnostic tools for arriving at strategic decisions. Prerequisites: Senior standing and completion of FIN 3403, MAN 3025, MAR

3023 with a minimum grade of C- in each course. Requirement: Grade of "C-" or better required for graduation .

Course Objective(s):

1) To develop an understanding of the complex relationship between an organization and its environment: to demonstrate the ability to perform internal and external analyses.

2) To develop skills in strategy formulation: to identify, assess, and recommend the mission, objectives, and strategies that an organization may develop to manage or adapt to its environment(s) (H2 Gen Ed Learning Goal).

3) To develop skills in strategy implementation: to identify, assess, and recommend the structures, culture, systems, and leadership needed for putting strategies into action (H2 Gen Ed Learning

Goal). pg. 1

GEB4890 -Spring-2012 - Strategic Management/Decision Making Syllabus - final – Dr. Velma McCuiston

Required Textbook


Textbook + Simulation + cases - available online or campus bookstore

Premium Glo-Bus - 2012 version (combined e-text/cases ( Strategy: Core Concepts and Analytic

Approaches , Thompson) + Simulation): available at

Overview of Glo-Bus Simulation

Prior to first class session, you can watch a highlight video and/or take a student tour. You will not be able to register until you have received an access code during the first class session.

Glo-Bus Registration Process:

After you have received an access code from your professor during the first class session, watch the registration video at the Glo-Bus website. Watch Video of Registration Procedure

Begin Account Registration

Watch Video of Registration Procedure

Enter the GLO-BUS Company Registration Code provided by your instructor.

– –

Example: 12345 – ABC – A


If you do not know your Company Registration Code, then you cannot create an account at this time. To find out what your Company Registration Code is, contact your course instructor after the first class session. Then return here to begin account registration.

pg. 2

GEB4890 -Spring-2012 - Strategic Management/Decision Making Syllabus - final – Dr. Velma McCuiston


Case Analysis:

Group Case Analysis - Written Submission (1)

Group Case Analysis -Presentation (1)

100 points

150 points 25.0%

Group Semester Project - Simulation + Textbook:

Completion of Chapter-end Exercises

Company Report - Trends/Lessons

Overall Glo-Bus Score: Company Performance on All Required Components of GLO-BUS

( See items included in project description )

350 points

25 points

25 points

Exams & Text Chapter Quizzes:

Average Score Earned on Chapter Quizzes

Exam I (chapters 1-7)

Exam II (chapters 9,10,12)


130 points


120 points 35.0 % points


TOTAL= 1,000 points

Determination of Final Course Grade:

Course Grade












Course Requirements

97% or 970 points

93% or 930 points

90% or 900 points

87% or 870 points

83% or 830 points

80% or 800 points

77% or 770 points

73% or 730 points

70% or 700 points

65% or 650 points

<65% or 650 points pg. 3

GEB4890 -Spring-2012 - Strategic Management/Decision Making Syllabus - final – Dr. Velma McCuiston

Course Policies (Attendance, Preparation, and Participation):

Successful completion of this course will require that you attend class, prepare for class, and participate during class on a consistent basis, and spend ample weekly outside class time to meet with your GLO-BUS team. Excessive unexcused absences, with excessive defined as more than 1 absence , will result in up to a 5% reduction of your final class average for each absence. Showing up late and leaving early will each count as half of an absence and will result in up to a 2.5% reduction in your final course grade for each occurrence. Please turn off all cell phones before entering the classroom. Finally, text-messaging and surfing the Internet is not appropriate classroom behavior.

Those wishing to use a laptop computer in class must seek my permission, and I reserve the right to disallow you from using a laptop computer during class.

All students are expected to participate actively in class discussion. This includes evidence of thorough prior preparation of course materials, engaging in exercises, etc. Attendance at all sessions is required except in previously arranged cases/emergencies.

Format, Responsibilities, and Learning Elements:

The course will include a range of learning opportunities, including end-of-chapter exercises and quizzes, case discussions, presentations, group decision making and other experiential exercises to foster application of concepts highlighted in assigned readings. You will also contribute to the group’s learning by participating in discussion of specific topics re lated to course theme(s), including discussion of the assigned cases in the text, discussion of the chapters, discussion of the end-of chapter exercises, group presentation of cases, and written analysis of three cases. You will also complete an applied project in strategic management and decision making. -. The project (GLO-BUS

Premium simulation) will center on teams assigned to run a digital camera company in head-to-head competition against companies run by other class members. Companies compete in a global market area, selling entry-level and upscale, multi-featured cameras to camera retailers in four geographic regions - Europe-Africa, North America, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America.

I am committed to advancing and disseminating knowledge on strategic management. I believe that well-prepared and well-informed managers in the future will need to understand and appreciate the contexts of the global business environment and specific management challenges associated with it.

