Assembly Instructions 1 Using a craft knife and ruler cut across the center of the page horizontaly and vertically. 2 Take each seperate card and fold down the middle length wise 3 Use either spray glue or double-sided tape to stick the inside sections of the card together. You will then be left with four seperate cards. Pictures of the Floating World | 4 Press firmly down on the card to seal. Note: Each A4 Sheet makes four cards. Pictures of the Floating World Challenges 挑 戦する チョウセン A Pictures of the Floating World A Captures 捕える トラ A A samurai could attack an outlaw. Artwork Kobayashi TOSHIMITSU Two brave heroes battling near the white foot of Mt. Ryozan 1884 Challenges 挑 戦する チョウセン A Pictures of the Floating World Changes into 化ける バ A After being caught attempting to steal fish, the river pirate Ri Ki is challenged to a fight by the owner of the local fish market, Cho Jun. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI Cho Jun, the White Splash in the Waves, wrestling in the river with Ri Ki, the Black Whirl Wind 1887 Pictures of the Floating World Captures B=Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion 攻撃する コウ ゲキ 捕える トラ A The rejected lover took his revenge and then allowed himself to be captured. Artwork Toyohara KUNICHIKA The actor Ichikawa Sadanji I as Sano Jirozaemon 1888 Changes into B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion A Attacks B=Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion 攻撃する コウ ゲキ B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion Attacks 化ける バ A The magic spirit dog changes into human form to marry the princess. Artwork Utagawa KUNISADA The eight canine heroes of the House of Satomi c. 1851–53 Pictures of the Floating World Dies 死ぬ シ A Pictures of the Floating World 呪い ノロ A Defeats 負かす マ A The courtesan Usugumo has been murdered and believes the samurai’s wife is responsible because of a curse she once placed on her. In revenge, Usugumo kills the samurai’s wife. Artwork Utagawa KUNIYOSHI Theatrical scene: The cat-spectre in the old temple c. 1847 Dies 死ぬ シ A Pictures of the Floating World Dreams of 夢を見る ユメ ミ A Shinohara Kunimoto was killed in the Satsuma rebellion of 1877. Artwork Toyohara KUNICHIKA The actor Onoe Kikugoro V in the play The Death of Shinohara Kunimoto in Battle 1878 Pictures of the Floating World Defeats B=Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion A Curses 負かす マ A Kusunoki Masatsura found himself surrounded by overwhelming numbers. In the art work Kusunoki Masatsura and two of his retainers are shown as they desperately fend off a storm of arrows Artwork Utagawa YOSHITSUYA The death of Kusunoki Masatsura 19th century Dreams of B=Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion ノロ B=Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion 呪い B=Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion Curses 夢を見る ユメ ミ A The Shogun, Tsunayoshi, is fast asleep dreaming of his favourite courtesan, Oyanagi no Okata. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI A woman saving the nation 1886 Pictures of the Floating World Loves 愛する アイ A Pictures of the Floating World 魔 法 を か ける マ ホウ A Lets go of 諦 める アキラ A To ensure that a shrine was completed before the sun set, Taira no Kiyomori climbed onto the roof and kept the sun from setting by waving his magic fan. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI Taira no Kiyomori stopping the descent of the sun c. 1876 Loves 愛する アイ A Pictures of the Floating World Meditates on 瞑 想 する メイ ソウ A Gompachi and Komurasaki is a tragic tale of two lovers. Having turned to crime to try to raise money to buy Komurasaki’s freedom, Gompachi is caught and executed. Learning of her lover’s death, Komurasaki commits suicide. Artwork Kitagawa UTAMARO The lovers Gompachi and Komurasaki c. 1790 Pictures of the Floating World Lets go of B=Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion A Enchants 諦 める アキラ A Shirai Gompachi, a dispossessed samurai, is trapped. In one dramatic move he lets go of his love and his life. Artwork Utagawa KUNISADA Shirai Gompachi 1860 Meditates on B=Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion マ ホウ B=Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion 魔 法 を か ける B=Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion Enchants 瞑 想 する メイ ソウ A Meditating on life, a courtesan could see a ghostly vision of a procession of skeletons. From this vision she might understand the impermanence of life. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The enlightenment of Jigoku-dayu 1890 Pictures of the Floating World Says to 言う イ A Pictures of the Floating World 明らかにする アキ A Sacrifices 犠 牲にする ギ セイ A An uprising was led by a group of discontented samurai. They were dispossessed as a result of the reunification and modernisation of Japan after the downfall of the Shogun. The revolt was suppressed by imperial forces and the rebel leaders died in battle. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The death of the rebel leaders in the Battle of the Kumamoto Uprising 1876 Says to 言う イ A Pictures of the Floating World Steals 盗む ヌス A A long-nosed goblin (tengu) dressed in the garb of a mountain priest (yamabushi) appeared before Kobayakawa Takakage. Takakage’s followers were overcome with fear and astonishment as the general and the goblin began their conversation. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI Kobayakawa Takakage debating with the goblin priest (Tengu) on Mount Hiko 1902 Pictures of the Floating World Sacrifices B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion A Reveals 犠 牲にする ギ セイ A Takamori sacrifices his own life rather than face capture or defeat. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The suicide of Saigo Takamorii 1877 Steals B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion アキ B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion 明らかにする B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion Reveals 盗む ヌス A The demon Ibaraki had her arm cut off by the samurai, Watanabe. Disguised as Watanabe’s Aunt, she tricked him and stole back her arm. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The old demon woman retrieving her arm 1889 Pictures of the Floating World Gojo Bridge 五条橋 ゴ ジョウ バシ B Pictures of the Floating World 真っ黒 マ クロ B Deep red 深い赤 フカ アカ B Dark black symbolises the cave at night where an attack takes place. Artwork Utagawa YOSHIKAZU Shiten-o vanquishes a white monkey on Kiso Mountain during the Yowa period 1853 Gojo Bridge 五条橋 ゴ ジョウ バシ B Pictures of the Floating World Cloudy sky 曇り空 クモ ゾラ B Gojo Bridge is a site where two samurai warriors fought with swords. It can be just a way to get across a river or it could be a place where someone might be challenged and attacked. Artwork Utagawa KUNIYOSHI Ushiwaka overcoming Benkei at the Gojo Bridge early 19th century Pictures of the Floating World Deep red B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion B Dark black 深い赤 フカ アカ B Deep red is the colour of the rooftop of Horyukaku, a tower of the Koga Castle. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI Two brave men on the roof of Horyukaku 1885 Cloudy sky B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion マ クロ B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion 真っ黒 B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion Dark black 曇り空 クモ ゾラ B Cloudy sky is the colour of sky behind the rooftops where Jirozaemon is captured. Artwork Toyohara KUNICHIKA The actor Ichikawa Sadanji I as Sano Jirozaemon 1888 Pictures of the Floating World Beige ベージュ B Pictures of the Floating World 琵琶湖 ビ ワ コ B Mt. Ryozan 梁山 リョウ ザン B Lake Biwa is where the slave trader seized the youth, Umewaka. The cherry blossom symbolises the brevity of life. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The story of Umewaka at the Sumida River 1883 Beige ベージュ B Pictures of the Floating World River bank 川沿い カワ ゾ B Beige is the background colour of the sky as the old demon, disguised as Watanabe’s aunt, flies off with her arm. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The old demon woman retrieving her arm 1889 Pictures of the Floating World Mt. Ryozan B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion B Lake Biwa 梁山 リョウ ザン B Mt. Ryozan is a sunlit winter mountain. Artwork Kobayashi TOSHIMITSU Two brave heroes battling near the white foot of Mt. Ryozan 1884 River bank B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion ビ ワ コ B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion 琵琶湖 B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion Lake Biwa 川沿い カワ ゾ B The river bank is the site where police trap Gompachi on the Sumida River. Artwork Utagawa KUNISADA Shirai Gompachi 1860 Pictures of the Floating World Stormy boat 嵐の中の船 アラシ ナカ フネ B Pictures of the Floating World B Snow white 雪のように白 い ユキ シロ B Sky blue is the light blue colour of the sky behind Gompachi on the Sumida River. Artwork Utagawa KUNISADA Shirai Gompachi 1860 Stormy boat 嵐の中の船 アラシ ナカ フネ B Pictures of the Floating World Sumida River 隅田川 スミ ダ ガワ B Stormy boat is the scene of the ritual suicide of Takamori, who failed in a revolt against the government. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The suicide of Saigo Takamori 1877 Pictures of the Floating World Snow white 雪のように白 い ユキ シロ B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion 空色 ソラ イロ B Snow white is the colour of the snow in the winter landscape of Mt Ryozan. Artwork Kobayashi TOSHIMITSU Two brave heroes battling near the white foot of Mt. Ryozan 1884 Sumida River B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion B Sky blue B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion 空色 ソラ イロ B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion Sky blue 隅田川 スミ ダ ガワ B Sumida River is where Gompachi becomes trapped by the police and commits suicide. Artwork Utagawa KUNISADA Shirai Gompachi 1860 Pictures of the Floating World Winter hut 冬の小屋 フユ コ ヤ B Pictures of the Floating World 夕焼け B ユウ ヤ Dark green 深 み どり フカ B An orange sunset and the glow of the battle provide a dramatic background for the death of a group of rebel leaders. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The death of the rebel leaders in the Battle of the Kumamoto Uprising 1876 Winter hut 冬の小屋 フユ コ ヤ B Pictures of the Floating World Winter lake 冬の池 フユ イケ B Winter hut is the home of the legendary swordsman and site of a ferocious duel. A young samurai attacked an old man who laughed at his boasting. The old man was a master swordsman and easily fended off the attack with a saucepan lid. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The duel between Miyamoto Musashi and Tsukahara Bokuden 1885 Pictures of the Floating World Dark green B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion Sunset 深 み どり フカ B Dark green is the green-grey colour of the background behind Kirino Hisa. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI Kirino Toshiaki’s wife 1880 Winter lake B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion B ユウ ヤ B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion 夕焼け B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion Sunset 冬の池 フユ イケ B The winter lake lies at the foot of Mt. Royzan. Artwork Kobayashi TOSHIMITSU Two brave heroes battling near the white foot of Mt. Ryozan 1884 Pictures of the Floating World Slave trader 奴隷の売人 ド レイ バイ ニン C Pictures of the Floating World ダイ ショウ ジョウ ボ C Jigoku-dayu 地獄太夫 ジ ゴク ダ ユウ C Dai Shojobo is King of the Tengus. He is a goblin and expert in martial arts. When teaching a young samurai to fight, he uses a branch of blossom instead of a sword. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The king of the Tengus teaching martial arts to Yoshitsune 1886 Slave trader 奴隷の売人 ド レイ バイ ニン C Pictures of the Floating World Tengu priest 天狗坊 テン グ ボウ C The slave trader captured the youthful Umekawa. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The story of Umewaka at the Sumida River 1883 Pictures of the Floating World Jigoku-dayu B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion C Dai Shojobo 大 相 模 坊 地獄太夫 ジ ゴク ダ ユウ C Jigoku-dayu was a courtesan who converted to religious life. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The enlightenment of Jigoku-dayu 1890 Tengu priest B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion ダイ ショウ ジョウ ボ B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion 大相模坊 B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion Dai Shojobo 天狗坊 テン グ ボウ C This Tengu (a long-nosed goblin) has disguised himself, wearing the robes of a priest. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI Kobayakawa Takakage debating with the goblin priest (Tengu) on Mount Hiko 1902 Pictures of the Floating World Angry 怒る オコ E Pictures of the Floating World C Yoshitsune 義経 ヨシ ツネ C Umekawa is a 12-year-old youth dressed as a temple page. He was captured by a slave trader. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The story of Umewaka at the Sumida River 1883 Angry 怒る オコ E Pictures of the Floating World Brave 勇敢 ユウ カン E This young, brash swordsman became angry when an old man laughed at his boasting. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The duel between Miyamoto Musashi and Tsukahara Bokuden 1885 Pictures of the Floating World Yoshitsune B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion 梅川 ウメ カワ 義経 ヨシ ツネ C Yoshitsune was taught martial arts by the goblins. He grew up to be a general of the Minamoto clan. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The king of the Tengus teaching martial arts to Yoshitsune 1886 Brave B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion C Umekawa B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion 梅川 ウメ カワ B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion Umekawa 勇敢 ユウ カン E This little dog was very brave to attack a gigantic magical snake. His samurai masters were afraid. He showed them that it was just a trick, an illusion. Artwork Utagawa YOSHITSUYA Raiko breaks Hakamadare’s magical spell and captures him 1858 Pictures of the Floating World Vengeful 執念深い シュウ ネン ブカ E Pictures of the Floating World E Courageous 勇 気 が ある ユウ キ E Dai Shojobo, the King of the Goblins, taught Yoshitsune martial arts. He used a blossom branch (a symbol of the brevity of life) instead of a sword. His teachings helped Yoshitsune to grow up brave and clever. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The king of the Tengus teaching martial arts to Yoshitsune 1886 Vengeful 執念深い シュウ ネン ブカ E Pictures of the Floating World Desperate 絶望的 ゼツ ボウ テキ E Kirino Toshiaki’s wife, Hisa, led the women’s troops in the Satsuma rebellion. During the fight she stood at the head of the women’s troops; when resting she offered help, shared out food and looked after the soldiers’ needs, together in suffering and joy. Artwork Toyohara KUNICHIKA Ichikawa Udanji as the ghost of Sogoro in the play Sakura Sogoro 1893 Pictures of the Floating World Courageous 勇 気 が ある ユウ キ B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion 賢い カシコ E The Shogun’s wife has discovered a plot to kill her husband. She courageously plans to kill the courtesan’s father (and then herself) in order to save the nation and her husband. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI A woman saving the Nation 1886 Desperate B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion E Clever B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion 賢い カシコ B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion Clever 絶望的 ゼツ ボウ テキ E Kusunoki Masatsura found himself surrounded by overwhelming numbers. In the art work Kusunoki Masatsura and two of his retainers are shown as they desperately fend off a storm of arrows. Artwork Utagawa YOSHITSUYA The death of Kusunoki Masatsura 19th century Pictures of the Floating World Hopeless 絶望的 ゼツ ボウ テキ E Pictures of the Floating World E Heroic 勇ましく イサ E Kirino Toshiaki’s wife, Hisa, led the women’s troops in the Satsuma rebellion. During the fight she stood at the head of the women’s troops; when resting she offered help, shared out food and looked after the soldiers’ needs, together in suffering and joy. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI Kirino Toshiaki’s wife 1880 Hopeless 絶望的 ゼツ ボウ テキ E Pictures of the Floating World Love 愛 アイ E The rebel leaders feel hopeless as they are defeated by the imperial forces Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The death of the rebel leaders in the Battle of the Kumamoto Uprising 1876 Pictures of the Floating World Heroic B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion 従 順 な ジュウ ジュン 勇ましく イサ E Shinohara Kunimoto died heroically in the Satsuma rebellion of 1877. Artwork Toyohara KUNICHIKA The actor Onoe Kikugoro V in the play The Death of Shinohara Kunimoto in Battle 1878 Love B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion E Dutiful B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion 従 順 な ジュウ ジュン B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion Dutiful 愛 アイ E Gompachi and Komurasaki is a tragic tale of two lovers. Having turned to crime to try to raise money to buy Komurasaki’s freedom, Gompachi is caught and executed. Learning of her lover’s death, Komurasaki commits suicide. Artwork Kitagawa UTAMARO The lovers Gompachi and Komurasaki c. 1790 Pictures of the Floating World Resigned 諦 める アキラ E Pictures of the Floating World E Rash 気が早い キ ハヤ E The Ghost Kohada Koheiji menaces his sleeping wife Otawa. Artwork Utagawa KUNISADA The actor Bando Hikosaburo in two roles: The ghost of Kohada Koheiji and his sleeping wife Otawa in the play Iroiri Otogigusa c. 1830 Resigned 諦 める アキラ E Pictures of the Floating World Sad 悲しい カナ E The samurai Saiko Takamori is resigned to his fate after the rebellion that he led has failed. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The suicide of Saigo Takamori 1877 Pictures of the Floating World Rash B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion 脅 迫 的 キョウ ハク テキ 気が早い キ ハヤ E Benkei rashly attacks Ushiwakato just to obtain his sword. He wants 1,000 sword tips to make a magic sword, but he loses the fight. Artwork Utagawa KUNIYOSHI Ushiwaka overcoming Benkei at the Gojo Bridge early 19th century Sad B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion E Menacing B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion 脅 迫 的 キョウ ハク テキ B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion Menacing 悲しい カナ E Uto Yasukata swore to avenge his father’s death. His ghost was said to haunt the surroundings during days of turbulent weather. Artwork Utagawa KUNISADA The actor Onoe Baiko IV as Yasukata no Borei, the Ghost of Yasukata 1852 Pictures of the Floating World Banner 旗 ハタ P Pictures of the Floating World 恥 ず べき ハ E Sorrowful 哀れな アワ E To honour a promise made by her father, Princess Fuse reluctantly married a magic spirit dog. Shamed at becoming pregnant, the princess opens her stomach with a sharp blade, exposing eight magic jewels which transform into eight babies. Artwork Utagawa KUNISADA The eight canine heroes of the House of Satomi c. 1851-53 Banner 旗 ハタ P Pictures of the Floating World Birds 鳥 トリ P This banner is used to rally the troops and can be seen as a symbol of rebellion. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The death of the rebel leaders in the Battle of the Kumamoto Uprising 1876 Pictures of the Floating World Sorrowful B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion E Shameful 哀れな アワ E Umekawa, who has been training as a priest, dies at the hand of a slave trader. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The story of Umewaka at the Sumida River 1883 Birds B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion ハ B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion 恥 ず べき B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion Shameful 鳥 トリ P Startled birds fly into the distance as duelling brothers battle each other on the roof of Koga Castle. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI Two brave men on the roof of Horyukaku 1885 Pictures of the Floating World Fish 魚 サカナ P Pictures of the Floating World 花 が 咲く ハナ サ P Bundle 包み P ツツ The white petals of cherry blossoms only have a short life before falling in the wind. This is seen as a symbol of the brevity of life. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The story of Umewaka at the Sumida River 1883 Fish 魚 サカナ P Pictures of the Floating World Incense pot 香炉 コウ ロ P These fish might have escaped after being stolen by Ri Ki, the river pirate. Or they might be magical messengers, able to travel across lakes, rivers and the sea. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI Cho Jun, the White Splash in the Waves, wrestling in the river with Ri Ki, the Black Whirl Wind 1887 Pictures of the Floating World Bundle B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion P Blossom 包み P ツツ This bundle could hold the possessions of the travelling samurai, Musashi, who shelters with the old man. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The duel between Miyamoto Musashi and Tsukahara Bokuden 1885 Incense pot B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion ハナ サ B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion 花 が 咲く B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion Blossom 香炉 コウ ロ P The incense pot is a symbol of mystical power. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The king of the Tengus teaching martial arts to Yoshitsune 1886 Pictures of the Floating World Steaming box 蒸 籠 セイ ロ P Pictures of the Floating World P Note 手紙 テ P ガミ A lamp might symbolise enlightenment and knowledge. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The enlightenment of Jigoku-dayu 1890 Steaming box 蒸 籠 セイ ロ P Pictures of the Floating World Paper & brush 紙と筆 カミ フデ P This bento box (food container) holds food that resembles Mt Fuji. It may have been eaten before the Shogun fell asleep. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI A woman saving the Nation 1886 Pictures of the Floating World Note B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion 灯り アカ 手紙 テ P ガミ This note could be a wish of good luck for success or it could be a dreadful curse. Artwork Utagawa KUNIYOSI Theatrical scene: The cat-spectre in the old temple c. 1847 Paper & brush B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion P Lamp B= Background C=Character P=Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion 灯り アカ B=Background C=Character P= Prop E=Emotion A=Actiion Lamp 紙と筆 カミ フデ P The writing set rests on sheets of paper, which could be Takamori’s suicide note. Artwork Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI The suicide of Saigo Takamori 1877