7. What is a known supplier of airport supplies?

Airport supplies:
Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ)
Airport supplies - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Why should a supplier wish to be declared as known supplier
of airport supplies? ............................................................................................................ 3
Which legislation shall apply? .......................................................................................... 3
What are airport supplies? ................................................................................................ 3
When does a supply become an airport supply? ............................................................ 4
What are prohibited articles? ............................................................................................ 4
What needs to be considered when prohibited articles must
be properly introduced into the security restricted area?.............................................. 5
What is a known supplier of airport supplies? ................................................................ 5
Where can the approval for the status of a known supplier
of airport supplies be sought? .......................................................................................... 5
What is the procedure to be followed when applying as a known
supplier of airport supplies? ............................................................................................. 6
10. Who subscribes the application forms? .......................................................................... 6
11. Who will designate known suppliers of airport supplies? ............................................. 6
12. How will the known supplier of airport supplies be notified
about its designation?........................................................................................................ 6
13. From when on shall the supplier be treated as a known supplier
of airport supplies? ............................................................................................................ 7
14. How long shall the status as a known supplier of airport supplies be valid?.............. 7
15. Which security measures are to be applied by consignors of airport supplies? ........ 7
16. Who shall sign the declaration of commitments? ........................................................... 9
17. Who shall be allowed to make deliveries for the known supplier
of airport supplies? ............................................................................................................ 9
18. Who shall receive the reports about security breaches and suspicious
circumstances referred to in the declaration of commitment? ................................... 10
19. Who must be trained? ...................................................................................................... 10
20. How must training be provided? ..................................................................................... 10
21. Who shall provide the required trainings? .................................................................... 11
22. Can regulated air cargo agents also be designated as known
suppliers of airport supplies? ......................................................................................... 11
23. How are known suppliers of air cargo treated? ............................................................ 11
24. How are regulated agents of in-flight supplies treated? .............................................. 12
25. Which additional requirements shall be met by certain staff? .................................... 12
26. Which documents is the known supplier of airport supplies required
to keep and to present if requested? .............................................................................. 12
27. How are airport supplies checked when accessing the airport's security
restricted area? ................................................................................................................. 13
Fraport AG – Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide
Airport supplies - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. Why should a supplier wish to be declared
as known supplier of airport supplies?
With the introduction of the "known supplier" the legislator has implemented the principle of a
secure supply chain - already known in air cargo security - for supplies that are being used on
the airport itself and not loaded onto an aircraft.
All airport supplies need to be screened before being allowed into security restricted areas,
unless security controls have been applied to the supplies by a known supplier. This can be
very time-consuming.
When consignments from a known supplier of airport supplies arrive at the airport, no further
checks of the supplies will be necessary when accessing the security restricted area indoor
or outdoor.
Only vehicles and staff need to be security-checked as usual. This new procedure not only
ensures a speedier processing of shipments but also a high security standard.
2. Which legislation shall apply?
The directions are based on the EU Framework Regulation on aviation security measures
and further EU regulations derived thereof.
The national implementation in Germany is governed by the German Aviation Security Act.
More specifically, the following regulations are concerned:
Regulation (EC) No. 300/2008 (Attachment)
Regulation (EU) No. 272/2009 (Attachment)
Regulation (EU) No. 185/2010 (Attachment)
Commission Decision C(2010)774 (Hidden attachment)
Aviation Security Act
3. What are airport supplies?
Airport supplies are
"all items intended to be sold, used or made available for any purpose or activity in security
restricted areas of airports." (Definition according to Regulation (EU) No. 185/2010,
Attachment 9.0.2.a)
Freight, mail, material from airlines, in-flight supplies, baggage and items carried shall not
be considered airport supplies. For these items, separate security regulations shall apply.
Examples of airport supplies are:
Construction materials (concrete, building components, etc.)
Bulk cargoes (sand, gravel, ballast, etc.)