The most successful managers will also understand the benefits to firms, governments, and society of ethical, productive, value-creating actions taken by managers of private-, public- and third-sector organizations around the world. pg. 4

GEB4890 -Spring-2012 - Strategic Management/Decision Making Syllabus - final – Dr. Velma McCuiston

Instructional Method:

Interactive Exchange

The class will be conducted as an interactive exchange. Students will take an active role in leading discussion of cases, presenting cases, and providing critical commentary. Each class will involve discussion and dialogue as major elements in the learning strategy, although lecture will be utilized to provide grounding for subject content. Individual participants will be responsible for completing reading assignments and participating in discussion of those readings, as well as completing all course requirements in a professional, complete, and timely manner.

GLO-BUS Simulation and Group Written Project

You will be required to participate in a group project this semester built around an online business simulation. Each group will make comprehensive sets of decisions that will affect the competitive standing and performance of a simulated company for a period of nine years. Each group will then develop a detailed written project on their company, the simulated industry, and their company's overall performance in the simulations. I shall discuss the written project in more detail later in the semester.

There are a few policies pertaining to your group efforts of which you should be aware. Each group will consist of 2-4 people depending on the size of the class. Group member selection can be critical to group performance and group member satisfaction. Each group member is required to participate equally on the simulation decisions and on the written project. Please note that, as I am allowing you to select your own groups under guidelines, you will bear most of the responsibility for making sure that each group member does his/her fair share of the work. If problems do arise, it is in your best interest to notify me as soon as possible. If a group member is not contributing and/or is significantly disrupting the process of working on the simulation decisions and/or completing the written project, the other group member(s) may remove this individual from the group. Also, the professor reserves the right to remove a member from a group if she has documentation from the group that the member is not contributing quality work to the process and/or is not doing his or her fair share. If you are removed from a group, you will not receive any of the points allocated to the graded component of the course project (400 total points).

The simulation will demand much of your time. Expect to spend a few hours each week reading the chapter material, making simulation decisions, end-of chapter exercises, and end-of-chapter quizzes.

Planning your time and cooperating with team members is important. Finally, you will also be required to complete (2) online quizzes, and a 3-year strategic plan as part of your simulation grade pg. 5

GEB4890 -Spring-2012 - Strategic Management/Decision Making Syllabus - final – Dr. Velma McCuiston

Course Requirements:

Case Analysis Submission (25% - 250 total points)

 Group Case Analysis - Written Submission: (10.0% - 100 total points)

All students are expected to submit written, typed responses to the specified cases at the beginning of each designated class.

There will be (1) case. The assigned case will be a part of the Group Case Presentation. See tentative schedule for due dates of cases, as well as the Group Case Presentation.

 Group Case Analysis - Presentation (15% - 150 points).

In company groups, you will present the main findings of one of the cases in our text, including responses to questions and update, as assigned. Presentations should be 15-20 minutes maximum. Group must submit one printed copy of presentation on day of presentation, as well as one digital copy of their analysis and presentation in their group file exchange by midnight on the Saturday prior to the due date. Multiple groups will present the same case. DUE: See schedule for each group

Group Semester Project (Group). (40.0% - 400 Total points)

Teams of 3-4 persons, depending on class size, will be formed during the first class session. Each team will be responsible for a digital camera company for the group project.

 Overall Company Performance on All Required Components of GLO-BUS Simulation

(350 points) – determined by completing all required components of GLO-BUS Simulation- o (2) practice decision rounds, o (8) scored decision rounds, o Glo-Bus online Quiz I o Glo-Bus online Quiz II, o 3-year statistical plan, o 12-portion peer group evaluation, o self evaluation...) (See Corporate Lobby Web Page for Company Co-Managers for details

Chapter-End Exercises (25 points) (10 total exercises)

Completed either in or out of class no later than designated due date. Points awarded for percentage of completion (See Schedule for due dates)

Company Report/Lessons Learned (25 points)

Completed either in or out of class no later than designated due date. At conclusion of project, each group will prepare a report that covers o l) their company's performance for all decision rounds o 2) their strategic vision for the company, o 3)performance targets for the next year or two, assuming the simulation continued on, o their company's present strategy and how it has evolved, pg. 6

GEB4890 -Spring-2012 - Strategic Management/Decision Making Syllabus - final – Dr. Velma McCuiston o which companies they consider to be their closest competitors, o the moves they would make over the next several years to win out over their close competitors and improve their company's performance and market standing, and lessons learned. (See Schedule for due dates)

Exams and End-of-Chapter Quizzes (35% - 350 total points)

Exam I - chapter 1-7 = (120 points)

Exam II - chapters 9, 10, 12 =( 130 points)

 Average Score Earned on Chapter Quizzes = 100 points) (Compute average% x 100pts)


Please note that, except under extreme circumstances, no make-up exams will be given. If you have an extreme circumstance (e.g., death in the family or serious personal illness) that interferes with your ability to sit for &/or submit an exam, you must acquire appropriate documentation (e.g., original copy of a physician's note) and contact Dr. McCuiston immediately.

