Teacher Evaluations Results https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/course2.jsp?cid=1... Teacher Evaluation Result - General and Detailed Questions Print | Close window Soc 101 : Introductory Sociology I , Section 2 Course Soc 101, Section 2 Course Title Introductory Sociology I Instructor THOMAS JAMES Semester Fall Semester 2012-2013 Department SOCIOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY | Reference Report School LIBERAL ARTS Reference Group LIBERAL ARTS Lower Division Students Enrolled 64 Students Responding 46 Percent Responding 71.88% Date of Report Thu Jan 17 15:11:01 CST 2013 USER CAUTIONS : These survey results should not be used for direct comparisons between, or rankings of, faculty. Many factors (including class size, class level, instructor gender, whether the class is required, and the students's class, expected grade, GPA, major, and gender) are known to bias survey responses. No attempt has been made to analyze for these factors. The enrollment for each course was captured at the time teacher evaluations were performed and may not match the final enrollment. The "Overall Rating" is taken as an average of the responses for question 11 (How would you rate the instructor's overall performance in this course?). 1 of 7 1/17/13 3:12 PM Teacher Evaluations Results https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/course2.jsp?cid=1... Overall Rating : 1. Was the instructor well organized and prepared for class sessions? Always Almost Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Total Responses This Reference Course Group 78.26% 68.33% 15.22% 17.64% 4.35% 2.17% 0.00% 8.95% 2.86% 2.22% 46 23935 2. Did the instructor speak clearly and distinctly? Always Almost Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Total Responses This Reference Course Group 76.09% 62.95% 15.22% 16.97% 2.17% 4.35% 2.17% 10.75% 5.11% 4.22% 46 23935 3. Did the instructor's classroom lectures and activities help you in learning the material? Always Almost Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Total Responses 2 of 7 This Reference Course Group 52.17% 51.64% 28.26% 18.09% 8.70% 6.52% 4.35% 13.54% 8.59% 8.15% 46 23935 1/17/13 3:12 PM Teacher Evaluations Results https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/course2.jsp?cid=1... 4. Which best describes the instructor's attitude toward the subject matter? This Reference Course Group Great enthusiasm Enthusiastic Seems to like subject Indifferent Doesn't like subject Total Responses 54.35% 54.96% 36.96% 27.53% 8.70% 12.72% 0.00% 3.64% 0.00% 1.15% 46 24301 5. Were the examinations appropriate for assessing mastery of the course material? Always Almost Always Usually Not often enough Not applicable Total Responses This Reference Course Group 58.70% 54.01% 17.39% 19.74% 19.57% 14.40% 2.17% 7.28% 2.17% 4.57% 46 24301 6. Did the instructor return assignments and examinations in a reasonable period of time? No Usually Almost Always Always Not applicable Total Responses 3 of 7 This Reference Course Group 6.52% 7.04% 15.22% 16.83% 23.91% 19.93% 45.65% 49.90% 8.70% 6.29% 46 24301 1/17/13 3:12 PM Teacher Evaluations Results https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/course2.jsp?cid=1... 7. How helpful were the instructor's responses to students' questions in class? Very helpful Helpful Unhelpful Rarely took questions Total Responses This Reference Course Group 69.57% 47.89% 30.43% 38.51% 0.00% 8.57% 0.00% 5.02% 46 23935 8. If you needed assistance from the instructor outside of class, could you make satisfactory arrangements for a timely meeting? No Usually Almost always Always Not applicable Total Responses This Reference Course Group 2.17% 5.13% 13.04% 14.00% 13.04% 16.65% 60.87% 47.95% 10.87% 16.27% 46 23935 9. How beneficial were the books required for this course? This Reference Course Group Very beneficial Beneficial Marginal Not helpful Not applicable Total Responses 4 of 7 60.87% 37.00% 17.39% 21.74% 0.00% 25.89% 17.83% 11.04% 0.00% 8.24% 46 24301 1/17/13 3:12 PM Teacher Evaluations Results https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/course2.jsp?cid=1... 10. How would you rate the difficulty level of this course, compared to other courses you have taken so far at Ole Miss? This Reference Course Group Extremely difficult Very difficult Difficult Average Easy Total Responses 4.35% 12.00% 17.39% 23.91% 52.17% 2.17% 14.60% 29.46% 33.19% 10.75% 46 27040 11. How would you rate the instructor's overall performance in this course? Superior Excellent Good Marginal Poor Total Responses This Reference Course Group 45.65% 38.28% 28.26% 29.57% 23.91% 21.43% 0.00% 6.58% 2.17% 4.14% 46 27040 12. Examinations included irrelevant and inappropriate material that the instructor did not emphasize Yes No Total Responses 5 of 7 This Reference Course Group 24.24% 16.90% 75.76% 83.10% 33 20316 1/17/13 3:12 PM Teacher Evaluations Results https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/course2.jsp?cid=1... 