Office supplies (paper, paper clips, pencils, furniture)
Food and drinks for sale or consumption in security restricted areas
Journals, books and stationery
Fraport AG – Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide
Airport supplies - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Supplies for Duty-Free Shops
Fuels and lubricants
Winter service agents (defrosting liquid or grit)
Consumables used by craftsmen (cables, cans, emulsion paints, plaster, etc.)
Cleaning and hygiene articles (soap, toilet paper, etc.)
4. When does a supply become
an airport supply?
No. 9.0.3 of the Attachment to Regulation (EU) No. 185/2010 specifies that
"supplies shall be considered as airport supplies from the time that they are identifiable
as supplies to be sold, used or made available in security restricted areas of airports."
Example: There are various goods in a supplier's warehouse. These goods will become airport
supplies only after having been put together for shipment into the security restricted area. From
that moment, the supplier shall make sure that the supplies do not contain any prohibited articles and that no prohibited articles can been introduced during storage or transportation.
5. What are prohibited articles?
The articles that must not be taken into the security restricted area of an airport or carried
in the hold baggage on board an aircraft are listed in Attachmentes 4-C of Regulation
(EU) No. 185/2010.
This applies to the following categories of articles:
a) guns, firearms and other devices that discharge projectiles and that are capable,
or appearing capable, of being used to cause serious injury by discharging a projectile;
b) stunning devices, designed specifically to stun or immobilize;
c) objects with sharp point or sharp edge capable of being used to cause serious injury;
d) workmen's tools capable of being used to cause serious injury or to threaten the safety
of aircraft;
e) blunt instruments, capable of being used to cause serious injury when used to hit;
f) explosives and incendiary substances and devices capable, or appearing capable, of being
used to cause serious injury or to pose a threat to the safety of aircraft.
Further examples for the respective categories can be found in Attachments 4-C.
In case that prohibited articles were necessary for an activity to be carried out in the security
restricted area, the person carrying such articles shall be required to dispose of a personalized
carriage authorization that is kept with the identification card.
Fraport AG – Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide
Airport supplies - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
6. What needs to be considered when prohibited
articles must be properly introduced into the
security restricted area?
The rules dealing with the proper introduction of prohibited articles into the security restricted
area shall not be affected by the regulations on airport supplies; these rules shall be complied
with as usual.
7. What is a known supplier of airport
A known supplier of airport supplies is a "supplier whose procedures meet common security
rules and standards sufficient to allow delivery of airport supplies to security restricted areas."
(Definition according to Regulation (EU) No. 185/2010, Attachment 9.0.2.b.)
Airport operators are responsible for designatng known suppliers of airport supplies.
Those known suppliers carry out airport supplies and apply security controls referred
to in Section 9.1.4. of the Attachment to Regulation (EU) No. 185/2010.
8. Where can the approval for the status of
a known supplier of airport supplies be
In order to be designated as a known supplier of airport supplies, an application has to be
presented to the operator of the airport where the consignments are made.
The designation is location-specific and non-transferable.
To apply for the status as a known supplier of airport supplies at Frankfurt Airport (Fraport AG),
please contact:
Fraport AG
Traffic and Terminal Management, Corporate Safety and Security
Security Management & Quality (FBA-S)
D-60547 Frankfurt am Main.
By email: airport-supplies@fraport.de
By telephone: +49 (0)69 690-26262
For application forms and further relevant information, please visit the following webpage:
Fraport AG – Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide
Airport supplies - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
9. What is the procedure to be followed
when applying as a known supplier
of airport supplies?
The forms to be completed are available from the respective airport. The following documents
must be presented:
1. Application for the designation as known supplier of airport supplies according
to the Attachment to Regulation (EU) No. 185/2010, Section 9
2. Declaration of commitments "known supplier of airport supplies"
3. Verification of the security manager‘s adequate qualification (training certificate). The training certificate of the security manager must be signed by a trainer who has government authorization. The qualification of the security manager of the known supplier, of an appointee
subject to the regulations or a supplier of on board supplies subject to the regulations is
likewise accepted.