Without prior notification, no make-up exams will be given. Regardless, if you do not take an exam during the scheduled exam period, your score will be reduced by two percentage points for each business day you are late. No extra credit work (e.g., papers) will be accepted to improve exam grades.

Key Leadership Skill(s) and Perspectives Addressed in This Course (Rating Scale 0-5):

Interpersonal and




Analytical and


Thinking Skills







Thinking and




Ethical and







(see last page for detailed listing of Key Leadership Skill(s))

(a) Chapters, 9, 10, , 12, Case Assignments, Group semester simulation project; Group case presentations.

(b) Chapter 1-7, 10, 12, Case Assignments, Self-Assessment Exercises, Group semester simulation project

(c) Internet Exercises – end of chapter exercises, end-of-chapter quizzes, decision rounds, online exams and Glo-Bus simulation quizzes

(d) Case Assignments, Self-Assessment Exercises, end-of-chapter quizzes, decision rounds, online exams and simulation quizzes

(e) Decision rounds,

(f) All Chapters – Glo-Bus group project simulation in four different geographic sectors/cultures pg. 7

GEB4890 -Spring-2012 - Strategic Management/Decision Making Syllabus - final – Dr. Velma McCuiston

Recording of Lectures and Copyrights:

All unauthorized recordings of class are prohibited. Recordings that accommodate individual student needs must be approved in advance and may be used for personal use during the semester only; redistribution is prohibited.

University Assessment

You should be aware that some of the work you complete this semester will be used for purposes other than calculating your final course grade. More specifically, different types of assessments are required for us to maintain our accreditation as a university and/or as a college of business. Most of these assessments are done as part of the course and will require no additional work from you as a student. If you have any questions or concerns about this please let me know.

Students with Disabilities:

Please notify your instructor if you have a learning disability or require special assistance with this course. Confidential personal and learning assistance counseling are made available to students through the Division of Student Affairs. Contact R. Barry McDowell (

) for more information.

Religious Holidays:

Students who must miss class or an examination due to a religious holiday should notify the instructor during the first two weeks of class.

Academic Dishonesty:

See section in the USFSP undergraduate catalog entitled “Procedures for Alleged Academic

Dishonesty or Disruption of Academic Process” at

Because of the University’s commitment to academic integrity, plagiarism or cheating on course work or on examinations will result in penalties that may include a grade of “F” for the specific exam or course work and a grade of “F” or “FF” for the course . Any incident of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Dean of the College. Definitions and punishment guidelines for Plagiarism, Cheating, and Student Disruption of the Academic Process may be found at the web address listed above. (See next page for wording taken from a portion of the Plagiarism section) pg. 8

GEB4890 -Spring-2012 - Strategic Management/Decision Making Syllabus - final – Dr. Velma McCuiston

PLAGIARISM : From Page 46 of the current undergraduate catalog

“(b) Plagiarism

Definition: Plagiarism is intentionally or carelessly presenting the work of another as one’s own. It includes submitting an assignment purporting to be the student’s original work which has wholly or in part been created by another person. It also includes the presentation of the work, ideas, representations, or words of another person without customary and proper acknowledgement of sources. Students must consult with their instructors for clarification in any situation in which the need for documentation is an issue, and will have plagiarized in any situation in which their work is not properly documented .”

Plagiarism is not only morally and academically wrong, it can be terminal.

Depending on the severity of the action and/or previous involvement in academic dishonesty, in the worst case scenario dismissal from the university and a permanent transcript notation noting the reason can be recorded.

Penalty for Academic Dishonesty – from page 48 of the current undergraduate catalog

“6. Willful violation of a canon of the ethical code of the profession for which a student is preparing.

Recommended sanctions for Level Four violations are listed below:

· The typical sanction for all Level Four violations is permanent academic dismissal from the University with the designation of "Dismissed for

Academic Dishonesty" to be placed permanently on a student's external transcript.”

Acknowledge the source for material

Attribution is simply acknowledging the source of the material. NOT attributing an author of importance is actually stupid – if the information is from a trusted and reputable source, it makes YOUR work based on that information much more credible.

The bottom line –

There is a very good chance that you will be caught if you plagiarize.

Almost every resource that would be credible is available via the internet. Safe Assignment, the resource through which all papers are checked, has over 2.5 million pages available for checking. That means that there is over a 99.9% chance that word-for-word plagiarism or even somewhat paraphrased plagiarism will show up.