13. Examinations were unreasonably difficult Yes No Total Responses This Reference Course Group 15.15% 18.89% 84.85% 81.11% 33 20317 14. Examinations were too easy Yes No Total Responses This Reference Course Group 3.03% 3.32% 96.97% 96.68% 33 20291 15. Examinations were too long for the allotted time Yes No Total Responses 6 of 7 This Reference Course Group 12.12% 10.90% 87.88% 89.10% 33 20240 1/17/13 3:12 PM Teacher Evaluations Results https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/course2.jsp?cid=1... 16. Plagiarism or cheating on exams went undetected or unpunished Yes No Total Responses 7 of 7 This Reference Course Group 3.12% 4.35% 96.88% 95.65% 32 20183 1/17/13 3:12 PM Teacher Evaluations Results https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/narrResponses.jsp... Teacher Evaluation Result - Student Comments Print | Close window Soc 101 : Introductory Sociology I , Section 2 Course Soc 101, Section 2 Course Title Introductory Sociology I Instructor THOMAS JAMES Semester Fall Semester 2012-2013 Department SOCIOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY School LIBERAL ARTS Students Enrolled 64 Date of Report Thu Jan 17 15:13:51 CST 2013 USER CAUTIONS : These survey results should not be used for direct comparisons between, or rankings of, faculty. Many factors (including class size, class level, instructor gender, whether the class is required, and the students's class, expected grade, GPA, major, and gender) are known to bias survey responses. No attempt has been made to analyze for these factors. The enrollment for each course was captured at the time teacher evaluations were performed and may not match the final enrollment. The "Overall Rating" is taken as an average of the responses for question 11 (How would you rate the instructor's overall performance in this course?). 1. What are some positive characteristics or strengths of the course and/or instructor? Superior Dr. JT has great, interesting lectures. Dr. Thomas is a very highly educated individual and its shows during his lecture. He is an asset that this university needs especially in the sociology department. Extremely knowledgeable. Unbiased and objective on all subjects. He keeps it real. Beard. Great Teacher, loves Sociology 1 of 5 1/17/13 3:13 PM Teacher Evaluations Results https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/narrResponses.jsp... He is a great professor who definitely knows what is he talking about when it comes to Sociology. I absolutely loved this class. He is great at teaching the subject. He makes usual awkward conversations into a knowledgeable discussion period. He is very willing to answer any questions you have and is willing to hear all kinds of opinions. Reasonable amount of work and fair grading. The teacher was enthusiastic about the subject and made the class very interesting. Good amount of extra credit offered. great class with a great instructr knowledgeable, very interesting n/a the overall class wasnt bad at all!!!! wonderful teacher Excellent Critical thinking assignments kept me on task throughout the semester and helped me understand the subject matter discussed throughout the week. Great teacher JT enjoys sociology and makes the information very relatable. Learn more about life fun, laid back professor knows what he is talking about, open for opinion Good The tests were online and during the weekend knowledgeable 2. What are some negative characteristics or weaknesses of the course and/or instructor? Superior . A lot of reading None. Tests were pretty hard and took a lot of time but were relevant to the subject. No curves were given on any assignments. Teacher frequently used foul language which kind of bothered me. n/a none the exams were ridiculous and it took me 25 hours to complete his final!!! which 2 of 5 1/17/13 3:13 PM Teacher Evaluations Results https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/narrResponses.jsp... is crazy!!!! Excellent N/A None The class involves a lot of online work, I do not like that about it. The tests that were on blackboard were difficult even though they were at home tests. There should have been more assignments to do other than the Critical Thinking assignments. talks a bit monotone too much busy work Good He used profanity words during the class which I found a little offensive and unprofessional. The weekly assignments are hard to elaborate on. doesn't speak loud enough during lecture 3. What specific changes would you like to see made in the course? Superior . A change in the final!!!! it was incredible hard!!!! None! None. The tests should be shorter in my opinion. n/a none Excellent Less of the course work being online More assignments to do to increase the amount of grades given. No changes Nothing less busy work none Good more opportunity for points & more in class participation & in class assignment opportunities 3 of 5 1/17/13 3:13 PM Teacher Evaluations Results