25 October 2015

25 October 2015
Welcome to The River
this morning
Worship led by:
Message given by:
Prayer Blast:
Rachael Rosser
Ps Annika Morton
Children’s Programmes running this morning:
Mighty Rockets:
River Kids:
Parents Room:
Venue Map:
Ages 0-2 in the Crèche Room
Ages 3-4 in the Events Room
School Years 0-6 in the River Kids Room
Is equipped with feeding and changing area
Year 7 & 8 is next meeting 1 November
From Peter’s Desk ...
This Sunday morning at The River we’re beginning our brand new series
‘Breaking Down the Walls’. God has made us to have great friendships and
relationships with others, and yet it’s so easy through hurt and
disappointment to build walls around our hearts and lives. What we hope
will protect us actually ends up isolating us and taking us further away from
God’s best for us!
Join with us for this transformational series over the next 10 weeks as we
tackle walls like shame, insecurity, unforgiveness, bitterness and fear and
learn together how God can restore us to a place of hope and trust again.
It’s going to be fantastic!
Many blessings,
Young Adults - ‘The Weekender’
‘The Weekender’ is happening Fri 20 Nov & Sun 22 Nov. This is a great
event where young adults (18 - 30 yrs) have the opportunity to spend the
weekend in fellowship with each other; focusing on God and building relationships that last. This year we are going to have a phenomenal time,
soaking in the presence of God with Len Buttner on the Saturday and sharing communion on the beach Friday night with Caleb Hall. To register
your interest see Grace at the information desk.
Next Week in River Kids
We have already learnt what happens when we
do follow Gods will but next week, we will
find out what happens when you don’t follow
God’s will, by looking at a man name Achan’s
life after the walls of Jericho had fallen.
Next Week in HKC Youth
This week HKC are off to XTREME BOWLING
at Botany. Drop off at the River carpark at
6.30pm and pick up is at 9pm at The River. Bring
$10 CASH. There will be no HKC dinner this
night :)
Connect Lunch - Next Week After Church
Are you new to The River and would like to find out more about the church
and how to get involved? We’d love you to join us after church on 1 November in the Events Room for a ‘connect lunch’. Ps Peter will be sharing
about the history and vision of The River and you’ll have the opportunity to
meet some of our church staff and elders too Please register at the Info
Desk after church or contact Grace Burge (grace@theriver.org.nz) if you’re
interested in coming.
Office Administrator Position
We have a position available for a Part Time Administrator to work in the
Church Office. This position would involve various administrative tasks,
banking and basic building management responsibilities. For a full job description or to find out more, please talk to Clifton Walsh or email
Daughters Pamper Night - The Great Involvement!
On Monday 23 November, we are hosting a Pamper Night especially for
women in our community! We are connecting with our Outreach ministry
and another community group, to invite women along for a special night and
we'd love our River women to be greatly involved! If you have some hidden
talents with doing manicures/pedicures or massages, then we'd love to hear
from you! We are also offering childcare on the night to make it more accessible for the ladies to come - so if you would like to be involved that way,
we'd love it! We also need a number of footspas for the night, if you have
one we could use. There are other ways you can also be a part of this night,
so please sign up at the Info Desk or email daughters@theriver.org.nz to let
Ps Annika know you're interested. Thanks so much - let's gather together
and bless these women - be sure to invite your friends too!
Fireworks night - Friday 6th November
Keep this evening free for our annual bonfire / fireworks night. Frank &
Raewyn Wade are looking forward to hosting us out at the Wades farm for
this event again this year. They’d like to ask anyone who has garden rubbish
that will burn to get in contact with them - nothing with nails, screws, springs
etc. Contact Raewyn - raewynwade@gmail.com or 021 784 668
Upcoming Dates
Saturday 31 October
Sunday 1 November
Friday 6 November
Sunday 15 November
Sunday 15 November
Fri 20 Nov - Sun 22 Nov
Light Party
“Connect” Lunch
Fireworks Night
Ps Symon Drake (10AM)
Ps Ryan Pollard (6PM)
“The Weekender” Young Adults Event
Coffee and Hot Chocolate On Sundays
Barista coffee is available after church!
Visit the information desk at the back of
church to purchase, then head to the
coffee machine. They are $3 each, or
you can buy a ‘cafe card’ for $20 which
gives you eight beverages.
Ministry Update
Helpers for Light Party
Thank you to those who have already signed up to help with ‘Light Party’
this year. We are looking for people to help with setup, games, greeting,
costume judging, supervisors of the toddlers area, sausage sizzle, taking
photo’s, parking and pack down. If you are able to help anything at all,
please contact Ps Jennifer jennifer@theriver.org.nz or Emma
emmamills09@gmail.com. There is more information and sign-up sheets
at the back of church.
Ministry Update
HKC Collision Camp 2015
We’re excited about COLLISION CAMP / NOW coming up in December for our youth!