So – do your own work. A bad grade may be survivable. A bad reputation can be – terminal. pg. 9

GEB4890 -Spring-2012 - Strategic Management/Decision Making Syllabus - final – Dr. Velma McCuiston

Tentative Schedule of Classes, Topics, Assignments Due Saturday 23:59 Prior to Next Class





Professor reserves right to change schedule upon notice to students

9 Orientation & course preview

GLO-BUS (G-B) intro

ASSIGNMENTS: (See deadlines below)


Each week print Stat Review + Competitive

Intelligence reports

Read G-B Participant's Guide

G-B practice round #1 + print reports

G-B Quiz #1: 1/18-2/28

(45 minutes)

Read Ch. 1

Register for GLO-BUS




MLK Holiday – NO CLASS


Ch1-What is Strategy & Why Is It Important

Debrief G-B Practice Round + Reports



Debrief G-B Practice Round + Reports

Ch2 -Charting a Company's Long-Term Direction

Reset data to Yr. 6



6 Debrief Yr6 Decision Round

Ch3-Evaluating a Company's External




13 Debrief Yr7 Decision Round

Ch4-Evaluating a Company's Resources & Ability to Compete


Ch5-Five Basic Competitive Strategy Options

Complete Ch 1 Exercise



G-B practice round #2

+ Print reports

Read Ch2

Complete Ch 2 Exercise



G-B decision round #1-yr6

+ Print reports

Read Ch3

Complete Ch 3 Exercise



G-B decision round #2-yr7

+ Print reports

Read Ch4

Complete Ch 4 Exercise



G-B decision round #3-yr8

+ Print reports

Read Ch5

Complete Ch 5 Exercise



G-B decision round #4-yr9

+ Print reports

G-B Quiz #2: 2/15-2/25

(90 minutes)

8 27

Ch6-Supplementing the Chosen Competitive


Read Ch6

Complete Ch 6 Exercise



G-B decision round #5-yr10

+ Print reports

3-yr (10-12yrs) Strategic Plan – DUE 3/3




Ch7- Strategies-Competing in Global Markets


Exam I - online-3/ 5 @ 6:00pm -- 3/10 @ 11:00- pm



11 19

Ch9-Strategy, Ethics, & Social Responsibility

12 26

Ch10 -Building Org. Capable of Good Strategy





Ch12- Corporate Culture and Leadership

Exam II - online 4/2@6:00pm - 4/7 @11:00pm





Case 1 - Group Presentations

Case 2 - Group Presentations

Self/peer evaluations – 4/9-4/23


Case 3 - Group Presentations

Case 4 - Group Presentations


Case 5 - Group Presentations

Read Ch7

Complete Ch 7 Exercise



G-B decision round #6-yr11

+ Print reports

Read Ch9

Complete Ch 9 Exercise



G-B decision round #7-yr12

+ Print reports

Read Ch10

Complete Ch 10 Exercise



G-B decision round #8-yr13

+ Print reports

Read Ch12

Complete Ch 12 Exercise



NO G-B decision round

Company Report – Due 4/14 in file exchange

Written analysis submission including ppt presentation in appendix – in file exchange

Saturday(23:59) prior to presentation

Printed copy of total submission to instructor on same day as presentation

*Deadlines: All assignments due no later than 11:59p.m. Saturday prior to next week # pg. 10

GEB4890 -Spring-2012 - Strategic Management/Decision Making Syllabus - final – Dr. Velma McCuiston


October 31


December 12


January 2





SPRING 2012 Critical Dates







 Degree-seeking Registration Begins





 Non-degree-seeking Registration Begins 8am



 No Classes, Offices Closed

January 5

January 6

January 7

January 9

January 9-13

January 13

January 16

January 17


February 3











 State Employee Tuition Waiver Registration Begins at 5 pm

 Deadline to register without Late Registration Fee 5 pm

 First Day of Weekend Classes

 First Day of Classes

 Late Registration and Drop/Add

 Drop/Add ends at 5 pm

 Deadline for Residency Reclassification Application

 MLK Holiday – No Classes, Offices Closed

 Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver Registration





 Graduation Application Deadline

February 28


March 12-17

March 24

April 13

April 16

April 27

April 28

May 4

May 6

May 8

May 9

May 11



Monday-Saturday 

 Mid-term Grade Submission Deadline at 11:59 pm

M ARCH 2012







 Withdrawal Deadline – last day to withdraw with ‘W’, no refund




 Commencement Deadline to participate in Ceremony

 E-Grades opens for final grades

 Last Day of Classes




 Final Exams Begin




 Final Exams End

 Commencement at 6pm (Mahaffey Theater)




 Final Grades Due, 11:59 pm

 SUM and FAL registrations cancelled for Academic Dismissals

 Final Grades available on OASIS pg. 11

GEB4890 -Spring-2012 - Strategic Management/Decision Making Syllabus - final – Dr. Velma McCuiston pg. 12