https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/narrResponses.jsp... more tests 4. What do you want other students to know about your experience in this class? Superior Absurd amounts of reading and writing. Nonetheless, you will learn a lot about society and how there's a lot more to prejudices and stereotypes we never really think about. Be prepared to think! Participate in class discussion. Take the critical thinking each week seriously! Dr. JT makes class so interesting. All the lectures involve you and your thoughts. Keeps you reeled in and involved. I really liked the instructor. He was enthusiastic about the subject and made the lectures really interesting. There's weekly homework and the tests are somewhat difficult but there are only two. Do your readings and you will be fine. Such a good class, makes you think about stuff in a completely different way then you ever would have thought of before This class is very informative. A lot of social information and facts can become part of the overall knowledge one learns from this university. it is a good class....interesting n/a none take this course with him the critical thinkings every week are easy but the midterm and the final are what are extremely hard and difficult!!! Excellent Easy This is a very easy class, but you HAVE to keep up with your online work. This is the most interesting course I have taking here at ole miss. I recommend this course and instructor to anyone. Was a very beneficial class as well as an interesting subject matter. everything for a grade is done online he's an awesome teacher, there's just alot of busy work and you must to the readings Good attending class is vital; as are textbooks take notes in class 4 of 5 1/17/13 3:13 PM Teacher Evaluations Results 5 of 5 https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/narrResponses.jsp... 1/17/13 3:13 PM Teacher Evaluations Results https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/course2.jsp?cid=1... Teacher Evaluation Result - General and Detailed Questions Print | Close window Soc 101 : Introductory Sociology I , Section 11 Course Soc 101, Section 11 Course Title Introductory Sociology I Instructor THOMAS JAMES Semester Fall Semester 2012-2013 Department SOCIOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY | Reference Report School LIBERAL ARTS Reference Group LIBERAL ARTS Lower Division Students Enrolled 63 Students Responding 50 Percent Responding 79.37% Date of Report Thu Jan 17 15:14:25 CST 2013 USER CAUTIONS : These survey results should not be used for direct comparisons between, or rankings of, faculty. Many factors (including class size, class level, instructor gender, whether the class is required, and the students's class, expected grade, GPA, major, and gender) are known to bias survey responses. No attempt has been made to analyze for these factors. The enrollment for each course was captured at the time teacher evaluations were performed and may not match the final enrollment. The "Overall Rating" is taken as an average of the responses for question 11 (How would you rate the instructor's overall performance in this course?). 1 of 7 1/17/13 3:14 PM Teacher Evaluations Results https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/course2.jsp?cid=1... Overall Rating : 1. Was the instructor well organized and prepared for class sessions? Always Almost Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Total Responses This Reference Course Group 88.00% 68.33% 6.00% 17.64% 6.00% 0.00% 0.00% 8.95% 2.86% 2.22% 50 23935 2. Did the instructor speak clearly and distinctly? Always Almost Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Total Responses This Reference Course Group 78.00% 62.95% 8.00% 16.97% 10.00% 4.00% 0.00% 10.75% 5.11% 4.22% 50 23935 3. Did the instructor's classroom lectures and activities help you in learning the material? Always Almost Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Total Responses 2 of 7 This Reference Course Group 58.00% 51.64% 28.00% 18.09% 4.00% 4.00% 6.00% 13.54% 8.59% 8.15% 50 23935 1/17/13 3:14 PM Teacher Evaluations Results https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/course2.jsp?cid=1... 4. Which best describes the instructor's attitude toward the subject matter? This Reference Course Group Great enthusiasm Enthusiastic Seems to like subject Indifferent Doesn't like subject Total Responses 60.00% 54.96% 28.00% 27.53% 10.00% 12.72% 2.00% 3.64% 0.00% 1.15% 50 24301 5. Were the examinations appropriate for assessing mastery of the course material? Always Almost Always Usually Not often enough Not applicable Total Responses This Reference Course Group 66.00% 54.01% 18.00% 19.74% 12.00% 14.40% 4.00% 7.28% 0.00% 4.57% 50 24301 6. Did the instructor return assignments and examinations in a reasonable period of time? No Usually Almost Always Always Not applicable Total Responses 3 of 7 This Reference Course Group 4.00% 7.04% 14.00% 16.83% 22.00% 19.93% 44.00% 49.90% 16.00% 6.29% 50 24301 1/17/13 3:14 PM Teacher Evaluations Results https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/course2.jsp?cid=1... 