Faculty Course Oversight Committee - first year programs & learning

Faculty Course Oversight Committee Minutes 1 M AR 2 013 1:00-­‐2:30 ROWE C UE 235 MEETING CALLED BY
Steve Zinn
Steve Zinn, David Ouimette
Chloe Duhaime
Melissa Foreman, Amanda MacTaggart, Shawna Lesseur, Maria D. Martinez, David Ouimette
Scott Brown (EPSY), Cliff Nelson (BUSN), Crystal Park (PSYC), Ron Sabatelli (HDFS), Jaci
VanHeest (EPSY, Public Health House), Steve Zinn (Chair, ANSC)
Stephen Dyson (POLS), Mark Westa (CANR, EcoHouse)
Agenda topics
University Senate Update – UNIV 1820 and 1840
Instructor Certification and Review Process Update – Legal Requirements
FYP&LC Updates
UNIV 1820 Standards and Review Process
UNIV 3840 New Course Proposal Advanced Learning Community Service-Learning
Faculty Oversight Committee Member Terms
Opening of Meeting:
1) S. Zinn called the meeting of the FYP&LC Faculty Course Oversight Committee to order at 1:06 PM.
2) Approval of the Minutes:
a) Dr. Zinn presented the minutes of the last meeting and called for review and approval.
*Motion to approve (J. VanHeest) was seconded (C. Nelson) and accepted unanimously.
Old Business
3) University Senate Update – UNIV 1820 and 1840
a) D. Ouimette. The UICC unanimously approved UNIV 1820 (existing course: title change) and UNIV
1840 (course proposal). Courses are now going before the Senate C&C for approval.
4) Instructor Certification and Review Process Update:
a) A. MacTaggart explained legal restrictions now allowing the sharing of teaching evaluation ratings.
Only D. Ouimette can see evaluation numbers. FYP&LC will only report instructors with ratings 7 or below
for remediation/Committee review, without include exact rating numbers. It is okay to share average
teaching evaluations across all sections of a course.
New Business
5) FYP&LC Updates
a) M. Foreman reported Learning Community name change. CEO House will now be called Innovation
House – launching in Fall 2013. A Learning Community Proposal process is also being developed.
b) Institute for Teaching and Learning/FYP&LC/Honors 2013 Teaching Award Winners announced.
Outstanding First Year Experience Teaching Awards: Robert McCarthy for (Pre-)Pharmacy LLC FYE and
Joanna Rivera Davis, Center for Academic Programs
John T. Szarlan Memorial Student Mentor Awards: Katie Foster, WiMSE LLC FYE Mentor and Tracy
Sooklall, Allied Health Sciences
UNIV 1820 Standards and Review Process
a) D. Ouimette explained the title change to UNIV 1820 will allow non-PhD individuals to be considered as
instructors. The FCOC will have to review instructors who do not meet defined instructor qualifications.
Examples include individuals with a terminal degree at the BA/BS level but who have expertise in the
course content area they are proposing. For some, their area of degree may not match the course
content they propose. In these cases, the FCOC will review course content. A rubric/metric will be
developed for this process. S. Zinn said the evaluation would include two questions: 1) Can the person
actually teach, and 2) What are they teaching? Instructors will be asked to provide a biosketch that
includes relevant experience.
UNIV 3840 New Course Proposal: Advanced Learning Community Service-Learning
a) D. Ouimette discussed UNIV 1840 can only be repeated two times. Should a UNIV 3840 be proposed to
accommodate Learning Community service-learning opportunities beyond the first year. J. VanHeest
explained that she teaches an EPSY 3098 2-credit course that incorporates service-learning, and it would
be ideal to create a UNIV 3840 that is 2-credits. Service-learning placements in her course are tied to
discussion in the seminar portion of class which prepares students for specific service work. It was
cautioned that the course should be defined narrowly so it does not become an umbrella catch-all course.
It was mentioned that 3000-level courses should only have faculty instructors. A discussion point was
discussed regarding staff with a great deal of expertise, such as Matt Farley who directs the Community
Outreach office. In these cases staff should co-teach with a faculty member.
Faculty Oversight Committee Member Terms
3-year staggered terms. Renewal can be considered if individual is so inclined. Recruitment strategy:
contact Department Heads across Schools/Colleges that we are lacking representation for and ask for
Future Topics for Discussion
How many UNIV credits should count towards graduation? Schools or Colleges may make this decision,
but how can we structure our programs around an ideal limit?
Meeting was adjourned at 2:10 P.M. Motion to approve (S. Brown) was seconded (J. VanHeest) and accepted