F r i d a y, A p r i l 14 , 2 0 0 6 Experience USA TODAY YOUR GUIDE TO THE PEOPLE, PLACES AND EVENTS THAT SHAPE OUR WORLD http://education.usatoday.com News to Use • Hollywood is turning to divine inspiration; • Moussaoui assails defense lawyers; • Plain Talk: Don’t complain about your income tax bill Activity: South African progress remains elusive (Applications: government, global issues, analysis) page 2 • Healthy lifestyle helps fiscal fitness, too; • Fab Four go digital; • Ford to close plants in Norfolk, Va., St. Paul, Minn. Activity: CEOs put stock in how others treat wait staff (Applications: business, soci ology, character educ.) page 2 Activity: Miami veterans feel heat to win (Applications: competition, synthesis, evaluation) page 3 • Bird-flu fears haven’t scared off travelers; • 10 great places for a leisurely holiday brunch; • Hyphy pulls a Bay Area breakout D e v e l o p i n g America’s place How people say they feel about the statement, “The United States should mind its own business internationally and let other countries get along as best they can on their own.” March 2003 April 2006 Agree 33% 46% 62% 51% Disagree Sources: USA TODAY/Gallup Poll of 1,004 adults nationwide taken April 7-9. Princeton Survey Research Associates poll of 1,004 adults March 13-14, 2003. Margins of error: ±3 percentage points. E v e n t More say U.S. should focus on home, News, 1A Why are Americans increasingly troubled by the country’s involvement in international affairs? What statistics reflect Americans’ concern? Is it accurate to state that increased trade with other countries hurts U.S. businesses? Explain. What international policies or practices benefit Americans? Which do you think harm the interests of U.S. citizens? What is isolationism? What is President Bush’s stance on global engagement? How can Americans’ feelings about international policy affect the president’s agenda? According to the USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, people under 30 are most likely to support isolationist policies. Why do you think By Julie Snider, USA TODAY this is? In your opinion, is it possible to ignore what the rest of the world is doing? How, if at all, is your life tied to the welfare of foreign nations? C a r e e r C o r n e r Whistle-blower plans for not-for-profits Forty-nine percent of not-for-profits had a whistleblower policy in 2005 compared with 26% in 2004. Percentage of organizations that have no policy and are considering one: Not considering USA TODAY Snapshots® • Sprint to provide live coverage of NFL draft to cell phones; • Profile: Bluegrass Stakes; • Nationals struggle with ownership woes For customer service or delivery questions, call 1-800-757-TEACH 55% Considering 45% Source: Grant Thornton National Board Governance Survey for Not-forProfit Organizations of 860 top executives and board members. Margin of error ±3 percentage points. By Jae Yang and Alejandro Gonzalez, USA TODAY Activity: Next stop: Albuquerque (Applications: geography: regions, creative thinking, art) page 3 How do whistleblowers help right wrongs in the workplace? What risks do whistleblowers take by coming forward and breaking their silence? Why might an employee turn a blind eye to unethical or illegal business practices? ESL Connections Look through USA TODAY, and find pictures of triangles, circles, squares and rectangles. Cut out at least five shapes, and glue each picture to a piece of paper. Then, with a marker, divide each shape into one of these fractions: 1/3, 2/5, 5/6, 5/8 and 1/2. Color and label each fraction. E x p e r i e n c e U S A T O DAY F r i d a y, A p r i l 14 , 2 0 0 6 q P a g e 2 S. Afr ican prog r e ss remains elusiv e, 21A APPL ICAT IONS : government, glo bal issues, analys DISCUSSION: Ho is w did the Sharpevi lle Massacre in Africa begin? How South did the bloodshe d affect the anti-ap movement? Wha artheid t did Nelson Man dela, the countr black president, y’s first promise South Af ric ans? What challe does the countr y nges still face? In writer Joyce King’s opin should the Afric ion, how an National Cong ress address thes Why is South Afric e issues? a’s future a matte r of global concer n? AC TIVI TY: In 20 04, Archbishop De smond Tutu said moment, many — , “At the too many — of ou r people live in gr demeaning, dehu uelling, manizing