4. Security program (the airports shall provide a model program to the applying companies.)
5. Form "Supplement to the Declaration of Commitments" (only for applying companies
that wish to use subcontractors for their airport supplies)
Companies submitting an application, who have already been accredited by the Federal Aviation Agency as appointee subject to the regulations or as supplier of on board supplies subject
to the regulations also present the approval (authorization) certificate issued by the Federal
Aviation Agenecy.
10. Who subscribes the application forms?
The declaration of commitment has to be signed by the applicant’s legal representative.
All other documents must be signed by the legal representative and the security manager
of the known supplier.
11. Who will designate known suppliers
of airport supplies?
The airport to which the supplier delivers shall designate the known suppliers of airport
supplies. Where a supplier is delivering to various airports, a separate designation shall
be necessary for each airport.
12. How will the known supplier of airport
supplies be notified about its designation?
Upon verification of the applicant's approval documents and its designation as a known
supplier of airport supplies, Fraport will inform the supplier contemporary.
Fraport AG – Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide
Airport supplies - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
13. From when on shall the supplier be treated
as a known supplier of airport supplies?
A company shall be treated as a known supplier of airport supplies from the date shown
in the notification of designation.
14. How long shall the status as a known
supplier of airport supplies be valid?
The designation shall apply indefinitely. In accordance with Section of the Regulation
(EU) No. 185/2010 it shall, however, expire if there are no deliveries within a period of two
If the appropriate authority or the airport operators is no longer satisfied that the known supplier
complies with its requirements, the airport operator shall withdraw the status of known supplier
pursuant to Section of the Regulation (EU) No. 185/2010.
15. Which security measures are to be applied
by consignors of airport supplies?
Section 9.1.4 of the Attachment to Regulation (EU) No. 185/2010 contains all security controls
to be applied by a known supplier. The term "Security Controls" mentioned in the English original of the Regulation refers to security measures in the broadest sense of the word.
The following sentences focus on some explanations of the wording of the Regulation.
Section 9.1.4 of the attachment
to EU Regulation 185/2010
(text of the regulation)
The known supplier of airport
supplies [...]
a) appoints a person responsible
for the security in the company;
This security manager acquires his or her qualification
through training and shall be responsible for the provision of training for all other co-workers and for the
proper implementation of security measures. It is not
mandatory, however, that the training of these coworkers be provided by the security manager himself
or herself. If a different person is providing the security
measures, this trainer shall be as qualified as the security manager.
Fraport AG – Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide
Airport supplies - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
b) ensures that persons with
access to airport supplies receive
security awareness training before being given access to these
supplies; and
The security awareness training shall be provided by
the security manager or by an equally qualified person.
This training shall also be necessary for staff not carrying out any security measures, but who have access
to airport supplies. Persons authorized to access the
security restricted area of an airport (holding identification passes) need not participate in such trainings, as
they have already been trained accordingly.
c) prevents unauthorized access
to its premises and airport supplies; and
Premises, rooms and vehicles containing airport supplies must be protected against unauthorized access.
d) reasonably ensures that no
prohibited articles are concealed
in airport supplies; and
The verification of supplies can be carried out during
the regular transport processes, for example while
putting together a consignment, to make sure no
prohibited articles are packed or loaded.
e) applies tamper-evident seals
to, or physically protect, all vehicles and/or containers that
transport airport supplies.”
The known supplier shall also ensure that no prohibited articles can be introduced during transportation. If
sealing is chosen as a protective method, the driver being a person who is carrying out security measures shall also be have been trained according to Section of the Attachment to Regulation (EU)
No. 185/2010. Where the goods are physically
protected by the driver, he or she must be physically
capable to do so during the entire transportation. As
an example, a vehicle must not be parked unattended
or unlocked. The driver must also be able to ascertain
whether unauthorized persons have been tinkering
with the consignment.
The security officer of the known supplier of airport supplies must ensure that all persons conducting security checks for airport supplies (e.g. checking of supplies when loaded, protection
of the goods during transport) have been trained according to Section of the Attachment to Regulation (EU) No. 185/2010.
