Mata kuliah Analisis dan Desain Sistem Informasi Data Flow Diagram {Diagram Arus Data} Arif Akbarul Huda, S.Si, M.Eng Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) ● DFDs describe the flow of data or information into and out of a system – ● what does the system do to the data? A DFD is a graphic representation of the flow of data or information through a system 3 DFD is not a “flow chart” Flow chart shows “ flow of Control “ . DFD shows “ flow of Data The flowchart describes boxes that describe computations, decisions, interactions & loops. It is important to keep in mind that data flow diagrams are not flowcharts and should not include control elements . TYPES OF DFD Data flow diagrams (DFDs) are categorized as either logical or physical. 1) LOGICAL DFD:- A logical DFD focuses on the business and how the business operates. It describes the business events that take place and the data required and produced by each event. 2) PHYSICAL DFD:- A physical DFD shows how the system will be implemented. DFD COMPONENTS Data Flow Diagrams are composed of the four basic symbols shown below:Data Flow Process box External Entity D Data Store 4 Main Elements external entity - people or organisations that send data into the system or receive data from the system process - models what happens to the data i.e. transforms incoming data into outgoing data data store - represents permanent data that is used by the system data flow - models the actual flow of the data between the other elements 1)External Entity: The sharp cornered rectangles(or simply boxes) in a DFD indicates entities. The External Entity symbol represents sources of data to the system or destinations of data from the system. Entities are people things, organizations etc Entity ENTITIES Doctor Student Cashier Teacher Manager Customer User 2) Process: The rounded cornered rectangles in a DFD indicate processes The Process symbol represents an activity that transforms or manipulates the data (combines, reorders, converts, etc.). Process Processes Accounting System Grading System Reservation System Marketing System Patient Administration System 3) Data Store: Opened sided rectangles in DFD indicates data store. The Data Store symbol represents data that is not moving (delayed data at rest). A Data Store is a repository of data. Data can be written into the data store. This is depicted by an incoming arrow. Two data stores cannot be connected by a data flow. Data can be read from a data store. This is depicted by an outgoing arrow. External entity cannot read or write to the data store. Data Store 4) Data Flow: Arrow symbol in DFD indicate data flow The Data Flow symbol represents movement of data Data RULES OF DATA FLOW • Data can flow from -external entity to process -process to external entity -process to store and back -process to process • Data cannot flow from -external entity to external entity -external entity to store -store to external entity -store to store EXAMPLE 1 This diagram represents a banking process, which maintains customer accounts. In this example, customers can withdraw or deposit cash, request information about their account or update their account details. The five different symbols used in this example represent the full set of symbols required to draw any business process diagram. LEVELS OF DFD Level 0 DFD • The level 0 DFD (also known as the context level DFD ) is the simplest DFD. • The outermost level (Level 0) is concerned with how the system interacts with the outside world. • This level basically represents the input and output of the entire system. How to create Level 0 DFD 1. Identify your main system 2. Identify the external people who interact with the system 3. Decide what data these entities will enter into the system 4. Determine what these entities expect as output from the system Context Level DFD for a Mail Order Business CUSTOMER ORDER ORDER PROCESSING DELIVERY Level 1 DFD The basic module of the system are represented in this phase and how data moves through different module is shown. The level 1 DFD provides a high –level view of the system that identifies the major processes and data stores. How to create Level 1 DFD 1. Focus on your process and break it into 2 or more sub-processes 2. Identify what data flows between these processes and between the entities 3. Identify What permanent data files are used in this system 4. Note that introduced no new entities can be Level 1 DFD for a Mail Order Business Order CUSTOMER SALES PROCESSING Delivery Credit Order Status Order CUSTOMER DATABASE Credit Status Customer no. ORDERS ACCOUNTING SYSTEM 2-Level DFD and other level of DFD Each process from level 1 is exploded even more into sub processes. This decomposition continues for each level. The number of levels possible depends on the complexity of the system LEVELLING DFD A context diagram is expanded into a number of inter-related processes. Each process may be further expanded into a set of inter-connected sub processes. This procedure of expanding a DFD is known as leveling. The value of a DFD With a dataflow diagram, users are able to visualize how the system will operate, what the system will accomplish, and how the system will be implemented 2. Data flow diagrams can be used to provide the end user with physical idea of how the data they input ultimately has an effect upon the structure of the whole system. 3. The old system’s dataflow diagrams can also be drawn up and compared with the new system’s dataflow diagrams to draw comparisons in order to help implement a 1. Order OrderSystem System New customer Order Customer Invoice Ship Statement Order System Picking Slip Order Warehouse Order OrderSystem System New info New customer 1 D Customer 1 Master Add Customer 2 Customer Order Cust Info Process Customer Order Pending Order Backorder D Back 3 Order Proc Info D Inventory 2 Master 3 Warehouse Picking Slip Produced Packing slip Warehouse Order Picked 4 Ship N/A D Customer 1 Master Bill N/A Bill Info Shipping Prepare Ship statement Customer Shipping B/O info 5 Customer Bill Produce Cust Bill Order OrderSystem System 2.1 Customer Order Need to establish D Customer 1 Master Verify Customer Valid 2.2 Customer Order Notify D Inventory 2 Master Verify Item Update 2.4 Valid Item Avail 2.3 Check Available Back Order D Back 3 Order Update Commit D Shipping 4 Taxes Tax 2.5 Create Order Ord D Inventory 2 Master Pending Order Questions ? Your Assignment References jsp /file/141/file/CIMLectureNotes2 011.pdf Http:// charts.pdf ts/IIScBANG/System%20Analysis%20and%20Design/pdf/module 5.pdf