povert y. We're sitting on keg. We really m a po wder ust work like mad to eradicate pove writing, explain rt y.” * In the relationship between povert lence. Cite two hi y and viostorical and two current events to your explanation. justify Do outside resear ch, as necessar y. W I S E RD TES T PR EP Define the following words as used in the article: Many CEOs put stock in how others treat wait staff, Money, 1B 1. deference 2. wary 3. subordinate *www.cbc.ca/ 4. pomposity 5. frugality 3. lower than somebody in rank or status; inferior 2. cautious and watchful; on your guard; mistrustful 1. polite respect; submission to the judgment, opinion or wishes of another person ANSWERS: e Odland asserts, “Your ACT IVI TY: Office Depot CEO Stev be constant at all times …” value system and ethics need to mised your values or ethics Recall a time when you compro in with peers, etc. Aside in order to win a competition, fit , acceptance, etc.), what from the obvious reasons (victory your behavior (low selfwere the underlying motives for e put in the same situaesteem, arrogance, etc.). If you wer yourself today? tion again, how would you handle 4. arrogance; self-importance Rule”? How do people’s DISCUSSION: What is the “Waiter nt demonstrate their own speech and actions at a restaura on CEO Bill Swanson, why character? According to Raythe individual who displays a should a person be war y about an t other professions does the “situational value system”? To wha condescending behavior waiter rule apply? Do you agree that ’s overall character? is an accurate indicator of a person 5. thrift; stinginess y, character education APPLICATIONS: business, sociolog 6. brokered 6. bargained; acted as an agent in making a deal CEOs put stock in how others treat wait staff, 1B E x p e r i e n c e U S A T O DAY F r i d a y, A p r i l 14 , 2 0 0 6 q P a g e 3 This Day In History fe el Miami veterans Heat to win, 1C n nthesis, evaluatio : competition, sy i Heat so high iam M APPL ICAT IONS e th ctations of were expe season been DISCUSSION: Why successful has their w Ho ? on as se is coming into th e Heat's weakest? ct of the game is th pe as t ha W ? far thus ys, “defense has onzo Mourning sa Al 's at He i m ia M eight teams by AC TIVI TY: st the NBA's top Li ” k. ac tb se t es ailable at been our bigg the statistics av g in us , en Th . is ti cs / won-loss record ke tb all/ nb a/ st at as /b ts r po /s m co g s in the followin w w w.u sa to day. e top eight team th e in d rm an te s de , ge rcenta index.htm ts, field goal pe in po s: rie s? go ie te or defensive ca t defense and vict your lists say abou do t , two ha er W nt . ce ds e un rebo ly, choose on on s at st al du vi di . Explain whether Next, based on in r a fictional team fo ds ar gu o tw d n. Finally, as a forwards an e or a combinatio ns fe de e, ns fe of in sports. you went for ll the whole stor y te s ic ist at st er th class, discuss whe April 14 q In _____, the first American society for the abolition of slavery was organized by Benjamin Franklin and Benjamin Rush. q In _____, the first edition of Noah Webster’s American Dictionary of the English Language was published. q In _____, President Lincoln was shot and mortally wounded by John Wilkes Booth while attending the comedy Our American Cousin at Ford’s Theater in Washington. (Lincoln died the following morning.) q In _____, James Cash Penney opened his first store, called “The Golden Rule,” in Kemmerer, Wyo. APPL ICAT IONS : geography: regi ons, creative thin king, art D IS CU SS IO N: What city ha s long oversh Albuquerque? W adowed hat cultures are central to Albuqu tourism revival? erque's Why are membe rs of the ar ts co drawn to the ci m m unity ty? How does the transformat Torreon symboliz io n of El e the change Albu querque is unde rgoing? AC TI V IT Y: Albu querque touts its elf as “the city surprises.” In sm of small all groups, choo se an attraction — cal, offb eat or in historiteresting — in yo ur hometown, an a travel brochu d design re for it. Tantaliz e potential tour locals who’ve ne ists (and ver been there) by including inte details, nearby resting lodging, dining info and maps. with a slogan to Co me up promote the sit e, and display it nently on the fr promiont of the brochu re. Also include photos. q In _____, King Alfonso XIII of Spain went into exile, and