If you’re in year 7 – 13 then Collision Camp / NOW is for you! We’re
heading back to the sunny and scenic Ngāruawāhia Christian Camp. They
have fantastic facilities there including a water slide, flying fox, paddle
boats and obstacle course. It’s a great opportunity to get out of the city
and away for the weekend with your mates to have fun and meet with
We are stoked to have Ty Stevenson as our main speaker. Ty is the Assistant Pastor at Horizon Church after spending 3 years at Bethel School of
Supernatural Ministry. Along with his wife, Jess, they desire to be part of
an on fire generation that naturally demonstrate God’s unconditional love
to the world around them. Ty was a guest speaker at HKC earlier this year
and has an awesome prophetic gifting and already has a sense of what God
wants to say to us at camp!!!
God wants to empower us NOW for what He wants to do to and through
our life. We don’t have to grow up, get wiser or get our life together - it is
about being real NOW and taking it to the next level to see God do amazing things.
Collision Camp / NOW is all about igniting a passion for His purpose and
ways and having a whole heap of fun as we do it!
Brochures and registration information is available at HKC and The River
and http://rego.theriver.org.nz/
4 – 6 December 2015
$99 Earlybird price for single
$180 Earlybird for 2 in a family
Earlybird ends 13 November!
Ngāruawāhia Christian Camp
Who to Contact
Church Office Hours: Mon - Thurs, 9am - 4:30pm.
Telephone: (09) 577 2577 / (09) 577 2522
Staff Team
Senior Pastors: Peter & Annika Morton / 021 577 257 / peter@theriver.org.nz
Youth Pastor: Claire McLean / 021 577 510 / claire@theriver.org.nz
Children’s Pastor: Jennifer Spellman / 021 577 513 / jennifer@theriver.org.nz
Financial Administrator: Grace Burge / grace@theriver.org.nz
Coffee Team: Luka Bramwell / luka.bramwell@gmail.com
Daughters (Women’s Ministry): Annika Morton / daughters@theriver.org.nz
DNA Courses (for newcomers): Chris & Karen Redwood / c.redword@xtra.co.nz
Foodbank / Living Streams: Corlia Timmerman / corlia@trcenterprises.net
HKC Youth: Claire McLean / claire@theriver.org.nz
Mainly Music: Jennifer Spellman / Mon 9:30am / Events Room / jennifer@theriver.org.nz
Mums Time: Annika Morton / annika@theriver.org.nz
River Kids: Jennifer Spellman / 021 577 513 / jennifer@theriver.org.nz
Room Bookings & Rentals: Chris & Karen Redwood / c.redword@xtra.co.nz
Street Outreach Team: / Caleb Marshall / 021 024 82 344
‘The Zone’: Jennifer Spellman / Tues 3:30pm / Events Room / jennifer@theriver.org.nz
Worship: Peter Morton / worship@theriver.org.nz
Young Adults: Claire McLean / claire@theriver.org.nz
Giving Contributions
If you would like to direct funds to The River’s bank account please use the following number, including your name, tithe number and brief description (i.e. tithe).
This Sunday - 25 October
Next Sunday - 1 November
Grace, Sam, Thalia
Karen B, Bronwyn, Carol
Coffee Team
Kate, Sara
Corlia, Holly, Annalia
Kelly, Zoe, Jo
Mighty Rockets
Beatrice, Hayley, Caleb McLean
Jennifer, Candice
HKC Youth House Groups
Jordan Abicht and Nathan Morton: Year 7-8 Boys - “Comrades”
Where & When: Wednesday 4:00pm, Events Room, The River.
Contact: Jordan 021 022 82079 or Nathan 021 083 39794
Mikayla Arbuthnott -Year 7-8 Girls - “Glow”
Where & When: Tuesday 3:30pm, The River. Contact: 021 150 3769
Jazz Taiaroa - Year 9-13 Girls - “Radically Ignited”
Where & When: Tuesday 7:00pm - Crèche Room, The River.
Contact: 021 053 6016
Caleb Marshall - Year 9-13 Boys - “Disciples”
Where & When: Tuesday 7:00pm, The River. Contact: 021 024 82 344
River House Groups
Justin & Halina Hinds and Chris & Candice Osborne - (20-35+)
Where & When: Wednesday 7:30pm, 55C Mountain Rd, Mangere Bridge
Contact: Justin 027 304 5464/ justin.halina@ihug.co.nz
Niel & Rida Vivier - Young Families
Where & When: Wednesday 6:00pm, 16 Tiraumea Drive, Pakuranga
Contact: 576 9684 / vivier@xnet.co.nz
Kevin & Briar Mills - 35’s upwards
Where & When: Wednesday 7:30pm, 6 Dunkirk Road, Panmure
Contact: 527 3718 / briar.mills@gmail.com
Riaan & Corlia Timmerman - 35’s upwards
Where & When: Wednesday 7:30pm, 480 Chapel Road, Dannemora
Contact: 950 6649 / corlia@trcenterprises.net
“Mums Time” / For mums with preschoolers (including crèche)
Where & When: Wednesday 9.30am, The River Events Room
Contact: Annika Morton / 021 577 237 / annika@theriver.org.nz
Mirko & Krystal Wojnowski and Heather & Victor Milne - Young Families
Where & When: Sunday Fortnightly, various locations and times
Contact: Mirko Wojnowski / 021 647 189 / info@theriver.org.nz