Furthermore, the security officer ensures implementation of all commitments in his company as
stated in the commitment declaration according to attachment 9-A of EU Regulation 185/2010.
In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 300/2008 on common rules in the field of civil aviation
security and its implementing acts, I declare that,
[name of company] will
a) appoint a person responsible for security in the company; and
b) ensure that persons with access to airport supplies receive general security awareness
training in accordance with point 11.2.7 of the Annex to Regulation (EU) No 185/2010
before being given access to these supplies; and
c) prevent unauthorised access to its premises and airport supplies; and
Fraport AG – Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide
Airport supplies - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
d) reasonably ensure that no prohibited articles are concealed in airport supplies; and
e) apply tamper-evident seals to, or physically protect, all vehicles and/or containers
that transport airport supplies (this point will not apply during airside transportation).
When using another company that is not a known supplier to the airport operator for transporting supplies, [name of company] will ensure that all security controls listed above are adhered
 in order to ensure compliance, [name of company] will cooperate fully with all inspections,
as required, and provide access to all documents, as requested by inspectors,
 [name of company] will inform [the airport operator] of any serious security breaches and
of any suspicious circumstances which may be relevant to airport supplies, in particular any
attempt to conceal prohibited articles in supplies,
 [name of company] will ensure that all relevant staff receive training in accordance with
Chapter 11 of the Annex to Regulation (EU) No 185/2010 and are aware of their security responsibilities, and
 [name of company] will inform [the airport operator] if:
a) it ceases trading; or
b) it can no longer meet the requirements of the relevant EU legislation.
I shall accept full responsibility for this declaration.
Legal representative:
16. Who shall sign the declaration
of commitments?
The declaration of commitments shall be signed by the applicant's legal representative.
(See also Section 10).
17. Who shall be allowed to make deliveries
for the known supplier of airport supplies?
Deliveries can be made by staff who have been trained by the security manager or by an
equally qualified person pursuant to Section of the Attachment to Regulation (EU)
No. 185/2010. These trained employees may be employees of the known supplier of airport
supplies or employees of a subcontractor of this known supplier of airport supplies.
If subcontractors are used for delivery of airport supplies, the airport operator shall be informed
thereof accordingly. The known supplier of airport supplies shall confirm to the airport operator
that the subcontractor's personnel have been trained under the consignor's responsibility and
that these persons meet the personal requirements and that all security regulations shall be
complied with also when deliveries are made by a subcontractor.
Fraport AG – Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide
Airport supplies - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
18. Who shall receive the reports about security
breaches and suspicious circumstances
referred to in the declaration of commitment?
The Security + Safety Control Center of Fraport AG must be contacted to report everything
necessary as required in the declaration of commitment. It is open day and night.
Security + Safety Control Center of Frankfurt Airport
Phone: +49 (0) 69 690-22222
E-Mail: sicherheitsleitstelle@fraport.de
19. Who must be trained?
Mandatory training shall be necessary for the security manager, the staff carrying out security
measures and all staff who can access airport supplies.
20. How must training be provided?
a. Security manager's training
The security manager must have completed an officially authorized online training or have
received training by a certified trainer. This shall provide him or her with the qualifications
referred to in Section 11.2.2 and 11.2.5 of the Attachment to Regulation (EU) No. 185/2010.
Any previous training certificates issued by regulated agents for airfreight or by regulated
suppliers of in-flight supplies for the security manager can be recognized.
b. Training of staff carrying out security measures for airport supplies
These persons ensure that no prohibited articles are contained in the consignment (for example, co-workers who are assembling, loading, sealing or physically protecting consignment to
airports). They are trained on the job on the basis of training guidelines covering the requirements shown in Section of Regulation (EU) No. 185/2010.
c. Training of staff with access to airport supplies
Staff who merely have access to airport supplies, but who do not carry out any security
measures, only need to receive a security awareness training according to Regulation (EU)
185/2010, Attachment 9.1.4.b. These persons can also be trained on the job on the basis of
the mentioned training guidelines.
Persons who already are entitled to access the security restricted area of an airport (identification card) have already completed a comprehensive security awareness training prior to receiving this entitlement. A second training shall not be required.