the Spanish Republic was proclaimed. q In _____, the John Steinbeck novel The Grapes of Wrath was first published. q In _____, the first test flight of America’s first operational space shuttle, the Columbia, ended successfully with a landing at Edwards Air Force Base in California. q In _____, the House passed and sent to President Bush legislation making it tougher to declare bankruptcy. Try to identify the decade, and if possible, the exact year in which each of the above events occurred. Answers: 1775; 1828; 1865; 1902; 1912; 1931; 1939; 1981; 2005 Next stop: Albuquerque, 1 D q In _____, the British liner Titanic collided with an iceberg in the North Atlantic and began sinking. E x p e r i e n c e U S A T O DAY F r i d a y, A p r i l 14 , 2 0 0 6 q P a g e 4 Community & Family EXTRA CREDIT ! Don’t complain about your income tax bill, News, 21A How many individual or joint tax returns will be filed this year? How many taxpayers will request extensions? How much was USA TODAY founder Al Neuharth’s first tax bill? What was his job when he incurred the tax? Why does Neuharth consider a bigger tax bill a good thing? Why does he feel it's a privilege? Quick Quiz What angers him about tax money? What does Neuharth think our tax status should be when we die? Ask your parents if they believe our current tax system is fair. If so, why? If not, what type of tax would they propose? Do your mom and dad consider paying taxes a privilege or a punishment? Ask them to explain. TES T PR EP 1. According to a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, ___% of Americans want all or some of our troops in Iraq to come home. (News, 1A) a.) 14 b.) 21 c.) 48 d.) 64 e.) 84 2. Who was South Africa’s first black president? (News, 21A) a.) Desmond Tutu b.) Stephen Biko c.) Thabo Mbeki d.) F.W. de Klerk e.) Nelson Mandela 3. Which executive is credited with identifying what is known as the “Waiter Rule”? (Money, 1B) a.) Office Depot CEO Steve Odland b.) Raytheon CEO Bill Swanson c.) BMW North America President Tom Purves d.) Sara Lee CEO Brenda Barnes e.) Panera Bread CEO Ron Shaich 4. Miami Heat center Shaquille O'Neal lost 30 lbs in preparation for this season, bringing his weight down to ______. (Sports, 1-2C) a.) 288 b.) 299 c.) 320 d.) 333 e.) 350 5. Albuquerque is celebrating the ______ anniversary of its founding. (Life, 1-2D) a.) 100th b.) 150th c.) 200th d.) 250th e.) 300th Student Challenge on ... Culture & Trends USA TODAY Snapshots® Lord of the sequels The Two Towers was second in the Lord of the Rings trilogy but ranks No. 1 as a movie sequel. Best sequels according to a survey of moviegoers: Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Fellowship of the Ring) 23% 21% The Godfather 2 (The Godfather) The Empire Strikes Back (Star Wars) Terminator 2: Judgment Day (Terminator) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone) Aliens (Alien) 13% 11% 11% 4% Source: Opinion Research Corporation survey of 1,608 adults, April 14-17 for Hasbro. Margin of error ±3.1 percentage points. By Mary Cadden and Julie Snider, USA TODAY APPLICATIONS: analysis, math, language arts Which of the above movie sequels were part of a larger body of work (such as a trilogy) and which were written in response to the popularity of the first movie? In your opinion, which type of sequel tends to be better written? Which is more popular with moviegoers? What type of movie genres (sci-fi, fantasy, biography, etc.) were popular in 2004 and 2005? Today’s cover story (News, 1-2A) notes that Hollywood is focusing more on religious-themed storylines than in the past. (The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Passion of the Christ and the upcoming movie, The Da Vinci Code, are among a few of the recent releases.) Do these films have universal or crossover appeal? For example, to what varying audiences might Da Vinci appeal? In general, what criteria must a movie fulfill to be a blockbuster at the box office? 4 Get an Acrobat PDF version of “Experience USA Today” at our Web site: http://education.usatoday.com — click on “Daily Lesson Plan.” 4 Experience USA TODAY, developed by USA TODAY Education, is written and edited by Mary Barnes and Maria Dubuc. To send your feedback, e-mail education@usatoday.com or call 1-800-USA-3415, ext. 5949. Answers: 1.) d 2.) e 3.) b 4.) c 5.) e