7. How helpful were the instructor's responses to students' questions in class? Very helpful Helpful Unhelpful Rarely took questions Total Responses This Reference Course Group 64.00% 47.89% 28.00% 38.51% 4.00% 8.57% 4.00% 5.02% 50 23935 8. If you needed assistance from the instructor outside of class, could you make satisfactory arrangements for a timely meeting? No Usually Almost always Always Not applicable Total Responses This Reference Course Group 4.00% 5.13% 8.00% 14.00% 18.00% 16.65% 54.00% 47.95% 16.00% 16.27% 50 23935 9. How beneficial were the books required for this course? This Reference Course Group Very beneficial Beneficial Marginal Not helpful Not applicable Total Responses 4 of 7 58.00% 37.00% 24.00% 16.00% 0.00% 25.89% 17.83% 11.04% 2.00% 8.24% 50 24301 1/17/13 3:14 PM Teacher Evaluations Results https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/course2.jsp?cid=1... 10. How would you rate the difficulty level of this course, compared to other courses you have taken so far at Ole Miss? This Reference Course Group Extremely difficult Very difficult Difficult Average Easy Total Responses 2.00% 12.00% 4.00% 42.00% 48.00% 4.00% 14.60% 29.46% 33.19% 10.75% 50 27040 11. How would you rate the instructor's overall performance in this course? Superior Excellent Good Marginal Poor Total Responses This Reference Course Group 42.00% 38.28% 44.00% 29.57% 10.00% 21.43% 2.00% 6.58% 2.00% 4.14% 50 27040 12. Examinations included irrelevant and inappropriate material that the instructor did not emphasize Yes No Total Responses 5 of 7 This Reference Course Group 13.89% 16.90% 86.11% 83.10% 36 20316 1/17/13 3:14 PM Teacher Evaluations Results https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/course2.jsp?cid=1... 13. Examinations were unreasonably difficult Yes No Total Responses This Reference Course Group 8.11% 18.89% 91.89% 81.11% 37 20317 14. Examinations were too easy Yes No Total Responses This Reference Course Group 0.00% 3.32% 100.00% 96.68% 37 20291 15. Examinations were too long for the allotted time Yes No Total Responses 6 of 7 This Reference Course Group 5.56% 10.90% 94.44% 89.10% 36 20240 1/17/13 3:14 PM Teacher Evaluations Results https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/course2.jsp?cid=1... 16. Plagiarism or cheating on exams went undetected or unpunished Yes No Total Responses 7 of 7 This Reference Course Group 0.00% 4.35% 100.00% 95.65% 37 20183 1/17/13 3:14 PM Teacher Evaluations Results https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/narrResponses.jsp... Teacher Evaluation Result - Student Comments Print | Close window Soc 101 : Introductory Sociology I , Section 11 Course Soc 101, Section 11 Course Title Introductory Sociology I Instructor THOMAS JAMES Semester Fall Semester 2012-2013 Department SOCIOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY School LIBERAL ARTS Students Enrolled 63 Date of Report Thu Jan 17 15:14:57 CST 2013 USER CAUTIONS : These survey results should not be used for direct comparisons between, or rankings of, faculty. Many factors (including class size, class level, instructor gender, whether the class is required, and the students's class, expected grade, GPA, major, and gender) are known to bias survey responses. No attempt has been made to analyze for these factors. The enrollment for each course was captured at the time teacher evaluations were performed and may not match the final enrollment. The "Overall Rating" is taken as an average of the responses for question 11 (How would you rate the instructor's overall performance in this course?). 1. What are some positive characteristics or strengths of the course and/or instructor? Superior Fairness, Openess Great class He was a very cool laid back teacher. Was easy to talk to him I enjoyed the various group questions that caused one to think about various aspects of the course Mr. Thomas made sociology extremely enjoyable Mr. Thomas really got involved with the students! 1 of 5 1/17/13 3:15 PM Teacher Evaluations Results https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/narrResponses.jsp... The course was extremely interesting. JT did a great job teaching this class and putting in a great deal of effort, even when the students did not. He's really a great teacher and did a great job in his first year here. engaging lectures good teacher good teacher, knows his stuff very well open for anyone to talk Excellent Dr. Thomas seems to be very knowledge about the situation of our society. He also knows a lot of worldly facts/news. He's very up-to-date about what's popular. Also he is really engaged in the classroom discussion. I learned a lot about the hidden problems of our society. This was really an eye opening class. He is able to improvise and connect current events with the material we're learning about. Good teacher. He taught the material in an engaging way. His style of teaching definitely made me want to learn! His class is very interesting. The topics we discussed were things everyone could relate to I enjoyed doing the exam outside of class via Blackboard. The class is nice because everything is turned in online. This teacher is good and he knows this subject enjoyed writing a weekly critical thinking his lectures are interesting but not really helpful on the exams Good The class was smaller and did not take attendance everyday. 