Fraport AG – Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide
Airport supplies - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
21. Who shall provide the required trainings?
a. Security manager's training
The security manager is free to receive training through any provider offering an officially
approved DP-training or carrying out practical training provided by an officially certified trainer.
All airports throughout Germany shall recognize the competences acquired by such a training
course. The training certificate shall be presented to the airport. Already existing certificates of
previuous absolved trainings for security managers of regulated airfreight agents or regulated
agents of in-flight supplies can be recognized.
b. Training for staff carrying out security measures for airport supplies
Staff carrying out security measures for airport supplies shall receive on-the-job training
through the security manger or though an equally qualified person under the security
manager's responsibility.
c. Training of staff with access to airport supplies
Persons with mere access to airport supplies, yet not carrying out any security measures,
shall receive on-the-job training by the security managers or by an equally qualified personal
under the security manager's responsibility. Persons who already are authorized to access the
security restricted area of an airport (identification card), already have completed comprehensive security awareness training. A second training shall not be required.
22. Can regulated air cargo agents also be
designated as known suppliers of airport
If a regulated airfreight agent wishes to be designated as a known supplier of airport supplies,
he shall seek approval at the airport to be delivered.
The qualification of security managers of regulated agents can be recognized as equivalent.
In addition to the security manager's training certificate, regulated agents shall also present
the proof of approval as regulated agent issued by the Federal Civil Aviation Agency (LBA),
as airports cannot access the EU database of regulated agents.
23. How are known suppliers of air cargo
There are no special regulations for known consignors of air cargo when being designated as
known suppliers of airport supplies. Known suppliers of air cargo may seek approval as known
suppliers of airport supplies with the airport operator through customary channels.
Fraport AG – Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide
Airport supplies - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
24. How are regulated agents of in-flight
supplies treated?
If regulated agents of in-flight supplies wish to introduce into an airport's security restricted
area airport supplies without intensive access controls, they shall be bound to seek approval
as known suppliers of airport supplies at the respective airport.
The airport can recognize the qualification of security managers of regulated consignors
of in-flight supplies as equivalent. On the basis of the list of regulated consignors of in-flight
supplies published on Federal Civil Aviation Agency website, the airports shall verify that the
applicant is effectively registered with the Federal Aviation Office.
25. Which additional requirements shall be met
by certain staff?
Security managers and staff who are carrying out security controls shall have successfully
completed a background check or a pre-employment-check in accordance with Regulation
(EU) 272/2009, Part J, Section 1.a).
Recruitment pre-employment-check means that the co-worker's previous employment shall
be ascertained and documented by the known supplier of airport supplies.
Persons authorized to access the security restricted area of an airport (identification card) shall
have completed a background check prior to receiving this authorization. A new background
check shall not be required.
26. Which documents is the known supplier
of airport supplies required to keep and
to present if requested?
Security manager's designation
Change of security manager
Time, type and scope of all trainings completed (person-related)
Trainer's name
If training is provided by a person other than the security manager: Record proofing that
the trainer is equally qualified.
Proof of an existing background check (where appropriate, with reference to existing identification cards) or proof of checks made by the company prior to recruitment (documentation
of previous employments).
Proof of approval as regulated agent by the Federal Civil Aviation Agency (if applicable).
Fraport AG – Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide
Airport supplies - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
27. How are airport supplies checked when
accessing the airport's security restricted
When accessed by a known supplier of airport supplies, no further checks of the supplies shall
be required.
Supplies to the airport not made by a known supplier of airport supplies need
to be screened. This screening can be very time-consuming.
Also every consignment received from a known supplier of airport supplies that shows signs
of being tampered with, or where there is reasons to believe that it has not been protected from
authorized interference from the time that controls were applied, is subject to an intensive
screening according to Section of the Attachment to Regulation (EU) No. 185/2010.
The customary personal and vehicle checks prior to access to the security restricted area shall
be carried out irrespective of the controls of airport supplies.
Fraport AG – Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide