Thermocouples Seebeck coefficient (or thermo power) of a metal A: PA = ΔV ΔT ΔV: Open circuit Voltage ΔT: Temperature difference between thermocouple TA and reference point TB PA is material-specific Seebeck coefficient measured by a thermocouple of metal A and metal B: PS = PA − PB PB is the Seebeck coefficient of metal B. Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 1 Thermoelectric e.m.f. of Various Metals Thermoelectric e.m.f. It is possible to obtain the e.m.f. for any thermocouple by subtracting the two Ps values of the contacting materials. ΔVr = ( PA − PB )ΔT List thermoelectric e.m.f. of metals relative to Platinum at 0ºC One arm made of high e.m.f. material and the other arm with low e.m.f. material e.g. Iron v.s. Nickel Thermocouples have been standardized . Three common alloys : Chromel, Constantan and Alumel Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 2 Standard Thermocouples Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 3 Thermocouple Performance Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 4 Thermopile Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 5 Semiconductor Thermocouple Semiconductor materials show larger thermoelectric effect than metals. In practice, the Seebeck coefficient is related to the electrical resistivity ρ Seebeck coefficient of p-type silicon is 1 mV/K for a sheet resistance of 200 Ω/sq at 300K. Thermopiles consists of N identical p-Si/ Al thermocouples has been made. Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 6 Figure of Merit for Insulators, Semiconductors and Metals Figure of merit Z Z = Ps σ /κ 2 Where σ and κ is the electrical and thermal conductivity respectively. A high conductivity ratio is advantageous because it permits a high temperature gradient to be maintained at a low power consumption. Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 7 Thermoelectric Effect • A thermocouple is a closed circuit consisting of tow junctions , at different temperatures T1 and T2 °C AB AB ETAB = E − E T1 T2 1 ,T2 2 2 3 3 = a1 (T1 − T2 ) + a2 (T1 − T2 ) + a3 (T1 − T2 ) + ... ¾ the measured e.m.f. depends on T1, T2 ¾ T2 must be known to infer T1 Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 8 Five Laws of Thermocouple • Five laws of thermocouple behavior Law of intermediate metals Law of intermediate temperatures T3 if T2 = 0o C , then ET 1, 0 = ET 1,T 3 + ET 3, 0 Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 9 Temperature Measurement Using a Thermocouple • Thermocouple table Æ ET,0 for a particular thermocouple Example of using Type K thermocouple Table: liquid inside a vessel Å measurement junction. 20 °C (outside) Å reference junction T3 = 20 °C Obtained reading : ET1,T3 = ET1,20 = from table: ET3,0 = 5.3mV E20,0 = 0.8mV ⇒ ET1,0 = 5.3mV+0.8mV=6.1mV form table T1=149 °C Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 10 Type J Thermocouple Table • Table of type J thermocouple output Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 11 Type J Thermocouple Table (cont.) • Table of type J thermocouple output (cont.) Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 12 Type K Thermocouple Table • Reference values for Chromel-Alumel thermocouples Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 13 Installation Problem Type K (Nickel-Chromium v.s. Nickel-Aluminum) ¾ Measure the temperature of high pressure steam in the pipe , ≈200oC with a chromel vs. alumel thermocouple ¾ (a) T2 can vary widely , useless ¾ (b) The reference junction is still outside the control room ¾ (c) The reference junction is now in the control room , but T2 is still changing ¾ (d) use of law of intermediate temperature Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 14 Automatic Reference Junction Compensation Circuit of a Thermocouple • the e.m.f. source producing ET3,0 ¾ ET3,0 =a1T3+a2T32+a3T33+…… T2 is small Æ ET3,0 ≈ a1T3 a circuit giving a millivolt output signal proportional to T3 metal resistance thermometer , RTD 2 2 R RT = R0(1+αT+βT +……) in a deflection bridge → ET 3, 0 R2 = a1T3 = Vs αT3 R3 R3 T2 E ET3,0 RT ,0 R4 Vs R2 a1 → Vs = R3 α Sensors and Interfacing AD596/AD597 are monolithic set point controllers that include the amplifier and cold junction compensation for type J and K thermocouples. Thermo