2. What are some negative characteristics or weaknesses of the course and/or instructor? Superior None Nothing. attendance policy never can read the notes on the powerpoint screen none took too long to return weekly assignments so we could use feedback on next assignment Excellent 2 of 5 1/17/13 3:15 PM Teacher Evaluations Results https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/narrResponses.jsp... If you happened to miss class, you tend to miss a lot of important information. None None. Sometimes it is hard to remember the weekly deadlines and if you forget them it really hurts your grade. Sometimes the questions on the critical thinking response are unclear, but you can email him and I'm sure he'll clarify it. We usually don't talk much about what's in the book but more about news so some of the things in the readings he won't go over. However, actually applying the material we learn is more important than just memorizing facts. He is good about getting his class to work on their sociological imagination. The tests were difficult kinda boring Good The atmosphere was too relax. 3. What specific changes would you like to see made in the course? Superior N/a None Nothing. more notes not just talking none Excellent It would be very helpful if instructor would post memos/important messages on Blackboard so that if a student happens to miss class, they can still get necessary information regarding the class and/or assignments. More extra credit opprotunity. None None. Test info about the slideshows and not about info from the book. This is a reading intensive class. Perhaps he could lighten the load a little? more interaction with students Good Use more examples to help understand the topics being studied. 3 of 5 1/17/13 3:15 PM Teacher Evaluations Results https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/narrResponses.jsp... 4. What do you want other students to know about your experience in this class? Superior I recommend taking this class. Mr. Thomas is a great professor! It was a very interesting class It's a great course to learn about and JT is a great instructor. It's a very enjoyable class JT's TA was never there, and he did a poor job with grading. I felt like he graded unfair and he took forever to post grades. JT was great though N/A easy A had a great time learn none Excellent Dr. Thomas is a really good TEACHER. He actually wants you to apply what you learn rather than just learning boring facts or definitions. Also, he is very engaged in the discussions and asks questions require much thinking. Don't worry about answering a question "wrong." It seems like he appreciates a student's input in general. Definitely, read the material for the critical thinking assignments. DO NOT just answer the question half-heartedly with what you know. He wants you to apply the READINGS. Show that you actually read the material. This course focus a lot on race and the social conditions behind it. GO TO CLASS!! If you miss a class, be sure to have contact with someone else in the class that you are able to get the information from that class lecture. It is very important to get the book and do the reading Take this class . This is a great teacher who will be engaging in the classroom. He like discussion. If you pay attention and work hard you can make an A in this class! The mid-term and the final exam were both online tests, which you'd think were easy. But, as we found out, these online, "open-book" tests proved to be very difficult. Also, he has weekly "critical thinking" assignments which are 250-500 word essay due at the end of each week. Most of your grade is dependent upon these essays, which were not a piece of cake. There are only two tests, and they are both online. Don't forget the weekly assignments. He grades them very hard. This class will broaden your way of thinking. I recommend it. good class take good notes and actually read the assigned pages in the textbook.. a lot of the questions from the midterm and final come from the book 4 of 5 1/17/13 3:15 PM Teacher Evaluations Results https://secure2.olemiss.edu/teacheval/reports/narrResponses.jsp... Good It was pretty hard and tough to understand. Unreasonable attendance policy Poor This class was extremely boring and the instructor was not very helpful. The instructor is very self-righteous. He is fairly young so I think he is trying to assert his dominance, which made him come off as a complete jerk. I would not recommend this class; it was horrible. 5 of 5 1/17/13 3:15 PM