Sensor Devices 15 Linearity of a Thermocouple • Non-linearity example (from table 8-2) copper vs. constant T.C. use: 0°C ~ 400 °C at 200 °C Æ 9286μV ideal straight line value: 10435 μV Æ -5.5% non-linearity at 200 °C • Current transmission is used in industry , ET1,0 : millivolts Æ current : 4 ~ 20 mA Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 16 Thermodiodes eV − 1) i = is (exp kT Sensors and Interfacing A PTAT device Thermo Sensor Devices 17 Sensitivity of a Diode Temperature Sesnsor The forward junction voltage can be used to measure temperature between 50 and 300 K. Sensitivity: -2.27(mV/K) Example: 1N4148 low cost electronic thermometer, 0.1º accuracy Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 18 壓電晶體原理 壓電效應(Piezoelectric effect)是許多種單一晶體具有的 一種現象。當單一晶體,如石英晶體(Quartz crystal ), 承受彈性形變時,在某些晶面上會產生電荷,石英體具有 六角形結構,矽(Si)及氧(O)原子佔在角上的位置( 圖一)。 (圖一) Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 19 壓電晶體原理(續) 今考慮這種晶體在 z 方向的一斷面: (圖二 a) (圖二 b) (圖二 c) 沿 x-軸方向的壓力會在與 x-軸垂直的平面上產出電荷(圖二 b); 沿 y-軸方向的壓力也同樣會在與 x-軸垂直的平面上產生出電荷(圖 二 c)。圖二 b 的情形,稱做縱向壓電效應(Longitudinal piezoelectric effect),因其壓力(或負荷)是在電荷平面;圖二 c 的情形,稱做橫向壓電效應(Transverse piezoelectric effect),因其 負荷是在與電荷平面垂直的方向。 Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 20 壓電晶體感測元件(Piezoelectric Sensing Element) •Crystal: x= displacement 1 F k applied force k: stiffness~2 ×109 Nm-1 Δx 1/k (s ) = 1 2 2ξ ΔF s + ωn s + 1 2 ωn fn = ωn /2π , 10 ~ 100 kHz ξ ≈ 0.01 Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 21 壓電晶體感測元件(Piezoelectric Sensing Element) •Piezoelectric crystal: Direct piezoelectric effect q = Kx deformation of crystal charge q= K F = dF k d = K/k coulombs newton-1 = Charge sensitivity to force Inverse piezoelectric effect x = dV applied voltage Mechanical displacement d = (meter volt-1) = (coulombs newton-1) Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 22 Charge Sensitivity to Force • Piezoelectric materials d(PCN-1) Natural Ceramic Sensors and Interfacing Quartz 2.3 Tourmaline 1.9, 2.4 Lead 265 Zirconate-titanate鈷酸鹽 265 Lead mataniobate 80 PVDF film 23 ZnO (bulk) 11.7 ZnO (film) 12.4 BatiO3 190 PZT 370 Thermo Sensor Devices 23 Piezoelectric Force Sensor crystal →charge generator // CN dq dx =K iN = dt dt ΔiN (s) = Ks Δx 1 1 RL = C N s + C Cs + ,Z= Z RL 1 + R L (C N + C C )s Δ VL RL (s) = Δ iN 1 + R L (C N + C C )s Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 24 Overall Transfer Function Δ VL Δ VL Δ i N Δ x ( s) = ΔF Δ iN Δ x Δ F 1/k RL Ks = 1 2 2ξ 1 + R L (C N + Cc )s s +1 s + 2 ωn = ωn K 1 R L (C N + Cc )s 1 k (C N + Cc ) 1 + R L (C N + Cc )s 1 s2 + 2ξ s + 1 2 ωn = ωn d 1 τs (C N + Cc ) ( 1 + τs) ( 1 s2 + 2ξ s + 1) 2 ωn Sensors and Interfacing ωn Thermo Sensor Devices 25 Discussion on Force Measurement •Steady-state sensitivity = d/(CN+CC) CC = f (length of cable) 1 τs • G(s) = , τ = R L (C N + CC ) τs + 1 1 s2 + 2ξ s + 1 ω n2 ωn the system cannot be used for measuring d.c. and slowly varying forces If CN = 1600pF, CC = 600pF, RL=1MΩ, τ=2.2 ×10-3 sec, 1/τ= 455 rad sec-1 or 72 Hz useful range: 3/τ~ 0.2 Wn =216 Hz ~ 5.4 kHz where 0.95≦∣G(jw) ∣ ≦0.5, ψ~0° Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 26 Frequency Responses Use of charge amplifier: output ∫iN dt, output charge q, nonzero output for a steady force input. Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 27 Use of Charge Amplifier •In the figure: i1 = iF + iqF = CF(V--Vout) i+ = i- = 0 V- = V+ =0 i1 = i F = dq F dV = −C F out dt dt •No potential drop across CN and CC i1 = i N = • dVout dt =− Sensors and Interfacing dq dt 1 dq q , Vout = − C F dt CF Thermo Sensor Devices 28 Ideal Charge Amplifier •Overall transfer function with ideal charge amplifier: ΔVout ΔVout ΔiN Δx (s) = (s) ΔF Δ i N Δx Δ F =- 1/k 1 Ks 1 2ξ C Fs ( 2 s2 + s + 1) ωn ωn -1 1 = d C F ( 1 s2 + 2ξ s + 1) 2 ωn Sensors and Interfacing ωn Thermo Sensor Devices 29 Discussion 1. 2. Steady state sensitivity is d/CF, depends only on the capacitance CF of the charge amplifier and independent of transducer and cable capacitance. Ideal case: ∣G(jω) ∣ = 1, at ω = 0. in practice RF, CF introduce τ Fs , τ F = R FC F 1 + τ Fs making RF and CF large RF = 108Ω, CF = 104pF →τF = 1.0 sec ∣G(j ω) ∣= 0.95 at ω = 3 rad/sec → f≒0.5 Hz Sensors and Interfacing Thermo Sensor Devices 30